Published for the information oF all ranks (4) METHOD OF RENDERING LABOR EASY AND RAPID. Homen takes off his shirt, vhen —— begin, aulher takes th will turn their rts inside o a Ry bg and put them on, Mulher will then sit,Znwith xchanged shirt on, in @ meiascleara (20 Mitre tub 5 with — hat of homen on back ofr head, : | (2) METHOD O} PROGNO™ ‘1S IN 3 VERE COUGHS : Cétch a mayu (fish ten inches long) and axa. near the nie ons, ae Will spit in fishes mouth a good sized . quantity, Fish will be innediately replaced in happier surro’ dings, if Sa ohne up strean petient will live, ae oe 98 os gr 7 (3) Kee ‘FOR PARACHS , cee Patient will eer one bottle of want’ ‘012. ‘into. a ‘wteve chicke en Soup end then swallow, following ee, with, three grains of incense inan pesee, apete, (4) CURB OF MENINGITIS wines WIE G A (iebboi ceive“ Gateh rabbit, ki1 and wht 1e warn nels @ peneroun ca para tony to fit head of pétient, Jam-dewn over the ears tig ntly; sel- a in feiis 1f it really | wag ees es (5) TO EXTRACT PRACENTA oe Cut cord and apply to the inside of rigne ‘diet Place a abtpper sole outwarde over cord and tie with red ribbon, Dear Tom; i hope you can use some one of these soon as they represent the very best. of the medical practice an 320 Matheus and -vicind ty and I opent much time and etrenghh in acairing them, It “was a& lovely little hamlet in the very heart of this herve growing wilds, and now I am seated in @ OFA little river steamer trying . our best to get up a very shallow river and looking. forward with quasi=mi li tary resignation to opending | tie. days . to get 40 niles, The boat is filled with huge sacks of matte, a bunch of curious half breeds and a Brazilian fauily of 6 vhich seons to follow. the machine gun principle, no time lest between Manes S, ond every Vara ety, of trunk or bag that the world tae sedan, . Your letter was grend-- a review of cverything at the hospital that I wanted to know about, as well, ac the important information as to the establishment of the Maison ‘Goethals, to th visiting of which I look forward with the greatest pleasure, I read it along wit bh one or two others on the way to Rio Negro, This cane of Anspection is certainly damned. good fun, I can peak ‘the e Mince now enough. “fe go and interview _ Proteato wt “ ¥ : Se ii Fae 8 Rte hia iy a | ee ~ * eee ye eee pe ee ae ¥ ‘ ees ; q ad the @nstant variety of country, of people, and of prevalent diseases is cert inly interesting, An engineer was doing’ #0 me work near Sao HMatheus a while ago, The nahives heard tin’ eaiiea "docter" and before Long an anxious sabeclo was at the door begging hin to give him a prescription for rendering childbirth easy, He told the man he was an ehsindes not @ medico but that was one degreebe~ yond the cabocieo's euiariihei ia aes and as an excuse 1% did nothe ing toward removing the man from the door, So, being a wan of resources he s#4a he had no remedy with him but he could wets give a very good oracao or prayer which she could wear around her neck as is the custom with oracaos,- But when he came to — look for paper he found nothing but & receipted bill ror a mule — «nao faz mal--+ he wrapt it up and it was borne away carefully by the pleased native, Well, the labor went beautifully, and for two years the oracao went from neck to neck, and when it finally wore out it was taken to a medico for him to rearrange it for a, career of further usefulness, Nor can the caboclos yet under} stand why he was a littie peeved as he gave it hack eeu the omer insisted on having it, and no blooming ergot or pituitrin, A Letter from Smillie tells me that a tray from me to you and Mary is on “the way to the Masg,Gen,Hosp, God knows I + do hope it arrives and that it is in good shape on arrival, When I get to Ponta Grossa I will read your letter again and if there is anyhting to answer I will write separately, end ~eain anyhow soon, My regards to Hink, What is the news I von ‘ Pete Scholl? tT In - - ‘ % a CPR OS = oo) : 7S. 40”) Se ee a Es c = 7 oe ae a ‘ pa eae es : a Mk ALL norning out in a patel palais on the edge of matteo or forest. which for densi ty has no equal, getting off the horse and clapping hands, fa & Signal that you'd like to be ine | vited oe ceremoniously shaking hands with a frightened and en- barrassed peasant and his wife while the kids rush into the bush and