June 18, 1981 It was with profound regret that I learned of your plans to retire from your position as Director of the National Institutes of Health. One of the highest goals of the Department of Health and Human Services is the transfer of research breakthroughs into actual practice to improve people's lives. Under your direction, the NIH has faithfully and effectively pursued this mission, nurturing scientific inquiry and bringing its discoveries to fruition. Over the years, NIH-supported research has saved countless lives through the development of new treatments and means of prevention for serious health problems affecting people throughout the world. This Department, the nation, and the world owe you a great debt. First as a Senator keenly concerned about biomedical research, and now as the Secretary of HHS, I have deeply valued our close working association. You have the unquestioned respect and admiration of your colleagues in the scientific and medical community, as well as the families and friends of those affected by the many health problems NIH works to understand, treat, and cure. Your scientific expertise and your skills in dealing effectively with difficult administrative responsibilities have been invaluable to me, and to past Secretaries of the Department. You will be sorely missed. Recently, we have talked about the golden age of opportunity now before us in biomedical research and the need to husband our resources to take the best possible advantage of these opportunities. Your leadership has ushered us into this exciting new era. I know you share my enthusiasm for the challenges we face and I know that you will continue to play an important role as you take on new responsibilities outside of government. Please accept my thanks and the thanks of all who have benefited as a result of your tremendous work as an outstanding dedicated scientist and public servant. Best wishes for even greater secure successes. Sincerely, Richard S. Schweiker