* te ees a ‘woleg th. Imagine @ huge well built flour mill built at , the water's edge along a narrow poe land that separates big fantastic tree covered mountaine from a warm,lazy, de- serted inlet of the sea, ahuge mill whose gate opens acte ually on the wild matto or bush, showing no sign of extend+ its influence beyond the royal palm which waves peacefully at the mill gate to the wild palms on the hillside two hue dred yards away, A big boat from the Argentine nestles age ainst a steel pier while through & Long pipe its load of wheat is sucked by @ vacuum machine , $0 tons an hour, into the mill. A little red faced Englishman is manager, --- and “ to the place is doctor, policeman judge and footeball pro- motor to 500 Brazilians, Italians, and Spaniards, living all yi | alone but for a setter and a great dane, in a fine little _ ehacara up on the hill, and boasting that next Christmas he will see his England again, A nice simple little fellow who has been out so long that he talks English with lapses into Brazilian-- he told me today ruefully that he had had a monkey and two deer, but that when one of the deer and the monkey were killed by. rattlers he was so disanimated ( des= animado = ‘discouraged in Portuguese) that he had tried to keep any more than his dogs, Outside the mi11 the hogs go .. | in happy processions up and down the streets and under the houses and life. rells.on in what. would be but for the disease a fairly happy and self-determined squalor, We arrived yesq_ terday and in the evening gave a magic lantern show to 40 or 50 of the village and today we have been examining about 30 for hookworm (only two were negative) and. tomorrow we shall treat these and examine probablyloo more, if Brazilian habits are anything to rely on, I have 4 very decent, Brasil« fan doctor and four trained assistants with me and fj am spending the next three months. coasting around the state of Parane, oe settled as yet, but cooler Ahan, Fie. and + 5h ide iit Ml MRT De RT) yd fae Be. ic die ie ; ad DP is as sp : eek. oR aan SR ‘ c i i ‘ * ae q ‘ SRN aid is i ian ele Sg . ey EMSS pe de ts ae a ay eae Remi eI a rs ea TSW as ST ; Gye, ahh Ny ee neaara Aen, VERE AE ph. eciee SC oS ae ae arm ere Reem tt cae in its wild poor half- settled condition a wonderfully in- ‘terestin Gj Place to be turned loose with a book of railroad passes and ones om wishes as the sole points to be cone sidered in the great and Inaressing lyme ing, auep tion of where next, Of course it is well to admit that you are a bit exaggerating, I do have to go to the places that need to -be examined for hookworm and that runs the choice of places -- but necessity frequently means more variety in| places than choice, as anyone who has fallen off a cliff will be ready to admit, and so there is some consolation to the fact that where the hookworm there hook ar; It is great sport learning Portuguese now, When you can understand everything or quasi tudo ( there's a chance for you) it is encouraging bvei'¥e listen in on everything, and night before last when I had the first dream wherein Portuguese was spoken: and enjoyed by all you can bet it set me up for a day, Tonight they told me the classical Brazilian stories of intoxication and if Vite bet like mentioning rain to a sensitive Saharan ? fhe latch-key saga here varies only in that the man is found waving key in air at ugderate distance from house and when asked for why he does it replies that he . waiting for the house to come along again just alittle bit nearer, Anothér of a sort new to me was of ‘a querulous plaintive welleducated man who said at a certain stage in the evening "But I dont gee why Gallileo got so much crede A funny thing happened to one of the doctors down it for his discovery!¥ here @ while ago, He was smoking and happened to blow a Little otded iat of his mouth and then to inhale it een his nose, A pazit’ n n gawped at the sight and said immed-= lately and in wll . riousness "?ruly you Americans are marvellous ly ebthonbat You even use the tobacco snoke Se twice!” They watch us all the time and attend the movies not infesultory twos iit threes but inpressing crowds — all the afternoon houseful after houseful, Tonight walking down to Itapema-em-baixo I Stopped by the Side of a pool and in the half- moonlight was able to see without in the least disturbing what I have never been able to see without being considered as de trop, the evening social life of frogs, I dont mind saying that they appeal to me tremendously on the epic side ofe their