een | Flortang; Feb, 16 1920 At home we ‘think - we have quite a earnival in ew orleans on Marat Gras but ‘there is nothing An ‘the world chat can ‘touch ‘Brazil when it comes to going orazy in carnival week. That is what at is hers now and the ‘barouches a a automobi 1es already at 6189 in the Palle are rolling through the streets Loaded with singing maidens, to 0 up to the publi square and. wheel round and round, while the word stares ab their costumes ana ‘throws paper : ‘Streamers at the 300d Loikicing ones, That ‘koeps up steadily bill about Q Peus when the big dances begin ond the crowd in the square . aimini shes. a Ait ttle, Thi 8 is the second daye= ve have one more to goer, ana all the Sundays for the past two uonths have been Baar carnival in expectation, But the thing that gives it the flavor is the custom of having oe battles with ethyl. chloride eprays-= sues. Like ‘what you have in the 0.P.D. only that dissolved in t tne _sturt is good otrong perfume 1 Well everyone has these things . oo everyone and the fights are on every minute, Your —_ as a Lotharto is to get some dow the pack er into the ear of any virl you choose, ghe does the same in self. diffonce, and the BULL. OF PERFUME 1s AWFUL. : never have imagined an atmosphere like that of one of the sporty clubs (called cloobby here) last nA Gas where I Wes at the dance, It was as hot as Glass Day but entirely indoors and evry minute these vile perfume squirts going ea1d over yOu. My_ coat still smells ag George Biegler used to say of similar situations "like Mary Gardens axilla" and. there is nothing to do but wait untdd carnival is Overs BUS at is a blessing in ai agui se-~ for we are not ‘without socially sneegee negroes here and perhaps fleurs at amour 1s to be vreferred, I an too vise to. want to rick my happiness to fleurs d' Senegambia, Well, since mriting youmny last letter much has happened, I have about two more weeks to Ge to finish the second survey z made Ports. ‘The first we Gs a region about, tine size OF * ~ ® ‘ ¥ eae aay ache sn has passed to fore getting the game, I was very glad. Pic tater Fey x ei ster-in-lam for the yeur 1020, positions . 4 wate By % Meh eo ies 2% 4 aa Rei , a in, this oeaie, ma ae since I eterte : oe ee future lire Harding) comuend her, she rence 9 * ai tgree sake No Mans Tana t) . ola se ry gee = Lous of. ‘the | tia? , ie oy FE ar present ignorance te anything to go by, Lae * eS eS ate } ee eS oe 5 ce eres - wong gat + to lea. eas ne me, In ne nts ime ae I ea ey es te em sé oo bgt gS lee . ight dancing with the dark eyed Senhoritas this, I never supposed a man could sweat 80 much, clothes that it certeinly takes a very” merry even- They dont dance very well: oné his to fail back ee" on memories of 22 Gen, end ‘Kitty Van Buskirk to keep from fore Eee ar a ase PCE SES very’ AGe 4: new the girl I could come fairly close to compliment= ing hers all t iow ef hey. conduct and Juigenent thusfar ( al a must be ‘Steve Sabine’ Ss / another year of the war of , “by ‘ the * an American surgeon, The wre mostly) are to be found, 16 years from now the American colony in Ro will be bho ‘enous a to support a girl: at ia fairly near impossible, “ 7000 wile ice Hn tH taey can, stand en awful lotta s, cause its a sue they t be, good, depend a 6908. eal nore than, we. Ao. en, old friends and ary-goods, otores and... -gubaide. diversion: which. arent this. country" 8, strong, pointe," ve. seen, too, many perfectly good women tiring themselves all. out here, who have enjoyes, life, in. other, foreign. sountriessnot #9 ye. very seopt- ical. ef 4% here, cae a z him osap’ ed Since November the first I, have: exangned., 40260, people for, heoksorn.,. malerip2 history end spleen, ondargenent,, seen to - % is 2 obo Bane BETS. edie ey PA pee onéller state 56 Santa Sethorina,. There saxona, are. & number of interesting things. about, this. publi¢ health games the one that 3000 ond, treatuents for hockwork ‘and, ki Ms wae ale us sppesls. to me ‘the most 48. shat, with; a ‘dbbere, Anstruetion er. the