October 11, 1953 Dear Dr. Gregg: As you may know, the Congress has recreated the above Commission, and I have been drafted again as its Chairman. I have secured the following members of the previous Task Force of 1947-50 to serve again: Dr. E. D. Churchill, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Dr. Michael DeBakey of Houston Dr. Hugh R. Leavell of Harvard School of Public Health General Paul Hawley of Chicago. Former Commander Medical Corps, U.S. Army -- former head of Veterans' Administration Medical Service Dr. Allan O. Whipple of Princeton And in addition, Dr. Roscoe Miller, President of Northwestern University, formerly head of their Medical School, has accepted membership. A number of members suggested the choice of a layman to attend to details of organization. Mr. Chauncey McCormick of Chicago has been chosen for this positisn. Mr. McCormick has at various times been chairman or director of Illinois Child Welfare Commission, Art Institute of Chicago, the Community Fund, and other public organizations. At a preliminary conference, the members present requested that you should be invited to join their membership. I am particularly glad to ask you to do so, for you can make a most important contribution in advancing solution of a very difficult and grave problem in our Government. The following other eminent men, aside from yourself, are being asked to become members: Dr. Francis Braceland of Hartford, Connecticut Dr. Evarts A. Graham of St. Louis Dr. Walter B. Martin of Virginia Dr. Basil MacLane of Rochester, New York Dr. Milton Winternitz of Washington, D. C. In order not to tax your time, in addition to the service of Mr. McCormick, the Task Force will set up whatever research staff is required. Dr. Edwin L. Crosby, Jr.of Chicago has been suggested to head the researh organization. With the development of the information needed, occasional meetings of the Task Force will be required to formulate new inquiries and recommendations. As an indication of our previous procedure, I send you copies of the reports of the former Commission. Unfortunately, only a part of these recommendations have been adopted by the Government. No doubt these former recommendations will need to be reconsidered but they are in no way binding on the new Task Force, and indeed some of their objectives will need be accomplished in some other manner. And new problems will need solution. But the climate is now more favorable for adoption of recommendations. I propose a meeting of the Medical Task Force some time in the latter part of October convenient to the members, where additional members representing other branches of the problem may need to be selected and possibly the Task Force divided into teams on separate problems. I would be glad to receive your decision by telegram and an indication of what day of the week is most convenient to you for meetings. I might add a personal word. It would greatly ease my own responsibilities and be an assurance to the Congress, the President, and the country to have your experience and talents joined with us. Yours faithfully, Herbert Hoover Chairman One of the most important of our problems is the Medical Services of the Federal Goverment. Under authority from the Commission I am again organizing a Task Force to examine and make recommendations on this subject.