hide, taking hemoglobin and examining spleens, and. urging them to come to the laboratory, looking over the saints of Poland massed in regiments over the walls while the parents catch their children. and drag them in weeping. or grinning. with embarrassment, Looking at the quesr system ‘they have for drying and grinding their matte-- the tea they export here-- and’ then _ Fetuming to the tiny Camara iumicipal or City Hall where ny cot bed adorns the back porch and the worhties of Brazilian history gaze absent mindedly from antique and rotten portraits upon two Bausch and Lomb microscopes and two of. ay microscopists a work finding what the rate of infection is here in Sao Matheus ~e- that's what September fifth finds me at, in a tiny settles | ment reached once & week by & river boat on. the Iguassu river state of Parana, southern Brazil, | Tonight we have a baile or ball, held in. noaage to the excellentissima bride of Snr Gilberto de Paula Be itenee si jo de seu enlace matrimonial (in rejoicement of their enlaging matrinonially) whieh I look. forward $0 #8 with great. JOT, for we are Anyi ted, to the first ball this place has ever blom itself to and if Brazilians are. good at anything it ia in. screamingly useless cermonials and celebrations all held with a solemnity that — beyond my fondest dreams of what is funny, Right now the bend is shambling by* horns, rusty and useless looking, some of the men in sandles others with high leather boots, some with black kerchiefs and. patent American collar buttons, others gall- ing against celluloid affairs , but aid delightfully serhous and without embarrassment, bound for the house of hte bride where they will play in hellish discord till jantar (evening vse and then later at the baile, s i es I am floating round this etat® of parana wish te” in. the south of Brazil and about seven times the size of Belgium finding out in an inspection whether and where the Commission can do the most effective work, “Some places have an iisdetiii of 80 ts 90 % with hookwormy others much less, ‘put this is good direct work in‘ = interesting part of the country and when I can keep the aceounts of the sax other five men stright an more or less content, I like to see occasional | sli she speaking people like Mr Jobbins-- a sailor who landed because he ‘over “heard the Cap$ain say to the First Mate that he was | coing to imprison all the crew until the beer that had @isappearcd on the way out from Hamburg to Rio was accounted for, This fonty three years ago, when Signor Jobbins slid over-board in Rio harbor and escaped -»- to the Heart of Parana where he has stayed ever since, Jobbins presents me With a cuia to drink | matte from saying "I opes you will acsate 4t,sir” “= nbs English esigaute with the’ ee aa meaning to accept, _ The Poles knit red thread around used electric oe é light globes and use them for decoations in their | houses, Hides of animals like otters for example are five mil-rbbs or about a dollar, All the medical Sv, es side of life is fearfully primitive of course, But ne Oe : ” the animals and oo and trees and I imagine the flawers that are Lo come s0on=- all these are tremendously interesting and doubly interesting be= cause really nothing is ag yet know ‘ef them, If t etop this wandering life I shail try to fit up a 1 little lab and get to work on the essentials of some of thesex forms of existence, Not that I am going to spend my days in Brazil “ow -Ehve my best-te the SSE: F dogger hath Harrington , §3 Mail yh Oss ‘ ea ‘ 4 EAE ee Dear Mrs. Rice; _ 2% / Whenever I mount a festive or even a docile steed § think of you and all your ‘family, So this morning when the time came for me to get i board and go out to the Péhish col- ony here I found myself wondering agaain how everything is at Turner B Hill and thinking that I would like to write and find out perhaps in time for Christmas, This is not & reflection on you as @ correspondent! It is just the way things happen here, I am very far from civilization here, it is just on the edge of untouched trees and unmapped country, where the evenings di- versions are the experiences of those present with the various) queer animals and the numerous poisonous snakes that are two to three leagues away, It is still the time of Daniel Boone here for you see pare-footed men out in the matto with a powder, horn