patients: dont have bo. have - the disease. aL). over aged and the general utandara of living is coning Up 2, bit ae a result of instruction, We have. explained the whole inns te about, 2000 people and | Hackett haa. certainly got the vovernnents | stirred up toa great pitch of onthushasn, They” are paying a very tidy part of the freight now: and we. atoy on running the works, I'11. stiek in a card we use &9 give you an ide ay the numbers in the righ t hand corner are for the heighta of all under 21 and - an coing LO have some interesting figures on the influence Of hookworm on growth when \ gat tt me to sit down and analyse 10000 cards, The teve use (oypht as history) is. very | generously filled out, ‘There fe no ‘such: thing ao if reserve on tl that subject he EDO | se hs ee ‘The Bosch. ie herein eres . nuaber's | ond quite umabash= ed, I must aay t get fea. ‘Up bo the: teeth Ii stoning’ to the German I hear sp soken everyuhere here. But ‘they are here. to stay and m4 x in vith the Brazilione | -- 80 that, you dont have to worry ‘much : about their future! As Gernans they are iat much beloved by the prasiiians-- but their Andustr: ousness and tech nical wnt *have been talking with Reo Bennett again and he is certainly | interesting and of an overwhelmingly interesting period, eee was on the New vork World at ‘the time when the Panama Canal Was being worked out of the hands of the old French company — and being made ready for the use of the U. 5. rt happened. that at _that time a pair of New York engineers(for names see the World of that time) backed by Joe Leiter formed the Hackensack ilead= ee Company to drain Buttermilk Channel and develope the Meadows "for factory sites, One of the engineers had had the contract for the Croton Dam for the city of Bex York and was naturally in a position to get a good many good things under way and an access to plenty of Capi tal, Bennett was employed by the company to sok the secret of this Hackensack company wie ck me the arrangement being | that when the stock reached 75 (from 12) Bennett Was to get some ¢25, 000. fox his Joumalistic services, Well it was accomplished after Bennett had promised a good ripe rakeoff to a number of the Newspapermen of his acquaintance who had given their aid. going to collect his o25, wes he was told to get out of the of five of the engineer, and naturally his friends being somewhat suspicious __ thought his failure to come across was due to his desire to pocket the whole sun, This made him thoroughly angry and he went over the ground to get something on the engineer, W .Barclay Parsons | told hin mPa the Croton contract and he found that the other engineer was under 17 indictments for peonage in Tennessee alone , Then came the bids for the Panama Canal and this firm of engineers ; was the lowest bid put up. Then Bennett's time came and with Bar- — clay Parson's help and that of Lindon Bates he started analysing ~ the Panama plans and so successfully did the destructive criticism work that new developments came along rapidly. It appeared that a compny was well underway, to buy the old French Company out at 3 million and sell at 40 to the goverment--patriots all, Douglas Robinson was in it, Pierpont Morgan was in it, and there were a good many others who wished like the deuce they werent in it, aes fg Sete: Sc eee SS Sake te oe Saar es ee F ays -Roosevely sued the New York World in the capacity of President_o _ _______of the U.S. because the stories of the paper were subversive to __ _skipped to Naw Paris where he_ began. wpe French information. against the day of his extradition, ; _Alfred Henry Lewis telegraphed him to come home, and_ ee time he was taken down to Washington to see. the, Colonel, a= ___who with a bottle and a half of Scotch to the three of them, _ “began bawling out Bennett who began giving as much as he got. _ he upshot was the appointment at a later date of Goethais and _____the Canal put through on entirely different plans from the origin al. And Roosevelt offered Bennett the job of