Oct. 17, 1930 Dear A.G. I'm a dead little dog--just got in from Santa Margherita via Prague with the Minister's [. . .] re the nursing project to find that the meeting is scheduled for Oct. 29th and 30-- instead of on Nov. as I had thought. So I have dictated some sort of a project and the children are pounding their typewriters and we are going to get something off on the Berengaria to-morrow (18th). I was afraid to wait until the Majestic on Tuesday! They telegraphed from Prague that the Government had finally come through on the Nursing School and asked me to come up. I left Santa Margherita Sunday night and went directly to Prague getting there Tuesday morning and [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] leaving yesterday. Dr. [. . .] and Dr. Pele are as pleased and proud as small boys with new jackknives and the Minister made a good third. The psychological moment had evidently arrived and the School for Social Workers has voted itself out of existence at the end of two years when the new school for public health nurses will be ready to function. Please tell this to I.M.G. I do hope my project will hold water. If it needs revamping can't you get action so that the Executive Committee can handle the matter. I don't want it help up until next April. I'm also sending in a memo asking to have the $3,000.00 set aside for the Zagrub[?] school made available. It is quite possible that both these matters could and can be handled by the Exec. Committee and that I'm getting up the wind for nothing. But I didn't want to take a chance. Am feeling FINE! Yours F.E.C.