Pi OT ae i COR. Me eye EU Sr Rae cm Be ET Se PRO RY eRe Le SERRE a1 TR Re a Coe ee on LEE er ee ee a 3 eee Bee re ee Pen rr Ea ee te Rees at Stee 3 Bie ¥ ¥ 7 tig Ce ry ty pay ae Ya ey Es Oe ‘ ar ke Ay, Hs eee 7 : naa ; : : ‘ : t ak? A Papi Name Pape ee = ae We finale got away from Newport News on Tuesday morming about nine in the morning of the 2th of March, heavily laden with coal that we could not get in New York, and by breakfast time only a low line remained of the Virginia Capes, In Newport News the earidorss were getting g1.10 an hour, not a good place to stay in --- especially if you watched them loafing on a job they could easilyvearn my salary at, (of course “I can tell myself that. _ I would soon tire of such heavy stupid work; but outdoor work at ee $280.00 per month? ) > se before jast it was a bit rough, t was standing uo in my berth about two 6, wondering if it wouldnt be wise to close the portholes of the cabin when a great big warm lovely wave pour ed down my neck and nestled into bed with mé, Every one of the cabins on our fhoor got the same, and Schweebroek the steward was not quite so cheery in his "Morgan, Geniteman"!, Ce a ae = ie a oe fa Spy? Today it has been beautifully balmy, and two or three of the men have come out in their summer clothes-~~tomorrow it will ‘be much more so, We have just had a swift sunset, darkness almost complete in half an hour, I looked out to the West this evening just before dinner and saw the young moon, ‘the penumbra very plain, and a big planet burning unusually plainnearby . I wonder what topical forests it was hanging over, and how long it will be before ai see one, Nver ie I imagined the plue of the trepical seas as strong He. Sead as full of color as "it ig, 3 18 not the opaque staring blue of the Italian lakes, it is a sea of waving blue 1ight,. the a same difference there is between dead blue eyes and eee ‘tha Shine with living light, Looking out over it: you see the: tip-ups in dazzling contrast to the purplish-blue, and then like tiny . aeroplanes at a distance, the tiny flying fish hurrying along ove a gene surface , their little fins buzzing in the sunlight, Silvery ‘white against this extraordinary sea, An learning Portuguese from a dazzling one and Her less — blinding husband, and it is a curious sort of hog-Latin-Spanish , I make it up as I go along, and that seems to entertain then, April 4th finds everything | very tropical, Flying fish are aes numerous, the color of the.sea is even bluer, and the steady e eastern winds are -the only things that keep it from being opp- ressively hot.’ The shantung silk clothes I got were no mistake, though they looked odd at 8 @olliston Rd, The Duthh sailors have a neat way of fixing their wash- ing to the line: they simply pry one of the strands away from the others and tuck a corner of the shirt into the gap---so when the wind blows it tightens the rope on the shirt, For this reason no shirts are found in the Gulf Strean, » I have read WcGrath's She Princess Blopes, Cooper's The Brazilians and Their Country, Hergesheimer's Java Head, and White, Mechanisms of Character Formation, The best is the last--- and full of more satisfactory novel- material than either of the no- Sees. April 5. Today brought us to our fbrst land, The soft green mountains of Dominica,steep and covered with waving sultry green, Then sheering away from Dominica we came up to Marlinique, lovely heaps of steep-banked foliage above a shore fringed with palms, These were my first palms, and they were better then I expected--- the tops a thicket of waving tracery and kke beneath an inviting depth of shadowed trunks where walked red-calicoed figures about, their native business, A huge cloud hung over us.as we passed, bringing out as fairly emerald the spots where the sun shone, All rather. easy and slow going, these figures we were catching glimpses of along the gray Shining shore, As we rounded the corner of the island we had full view of iad Pelee, It was a parched, jagged, towering pile whose southern sides are banked with streams of the lava that reaches in a motionless gray river down to the buried houses of St. Pierre, No trees and as yet few plante of any kind have begun to grow on this side of the mountain, The visible houses are roofless, quite deserted ---an unshattered Bailleul, April 6th, Last night we