MEMBERS ‘OF COMMITTEE Washington Telephone ExscuTive 8100 Rosert M. YERKES, Chairman Yale University, New Haven Wituarp M. ALLEN Washington University, St. Louis N ATI O N A L R EB S EK A R C H C O U N C J L GEORGE W. CoRNER Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore Wariace O. Fann 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, WASHINGTON 25, D.C. University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Karu §. LASHLEY Established in 1916 by the National Academy of Sciences under its Congressional Yerkes Laboratories, Orange Park, Fla. Charter and organized with the cooperation of the National Scientific Cc. N, H. Lone Yale University, New Haven CarL R. Moore and Technical Societies of the United States Se ete ne Utixau® DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Joun ROMANO University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Lewis H. Wun, ex officio COMMITTEE 15 February 1947 Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences, 333 Cedar Street National Research Council for . x RESEARCH IN PROBLEMS OF SEX New Haven 11, Ct. Dr. A, 0. Kinsey Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Dear Doctor Kinsey: The Committee for Research in Problems of Sex again needs your assistance as a co§perating investigator. In preparation for the formulation of our program of work and budget for the next fiscal year, we should like an informational statement from you to supplement our present knowledge of the progress of your research. In case the work for which you are now receiving assistance from the Committee will not be completed by 30 June, 1947, we hope that you will send us, not later than April lst, a report covering its status, plans for completion or extension, and a statement of any additional assistance needed and the proposed uses for any grant which you may request. You will, of course, feel at liberty to propose any new research project or problem which you may have in mind and consider appropriate, You may be sure that in reshaping its program of research and its budget for the fiscal year which begins 1 July, 1947, the Committee will consider the relations of your needs to its policy and commitments and, if practicable, offer its cobperation. It will facilitate our business arrangements if you will kindly address your reply to the Chairman of the Committee, Yale University School of Medicine, 353 Cedar Street, New Haven 11, Connecticut. Very truly yours, OR Ud. h Robert M, Yerkes Chairman