i. BIBLIOGRAPHY MICHAEL HEIDELBERGER On the nature of certain sodium-uranium compounds. F.J.Metzger and Michael - Heidelberger. J.Am.Chem. Soc., 31, 1040 (1909) 2. Be 6. 7. 8. The volumetric determination of cerium in cerite and monazite. F.JsMetzger and Michael Heidelberger. ibid., 32, 642 (1910) Dissertetion: Phthalones in the quinazolone series, and their derivatives. Columbia University, New York, 1911. Researches on quinazolines (26" paper). On 4«quinazoline=-2«phthalones and certain of their derivatives. Marston T. Bogert and Michael Heidelberger. J.Am.Chem. Soc., 34, 183 (1912) Zur Kenntniss des Cyclo-octatetraens. Richard Willstatter and Michael Heidelberger. Ber. d..Deut» Chem. Ges., 46, 517°.(1913) Mercury derivatives of. aromatic amines. I. Structure of primary and secondary aminophenylmercuric compounss Walter A. Jacebs and Michael Heidelberger. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei., 1, 195 (1915) On a new group of baetericidal substances obtained from hexamethylenetetramine, Walter A. Jacobs-and Michael Heidelberger. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1, 226 (1915) Mercury derivatives.of. aromatic amines. I. Contribution to the structure of primary and secondary p-eaminophenylmercuric cempounds, W.A.Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. J. Biol. Chem., 20, 513 \ 1915) 9-16.. The quaternary salts of hexamethylenetetramine. 17. 18. I.. Substituted benzyl halides and the hexamethylenetetraminium salts derived therefrom, IIT. Monchalogenacetyl-benzylamines and their hexamethylenetetraminium salts.. IiI. Monohalogenacetylated aromatic amines and their hexamethylenetetraminium Salts. IV. Monohalogenacetylated simple amines, ureas, and urethanes, and the hexa- methylenetetraminium salts derived therefrom. V. Monohalogenacetyl derivatives of. amino~alcohols and the hexamethylene- tetraminium salts derived therefrom. VI. Halogenethyl ethers and esters and their hexamethylenetetraminium salts. VII. Halogen derivatives of aliphatic-aromatic ketones and their hexamethylene- tetraminium salts. VIII. Miscellaneous substances containing aliphatically bound halogen, and the hexamethylenetetraminium salts derived therefrom. Walter A. Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Je Biol. Chem., 20: 659, 685; 21:103, 145, 403, 439, 455, 465 (1915). The bactericidal properties of the quaternary salts of hexamethylenetetramine. II. The relation between constitution and bactericidal action in the substituted benzylhexamethylenetetramium salts. W. A. Jacobs, Michael Heidelberger and Harold L. Amoss. J. Exp. Med., 233569 (1916) The bactericidal properties of the quaternary salts of hexamethylenetetramine. III. The relation between constitution and bactericidal action in the quaternety salts obtained from halogenacetyl compounds. W.A.Jacobs, Midhael Heidelberger and Carroll G. Bull. Je Exp. beds, 233577 (1916) — Heidelberger, Michael Bibliography <«2- 19. The ferrous sulfate and ammonia method for the reduction of nitrox to amino< compounds. W. A. Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. J.Am.Chem. Soc., 39:1435 (1917) 20. Methods for the acetylation of aromatic amino compounds and ureas, with especial reference to chloroacetylation. W. As Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 39:1439 (1917) . 21. Unsymmetrical derivatives of aromatic diamines. W. A. Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 39:1447. (1917) 22. The preparation of bechloro and b-bromopropionic acids. W. Ae Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 39:1465 (1917) 23. On nitro and am nophenoxyacetic acids. We A. Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 39:2188 (1917) 24. Amides, uramino compounds and ureides containing an aromatic nucleus. W. A. Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 39:2418 (1917) 25. On nitro and aminoaryl arsonic acids. W. A. Jacobs, Michael Heidelberger and Ida P. Rolf. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 40:1580 (1918) 26-32. U. S. Patents 1,280, 119<24; 1, 280,126. Arsenical compounds. W.iieJacobs, Wade H. Brown, Michael Heidelberger and Louise Pearce. 33. On certain aromatic amides and chloracetyl derivatives. W. A. Jacobs, Michael Heidelberger and Ida P. Rolf. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 41:458 (1919) 34. On the isomeric hydroxyphenylarsonic acids and the direct arsenation of phenol. We Ai Jacobs and Michael Heidelberger. Ibid., 41:1440 (1919) 35. Certain amino and acylamino phenol ethers. Michael Heidelberger and W. A. Jacobs. Ibid., 41:1450 (1919) 36-43. Aromatic arsenic compounds: I. A plan of procedure for the synthesis of arsenicals for chemotherapeutic research. II. The amides and alkyl amides of Nearylglycine arsonic acids. III]. The ureides and b-substitute ureides of Nearylglycine arsonic acids, IV. Aromatic amides of N«arylglycihe arsonit acids. V. Nesubstituted glycylarsanilic acids. VI. Ne(Phenyl=4 Heniy am M. Heidelbergery- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 28: 516-518 (Dec 1942) ~ & Lobb Newer concepts of infection and immunity, and chemistry's part in their development, I. M. Heidelberger. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 9:893- 896 (Jan. 1943) Newer concepts of infection and immunity, and chemistry's part in their development, II. M. Heidelberger. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 9:897- ~900 (Jan. 1943) Quantitative micro-estimation of antibodies in the sera of man and other animals. C. F. C. MacPherson and M. Heidelberger. Science, 97: 2522:405-406 (Apr. 30, 1943) Immunology as a tool in biological research. Immunochemical approaches to biological problems. M. Heidelberger. The American Naturalist, 77:193-198 (May, 1943) , Karl Landsteiner, An Obituary. Science, 98:233 (1943) Relation of amino acids and their derivatives to immunity. M. Heidel- berger. (Chapter VII in Outline of the amino acids and proteins. Melvelle Sahyun, editor. Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, 1944) Relation of proteins to immunity. (Chapter XVII, p. 1258-62, Addendun, 2nd edition of The Chemistry of the Amino Acids and Proteins. Carl L. A. Schmidt, editor, C. C. Thomas, Springfield, I1ll., publishers, 1944) The protective or curative element in Type B H influenzae rabbit serum. H. E. Alexander, M. Heidelberger and G. Leidy. The Yale J. Biol. and Med., 16:425-434 (May 1944) The immune response of human beings to brief infections with pneumo- coccus. M. Heidelberger and D. G. Anderson. J. Clin. Investgn., 23:607-612 (Sep. 1944) Normal human stromata as antigens for complement fixation in the sera of patients with relapsing vivax malaria. M. Heidelberger and M. M. Mayer. Science, 100:2599:359-360 (Oct. 20, 1944) 180. 181. 182. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. . against mosquito-borne infection ‘with Pl. vivax. ‘M. Heidelberger 1es. Complement titration in human sera. I. M. Heidelberger. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 8:622 (1942) Complement titration in human sera. II. M. Heidelberger, O. G. Bier, G. Leyton and M. M. Mayer. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 12:285 (May 1945) A comparison of human and guinea pig complements and their component fractions. 0. G. Bier, G. Leyton, M. M. Mayer and M. Heidelberger. -J. Exp. Med., 81:449-468 (May 1945) ‘ trophoretic mobi ways}. C. F. C. MacPherson, M. Heidelberger and Chem. Soc., 67: 578 (1945) ’ 7 3 / é f Denatured egg albunén. III. Quantitative inmunochemical studies on we eno egg albumin denatured in various ways. €. F. C. Mac Pherson nd M Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., b?: 585 (1945) ‘PD. H. Moore. J. Am. i Prevention of Ypneumococcal pneumonia by 4mmunization with specific capsular polysatcharides. C.'M. MacLeod, R, G. Hodges, M. Heidelberger and W. G. Bernhard. J. Exp. Med., 82:4ug (Nec. 19m5) } Book review: The. ‘specificity of serological reactions. Revised edi- tion. Karl Landsteiner, M.D. with a chapter\on Molecular structure and intermolecular forces, by Linus Pauling, raviewed by M. Heidel - berger. J. Immunol. 5 51: 427-428, (Dec. 1945) \. The specific ‘polysacchan des of Types A, B, C, D and F Hemophilus In- fluenzae. C. F. C. MacPherson, M. Heidelberger, H. E. Alexander and G. Leidy« J. Immunol., 52% 207 - 219 (March 1946) _ Antibody formation in voluntaers following injection ‘ef pneumococci or their type-specific polysaacharides. M. Heidelberger, C. M. Mac Leod, S. J. Kaiser, and B. Rob uson. J. Exp. Med., 83:903-320 (Apr. 1946) sions containing ‘plasmodia. M. Heidelberger, M. M. Mayer\and C. R. \ipril 1946) \ ‘ \ Studies in Human Malaria. II. Attempts to influence relapsing vivax malaria by treatment ef patients with vaccine (Pl. vivax). Heidel - . . Studies in Human. Malaria. I. ri erey of vaccines \and suspen- Demarest. J. Inmunol., 52:325-330 ' berger, W. A. Coates, and M. M. Mayer. NJ. Immunol., 53:101-107 (May 1946) \ Studies in Human Malaria.’ III. An aS vaccination of paretics against blood-borne infection with Pl. viva M. Heidelberger, \C. Prout, J. A. Hindle, and A. ‘S- Rose. J. Immunol. 53:109-112 (May 1946) \, \ : Studies in Human Malaria. IV. ‘An attempt at vadgination of volunteers d M. M. Mayer. J. Immunol., 53: we -118 (May 1946) 1 Heidelberger, Michael Bibliography -lle 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 168. 169. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196, 197. Denatured egg ‘albumin. I. The preparation and purification of crystalline egg aibumin denatured in various ways. G.F.C.MacPherson and M. Heidelberger. Js Am. Chemi Soc., 67:574, (1945) . Denatured egg albumin. II. Viscosities; particle weights and electrophoretic thobilities of crystalline egg albumin denatured in various ways. C.F.C.Mace Pherson, M. Heidelberger and D. H. Moores JeAm.Chem. Soc., 67:578 (1945) Denatured egg albumin. ITI. Quantitative immunochemical studies on crystalline egg albumin denatured in various ways. C.F.C.MacPherson and M. Heidelberger. Je Am. Chem. Soc., 67/585 (1945) Prevention of pneumococeal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides. C.M.MacLeod, R.»G.Hodges, M. Heidelberger and W.G.Bernhard. J. Exp. Med., 82:445 (Dec. 1945) Book review: The specificity of serological reactions. Revised edition. Karl Landsteiner, M.D. with a chapter on Molecular structure and intermolecular forces, by Linus Pauling, reviewed by M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 51:427-426, (Dec. 1945) The specific polysaccharides of Types A, B, C, D and F Hemophilus Influenzae. C.F.C. MacPherson, M. Heidelberger, H. E» Alexander and G. Leidy. J. Immunol., 52: 207-219 (March 1946) Antibody formation in volunteers following injection of pneumococci or their type-specific polysaccharides. M. Heidelberger, C.M.MacLeod, S.J.Kaiser, and B. Robinson. J. Exp. Meds, 83:303+320 (April 1946) Studies in Human Malariae I. The preparation of vaccines and suspensions containing plasmodia. M. Heidelberger, M. M. Mayer and C. R. Demarest. J. Immunol., 52:325<330 (April 1946) Studies in Human Malaria. II. Attempts to influence relapsing vivax malaria by treatment of patients with vaccine (Pl. vivax). M. Heidelberger, W. Ae Coates, and M. M. Mayer. J. Immunol., 53:101-107 (May 1946) Studies in Human Malaria. III. An attempt at vaccination of paretics against blood-borne infection with Pl. vivax. Ms Heidelberger, C. Prout, J. A. Hindle, and A. S. Rose. J. Immunol., 53:109*112 (May 1946) Studies in Human Malaria. IV. An attempt at vaccination of volunteers against mosquito-borne infection with Pl. vivax. M. Heidelberger and M. M. Mayer. J. Ammunol., 52:113=118 (May 1946) Studies in Human Malaria. V. Complement-fixation reaction. M. Heidelberger and M. M. Mayer. J. Immunol., 54:89-102 (Sept. 1946) The activating effect of magnesium and other cations on the hemolytic function of complement. M. 1. Mayer, A. G. Osler, O. G. Bier, and M. Heidelberger. Je Exp. hed-, 84:535-545 (Dec. 1946) Spectrophotometric standardization of complement for fixation tests. M. M. Mayer, B. B. Eaton and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 53:31-35 (May 1946) -Immunochemistry. Me Heidelberger. Chapter in Cuzzents in Biochemical Research, Interscience Publishers, Inc., pp. 453-460, New York, 1946 Heidelberger, Michael Bibliography «“l2~ 196. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 206. 209. 