Leopoldville Congo Belge. 17 July 1920 Dear Dr. Heidelberger-- It was very good of you to send me a book for my journey -- and I certainly appreciate your thought of me. As perhaps you know -- my steamer packages were not put on board the Kronlaud[?] through some body's stupid mistake -- but they were sent on another boat and I got the box here. Books are more than acceptable in this part of the world -- We get mail only once a month -- and the local paper contains nothing but advertisements. I have had a very strenuous and exhausting journey which I'll tell you about on my return -- but at last I am here and actually at work. At times, I thought that Leopoldville must be on another planet. The laboratory building is in the process of construction -- but [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] the ground floor of 3 rooms is practically finished. There is no electricity at present -- but the permanent equipment is fairly good. The director has charge of the negro hospital in which there are about 70 advanced cases of sleeping sickness undergoing the routine [. . .] and Emetique treatment -- 0.5g [. . .] on Monday -- 0.1g emetique on Thursdays. I was given 3 relapses to begin on -- a most unfortunate type of case -- but the next day, an early untreated patient arrived. 2.0 grams of AG3 cleared the cervical lymph glands of trypanosomes within 21 hours -- and I am now waiting to see when a relapse takes place. I hope to get more similar cases from the nearest epidemic center -- about 500 miles away! With best wishes -- a renewed thanks for the book -- I am -- Sincerely yrs Louise Pearce