arrived at Castries, St. Lucia, after dinner, to take on coal. With an arc-light and much shouting we sidled up to a low-lying coalpier, where by an arc hung over the ships side we saw one or two very British looking men in pith helmets and khaki duck, or in old looking civilian clothes, and a a rapidly growing crowd of niggers of the gentiis Nigger --- and every one of them pretty mighty excited at seeing kis aueat regu- lar passenger boat since before the war! — We walked down the gang-plank to talk with some of the sol- diers, who we found idee stuaiel tase | They took Quinn and me up to the Maple Leaf Hotel: herd a\sereat bearish looking coon ram a bar and boasted by signs on bhe wall of his Jicesicen origtn., We ne baa some beer with the Canadians who were desperate for the | a - sight of some strange face, for they have been down on this post with not a thing to do, not for six months as they had been = promised, but for two and a half to three years- with a C.0, who'd have lost his rank Ni nny i Jae An o Ans LM } a V =a F 2s] of Lt.Col. and re- verted to a Lté if he had Péported the station as not re- quiring the men there. Somewhat like another situation, As George Bigelow says, "Ask me who!” When we got back from the pub we found coaling going on at a pace and in a way that was all that has been said of it. Hundreds of negro wenches , bare-legged to the knees and trussed up in the most ragged and disintegrated clothes I have ever seen, were standing ar walking with large bas- kets of coal upon their heads, The general flow of the crowd was from the dump towards the ship where stood at. the very edge of the bunker a checker, who as each woman passed him, basket on head and hand outstretched, gave her @ copper coin marked McGregor Peters-- the value of which for it is the money of this tom, is about cent, The baskets as I saw on the scales, weighed between 100 and 120 pounds . A contrast to the coaling at Newport Newsl I have never seen such peculiar and admirably erect figures of women, such swaying loose walking, nor so abundant cause to believe that you were looking at no more than a female animal-- as sturdy and independent as the male and differing only as a matter of stricture, They talk a patter of French--"Vihny see"! was come- here! ---all in a flat loud piercing tone, their pink Longues rolling about kaekr between their gleaming teeth, And Lord what hard work! This morning after a sleep troubled by the screams and t thuds of the coaling process just on the other side of my closed porthole, I got up feeling rather dopey. But on looking out I paw the island that had been hidden the night before, the clean- est greenest looking sweepof hill you ever saw, palms---yes and the finest wavy sort of them, up against the skyline, I got up into the town without much delay. At a store I got some post- cards and as I was looxing about aimlessly for anything else I might need there was suddenly a great burst of screaming pain of the actual horsewhbp-- and the loud selfrighteous of the user of the whip, and the click of the rawhide in action, And behold a terrified little nigger of perhaps nine and his equally agonized small sister of twelve getting collectively horsewhipped by a big fat Bmmx very distingue looking coon dd i> with a white zoatee, The screams of the little boywere drawing a crowd rapidlywhen the old fellow gave up-- only to be succeeded as a source of terror by the native police, Aka = , xtall shrivelled negress in the = most flowingly copious and roar- ingly pink calico dress I have ever seen, with a deep red ban- dana and a large straw hat, s stood by and gave shrill appro- val to the punishment, Then t the crowd as usual disregarded ca un J ‘i i il Hh i wn " os ct ct opinions, sought action else- ee ms ws ines as where and melted away, leaving Begg) gif a a mss + ae eh x ‘ her in loud unanimity with the goatee, Walked to the top of the hill overlooking the bay, see- ing my first living bamboo--- whose beauty is not in the dry stalks we see at home, Such a smooth strong green columns, and such soft creamy green, Many chameleons on the way down the road, bright green if near the bamboo and stone grey against the wall, A warm close morning by ten o'clock, And go back to the- boat , through narrow flat streets flanked by low verandahed houses, with much staring by the