210. all. Radio talk: Resistance to infectious djsease. M. Heidelberger. U. Ss Rubber Co., via Columbia Broadtdsting System, Sunday Oct. 27, 1946. Also, in Chapter 12, p. 271, The Scieritists Speak, ed. by Warren Weaver, Boni & Gaer, New York, 1947, Complement: Immunity intensifier, diagnostic drudge, chemical curiosity. M. Heidelberger. American Scientist, 34:597<610 (Oct. 1946); Science in Progress, 5th Series, edited by Geo. A. Baitsell, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, 1947. Physical, chemical and immunological properties of phosphorylated crystalline horse serum albumins M. M. Mayer and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 68:1B-25 (1946) Immungchemistry of antigens and antiboliess Chapter 5 in Allergy in Theory and Practice, by Robert A. Cooke, published by WW. B. Saurddrs Co., Philadelphia 1947, Pp. 81-99. Antibody formation in men following injection of four type-specific poly< saccharides of pneumococcus. M. Heidelberger, C. M. MacLeod, R. C. Hodges, W. G. Bernhard, and M. M. Dilapi. J. Exp. hed., 89:227-230 (Mar. 1947) A study of the purification and properties of ricin. E. A. Kabat, M. Heidelberge: . and A. E. Bezer. J. Biol. Chem., 168:629-639 (May 1947) Science, Freedom and Peace (Presidential address, Amer. Assoc. Immunologists). M. Heidelberger. Federation Proceedings, 6:2 (1947) Antiproteins in horse sera. II. Antibodies to pneumococcus nucleoprotein and their reaction with antigen. M. Heidelberger. J. Exp. Med., 86:77-81 (1947) Antiproteins in horse sera. III. Antibodies to rabbit serum albumin and their reaction with antigen. H. P. Treffers, M. Heidelberger and: J. Freund. J. Exp. ‘ied., 86:83-94 (Aug. 1947) Antiproteins in horse sera. IV. Antibodies to rabbit serum globulin and their interaction with antigen. H.P.Treffers, M. Heideiberger, and J. Freund. Je Exp. Med., 86:95"5.06 (Aug. 1947) Quantitative studies cf conmlement fixation. M. M. Mayer, A. G. Osler, QO. G. Bier, ana M. Heidelberger. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med., 65:66+68 (1947) Quantitative studies on complement. Chapter in Advances in Enzymology, vol. 8, by M. Heidelberce. and M-e M. layer, ppe 71-115. edited by F. F. Nord. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1948. Address in 1946; publication in 1948: L*Immunité. Proceedings, Congrés des Sciences Pastoriennes Pour le Cinquantenaire de la Mor: d2 Louis Pasteur 18-25 Novembre 1946. p. 142, with discussion. Comit: du Cinquantenaire, Union Nationale des Inte}lectuels, Paris. Introductory aote, Experimental Immunochemistry, E. A. Kabat and M. bh. Mayer. C.C.Thomas, Springfield. Ill., 1946. Fractionation anc physical-chemical studies of a commercial preparation of the specific volysaccharide of Type I pneumococcus. R. A. Alberty and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70:211-213 (1948) Heidelberger, Michael Bibliography «13« 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. The human antibody response to simultaneous injection of six specific poly= saccharides of pneumococcus. i. Heidelberger, C. M. MacLeod, and M. M. DiLapi. Je Exp. ded 68:369-372 (Sept. 1948) Quantitative studies of complement fixation. I. A method. -M. hi Mayer, A. G. Gsler, O. G. Bier and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 59:195-206 (June 1948) Cuantitative studies of complement fixation. II. Fixation of complement in the reaction between Type III pneumococcus specific polysaccharide and homologous antibody. A. G. Osler, Mi. hie Mayer and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 60: 205-212 (Oct. 1948) Quantitative studies of complement fixation. III. Homologous and crosg-reactions in pneumococcal Type III and Type VIII systems. A. G. Osler and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 60:317=325 (Nov. 1948) Quantitative studies of complement fixation. IV. Homologous and cross-reactions. in chicken and duck-egg albumin systems. A.G.Osler and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 60:327-337 (Nov. 1948) Measurement and preservation of antibodies in human sera. Me Heidelberger and Me M. DiLapi. J. Immunol., 61:153159 (Feb. 1949) Complement and its components in human cerebrospinal fluid. M. Heidelberger and R. H. kuller. J. Clin. Investgn., 28:262-285 (March 1949) The antibody response of rabbits to a single injection of Type I pneumococci. C. M. MacLeod, M. Heidelberger, B. Robinson, M. M. DiLapi, A. W. Walter and W. D. Sutliff. J. Immunol., 61:179-183 (1949) Ivory Pawn in the Ivory Tower. M. Heidelberger. (Presidential Address, Amer.. Assoc. Immunologists). Federation Proceedings, 8:579+580 (June 1949) Recent quantitative studies on complement. (Section of Chapter V: Antigens and Serological Reactions, pp. 225«227) volumes: Experimental Cell Research, published by Albert Bonnier, Stockholm, Acddemic Press, Inc., New York, 1949. (Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Experimental Cytology, Stockholm, July 10-17, 1947) Improved methods for the preparation of the specific polysaccharides of pneumococcus. IM. Heidelberger, C. M. MacLeod, H, Markowitz and A. S. Roe. J. Exp. Meds, 91:241-349 (April 1950) Effect of the removal of lipids on specific precipitation. R. C. Krueger and M. Heidelberger. J. Exp. Med., 923:363-391 (Nov. 1950) Persistence of antibodies in human subjects injected with pneumococcal poly< saccharides. M. Heidelberger, M. M. DiLapi, M. Siegel and A. W. Walter. J. Immunol. , 65 3535-541 (Nov. 1950) Symposia on nutrition of the Robert Gould Research Foundation. Vol. II: Plasma Proteins. J. H. Youmans, editor, C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill]. publisher, 1950. Pages 334-339: Quantitative immunochemical studies of antibody~contain- ing serum fractions obtained by salt precipitation, alcohol precipitation or delipidation. M. Heidelberger and R. C. Krueger. Heidelberger, Michael Bibliography «14< 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. antigenic potency in man of the specific polysaccharides of Types I and V pneumococcus and their products of alkaline degradation. M.. Heidelberger, C. Me MacLeod and M. hie DiLapi. J. Immunol. ,.66:145-149 (Feb. 1951) National. Academy of Sciences Conference