existence, They are an immeasurably old form of life, and consequently either much favored or else very perfectly fitted to the task of existence, and when you consider how many strange forms of organisms they have outlived, marsh forms long Since fossilized, the ariving resonance of the evenings puddle of frogs ,and its ringing mellow continuous ness is impressive, A very simple very perfect answer to the forever puzzling riddle of what will the morrow bring and how can we keep going? They are killed by drought and by any ingress of too mash eer fle yet in the delicate in between they' tees - so ge outlived the rest of us by mill+~ ions of years, Frogs and pigeons--I'm fond of pigeons, but they have none of the Jack London antiquity about them that frog has, You see it is early early Spring here now, We are very far from the wer here, I am picking by a of Brazil now and. because I inde to like German, iT am eemer ine on and with muitos tratimentos para fazer amanha hea Westy ‘ Lah “+4 e2. * AAA e zs * i - + pais ‘ a ee . ‘ : wm Ris, a? ®) ee . - 4 ~ 8 iy i. = i ae g x a : * s ’ | ° ae \ } : Or # ¥ . ® ' j j 1 { : | } i : : i j } ' e ¥ x : i Seay : . af ? ‘i ¥ ‘ mney : : : ' \ ; | ° . ; - >» » L ; ee | ’ . + * * * It being August the 10th today I naturally awoke in tears to think of how much older we are all getting, mere particularly yourself, and. then to of how small a chance I run of getting anyone to take you a birthday present to you in time from here in Itapema, which though it is on the same water as North Haven is a bit difficult now that servants cost so, I keep my servants -- and I have four here «- ail busy at the job of finding out how much of this queer little place has Hookworm, Out of 197 thusfar we have found 4 who havent Hookworm I say some fellers have all the Luck dont they? Yesterday with a hemoglobin book in my pocket and a guarda (male nurse) to do the difficult talke ing I started out on some house to house investigation which yielded me about 60 cases and was the most interesting and amusing, work you can think of, The natives can barely read, live in the simplest sort of traditional existence and with oe? oe Peres Bie ay ogee ot SWar ti Ly fad Feo 4 . ; ta ‘2% Wy a me ‘ oe c4u8, earrings, large of ep ee. straw hats, wooden bowls for ‘the evenings grain, doublestringed bows called bod ques with which they throw stones and. kill evenings roast as he sings in the tree, figas or little carved hands to keep off the evél eye, old mUugZle-loading flint locks or cap rifles ----and the very latest ideas in the treatment of their Hookworm provided with much amusement and pleasure and satisfaction by yours truly, This is my first stop in the survey of a large and Spareely settled state called Parana in the south of Brazil, where I make it immediately clear I heap all the clothes of Meassachhsetts and N eH, On the top of the bed of a night ~e- briefly Gaspar, I aint in the tropics by an overcoat and two pairs of undées, | Parana is cold aistincply 80 and at present we are in the warmest part, Dont share the opinion of the Benighted States in general that Brazil is a fine country place filled with many handsome boaconstrict- ors -» to ugce a phrase dear to the heart of any Andoverian, and youre one in point of fact, There are as fine huge rolling -hilis here in Parana, as fine pine forests as ever I saw in the U,8,---- but here only a begxinning at settlement and still a map that reads in big blank spaces ‘terra incognita’, At Guarapuava we shall be in 4 place 80 miles from the railroad or more and with more Indians and Gaboclos to treat than any thing else, Imagine the English ranch up in Matto Groeso 330 miles on-one side and $00 miles on the other where a troop of horsemen simply ride in every once in &@ while and round up 4s many as they want and then ride out again! And that is going on nowe- when frontier life was supposed to be dead, Agter I finish this survey herein Parana I shall go South to the next State Santa Catherina and do the same thing there, All this lasting till about February of 1921, 7 find it bully fun but -at times set homesick for friends and the sound of English spoken, Letters too have the same high value that you nikht suspect them of possessing and thanks a lot for your description of the reunion of the class of 1911, It is diverting but not ‘flattering to my intetligence to thimk of they way I used %O agbnize to myself about the class reunions having a goed spirit ete All that work over appearances! I should have loved to have seen some