Organic Lab, , Unw. of Leiden, Holland. Poof. De. Franchimont, Director. Dr. Montagne, Curator of Fite Product's, ie ee porn eee 2 Ped es. Ba a. Tiel a fonts Son Oy alik tt ins Bia ae ea 7, Orme Desks— Zpplad wih, be Mh edt). hh doles ued i Sa th cst, fo png oh fice Closets. Dust- pros voting s system. oe waptaad Um Lo b Chicdts, rade duet of Heros of cleole ome sete ce “a . ES a hh pe . a Fuad CaCl, ia ete RN SE eas dea | OD ARLrn oot) ee ee ee (ell _- eh ete, dt004 Ron pie 4 _ fe ne wile ork, Knck wee aloo Asics —— - Bonn," Fredeich-Wiihelm Unvecsitat, .—s«s or ™ De. R. Anschitz, AL ae air - lk tes docu. a dt Octo, od. baad: ia eae Qn, vse 70 ure. 2s — Heidel berg Universitat . — NorwBeR@ | a eee Aah. = ale ee fo eiinrnig nth ee Bo ati (tions) Fe hth feirendef Bad ee! SJ >. a | STRASSBURG — KAISER WiLHELM UNIV. CHEM. INST. ,PRoF. Dr. THIELE. ail hh oe TABLE FoR BLAST Lame. (Made oof prclting cous aoe = - - ff ag fn. Ot prin path . ee seo bet. Ee ae Pople dik th _#> Be CL Kien O.. piped cinac fram Pome (Thnergh wl alg preceune Som. ty) Jord Bran om er sank eels ws tad Leth CuO) a pe wma ot fe Zn Lmed oe 2. asda wall anh offen tat ee comlbustion Nea: ; iG System. foc air sa oe ee ae Beh MoS app (ad Rint). Ragan ing mcr oy . Beh ae tlhe ete Sh anne a a