on Complement. Report. Me Heidelberger. Proc. Wat. Acad. Sci., 37:165-189 (March 1951) The microestimation of antibodies with one milliliter samples of antisera of low antibody content. R. C. Krueger and M. Heidelberger. J. Lab. and Clin. hed., 38:157-160 (July 1951) Absence of a prosthetic group in a type-specific polysaccharide of pneumococcus. M. Heidelberger, C. M. MacLeod, H. Markowitz and Me M. DiLapi. J. Exp. Med., 94:359~262 (Nov. 1951) Pig complement and its fractionation for the production of reagents containing third component. J. Jonsen, W. Manski, and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 67:385<391 (Nov. 1951) Attempts at a quantitative estimation of the second component of complement. M. Heidelberger, J. Jonsen, B. He Waksman, and W. Manski. J. Immunol. , 67:449=462, (Dec. 1951) The deamination of crystalline egg albumin. I. Preparation and properties of various soluble and denatured derivatives. P. H. Maurer and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73:2070<2072 (1951) The deamination of crystalline egg albumin. II. Physical and chemical properties of the soluble and denatured derivatives. P. H. Maurer, M. Heidel- berger and D. H. Moore. J- Am. Chem. Soc., 73:2072-2076 (1951) The deamination of crystalline egg albumin. III. Quantitative immunochemical studies on crystalline egg albumin and its denatured and deaminated derivatives. P. He Maurer and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73:2076«2080 (1951) Antiproteins in horse sera. VI. Salt-fractionation of antibodies to the globulin of rabbit serum. R.C.Krueger and M. Heidelberger. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 34:135-145 (Nov. 1951) Antiproteins in horse sera. VII. Fractionation by alcohol of antibodies to the globulin of rabbit serum. M. Heidelberger, R. C. Krueger and H. F. Deutsch. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 34:146-150 (Nov. 1951) Chapter 5: Persistence of antibodies in man after immunization, pp- 90-101. M. Heidelberger, in The Nature and Significance of the Antibody Response. Symposium held at N.Y.Acad. Med., March 21-22, 1951. A. \. Pappenheimer, Jr., editor. Columbia Univ Press, New York 1952. Talk via All«India Radio, Calcutta, Jan. 6, 1952. M. Heidelberger The deamination of crystalline egg albumin. IV. Side reactions. P. H. Maurer and M. Heidelberger. J. Ain. Chem. Soc., 74:1089-1090 (1952) Heidelberger, Michael Bibliogrephy w 1 5- { 241. 242, 243, 244. 245. 246, 247. 248, 249. 250. 251, Quantitative immunochemical studies with the purified factor in mouse milk connected with mammary carcinoma. M. Heidelberger, 5. Graff and Cc. 2. Haagensen. J. Exp. Med., 95: 333-340 (1952). Fixation of complement with the purified factor of mouse milk connected with mammary carcinoma. M. Heidelberger, M. A. Leon, 5. Graff and Cc. D. Haagensen. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp., 19:210-211 (May) 1952 Immunochemistry. M. Heidelberger. Abstract of lecture delivered at Benares Hindu Univ., Jan. 8, 1952. The Pharm. Student, 2:18-19 (Jan.} 1953 Serological reactivity of synthetic polyglucoses. M. Heidelberger and A. CG. Aisenberg. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci,, 39:453-459 (June) 1953 Introduction to session on protein configuration and biological reactivity. M. Heidelberger, page 3. Syrnposium on Mechanism of Enzyme Action, Wm. D. McElroy and Bentley Glass, editors. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1954. Chemical modifications of the specific polysaccharide of Type Ill pneumoceccus and their immunological effects. H. Markowitsz and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76:1313 (Mar. 5) 1954 Chemical constitution of the specific polysaccharide of Type XVUfIoneumococcus. M. Heidelberger and Harold Markowite. J. Am. Cherm. Soc., 76: 1317 (Mar. 5) 1954 Glycogen, an immunologically apecific polysaccharide. M. Heidelberger, A. G. Aisenberg and W. Z. Hassid. J. Exp. Med., 99:343 (Apr.) 1954 Bildung, Messung und Persistens der Antikorper nach der Immunisierung von Menschen. von Prof. Dr. M. Heidelberger, New York Deutsche Klnische Wochenschrift, v. 79:17 (Apr. 23, 1954) 659-662. (lecture given on award of the von Behring Prize, Mar. 15, 1954 at Marburg/Lahn) also in Angewandte Chemie, 66, Jahrgang/Nr. 13/14, 1954, Seit. 403-406. ¥rom Immunology to Quantitative kamunochemistry. M. Heidelberger. Baskerville Chemical Journal of City College of N.¥., 5:1:3-5 (May) 1954. Sixth Bicentennial Science Lecture, Apr. 15, 1954. Book review: Immunochemistry. Biochemical Scctety Symposia No. 10. Crganized and edited by R. T. Williams, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York 1953. (review seprinted in Arch. Bicchem. and Biophys., 50:1: 231-233 (May) 1954) Dice: 252. 253 o 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 059. 260. 261. 262. 263, 264, -16- The precipitin reaction and studies of native and denatured proteins, M. Heidelberger. Chapter 2 in Serological Approaches to Studies of Protein Structure and Metabolism, W. H. Cole, Ed., Rutgers Univ. Press, New Brunswick, N. J., 1954. Some unsolved problems in immunology. M. Heidelberger. Chapter 10 in Perspectives and Horizons in Microbiology, S. A. Waksman, Ed., Rutgers Univ. Press, New Brunswick, N. J., 1955. The preparation and properties of fractions of pig complement. II. M. A. Leon, 0, J. Plescia and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol.,, 74: — 313-317 (Apr.) 1955. Immunochemistry and the structure of lung galactan, M. Heidelberger, Z. Dische, W, B. Neely and M. L. Wolfrom. Jour, Amer, Chem, Soc., 773 3511-3514 (1955). Immunological specificities involving multiple units of galactose. II. Michael Heidelberger. Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 77: 4308-4311 (1955). Lectures on immunochemistry. Michael Heidelberger. Tokyo Jour. Med. Sciences, 63: 143-216, October, 1955, Fractions of pig complement. III. An inhibitor of active complement. Myron A, Leon, Otto J. Plescia and Michael Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 76: 28-32, January, 1956, The immunological specificity of Type II pneumococcus and its separation into partial specificities. Michael Heidelberger and John Adams, J. Exp. Med, 103; 189-197, February, 1956. Ay kinetic method for the titration of complement. Otto J. Plescia, Kenneth Amiraian and Michael Heidelberger. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 62: 346-354, June, 1956. Fractionation of gum arabic by chemical and immunological procedures, Michael Heidelberger, John Adams and Zacharias Dische. J. Am. Chem, Soc., 78: 2853-2855, June 20, 1956. Chemical constitution and immunological specificity. Michael Heidelberger. Ann, Rev. Biochem., 25: 641-658, 1956. Cross-reactions of antityphoid and antiparatyphoid B horse sera with various polysaccharides, Michael Heidelberger and Felix Corgoba. J. Exp. Med,, 104: 375-382, September, 1956. Lectures in Immunochemistry. vii + 150 pp. Michael Heidelberger. Academic Press, New York, December, 1956. 265. 266, 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. -17- Aspects of the immune hemolytic reaction. I. Dependence of the extent of hemolysis on concentrations of reactants. 0. J. Plescia, K. Amiraian, and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 78: 147-150 (Mar.) 1957. Aspects of the immune hemolytic reaction.II. Effect of composition of C' on concentration dependence in immune hemolysis. 0. J. Plescia, K. Amiraian, and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 78: 151-155 (Mar.) 1957. Aspects of the immune hemolytic reaction. III. Dependence of the extent of immune hemolysis upon temperature. G. Cavallo, 0. J. Plescia, K. Amiraian, and M. Heidelberger. Giornale di Microbiologia, 3: 1-16, No. 1, 1957. Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. III. Reactions in horse sera. M. Heidelberger, H. Jahrmacker, B. Bjérklund, and J. Adams. J. Immunol., 78: 419-426 (June) 1957. Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. IV. Precipitation in rabbit antisera to Type IX and Type XII pneumococcus. M. Heidelberger, H. Jarhmarker, and F. Cordoba. J. Immunol., 78: 427-430 (June) 1957. Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. V. Precipitation by glycogens and limit dextrins. M. Heidelberger, B. Bjorklund, and J. Larner. J. Immunol., 78: 431-434 (June) 1957. The formation of antibodies in man after injection of pneumococcal poly- saccharides. M. Heidelberger. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 43: 883-887, (Oct.) 1957. Correction: ibid.44: 485, 1958. Immunological specificities involving multiple units of galactose. III. M. Heidelberger, S. A. Barker, and B. Bjorklund. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 80: 113-116 (Jan. 5) 1958. Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. VI. Precipitation of type VIIfand type III antisera by B-glucans. M. Heidelberger and P. A. Rebers. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 30: 116-118, (Jan. 5) 1958. Precipitation of the specific polysaccharide of Cryptococcus neoformans A by types II and XIV antipneumococcal sera. P. A. Rebers, S. A. Barker, M. Heidelberger, Z. Dische, and E. E. Evans. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 80: 1135-1137 (Mar. 5) 1958. Complex nature of the step in immune hemolysis involving third component of complement. K. Amiraian, 0. J. Plescia, G. Cavallo, and M. Heidelberger. Science, 127: 239-240 (January 31) 1958. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. ~18- Inactivation of complement by egg albumin-rabbit antiegg albumin. I. Differences depending upon the species of complement. G. Cavallo, O. J. Plescia and M. Heidelberger. J. Immumol., 80: 249-253 (April) 1958. . Inactivation of complement by egg albumin-rabbit antiegg albumin. II, Inhibition by serum constituents. G. Cavallo, 0. J. Plescia and M. Heidelberger. J. Immumol., 80: 382-385 (May) 1958. the Aspects of ,immme hemolytic reaction. IV. Inhibition of hemolysis by the reaction products. O. J. Plescia, G. Cavallo, K. Amiraian and M. Heidelberger. J. Immumol., 80: 374-381 (May) 1958. Immunopolysaccharides. Part X. The structure of the immunologically specific polysaccharide of pneumococcus type XIV. 5S. A. Barker, M. Heidelberger, M. Stacey, and D. J. Tipper. J. Chem. Soc., 3468-3474, (Oct.) 1958. Crosssreactions of streptococcal A and V carbohydrates in Type II anti- pneumococcal horse sera. M. Heidelberger and M. McCarty. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 45: 235-238 (February) 1959, The specific polysaccharide of Type VI pneumcococcus. I. Preparation, properties and reactions. P. A. Rebers and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 81: 2415-2419 (May 20) 1959. Episodes in immunochemistry. Chapter 3, pp. 42-53, in "Microbiology- Yesterday and Today," Ed., Vernon Bryson, Inst. of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University (Jume) 1959. All polysaccharides are immmologically specific. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry, Vienna, 1958, Vol. I, Symposium I, 52-66; I. “ULB. Symposium Series, Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, Ltd., London, New York? and Paris, 1959. Aspects of the immune hemolytic reaction. V. Enhancement of guineaa pig complement by carboxypeptidase A. kK. Amiraian, 0. J. Plescia and M. Heidelberger. 2%. Immunitatsforsch., Berré 118: 289-301, Pillemer Memorial Issue, 1959. The immmological specificity of Type II pneumococcus and its separation into partial specificities. II. M. Heidelberger, J. Exp. Med., lil: 33-43 (January 1) 1960. Florence Rena Sabin. Philip D. McMaster and M. Heidelberger. Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 34, 271-319. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1960. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. - 19 - Structure and immunological specificity of polysaccharides. M. Heidelberger. Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 18: 503-536, 1960. Immunochemistry of the pneumococcal types II, V, and VI. I. The Yelation of type VI to type II and other correlations between chemical constitution and precipitation in antisera to type VI. M. Heidelberger and P. A. Rebers. J. Bact., 80: 145-153 (August) 1960. Introduction to session on microbial polysaccharides (p 1609); cross- reactions between pneumococci and saimonella and related microorganisms (pp. 1656-8) and other discussions. International symposium on the biochemistry of polysaccharides - structure and specificity (Gif-sur- Yvette, July 18-21, 1960. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. 42: (1960), No. 12 1656~- (660 publ. Apr. 1961. Also in International Symposia of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Vol. 100, 1961. Complement. 0. J. Plescia and M. Heidelberger. Chapter 12 in Functions of the Blood, ed. by R. G. Macfarlane and A. H. T. Robb-Smith, pp. 495- 526. Academic Press, N. Y., 1961. Immunochemical Approaches to Problems in Microbiology. International Symposium (Sept. 6-8, 1960) vol. ed. by M. Heidelberger, 0. J. Plescia, and R. A. Day; also contains discussions by M. Heidelberger, Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, N. J., 1961. Centenary Lecture: Chemical constitution and immunological specificity. M. Heidelberger. Proc. Chem. Soc., pp. 153-9 (May) 1961. The specific polysaccharide of type VI pneumococcus. II. The repeating unit. P. A. Rebers and M. Heidelberger. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 83: 3056- 9 (July 20) 1961. Formal discussion of the papers of Drs. Witebsky, Rapport and Graf, and Rubin. M. Heidelberger. Cancer Res., 21: 1254-6 (October) 1961. Immunochemistry of pneumococcal types II, V, and VI. II. Inhibition tests in the type VI precipitating system. P. A. Rebers, E. Hurwitz, and M. Heidelberger. J. Bact., 82: 920-6 (December) 1961. Immunochemistry of the pneumococcal types II, V, and VI. III. Tests with derivatives of the specific polysaccharides of types II and VI. P. A. Rebers, E. Hurwitz, M. Heidelberger and S. Estrada-Parra. J. Bact., 83: 335-342 (February) 1962. Aspects of the immune hemolytic reaction. VI. Effect of inhibitors from sheep serum on immune hemolysis. K. Amiraian, 0. J. Plescia, G. Cavallo, and M. Heidelberger. J. Immunol., 88: 309-313 (March) 1962. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305, 306. 307. 308. 309. -20- Immunochemistry of pneumococcal Types II, V, and VI. IV. Cross- reactions of Type V antipneumococcal sera and their bearing on the relation between Types II and V. M. Heidelberger. Arch. Biochem & Biophys., Supp. 1; 169-173 (September) 1962. Unity and heterogeneity of antibodies. M. Heidelberger. Allergology, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Loridon, New York, Paris, pp. 30-39, 1962. The cross-reactivity of ketha gum and pneumococcal Type I. =< Short cut to a constituent of a polysaccharide. M. Heidelberger, Jean M. Tyler, and S. Mukherjee. Immunology, 5: 666-672 (November) 1962. The specific polysaccharide of Type XVIII pneumococcus, II. S. Estrada- Parra, P. A. Rebers, and M. Heidelberger. Biochemistry, 1: 1175- 1177 (November) 1962. Immunochemical properties of the perilodate-oxidized polysaccharide of Group A hemolytic streptococcus. S. Estrada-Parra, M. Heidelberger, and P. Ae Rebers. J. Biol. Chem. , 238: 510-512 (February) 1963. Immunochemical diagnosis of the linkage of D-mannose residues. M. Heidelberger and A. Jeanes. J. BAct., 86: 881-882 (October) 1963. Immunization of rabbits with periodate-oxidized pneumococcal type VI specific capsular polysaccharide coupled to horse antibody. P. A. Rebers, S. Estrada-Parra, and M. Heidelberger. J. Bact., 86: 882- 883 (October) 1963. The specific polysaccharide of type XVIII pneumococcus. III S. Estrada- Parra and M. Heidelberger. Biochem., 2: 1288-1294, 1963. Cross-reactions of glucose-containing polysaccharides in antipneumococcal sera. VII. The precipitation of type IX antisera by isolichenin, and other reactions. M. Heidelberger. J. Immunology, 91: 735-739 (December) 1963. Immunochemical identification of the aldobiuronic acid of the slime of Sphaerotilus natans. M. Heidelberger, E. Gaudy, and R. S. Wolfe. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 51: 568-569 (April) 1964. Immunochemical short cuts to the chenistry of carbohydrates. M. Heidelberger. Fed. Proc., Vol. 23, No. 3, Part I, 627-629 (May-June) 1964, The specific polysaccharide of Type XVIIIA pneumococcus. M. Heidelberger, S. Estrada-Parra, and R. Brown. Biochemistry, 3: 1548-1550 (October) 1964, 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. - 21 - Cross-reactions of pneumococcal types. Quantitative studies with the capsular polysaccharides. M. Heidelberger and Jean M. Tyler. J. Exp. Med., 120: 711-719 (November) 1964. Some recent correlations of constitution and imminological . specificity. M. Heidelberger. New Perspeclijives in Biology, %G pp. 215-224, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1964. Contribution de l'immunochimie 4 l'étude des structures biolo- giques. M. Heidelberger. Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 46: 1293- 1298 (January) 1965. Also Introductory Chapter, Ann. Rev. Biochem. , 36, I, 1-12, 1967. Entwicklungslinien der Imminchemie. M. Heidelberger. Opening chapter in Immunchemie, 15" Colloquium der Gesellschaft flir physiologische Chemie, 22-25 April, 1964, Mosbach, Baden. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1965. The polysaccharide of Shigella dysenteriae and its cross-reactions with antisera to the pneumococcal types II and VI. M. Heidelberger, C.V.N. Rao and D.A.L. Davies, Pathologia et Microbiologia, 28: 691-697 (No. 4) 1965. The capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcus .type TX. C. V.N. Rao and M. Heidelberger, J. Exp. Med., 123: 913-920 (May) 1966. Imminochemical properties of hualtaco gum. M. Heidelberger and C. V. N. Rao. Immunology, 10: 543-548 (June) 1966. Cross-reactions of streptococeal group N teichoic acid in anti- pneumococcal horse sera of types VI, XIV, XVI, and XXVII. M. Heidelberger and S. Elliott. J Bact., 92: 281-283 (July) 1966. Symposium, Macromolecules and Cancer; Introductory remarks, session on Immunology and Macromolecules. M. Heidelberger, Cancer Research, 26: 2004 (September) 1966. Citation and presentation of the Academy Medal to Donald D. Van Slyke. M. Heidelberger. Bull. N. Y. Acad. Med., 43: 322-324 (April) 1967. Cross-reactions of the group-specific polysaccharides of strepto- coccal groups B and G in anti-pneumococcal sera with especial reference to type XXIII and its determinants. M. Heidelberger, J. M. Davie and R. M. Krause, J. Immunol., 99: 794-796, (October) 1967. The capsular polysaccharide of Type I pneumococcus. I. Purification and chemical modification. R. C. E. Guy, M. J. How, M. Stacey and M. Heidelberger. J. Biol. Chem., 242: 5106-11 (November 10) 1967. Scope and significance of antigenic cross-reactivity. M. Heidelberger. In Cross-Reacting Antigens and Neoantigens, published by The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., 1967. 