and a flint lock rifle getting the evening meal from @ tree or a bush, All the. aninals are new;. tatu, paca, eachoeira do matto lonta etc and the ‘scenery. ae fascinating especially as spring is just begkining, The name of ‘the place is Sao Matheus; its raison | d'etre is the trade in atte, A tiny town quite helpless if the river is too low for the funny little boats that bring the weakly mail fron Curi ty be , our capital here in Parana, If the river Iguassu gets too low from Lack of rains wee have nothing for it but PATIENCIA ( which is their virtue and. their vice here in Brazil), Here in this state of Parane, whieh is about the sise of seven Belgiums lumped togehter and poorly explored, I am making, a survey to see if there is ‘enough Hookworm to nake work on a Large scale worth while for the Commi ssion, I have under me and ever with me a Brazilian docter and four trained mi croscopists, and with whom I as going all over the state examining the people and getting atatistics of the a amount of infection, It is identically the . same wandering life that was in France the charm and the curse of existence in Field Hospitals, but with a number of easily surmised advant: * 4 ' stimulus ‘to similar goverment undert For me it is proving to be what I wanted-- very g00d administra- tive experience together with a large amount of advent-" ure sights sounds and ‘forms of food that T have never — seen before, to say nothing of the extraordinary in- terest on the medical side, ssion here” “The end result of the work of the Commi “4s the cure of eight to ten thousand persons per tionth * for the whole of the e@untry and a very interesting | ae { eat th ys : 4 ‘ dent nerican of our direction, Largely assisted by moving pictures, and ‘having part of ite origin in the © politisal necessities of Brazil as regards the Argene © tine there is here a great deal of interest in and . enthusiasm for the United States, As long-ad ‘we keep out of Mexico this will keep on growing--that 1s what - the oldest American residents pray for the ‘most, but > they watch our relations vith Mexi¢o with a hewks ‘eye. as ao the Brazilians for when we adopt the part of . chastiser they have no effective weapon execpt hatred NO eae distrust. out in the colony, we have run into some > aafficulty iin ak getting the Poles ‘te come ‘for examination, “the ‘teh rumor has gone around that really I am an officer in the | Anerican aray and that I am here getting the nanes and ages and physiea] condition of possible fubure conseripts for a war we are eping to have in the United States soon! The examinations of ‘the wonen and the iT usend a or aie dren are only to hide the: real purpose of the mbesion, An experience like another we naa where the local wizard told the people that the arops ‘of, blood we ‘took to exane ine we were selling to the Devil aN enough profit to make us fabulously wealthy, We had no’ more chance in that village--- the people hia in their houses. Mad we left, Sut tomorrow the Padre will explain | what’ we are== ‘and ~ ae aa hope for, two hundred after church, Ther is no question but that the opportunity’ to help people is a favor which they confer upon you; that free hospitals owe thanks to their patients and that even passing rage at those who refus® assistance i868 in this light utter stupidity, Perhaps medical training blinds the doctor to this, But it is a fact and when it is recognized Public Health will take a big leap forward, Forgive this heavy philosophising, I should perhaps be telling you of the more interesting things heres of the night I went well out of my way to rescue a lost child who wae erying in # diteh by a hill traile--only to find it was a jubilant frog singing in the mud crying just like @ child, Or of a bird that sings in flocks one sitting on a branch in front of the rest and setting the time by swinging his body | @rchestra birds they call them, Of royal palms, of the labor- atory where Brazilian doctors have worked out effective cerums for all the poisonous snakes in Brazhl except one, of the enormous vogue that lotteries have here, and of all the thousamd things that seem odd to me, But these I will leave until [ can learn everything at first hand or perhaps better till I can tell a few to you in that delightful breakfast room at your house, | I am getting a little bit firmer on