of ‘em curse Carlie Hann YY > : : Planning their tomorrows work as ‘The funny thing to me is that they little sawed off Prazilian who you under their breaths, or to have merely seen the Bish ! My God what a charming thing dt is to marry young and never have anything hap- pen to you! Missing street-cars, going to "Little dinners", being. pung upp on the damned telephone all day, and wiping noses of little snipes people ingratiatingly say poo like you----- well I am going to do. it sometime but it wont be. (a) Now (b) in Brazil, The chief difficulty I find in this job is in the abrupt change from trying to like what I get after 411 is over, to trying to anticipate exactly what I want and then getting it or making other people set xk it for me, It is the change of existence from one of landing various jobs which were considered as good and then trying to fill them decently, to an existence quite without any criterion or precedent, where the ideas and the necessities must all come from me and be passed on energetically enough to make & go of things, As a matter of fun it is immense--- I sit up here if I was the Lord, or perhaps Chas Storey on the Peace Commission in Paris, something pretty big any- how, and before I know it I cant think of anything more to be done, say "Sim, Signor" (whieh sounds more like ‘Seashoré') and then they go and do it and come back with ree sults miles ahead of what I thought they could have secured, I had a diveting time seeing th president of this State when I was in Curityba, He was a rotten looking can see any day consuming toothpicks ; and Whispering and grunting in front of Gity Hall and he was in deep conversation with the chief of State Police and a heeler, but he: gave mé a very polite interview and I got a book of passes for the Survey off him, so I cant complain, But POLITICS | as the saying goes here among tS A an aie tee. og The Aisiiok ieeais "Heli, Seneny would be put in the Kindergarten class in Brazil", And really that is true, The mayor of Antonina does nothing profitable but Duy and sell sovernment concessicns , $30,000, is about right for & small concession! And éveryone knows it, However you can apply the local proverbd locally, "Service de crianes e pouce A child’s work is small _ Mas, quem depressa e louco" ‘Who hurries it is a fool ‘To which yesterday the microscopist Miragaya remarked at almoco (lunch) "five um parent qui ‘morreu por causa a'isso" (I had a parent who died for that reason) CS We all eat dinner in the RESTAURANT DPAREMA oe which is run by a big ‘cheerful Itelian who thought I was Rockefeller's Son and tried to charge us double prices, So I had te set aside half & morne ing and go and talk to him which Was very amusing and excellent practice for mm for I am coming to like dickering and palayras de negocios, Let me recommend the’ Srasiiiien day for work, You get up at 6to 7 ahve hot coffee and bread Only, Then you wrk ti11 11 when you have almoco, Then $411 2 when you have more coffee simplis, and then at 5 or 5:30 jantar or the big meal and the last one, The evening that begins at 6 and lasts till 12 can contain work — in pretty fair quantities, : Well best of luck Alec The empty spaces in the text are for photographs to come later, for . ay films aust 20 to Rio to be done decently, ay best to Eleanor and the rest of the fami- Will begin .a stream of people to be exanined, and in ‘three Lapa Agust 14 1919 I am out in the garden at a house we've just been given here, writing on an old wooden grinding eit turned upside down while my guardas are out in the high- ways and byways inviting the gusts, metaphorically speaking to. the feast which we hold tonight in the local cinema to instruct. the local Jeca-tatu ( the Brazilian for hayseeds) a5 to the meaning and purpose of the Rockefea' Foondaish — in Brazil, There will be a crowd and when all is over with the speeches,and I'll back my Brazilian doctor Doutor Ree migio against all comers in the art‘of Portuguese oratory, when he 1s all through, we give out the little tin latinhas and go home with the first days work done, Barly tomorrow days we ought,.to have 400 or more examined, and as soon a I get 500 to 600 I an Seing to beat it for Rio Negro, the next stop, oS Lapa is on a high flat table-land and it is good and cold here now, down around freezing at night, But ther'e is & pleasant little orange tree out in front of me as I Write so what do I care] It has a curious parasite this tree, a thin green cord without form al beginning nor end- ing, which clings to éhe lower pirt or the smaller branches and winds its way out to the extremity in the most meaning less and structureless Way. In the barn walks the prize gsamecock of, the neighborhood, redeleseed and me: nlooking, and the urubus, eveat ugly carrion vultures who are the only permanent and reliable public health officers encour- aged here fly awkwa rdaly about and quarrel over roosts and food, They ‘ are more vindictive ih their quarrel _ ing than most,,other birds, for I notice that when one has ob-— viously vanquished the, other | sie .