323. ~ 22 - The specific capsular polysaccharide of type VII pneumococcus. Jean M. Tyler and M. Heidelberger. Biochemistry, 7:1384-1392 cand Seu! rated Ai (eerences off ~ anc D- VAI NAL (GbE. tH (fecebel De Ashuetl 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. Celt ne Relations between structures of three K polysaccharides of as Escherichia coli and cross-reactivity in antipneumococcal sera. ari Lone 44 M. Heidelberger, K. Jann, B. Jann, F. %rskov, I. %rskov and bas 0. Westphal. J. Bact., 95:2415-2417 (June) 1968. (cn [Cese@, Predicted and unpredicted cross-reactions of an acetylphosphogalactan o£ sporobolomyces yeast. M. Heidelberger and M. E. Slodki. J. Exp. Med., 128:189-196 (July) 1968. Reading the helix backwards. M. Heidelberger. In Nucleic acids in Immunology, pp. 3-4; ed. O. J. Plescia and W. Braun, Springer-Verlag, New York 1968. Karl Landsteiner, 1868-1943. M. Heidelberger. Biographical Memoixs, National Academy of Sciences, U.S., 40:177~210, 1969. Immunochemistry of newly found substituents of polysaccharides of Rhizobium species. W. F. Dudman and M. Heidelberger, Science, 164:954-955, 23 May, 1969. Immunochemical relationships of certain streptococcal group and type polysaccharides to pneumococcal capsular antigens. M. Heidelberger, J. M. N. Willers and M. F. Michel. J. Immunol., 102:1119-27 (May) 1969. Immunochemistry of the capsular polysaccharide of an acinetobacter. M. Heidelberger, A. Das and E. Juni, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S., 63:47-50 (May) 1969. Inhibition by aldobicuronates in the precipitation of pneumococcal Type II and III systems. M. Heidelberger, N. Roy and Cc. P. J. Glaudemans. Biochemistry, 8:4822-24, 1969. Immunochemical relationships of certain capsular polysaccharides of Klebsiella, pnewmococci and rhizobia. M. Heidelberger, W. F. Dudman and W. Nimmich. J. Immunol., 104:1321-1328 (June) 1970. Degradation of a pneumococcal type-specific polysaccharide with exposure of group-specificity. J. D. Higginbotham, M. Heidelberger, and E. C. Gotschlich. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 67:138- 192 (Sept.) 1970. Predicted and unpredicted cross-reactions of an acetylphospho- galactan of sporbolomyces yeast. IIT. M. Heidelberger and M. E. Slodhi, J. Exp. Med., 152:1105-1106 (December) 1970. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 345, 346. 347, 348, - 23 Immunochemical studies of mangle gum (Rhizophora mangle L). C.V.N. Rao, M. Heidelberger, and W. P, Grosvenor, Immunochemistry, 8: 657-663, (July) 1971. Alphonse Raymond Dochez, 1882-1964. M. Heidelberger, Y. Kneeland, Jr., and K. M, Price. Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences U.S., 42:29~-46, 1971. Immunochemical studies on the capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcal type IX. J.D. Higginbotham, A. Das, and M, Heidelberger. Biochem. J., 126: 225-231, 1972. Oxidation of the capsular polysaccharide of pneumococcal type ix by periodate. A. Das, J.D. Higginbotham, and M. Heidelberger. Biochem. J., 126:233~236, 1972. : "Relations Chimiques et Imounologiques entre Polysides Bacteriens" M, Heidelberger, Chapter Iv, in Immunologie, Flammarion Medecine~ Sciences, ed., P. Bordet, 1972. Inhibition experiments with pneumococcal C and depyruvylated type-IVv polysaccharides. M. Heidelberger, E.C. Gotschlich and 3.D. Hiogin- botham. Carbohydr. Res.,. 22:1-4, 1972. Research in immunochemistry and Immunobiology. M. Heidelberger. Vol. 1. J.B.G. Kwapinski, editor. University Park Press, Baltinora 1972, p. 295. Book Review. f The specific capsular polysaccharide o£ Pneumococcus type IV. J.D. Higginbotham and M, Heidelberger. Carbohydr. Res., 23:165- 173, 1972. Cross-reactions of polysaccharides of Lipomyces in antipneumococcal and other antisera. M,. Heidelberger and M.E. Slodki, Carbohydr. Res., 24:401-407, 1972. Additional immunochemical relationships of capsular polysaccharides of Kiebsiella and pneumococci. M. Heidelberger and W. Nimmich. J. Immunol., 109:1337--1344, 1972, Cross-reactions of additional extracellular polysaccharides of Klebsiella. M. Heidelberger and G.G.5. Dutton. J. Immunol., 111: 857-859, 1973. Oxidation of the Capsular polysaccharide of pnevmacoccal type IV by periodate, J.D. Higginbotham and M. Heidelberger. Carbohydr. Res., 27:2297--302, 1973, Immunochemistry of Bacterial Polysaccharide tet : 1s % We Inewinochemistry and Immunobiology." M. Heid ¥wapinski and F.D. Day, University Park Pres , in "Research in jbergder, Eds. 7.3.6. s, Baltimore, Md., 1573. Supplement to 239, Immunologie, Paris, 1°74; $6. 2a, Oo 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354, 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. - 24 - Cross-reactivity of the membrane teichoic acid of Streptococcus faecalis N.C.2I.B. 8191 in antipneumococcal type XII and type XVI sera. M. Heidelberger and J. Baddiley. Carbohydrate Research, 37:5-7, 1974, First Selman A, Waksman Memorial Lecture. M. Heidelberger. ‘The Sero- logical Museum, Bulletin No. 50, November 1974, p. 1-4. Glycoproteins secreted by sublingual glands of the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). J.Y. Lew, M. Heidelberger and M. Griffiths, Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 7:289-293, 1975. Cross-reactions of Klebsiella. Immunochemical relationships indicated by cross-reactions in antipneumococcal sera and tested in anti-Klebsiella sera. M,. Heidelberger, W. Nimmich, J. Eriksen, G.G.S. Dutton, S. Stirm and C.T. Fang, Acta path. microbiol. Scand. Sect. C., 83:397-405, 1975. Immunochemical relationships between bacteria belonging to two separate families: pneumococci and Klebsiella. M. Heidelberger and W. Nimmich. Immunochemistry, 13:67-80, 1976. — 7 Identification