population, Then came midday sleeping in that damned hot cabin of mine, Read some of the Smart Set this P.M. and happened upon Mencken's definition of a theatrical star---" a heavenly body" ‘Saw the Southern Cross this evening -- tis not very bright but improvesm upon further acquaintance, Also identified the Scorpio and the Centaur, Scorpio very easily. April 12th. ne day differs not much from the other Soni days, and so it is that I can Sum Up @ few suns into wal page. After leaving ST. Lucia we turned eastward and be- gan the accomplishishment of that part of the journey which nobody realizes at home-- the big eastward swing to get around The bay at Castries, St. Lucia, Cape San Roque, About the only change I have noticed is that the cabin is a little hotter at night and the wind a little stronger by day---with a little more rolling by day. I have not had any Ragas more baby waves coming in to sleep with me, but have rigged up a jury sail out of a pillow-case and a cane, which reaches out of the port like a hand and pulls in a most refreshing current of ing. Nobody is seasick, only just Theee days ago after dinner the boy went round the boat With a gong, and so as usual we all assembled in the smoking room to see what it was about. Mr. Israels, a blonde Jew from New Orleans coffee merchant, who wears his captain's two bars still on his soft shirt coblar, took he Phoer, He explained that the guesses on the next day's run, " the pool", were to be run thus; 20 numbers from 275 to 294 had been sold during the afternoon for $4.00 each , We would now proceed to the auction of these numbers to the highest bidders, the seeler retaining half the price realised, and the final bids being for Righ a and low field, i.e. any number of miles the ship might go Shove. | or below the given range of numbers, The pot was to be made from the other half of the mumbexs amounts bidded, plus what was given for high and low fields. Everybody looked dully in- telligent and the bidding went on slowly but surely, till about $400 .0Owas wp If you bid for the number 284, and the boat ran 284 miles that next day then you'd get half the pot and numbers 274 and 294 would divide the other half. Of course ee | ee Sa e csaeania low and high were the best of all bets, but this Jew was more familiar with game than the others and nobody bid him higher than $74.00. Now he had heard earlier in the day that hhe poat was not. making good time ,------- The boats made 261 miles Mr. Israels won the entire pot, gave away 950.00 to the stew- ards----- put despite this gallant and humane action failed to protect his good name from the muttered oaths of his fellow passsengers , This was the first time I have ever seen a Jew in a game of chanced Metter I might say I have not yet seen a Jew in a Game of Chance, Last night we had a fancy dress party. It was very hot and I saw myself best as a baby, in all the heat and tus mult of the evening, So I got Mrs. Best to give me a night- sown---lMirs, Van Rensellaer had told me that nowadays the young anybody, ---so Mrs, Best gave me a garment in which size obvious- ly struggled with girlish coyness, pretty little fake flowers over a "throat" that went well around me, Mrs, B, is (a) #x48. From other sources came bib, a bottle, a pink hair-ribbon from Mrs. Fitz-Patrick. It was a coy and dangerously thin costume, but I lived a happy baby's life in xk it until I found it was beginning to stick to me, so I left and I hada long succession of warming the tropical tepid water while the rest of the crowd filled the bar and emptied the bottles, Roxo and Jugo were aress- ed as a Brazilian coon and his wife, Israel wore his Sam Browne pelt in additionto his regular uniform, Lutfy was a sailor, Mrs. van Pel¥ a pink accordion pleated gown which she says is a petti- coat but which looked pretty chic for all that, Quinn the Can- adian at my table, started to dress up for my nurse but found himself too convinving/ and irresistible as a demimonde and nat- urally left me to take care of myself, Brito was in the Captain's hat and his own pajamas and looked quite like.a wilted officer one of these days, Yesterday came the ceremony of . crossing the equator and being in; >. a _ “| itiated by Father Neptune into the 'company of all good mariners, This — » consists of getting dressed in sy your bathing suit and parading