- a . ay he flies after. him for some time, with a sort of follow-up system, The people encourage the urubus == that is they have a law against killing ‘them -T which is more of an exemption from oritict sm than ‘the other public health officers are likely enjoy for sometine yer, Dr Darling has made it fairly clear that they are not | true public health agents, because they fill the role aren “all too frequently of carriers of anthrax, and - | probably act as carriers | tor some of the animal paras- ites, They ndiePetiy Stayt @uite a@ part in the local “folk-lore: the urubu who went to. Nowsa Signora's feast in | Heaven carried in his violin = a turtle who hid in it because fly . When they got to the party the Urubu discovered the turtle and was very angry at his ‘aeaaal pretensions--so he threw hin out, But Nossa ‘Signora took pity on him and though his fal broke him in a thousanc pieces, She gathered them together and gave them life---- and that is why you gee a turtle's back made up of so many pieces, ope 4s humourous to’ see how these poor men ‘putter from the éold aha even: here amusing 4d? abe the awe with which they regaré my sleeping out on these nights that leave frost on my ‘trench-coat as it lies over me out in this nice little yaard, under the. orange tree, This town is about 2500 feet up and this clear. early spring weather 4s much the same as September in the Adirondacks, The village doesnt awaken until nea ’ ly 8 o'clock, Then come the men with their palas or big tasseled woolen ponchos, shivering _ unhappy. Da Go oe shady side ve the street is uite deserted ink vy is a ee full two hours before the sun has made things confortal ble, We are ‘finding & low rate of infection here, : ee which nakes the work ‘of the microscopists more wearing and which holde us down On the number of treatments, I am afraia that the number s gathered in wont reach 500 &s soon as T thought, but I have learned that you cannot ignite people here with ideas that will take 7 A : Eee ee in three haurs or colt with any effectiveness under ae 24 to 48 hours, a Thereis a cinema here ce ‘which has inherited a ~ “sd pianola from somewhere “ue . and last night while I Z| stayed here going over - the Itapema records I heard one of the Kktz ‘Lizt Rhapsodie Hongroise set winding out into the brilliant moonlight in the garden here,"Thence" — to quote quote an illust- rious predecessor, "to bea" ie 3 under a new bunch of stars to stare at till insistent | incoherent remarks began to crowd into my hearing amd I saw and talked to a few Americans whom I did not sce yesterday in the funny little tow of Lapa, wy I have been having to dinner an interesting old party of 68<-an Eng; s1ishman of the ke wild and wander- sort-- who nas spent the last 50 years of his life in Parana, and speaks Portuguese, French and German with the same speed that he talks Cockney, He is the station~ agent here ne fine old pink and white specimen whose race now serves to retain the superiority that his age has need of, He is rather an amazing old bird but for gen- eral purposes the experiences fell on Peather uncritical | and unobservant senses, so that he is not the mine of storgies and anecfotes that B ola Buddha Waddell at the merican college in Sao Paulo can be, But he has ab old French Bible that dates from the time of Good Queen Bess, handed down in his fan- iiy as an heirloom, which I am going to see tonight when Re- Migio and I go dow to take matte with hin, He agrees with me that no¢hing has done so much to civilize the people here as the American Cinema@ee- he gays that their manners of greeting eachother , and of all social bee haviour are now modelled on the RAbits observed in crowde ed houses every other Sunday. Of course that will put a finish on lots of interesting customs here--- I've al- ways maintained that love making, must be more and more standardized and unoriginal ag the Youth of the land attend the Movies, In fact if I were @ girl of spirit and experience 'twould be an interesting