of D-galacturonic acid in the specific capsular poly- saccharide of pneumococcal type XXV. A. Das and M. Heidelberger. Carbohydrate Research, 48:304~305, 1976. ’ Linkage of pyruvyl groups in the specific capsular polysaccharide of Pneumococcus type IV. J.Y¥. Lew and M. Heidelberger. Carbohydrate Research, 52:255-258, 1976. s . . . Reactions-Croisées supplementaires entre les polyosides capsulaires de Klebsiella et les serums antipneumococciques, M. Heidelberger and W. Nimmich. Ann. Immunol. (Inst. Pasteur), 128¢c:225-227, 1977. A "Pure" Organic Chemist's Downward Path. Michael Heidelberger, Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 1977, 31:1-12. Fifty years ago: Michael Heidelberger reviews his reviews. M. Heidelberger. Trends in Biochem. Sci. 2:116, May 1977. Fragen an die Immunologie: Behring-Preistrager antworten Studenten. Round-Table-Gesprach anlasslig der 450-Jahrfeier der Philipps-Uni~ versitat Marburg. M. Heidelberger, Behring Inst. Mitt., No. 61, 70-71, 1977. Introduction to nos. 2-3 honoring Pierre Grabar on his 80th birthday. Annales d'Immunologie, 129¢c:141-142. (Feb.-Mar. 1978). (In French). 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. -25- Homologous and cross-reactive _Tecipitins in antipneumococcal sera 1sised in mules. p.z, Alien . Heidelberger, I.A. Rappaport, and G.M. Ward. Immunology, 35:105-113 {July 1978). More on cross-reactions between pneumococci and Klebsiella. M. Heidelberger, w. Nimmich, J. Eriksen, and S. Stirn. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand. RB. 86:313-20, 1978 (Dec.). Fifty years ago: The beginnings of quantitative immunochemistry. M. Heidelberger and F.E. Kendall. frends in Biochemical Sciences, 4:168, July 1979, A "Pure" Organic Chemist's Downward Path. Chapter 2. The years at P and S. M. Heidelberger. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 48:1-21, 1979, Immunology: from ideas and guesses to a science. In Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Recognition, Miriam Balaban, Ed. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomed. Press, Amsterdam & N.Y.-, pp. 13-20, 1979. Immunochemical determination of the configuration of a haptenic substituent. mM. Heidelberger, [., KvarnstrGm, J. Eriksen, W. Nimmich, and W.F. Dudman. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 77:4244-4246, 1980. A "Pure" Organic Chemist's Downward Path: Chapter 3 - "Retirement." M. Heidelberger. Perspectives in Biol. and Med., pp. 619-636, 1981. Additional Cross-Reactions of Plant Polysaccharides in Antipneumococcal and Other Antisera. M. Heidelberger. tIn Papers Dedicated to Professor Johannes Moustgaard On the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday The 26th of September 1981. kg. Brummerstedt, Ed., The Royal Danish Agricultural Society, Copenhagen, pp. 51~56, 1981 Additional correlations of chemical structure and immunological speci- ficity among cross-reactions. of pneumococci and Klebsiella. M. Heidel- berger, G.G.S. Dutton, J. Eriksen, W. Nimmich, and S. Stirn. Acta Path. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand., Sect. C, 90: 87-90, 1982. Pneumococcal polysaccharides and their Significance. mM. Heidelberger, Trends. Biochem. Sciences, 7: 261-263, July 1982. Cross-reactions of plant polysaccharides in antipneumococcal and other antisera: An Update. mM. Heidelberger. (Same as ref. 369). In: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products. #42, Springer- Verlag, New York, 1982, pp. 287-296. Professor Elvin A. Kabat. ws. Heidelberger. Carbohydrate Res., 120: 1-2, 1983. lilcodisction Ty 120 Not innis henoc. Precipitating cross-reactions among pneumococcal types. M. Heidelberger, Infect. & Immun. 41: 1234-1244, Sept. 1983. 374, 375, 3/76, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, PROF. M, HEIDELBERGER - 26 - HEIDELBERGER, M.: RECOGNITION OF ANTIBODIES AS LABELED GLOBULINS. ANN. N.Y. ACAD. ScI., 420: 1-4, 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M,. AND BERNHEIMER, A.W.: CROSS-REACTIONS OF POLYSACCHARIDES OF FUNGI, MOLDS, AND YEASTS IN ANTI- PNEUMOCOCCAL AND OTHER ANTISERA. PROC.NATL.ACAD.SCI., USA, 81: 5247-5249, AucusT 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M.: CROSS-REACTIONS OF POLYSACCHARIDES OF STAPHYLOCOCCI AND STREPTOCOCCI AB ANTIPNEUMOCOCCAL AND OTHER ANTISERA, MOLECULAR IMMUNOL. 21: 1011-1013, 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M.: REMINISCENCES: PART 1. A “PURE” ORGANIC CHEMIST’S DOWNWARD PATH. IMMUNOL. REVS, 81: 9-19, 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M.: REMINISCENCES: PART 2. THE YEARS AT P., AND S, IMMUNOL. REVS. 82: 7-27, DECEMBER 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M,: REMINISCENCES: PART 3, “RETIREMENT”, IMMUNOL. REVS, 83: 5-23, APRIL 1985. (REISSUE OF #357, #364, #367 WITH SOME ADDITIONS, #357, #364, #367 WERE TRANSLATED INTO JAPANESE BY AKIHIKO YANO AND PUBLISHED IN INFECTION, INFLAMMATION AND IMMUNITY, DECEMBER 1983; FeEB., JUNE, 1984, HEIDELBERGER, M., JANN, K. AND JANN, B.: CROSSREACTIONS OF ESCHERICHIA COLI K AND 0 POLYSACCHARIDES IN ANTI- PNEUMOCOCCAL AND ANTI-SALMONELLA SERA. J. EXP. MED., 162: 1350-1358, OcTOBER 1985, HEIDELBERGER, M.: HISTORICAL IMMUNOCHEMICAL SURVEY OF PNEUMOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDES. CHAPTER 1, IN: IMMUNOLOGY OF THE BACTERIAL CELL ENVELOPE, (EDITED BY D.E.S. STEWART- TuLL AND M. DAVIES), JOHN WILEY & Sons, LTD., 1985, HEIDELBERGER, M,: DISCUSSION OF DEREK HORTON’S PAPER, 317-19; DISCUSSION OF HAROLD JENNINGS’ PAPER, 345-346, In: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN INDUSTRIAL POLYSACCHARIDES. (ED., 1,C.M. DEA), GORDON AND BREACH, INC., NY 1985, HEIDELBERGER, M., HORTON, D. AND HASKELL, T.H.: CRoSS- REACTIONS OF LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSS IN ANTIPNEUMOCOCCAL AND OTHER ANTISERA. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 54: 928-930, DECEMBER 1986, -~27- 384. Heidelberger, M. Chapter GanThe Precipitin Reaction, Microbial Ageglutination, Complement Fixation, and Relations Between Chemical Structure and Antigen-Antibody Interactionfin The Immunological Revolution: Facts and Witnesses. Ed. by A. Szentivanyi and H. Friedman (in press).