January 3, 1918 From: The Surgeon General of the Army To: Dr. Michael Heidelberger, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 66th St. and Ave. A, New York City Subject: Commission in Sanitary Corps 1. I am directed by the Surgeon General to inform you that at your recent examination for appointment in the Sanitary Corps, you were found qualified and your name has been submitted to The Adjutant General of the Army with recommendation that you be commissioned a member thereof. 2. Upon receipt of notification that you have been commissioned, you should provide yourself with the following equipment: 1 hat, service 2 breeches, service O.D. 1 coat, service, O.D. 1 pair officers' leather leggings 2 pairs russet shoes 2 shirts, woolen, O.D. 1 hat cord, officer's 1 bed roll 2 army blankets 1 folding canvas cot 1 trunk locker 1 web belt 1 black tie 3. The insignia of the Sanitary Corps are a bronze "US", with the letters "NA" in bronze super-imposed, and a bronze caduceus, with the letter "S" in gold super-imposed. All of the above equipment must be purchased from private dealers. Major, Sanitary Corps, N.A.