game to place them all in whatever school they most closely aped-<= those ‘young friends of mine, But to get back: t@ Brazil whe movies says my friend Sgnr, Tamplin,— is notably sivilized in the past ten years by ty, th meow, While r pick off the hoar-frost from my cot in. the morning those who had a tear their eye at my coming suffering from the tropic heat, are drawing 106° without fresh air in their homes in the North, Happy days ! Now that I am fairly well into the job here and beginning to know from firet hand experience what things are like here in ‘Brazil it is easier to ao what has for some time been my intention and write to JOU. 4 At the moment: 7 have been assigned the job of investigaing the ex ‘tent. of Hookworm. infection in the southern part of Brazil, first — in the State of parana and later in Sta, Catherina, both regions quite coo] and comfortable thusfar and not. at all like the gen- eral. impression or Brasil which involves whi te plaster houses cocoa plantations and epare revolutions p.r,n, The survey of this State began on the 4th of August, when with & Brazilian doctor LWO trained male-nurses and two microscopists well versed in the local parasitology, I started out a wandering region-to-region existence which will keep on tal. I finish in Sta,Catherina in | — Our procedure is this; we have: our beds and skeeto-nesting , our kitchen utensils, three Bausch and Lomb'scopes, a special centrifuge, «bout ten thousand capsules and enough oil of chen- opodium to f411 them as required, and a good deal more miscellane eous material 211 ready and in trunks, We choose @ series of ree gions to be visited and white the aid: of a pass-book and much” pebbeuka, we get to & tou, ‘The Lown prefect 12 overhelmed with pride at being Visited( often mixed with suspicion ane & certain arch "oheyes-but you-wontefind-hookwormehere" Gxpression) and we are installed in the local city hall, That night the Brazilian — doctor gives & talic in the local cinema with our lantern slides ' greatly aiding hin in explaining | hat uncinarioge is, and at the end of the Service we male not & collection ak but a distri bution of small tin cans for the specimens of fecca, The next day the stream begins and I stay in the laboratory exanining the spleens and the hemoglobins and seeing that things dont go galley-weat ane keeping an eye open for whaterer interesting Way turn, up in the way of elinical pathology, 1 The places chosen have been all _ been small and fairly typical of this part of the country, Though At sounds like rather a limited field of interest 1 proves to be any thing but that, for I am expected to get a fair idea of the general prevention fo rural diseases which nus could be applied--and ‘thus mosqui to-hunts, visiting and talking with the local, H,D,(when the piiies sported one) _ and making notes on uedi cine lngeneral here has been part of _ the program, Naturally there is abun , co ant interest on the s a sides of lite other than uedical, and now ‘that my et , egun to come through with regularity ‘tho ugh well spaced ana in big batches, I find this life very profitable in _ every way, Hot that Brezil Will be my Swelling place for good, No, not that by any means, but t am getting ample “experience: on ‘the side of ‘and strative p that is what I pame for, | - oy fhe curandheiro, or whzard-nedicine-nan here occupies and widely recognized “ are they that ag yet the medical profession is unable to. Pr en tatenesiing: position, So powerfu a deal with’ then, for they frequently have political ‘gativehoe: 3ra.aiel Tammany would have me A as is frecuently remerked, in to start in the Kindergarten class, Among the caboclos: or peasants . of ‘the forest,T know of a curandheire who makes the prognosis ef all severe coughs as follows: é fish sbout “the size of a sucker is caught and theb pationt 1s instructed to spit in the living fishes. mouth; the fish is then throw sk into the water and if he swims menrenn the patient wad live if down the patient will die, And it is woll recog zed that if an wouan in Labor wi change shirts with her husband each wearing the other's inside out, she aitting with his wa hat ~ in the center ofa ‘twenty-litre: mea sure, she" give Te aNd tells. light tothe chile" as the phrase goes, much more successfully, A jung doctorpout in the natte, #614 me that after a nine league ride the sight of such a thing nearly coupensstes tor the trouble, | No one can exag ee in Brazil, For _— little | ne gerave the effect of the Anerican cinema wnat it comes once & week