horseback and hope that you will see some progress next time I get a chance to slide aown to Ipswich, My very best to you all and a Merry Christmas! AS ever piicae 5: ie lamba i th a 2 ot A flour mill in the Polish colo ny in Sao Matheus, made from a single log cut in two and the two opposing surfaces filled with steel nails, r Pinienwald am Rio Preto. Pn Pinhal no Rio Preto. Streitiges Gebiet zwischen St. Catharina und Parana. Zona contestada entre St. Catharina e Parana. Sept IY It is a cold evening in Imbebetuva, Estado do Parana, and I am sitting in the kitchen of an unrented unfurnished house with the bright 36 candle power light which we carry about us making the oLeling whiter, the door greener and the fhoor redder than they are by the day light, Outside the streets are deserted and a cold mist is parring in the » pinheiros that crowd up almost into the city from all sides, Imbetuva is a town well into the center of the state established on the old trail to Guarapuava, and now a frone- tier town of the real sort, where you. m** ‘ g@ every day huge big prairie schooners drawn by two lines of mules four abreast | = and covered with great sheets of ™ dark red canvas, which protects from the rain the hides and the herva matte that nearly always crowd the driver in his seat, It is a town of horsemen and @s we approach the Argentine line that bezins to mean more end more, for the animals are better bred and have fewer parasites and as a result. look very handsome, A town too where lions skins hang f casually from the axe-hewn posts of the vendas, for sale at §4,00 each, And such a town as to make it, good policy for the Padre to dress like a man and to try to be- hove like one; for there is much more manhood afloat here than elsewhere I have seen----contact with much leather seems to have a definite effect on mens spirits} Last night Silveira was telling me of the habits of the caboclos here in the Matte, He has been a fur trader and he says that .the most valu.ble hide is that of an onea ( or word ounce) or S.A, tiger, when it has been killed by the cabocio plunges with his free right arm the dz | a caboclo with a forquilla, A forquilla is a long forked - poke of strong wood, Se deft do these natives become, (they are mostly Indian blodd) that they dare to tease a tiger into springing eat them and are able to jab the fork right at his neck and strangle him and fix him by the weight of his om flying body 50 firmly that a companion or some times alone they can beat the onca to death and thus leave his skin with- out a scratch, Another more valorous method is to wrap a large amount of straw around the left arm and outside this slats of wood and outside this withes of cipo ax a loose growing very useful vine that is almost as good as rope, so thet the caboclo has finally a forearm as big or bigger “than his leg, He then takes his humting dagger and starts out for trouble, When he finally meets his onca he throws rocks at him dances about and taunts the tiger into a rage, When the tigre finally springs the caboclo guards with his left arm which the tiger bites in whole-hearted rage while scer into the tigers heart or of necessity very close to it, before * he falls down in the final tussle, of course frequently the onca gets in a fearful swipe with hie claws and frequently the fight is not at all one sided when the reckoning is made # 3 _ thet -eebut it strikes me as a pretty sporting sort of a fight, . They are an interesting type of humanity, these caboclos, much ‘ like our Indians in their knowledge of the woods, Their hair is very ¢ fine and silky and very black and a frequently their eyes have a good deal of frankness and beauty which the other races here dont have, They are «mazingly simple in their dette of living but have a serious simplicity that is a great contrast to the leering carelessness of the degenerated European, , ee aS # > ¥ a . september 19 ™~ m L Today has been. the, first, leg ofa journey .to quand puava an old-old settlement in the heart ‘of ‘the state, thirty. lea- _gues from Imbéetuva, sto which I: am: going alone tom see if it _ 18 worth while for an inspection!sfhe other five ‘I am leaving _at work in paEDS LESS Bheae to igo: on to a desenhe: if I tele- graph them:to, —— is soveatie " Di nsicsniscgncinshigaetgcecncillep apis onsaentibicienldieaat teeta eee : nisin