DIRECTOR OF THE NATIUNAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH QUITS POST, CITING PERSONAL REASONS/N.Y.Times/6-20-61/P.39 resignation ag director of the National In- stitutes of Health, the Federal agency that has given the United States a nant position ig biomedical research. Dr. Fredrickson's resignation for “‘per- sonal reasons" was initially disclosed to about 550 employees at the end of a morn- ing meeting onthe agency's compound in suburban Bethesda, Md. The widely re- spected 56-year-old expert on blood fats said that the agency seemed ‘‘as exhila- rating and worthwhile as in the summer of 1953 when I arrived.” He added: “The last six years, how- ever, have been: t in the relentless company of the tive burdens of the director. It ig time to shed them for a while, lest I forget completely how to be ascientist and a physician.” Dr. Fredrickson then read his letter of resignation to President-Reagan, asking to be allowed to leave the agency on July 1. A second letter to Richard S. Schwei- ker, Secret of Health and Human Services, “I take this step with great ambivalence, for N.I.H. is in the very marrow of my bones.” Not ‘a Political Decision’ In a telephone interview later, Dr. Fredrickson denied that he was leaving because of with Reagan Ad- ministration health policies and appoint- sion,” said Dr, Fredrickson. He said Mr. Schweiker had charge of the National Institutes of Health. However, he said, “after six years in such a job, you wonder whether 1] retain the freshness and keen re- flexes to do this kind of complex work. What sped his hesaid, was the decision, realization that several major jobs at the agency were opening, including the direc- torships of two ot one oenpound. that oc-. e cam) pound. . wey had to asgure them I'd be here, and I *t,"" said Dr. Fredrickson. oth a budget of about $3.4 billion, the agency supports thousands of medical and biological research jects, both on their home grounds -at universities across the nation, The aim 0° ti Sup. with about 12,000 employees, ne he f Pees, and cure of illness. Dr. Fredrickson’s resignation startied his colleagues. “st was @ real surprise,” agency who attended one - oe moming’s meeting. “it was short, sweet and sort of stunning. w fetter Mr. schweieer ing Megret™ etter, eredrickson s _ He said a under Dr. . e N.I.H. bas faithfully and effectively cal breakthroughs into actual practice to people's lives. the years, N.I.H.-supported re- search has saved countless lives through the development of new treatments and means of prevention for serious health problems affecting le throughout the world,”” said Mr. weiker. “This de- | partment, this nation and the worle owe ‘ youa great debt.” Dr. Fredrickson said in the interview that he was leaving the $65,000-a-year post to work, initially, as a visiting scholar with the National Academy of Sciences. He said his long-term plans were uncertain. A department spokesman said there was no word on Dr. Fredrickson’s re- placement. . Even before his a as direc- tor of the agency, Dr. Fredrickson was an internationally known expert on blood lipids, or fats, and an internist who had conducted significant studies of blood fats and their to heart disease. Key Contributions Cited Perhaps his key contribution as di tor of the agency, Dr. Fredrickson sai was the development of guidelines in the rapidly growing field of genetic research rough the fapyrinth we w avoid restrictive statutes we with the public safety and the acience both intact,” said Dr. Fredrick- gon. “We were trying to keep the public interest foremost yet protect the oppar- tunity for this revolutionary new tech- to be efficiently developed.” Gene-splicing is the process of manipu- lating the genetic material of ceils, the deoxyribanucieic aid, or DNA, to create new life forms. Asecond key contribution, he said, was the development of a discussion process in which doctors, patients, scientists and others evaluate new technologies and analyze, in Dr. Fredrickson's words, “the risks and benefits, their capacities to save lives as to creating haz-