February 20, 1958 Dear Miss Rhind: I am sending on this note to confirm our recent conversation regarding the memoirs of Dr. Alan Gregg. As you know in the spring of 1956 Dr. Gregg decided to record his memoirs with the Oral History Research Office as part of a pilot study undertaken by myself into the history of contemporary American medicine. In the beginning I projected approximately 250 interview hours with Dr. Gregg over a two year period to be supplemented by the collection of supplementary letter and diary material. It was felt that the interviews would result not only in a fascinating autobiographical account but in a vivid history of medicine in most countries of the world during our own time and above all a frank history of the division of medical sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation. In all some 17 hours of interviews were held before Dr. Gregg's death last year. The resultant Ms is but a fragment of what might have been. I have edited it with a view to making it a chronological narrative, the only things lacking are the questions I put to Dr. Gregg. At present there are four copies of the final Ms. One copy is in the possession of Mrs. Gregg, two copies are in the Special Collections of the Columbia University Library, and one copy is in the possession of the Rockefeller Foundation. Usually we make but 3 copies, however, Mrs. Gregg felt that the Ms might prove useful to the Foundation and asked us to prepare one for your use. As you know the Ms is the possession of Mrs. Gregg and subject to the restrictions she sees fit to place upon it. With great kindness she has made it available to serious research scholars with one proviso, that the material beginning on line 20 page 226 and running to line 8 page 227 be closed for 20 years. Although there are no other expressed restrictions I am sending on a photostat of her letter which relates to the use of the Ms so that you may be guided by her general wishes. If I can be of any further use please don't hesitate to call or write. Sincerely, Dr. Saul Benison