bi A é i we ae ; i ee Japanese kimono which Elinor gave me * these many years ago, while sulphur burns death to’ the fleas in my clothes in my, duffle bag close by, The town being Pru- = dentopolis the hotel being the Roth, Of the town and its a8. the diligencia» jolted down the rhiowurbis road at twilight, _But just that glimpse showed a Greek style of church anda ‘tendency to second stories on the Russian plan---which is all_ natural enough , this is a Polish colony’ aged some 85 years, Of a certainty when we start outein&. the: morhing we shall see the white haired pasty faced children "Braz ilians"; mnie nenmennnceceneetenten ux een eetereneneneseyiinnennaemnilD __.......__Verdade, which is P, for Gruly. butts said very: sing- streets, of the type of church and houses: we- got but. a 4 glimpse __song, ver-da-de, this is interesting country. It is all hills ee a Se hen int 6ient Horse and all pine trees, and all along these red-purple roads we \ | : |. prairie schooners like this . one, deep wine red in color and presided over by the : stern type that. once —— _kept Frederic Remington. _busy, or occasionally will _.come sliding .along on a4 __fine single-footer-a man _ With @ hat that fairly co- — . yers him, black neckerchief high black boots and a raw hide lariat attached to his x ~trunksiof red brown, porous trunk to trunk--) to be admired. but not explored for the ) high saddle that-shines iy ‘fh Ky, - © nt and back with repousse -in. silver metal, It -iscin its own way our west allcover again and why oh why doesnt anybody know. about it !- 3 Such punctiliocus sreetings. when these fellows dismount--_ . & ~Sim. meus senhores!" arid shakin g hands all. rouad, Such perfection in wasting time , Such obviuos gun.barrels on the hip when they stoop over, 3 : | a + 7 > Along ‘the side of the roadithe chachin,- hi fire-y stuff, topped. by I a ~ huge burst of fern leaves, Sometimes these in,fences we cascavels or local: rattieris is so apt to besnestling in a ie. ee te ae aii pa lal | 5 + > c he 20llyiiAnd Blong: the road too the: matte’ trees andthei® *°. owners, stripping the: long ‘well leaved shoots twirling | them for a minute in the fire-- a Ss east cravkling and smoke for a.°cpond: ---: end’ then). _laying them in big piles; to pe taken to the drying kiln 2 and the: crude machine: they ‘ha have, for rubbing and, breaking tne leaves off, I> walked two hours and.a half this morning _ and saw itally green parrots. in swift, flight: at epproach, s and beautiful buff-colored jays. 10 LB439 9 wad by stage this journey Ee 14. toniorpo, We strike i the real edge of _the—woods so at—Banan ? : a1 .I1l1 continue, : September 21 10919 _.._________But_instead_of-at—Banaanal—I-am-now at Guarapuava itself aa «| .. ‘and having go. tine 7% 0s Jee eueeping Sent thet cecers ce ‘enormous smount of ground with scattered white plaster_houses ee painted robbins egg blue or a soft terra cotta color or egg ________syellow, an@ it has-been for more than a hundred years a tom for the caboclos or half breeds \amd anamt out post-ageinst = = the Argentine and, Paraguay, Twenty. six leagues from here ss there is a a semicivilized colony-of- the Coroados-- Indians that three hundred years ago were organized by the. spanish Jesuits into a& colony _ of a hundred thousand, to be destroyed utterly by — —. -- the roving Paulistas from the north, Some of. the church bells ——_— in Sao Paulo now were made by these same Indians under Jesuit guidance, py ae You-would be-interested in the || place I am pretty sure and I am _ going, to bet. a ba stante anount __ - Of photographs of whatever eo. peresting, I came-on here alone ——— 8p out the land fora _poss- Bae a vey and I-find everything ———— ats to the, chances. of making. ——— a g¢ood one, You ought to have seen - ‘ the formal presentations at the : | Camara Municipal,.a screaming = anount of solem bowing and. affable — a smiles--"Tenho muito prazer de _ = ak: i Ko sina eonhecel-o". etc. -etc.,.