Brazilian Trade Commissioner--- and the world has been quieter. ever since! As B, tells it all in all a fascinating story, Also the story of the sewaueoat joker Cyrus G Ward, : At the Times bar all the newspapaer men had to congregate because a eae was ‘too close to their work ‘to go anywhere else as easily. | The nee. Was notoriously tight fisted and the newspaper men Se eae ee "decided to get pees So one day one when a fine old man was dozing in the corner one of the reporters lifted ‘the cane and hurriedly — _ bought the appropriate tissue seeper etc and made , with a11 the C aemeare an atroctously sarcastic ‘speech of ‘presentation to the parkeeper- - which he took as being» genuine and ordered up arinks een sca bisheartcnd rl Mae ae was put in the window, Then ‘the eee eee back and, “ae: barkeep was sold, When the reporter who bee had pulled the trick came in the barkeep said: "Well you got ae . ee ali right-- but 4s get you yeti" thr reporter came right back i “What! you let the old bluff have your cane that we gave to you ‘Why that was Cyrus G Ward and he bet me $100 he could take the cane away from you the same aay we gave itt" And again the barkeeper bit--and rushed out ce ‘find the true C a; Ward in his. office and tell him where to get off! discipline at West Point, or some such strange suit, and Bennett __ - gorry for the people who Rhwe 1t as you do with most diseases Bennett considers that the joy in being a New Yorker is a _ disease, an interesting disease because instead of feeling th man with this disease feels sorry for the people who haven't got it, The disease of being a Brazilian I have not a I reassure you) succumbed to in that intensity, I still feel . sorry for the people who have it, After Pebruary q shall go up to Rio for the begifning of March and then return here to live for & month or so in the town of Florianopolis establishing the posthans here for the thorough treatment of the whole population, That will see me well into the month of April and probably into Mey . oe I got gome clothes yesterday from a tailor in Cambridge with o, note saying that I had please to let him know if the clothes: fit and he will then now whether to go on and finish dated JulgZg Srd! It reminds me the ‘the order, The request was way. they recken, ‘the dis tance of starg-«~ number of light years 1. rust you got a check from me recently for all of the loan of April 21919. I cannot bear to have America remain the Banker of the World too long! Us reconstructed countries arent always ain. the dbtors--- except in the spirit, The only ‘period of time in ny léfe that I cant remember being grateful to yen you was that time you scalded me in my bath tub, | Luckily the scar is only mental! Mavvacs quart J eau We “have & telegraph operator here who has malaria abel and that was the reason I didnot send you a telegram on the ™ 4 rh roi — sreat occasion recently, When the chills are upon — la i knows what he \mi.cht be understood as trying to say, It has / already been \ the despair of thousands here--- but what can - you do! ‘ "i yi fa \ ‘ ‘A Your lovink brother — \ Be Chefe da Commissao Rockefeller deste Estado Cee ere re SS ‘ rae) Ne 4 > tx % i w x : 1%} £23. WG : ae ae . vs id yp j 4. a — Lek ie reeeee hie. BES a EAE OMT ae dit” > é ih gee oy : I bhve just been out in the backeyard snooting with a bodocue which is pronounced bawdawek, and. trying to shoot as straight aS the natives-=-— which ae nopeless, It is a combina- tion of a sling and a. bow and it looks like this: but in stead of arrows the natives — use dried clay petlets which get very hard and are easily hard enough to kill birds with, The natives are so sure that you can throw a tostao (a piece of money the size of a quarter) into the air and they can hit it. Then too I have been playing with a roarer, which is @ piece of horse-hair twined thus over a twig and at the other end at tached to a hollow dun open at. one end so that the WRBBANE, of th e horse-hair ‘makes & very loud noise, “When I wae up at ‘Lages oe which ‘ss | place “you can perhaps find on the nap about 270 kilometers west of the island of Santa Catharina, ~«- IT ate an armadillo and here is his picture before he. was eaten, They are very hard gasp to catch 18 they once get into the en- 1 trance of their nape because they bend over and the long acales stick out ot right angles and erip the walls of the burrow, The meat is very sweet and they are rather rare now as @ result, I got sens skins of ante eaters which are enktnd tanandoa a pandeira because their tails are S09 big and wavy they look like flags, one I saw was almost the size of a ‘bull-nide and the claws were huge, He has ‘three claws on each foot and when he fights ‘ Boo ¢ . : ihe rie talons which come embrace--- we Fy tates more enemy is ¥ sposed | tee - . nee ei Pikin. # 4 ey ri? eee mel « ‘ “ ee 5 & 5 zi isappear inside when he draws it in happily, las are queer trees for if you cut ut nest morning there is almost a foo & tig ep Pty: ara 2 aie ; es — ready above the level of the cus, I didnt believe thig ad to be shown, They mow very well be- ie . “/ i oh a. ‘ti ei: « told me ao I ha cause after one bunch of bananas has growm on a tree - 4t wont bear any more until it is cut dom and a ows from the same root, i. 5 gue _ * . : weds Up in Therezopolis I met a German FES gm ns 8 5 th thins ah % K . OF Ne fhe a Ea . ste - ‘ eR ¢ “ bs z alas ee im , ; whe « ‘ Rite Me om the eggs so as to have ‘s ™ ae " ‘ a em he had raised f, ¢ Lee > 3 ie perfect specimens and his collection numbers more than ee 3 ey 3 ¢ : om Ff . rot : ig Pr as aise “apy z " 532 different kinds, I do not think that in the U.S, swe have more than 100 ian a it be ‘ , ‘ \ — ies a you can see that he has a very fine collection, ae * Pica , which is be wearing a > a . ient) she would certainly aad wet sche ; # . ee : f ; the thumb tucked between # % 4 ; 47 wt + OF ome ee Ae i‘ : B ‘ % ‘A a 4° % ’ a P ; oe nd closed over Lt, It is gust the way my Mother « p the figa is always the instead of the left. Faith Bemis used to sleep that se © * “ ‘ . eR ~ way when she was heli ove * he laying his long oot of new banana plant « when they who has spent 26,000 to Europe so that I guess he is pretty successful! are at 211 common-- 60 that ‘If Elise were a Brazilian ( which I am glad she the first and second finger and a hand ag ox carved out of coral or ivory or ebony, with 8 food as you “seize it and suddenly years collecting butterflies and moths, Last month he sent one down the mex le toy ee £8 , } * : es “Ee ord it har m 1 ‘ “skir They wade out : a low water and fling it very gracefully and skillfully ds all spread out aid sinks in the water in e of a cone, The frightened shrimp are too slow to get “a i: 4% . ed “ : outside the leaded sinking berder end then the fishormm begins to pull gently and the brder slowly closes together — —— ” Ps the net, You with plenty of shrimp caus ? « ae ae % et Pee ale. ® i . * « ways e4% shrimpe- cmarao-- if you dont use them all pee ean a) a8 ‘bait out in the harbor, When the day has been bad for ¢ a ; F # nh . Me é | fishing I can always tell at night walking along by the mits - Deeause the children.are 411 orying of hunger, §. 9. 4 Pe ee Sef. ee An intersting thing h their type of boat here, 4 ‘ 2 4 ; . te : ’ e° ¥ : ; . é i Silene cane itn So ” 4 One is a plain descendant of the whaling dories of the New | 3 _--«- Bedford wanderers, with long keels and sharp prow and ste . im » ie rc : . the other 1s a canoa or am canoe cut out of one single log , : . % : | and very big and easy to paddle, They use a sail for these _ or canoas and can make very good time, Read Pour Years Before The ¥ hei f Mast end you may find some reference to this island, for it was where many of the boats put in for the last time before they =| started around the Morn by the straits of Magellan, Magellan's . gat coe PRC RRS ee . sss veal name was Magellaes which 1s pronounced }\: bc, wouldnt look up from his maps if so loudly, Oh, I forgot to «: sph pole was snapped off and the 4, : 3 % paepaw end if you put some of oe ‘put a plece of meat in it the meat ‘pe aigestéd thd °° re ‘ ‘ “ ‘. 