May 11, 1953 Dear Dr. Heidelberger: I have much pleasure in telling you that the American Public Health Association wishes to present to you a Lasker Award in recognition of your outstanding achievements in immuno chemistry. This Award consists of a statuette of the Winged Victory, a beautiful illuminated citation, and a check for $1,000. The award is to be presented on Thursday afternoon, November l2, at a special session of our 81st Annual Meeting in New York City. This will be a really distinguished occasion and we hope that nothing will interfere with your presence. I enclose a description of the Lasker Awards together with a copy of the brochure of a year ago. Information about the 1953 Awards will not be released here until about October 15 but I am sharing the word of this prospective Award with the Secretaries of our Sections who will meet next week and they may be in touch with you with reference to participation in the program. At the presentation itself, however, we would hope to have a three or four minute response from you indicating some of the areas in which you have been specially interested, especially as they affect public health workers. You will recognize that many of our audience are non-technical people in the area of your special competence. Let me now add my own warm personal congratulation to this new honor that has come to you and the hope that you will have deep satisfaction in this recognition. It represents one of our top American Awards, as you know. Your good friend, Dr. Robert F. Loeb, is aware of this decision since he is a member of the Committee. You may want to talk with him about it. I hope to have from you an indication of your acceptance of this Award. Faithfully yours, Reginald M. Atwater Executive Secretary