- AL 1. with—a— of asking for a house and for cooperation-in advertising our _ stay an nong the hundreds of out-lying ranches or -fazendas,;... __ said it would-be much better to go tothe Chefe. Politico and get his word for it all, Porwith Dr Thaumat a cheerful fat little Bahiaan who is 8. AD a BNET MN sthMN DS A sey nrtgne Nt A ACN A NE ESAS RAEI AIEEE TL EE NE LE ELE LLL LLL ELL LE LLL LL LEED OT ILE LAI Today I am just off for the church service--- more PR ae ess ea TAS RENTAL of this very o odd flavor of Senhor Guilierme ——: © Senhor OTE TAL Or ARSE ENE SERIO AER NGRIAENE SD ARDC IE i RIS Ira Sankey, secs nn SE EU ES CPOE ED MSI CATA EEE NEI TENSE SINE ERT STEIN TL. NCS TONE ER ESN SE ASEAN TS SARTRE ERE RA EI SEA AR PASSE ARE RN SRY EB ANS A A RAE one aon roe 08! were sorina ma rmeA As = ‘ewe ‘meat: of “Luck . and I'm almost: ‘tempted: to pay Merry Christmas, Thanks for the “sugges tion . as to: an arreia ‘tor: the horses - Souths Tamworth, sen ESN PIA AEE SE SE IES LENE ATES TPE PEL LEE TOTTI ATTIRE ETAL DEL LSID ATS LTO TE TTT LIT of COUAaweUds= y i | ~ ot we ce bene aon 2 . IN AE. OEE LE FEN MN BEE TORE ET A RENEE NN EE ICTMEE ANCES SET (OA ENE EEE AE AK RIB xe iowa ~ ress was ss sat cs me wn: 20 od os eee emt re ram Br tom rma ao ao ~- ar oar t nar eevee about H M,T, jr, ond his Hon. diecharge from the ané is so strange that it is hard Lacconmuntonte: beh we have*dé, oe started out with splendid wisdom and forethought to protect Soivice; very pla a I agree with you not a lachrimal Aischange by a good deal, I too suffered from salute-shock for many days particularly the first day I. put on civies in London-- —_— . the foreieon touch, The humor of an inspection trip duit. the state. of Pare we my personnel against the usual personnel infections but to my auusement found that in all butitwo cases I could direct prophe ylactic zeal only against tertiary synptous 1 T laugh to think of the hour in the morning that man will have to Fise in Brazil ¥. ‘> whe expects to Se out se . It is cht alnost universal: and cae Fe not hereditary it comes more easily", eee SA ee ” Tage one : eh OE : Fee | They have marvellous créme de cacao here and the best ee beer I have had since the war began: but why talk rain 3" a” a ea ee man in the Sahara 7 1 forget myself, Dr Thaumaturgo de ifiranda — and I had an extra beer last nicht to the health of the anti« aleohod movement, As you well remark What. can the Lampoon. be. spas Kp now! Drink to me only with thine eyes, AS Bob Benchley remarks oul "See if’’can ay over the names of nine light wines without burste ing into tears", Sarees pemggennnc 9 £. I am in Guarapuava thirty leagues from the railroad in a of a big cattle country which has all the characteriste ‘ s se ae our om West: prairie schooners, three day gambling parties a cachaga or poisonous native whiskey, high boots, sombreros and — oe. real men ond rare women and dads fi rarer ladies, painfully — & nest for leprosy: Bsc come in to town twice a weer and beg from __large kniives and pleasant little Lllconcealed pistols, edically horseback, Yeeterday I had to drop my contribution into one's pocket for an obvious reason <=no hand, But it... keeps on-~ because 4t {s-scattered in ‘ameng rich and. powerful : families end they wont hear of any interference with their: “a : abana uebdbneep-22icd See) bowetiee oot 1 09 a : ‘Your job at the City sounds awfully good to me, I commend to you Eddie Harding who ought to be there part or . your stay there, His manner is rough and boreal but he is a fighting gentleman if such there be, and he has got more guts ‘than the ordinary 30 feet that most of us use, Have more songs ready for soirree at those delightful — ; sisters in Balto, When you write tell ‘en I am using "Someone else may be there thile I'm gone" vhenever I look up through — the palm leaves at this extraordinary moon, Gewalt ! If you ie ever see a city more wonderfully beautiful than Rio.I will- . "want 0 know 4t, too, before I'm old, Go see Mary Lee vhen , you are in B, s+she's been the only woman in a-regiment on the | . Rhine and will therefore find the change back to Chestnut Hill , oo at times more than the barometer can register, And: at cheering ‘ . ‘folks up I have still to find your equal, | Must nbite to Harry A the coming Internist of Peoria s one of these days, I had rather expected him to stick with C a 5 Cushing and become a neurologistof @ broad sort, Give my best regards to your family from me; if that , No Thought sect evr decides to send Foreien Missionaries into. . the field , frankly dont you think I am the logical choice for Brazil ? —'Te logo cen We : A.Ge (lost fountain pen trying to catch magnificent butterflies on the way in here by diligencia)