4 next day , Everybody - . a : e * es * i 3 . 4 Pa a ie. 1 the meat there ie on the table a Brazilian get away with four kinds’of meat at one m gtak a ‘ # P ; . avn uew at CU ee 4 Os CKO : ile ile as ? ("4 # ; 4 * % ae £ : néal**” Good -luck” : ‘eve 59¢ - ork while you wo? k it is always easicr and yc : | bie ‘a lot more time left over for every it Ost oe gan Always 1 it, Ge eee : eo \ ’ as it Tt YR - ‘ ‘Tey te 2 ‘ : our loving uncle ¢* $ ie Se February 23 1920 Dearest Pa and “Mes ! ee mee : ‘For the third time my duck trousers have come ‘back from the wash ently pressed from side to aide ad remonstrances: with _ the svarthy child have been moekiy accespted, we are on our last stand on this inspection and it certainly is a ruinous one, ‘The ine habitants of the island of ‘Santa Catharina are the most densely ig- norant ana hopelessly aistrustful that we have come across yet and. here we ahve been waiting for people to examine for almost a week and only about 120 have turned up, I have hac. less ambi tion than at any tife in my life, but thank the lord have had a ‘few magazines to Pead, i Like the inglish Nation better than any of our reviews, It hide a letter from Benjamin Franklin to br Fothergill which when, you have been lolling in a stifling barn for a week reading about what your friends are doing in the world that moves ,aEG nee & certain i tae: flavor, to wits : , og ' Dear Doctor: : | ; : 7 . I resteret your: favor: of the 1oth of December, It Was a great deal for one to write , Whose time is so little his om, By the: way Hach 22 go you intend to live? i,@, to enjoy Life, To be hurried ate perpetually from one 3s! ck chamber to another is not living. Do you please yourself with the fancy that you are _ doing good? You are mistaken, Half the lives you save are not. worbh the saving, as being useless, and almost the other half ousht — -* to be saved as being HHMZKEMM mischievous, Does your conscience hint to you the impbety of being in constant warfare against th: plans of Providence? Disbase was intended as the punishment | of intemperande. sloth and other vices; and the example of that pun= ishment was intended to promote and strngthen the opposite virtues, — You seem to be just the some service to sochety as some favorite , first Minister, who out of the great benevolence of his heart should ~ procure: pardons for all criminals that applied for them", Ba: is & curious fact that only at rare intervans have I seen : anyone with even a low average of ambition or intelligence and the constant daily contact with people who hhve all the appearance of “havens bled to death is in the long run strangely depressing. to am o more warers aed than, peeved: + knew that there wouldnt be much nen tal excitement here--- ‘but I aia not suppose that the contact wi th 10500 hookwormed would leave me slightly in the digeard 50 far as oi p is concerned, That is the number we had finishea at uhe | end of last month=- this nonth we ought, to ‘have 41009 done. se ‘ As tn about a ‘eoek I an salen up te Rio, (Youaa. eet this glad news after I have started back again) That will be a, pleasnat SHARE? for me as it is quite different from here, t will probably “spend e a painful sum ‘of mil-reis and have a a good enough time to last “tall the same time next yeor! specie " * ‘got a buneh of letters when 1 got back from Lages and the large number from Pa Was a delught, ‘They give me quite . clear idea of all thats going on, Faith's family seens to be approaching like 8 railroad train or a herd of buffalo and I shouldnt wonder if she sometimes Got rather flabbergasted at the determined and loud » noise they make, Mothers theoretically should never ‘stop the once thoy have begun-- they can of course slow dowm-- btu grandchildren _ should be always sneaked under their wings before the ardent 1st. gen, ‘youngest, has begun to leave the nest for trial trips, ‘Thue the mother a an seep mp in. t e rg where the ) good ones always want = be, in Brasil, But it is still an oda thing to come into one of our ‘treataent. parties and here. and see the general scene, A group of pallid monkey=1ike nen. and extraordinars ly dumpy women seated on their haunches slong the walls, many smoking these terrible paile cigarettes and a guarda choking medicine into some lemon yellow kid about twelve years old in height and 18 by the. word of the entire asseubly, Gosh I can | Give you a sample of 4t all right when I get home, Brazilian. summers are not very bad here, It is the light more than the heat that gets me, I have been really surprised at th e 4 mildness of it, But they gay there Was nothing merciful in ht season at Rio. this year, r an glad I atant have to be there for r aun certains *~ Ly better off in cold weather . a J y | Lobicing over some of these typewritten letters I have been 8 ¥ bowed by then greatly for they seem to have nothing in them that 9 as. ‘Burton Holmes wouldnt fcel 72.8 ‘formal enough to use on next years ie circuit, Tin sorry for this and should ha, ine seen it sooner, There is going to be Less of Brazil now that I' 11 be more confined to ‘Florian ‘ opolis-- SO long hand letters will be more in order. for various ‘reasons, | og wout have to live so uuch from a suit case as in the past end ink aoe I have just returned from the movie, which was brightened and varied by the appearance. of a disgracefully fat and painfully brunette (though pasty) Spanish dancer-- Strellita, Strellita' s = at oe corsage after the first moult was reassuringly metallic in lustre hough a half spin she did gave evidence orf what heroic work was being done by hooks and eyes, She jellied fearfully in the brisk- er and more kittenish steps, singing quite without expression and rolling her eyes 1 rt, q 1t, and 2 up. Her various changes behing he scene left her thinner and less See Ais «i but the voice and face were in no way relieved, Then a Brazilian in the audience made a few remarks out- loud, wittily as he thought, Not so the manager , who advanced with ‘three frightend policemen ana began to expostulate with the fresh guy. Entire families were leaving the boxes and the house ae general beamed interest and satisfaction at the diversion, Then came the head manager iorward and because the witty one did not want to go out , screamed out "Voce esta preso!" (Youre a _prisoner!"), At this a wide circle of empty chairs rormed around the disturber of the show who began orating on the rights of man, while three policemen and two managers lashed themselves into verbal fury crying "Youre arrested ! Youre a prisoner !" This lasted 10 minutes till the man allowed himself to be suided out by at least five pairs of hands, with numerous hot pauses of pro- test against actual coercion--- world wide privilege of the arrested it seems---- to the Delegacia da Policia, During the last twenty yatid€s toward the Delegacia our wit began to weep wlth bitter humiliation, but by the time he got inside he was in full oratorical tongue. ae oa oe om a After becoming accustomed to vhese what must a Brakilian think of an American arrest ! Worse than any crime! Mrs Bennett told a story of one of Reo's parties which ended in his usual cheery imaginative irresponsibilty and sensitiveness, When he came in at 2 A.M, he was still quite drunk but very harmlessly so and’ she thought that it would be a good time teleeatek him for it, So she simply did not recognise’. him, and persistently refuded to understand who he was in spite of his aggrieved statements, He soon began to feel very miserable and sat dow and cried for a while-- which was what she wanted, After a few minutes. of grief he pulled’ himself together and began moving the bureau over against the door, then the ward-robe was draggeded over, She lay in bed wondering what in the world he was going to do, and finally asked hin why'he was doing that . " Well’Madam" said Reo "Your see thas is the first time in my life I have had to spend the night with a t i perfect stranger and I cant be interrupted