round 3 the deck and ending at ak large on “OY yg the after deck where Father Neptune P Me appears dressed in long flowing robes es | , _ triton, etc., and after lathering wits your face, eyes, neck, and head, turns re a you while you are tightly closing both eyes to keep out the lather, 4 Le: | eee over heels into a tub of water + Beate 'or rather a tank of water, while the rest of the passengers yell with — oe i bea Me cul Dias ea A Reha Lae R Ce SA ahora Dated a hh oc tdi. ‘ pleasure, This morning I found in my dreams my cigarette case which I lost in New York, --- I looked at it and then as I would | do again I yelled MYAy" My loud yell woke me up and L looked in my empty- hand to find NO CIGRARETTE CASE, Don's cigars have as is usual with his presents been muuh appreciated, Three or four mornings ago I came down to the cabin to find Swee broek the steward reading this diary intently, and when he saw me his-only-comment was that hi's taweweeraut paper It he saw this evening's copy he'd have numerous complaints to make , for the stenogz#apher is sitting in the buff exclusively , right under the electric fan and tired from too little to do, April 14 | rt is*a suridey afternoon and we've been about three hours across the equator and in a blaze of the most blinding sunlight ,and the sea an unbelievable sea of blue ‘light, and the boat just rolling along carefree and swashy, the flying fish hurrying over the top of the waves,..,.,all things warm cheery and agreeable, Madame Godoy, a beautifulnBrazilian widow, is ..sitting in here listening to a friend of hers play the piano. Just a week ago this time we were looking over the port side of the boat at Mabtinique,.,.a glorious pile of steep hills, almost enerald ee where the sun filtered through the big rain clouds of summer, All the way up those steep gorges and hills were filigre palms waving contentedly in the warm air and along the shore, barely distinguishable through the field glasses, white and red clothed figures, Then St, Pierre with its 20000 dead, more than half still buried beneath the lava, a sight that seems to have kept the settlers from coming back, And that night we coaled, All night long the stream af nigger wenches with the coal baskets on their heads, swaying and lurching up to the ship' S side, screaming and chattering . to throw their 100 pounds into the bunker and go back for more, “To see the palms, the passion flowers, the bamboo, and the bho bay of Gapies where Spaniard and Englishman fought it out in bhe ola. days, ---- all this color and ahundance made me keen to get on to the end of my journey, But St. Lucia is as far \from us as Europe is fron you almost, and to-day a b' row lone birds have been earnest of nearing land, Pernambuco tomorrow, (7 \i/ A Baptist minister has " just left me sorrowing . Meee He came around with a book of trench poetry, and gave me the book to read, I read half of two and all of one, and then I couldnt go on, " A proud and fearless woman Seeing pictures in the fire, And a torn and mangled body On the wire", Quinn took them up a while and in three or four minutes I ask- ed him (he was in the 8th of Oct, show of the Canadians) "Well how do you like them?" "Oh they put me in the blues again", he said uneasily. "Those are real good pomes, aren't they!" said Dr, odin ing coming up to us suddenly. ¥g 1 Well I suppose they were but we could not be sure, It bores me a bit to have so many want thrills withbut any suffering. April 15. We got into Pernambuco about il o'- clock this morning. In some way I got my direct- ions confused and as a re- sult the place stays in my mind as if it were on the coast of Africa with all the country lying to the east instead of the 90 0600000006060000600006 8 8 6 O68 8 6 6 6 6 6.6 1} KONINKLIJKE. HOLLANDSCHE LLOYD S.S. ,, HOLLANDIA” | AEQUATOR, den ~*~. Wij, NEPTUNUS, God der Oceanen, Zeeén, Baaien, Golven en aller andere (behalve minerale) Wateren en van alle leven, hetwelk daarin scharrelt, dwarrelt, friemelt en wWriemelt, enz., enz., enz.; ae ae dat Ct Ola. voor de eerste maal Ons gebiéd Co en aan alle eischen en voorschriften heeft voldaan, waarom hij hiermede van Onzentwege het recht verkrijgt te allen tijde in Ons gebied te verwijlen. Als blijk Onzer hooge tevredenheid verleenen wij hem de gunst allen zeenymphen het hof te mogen maken en doopen Wij hem met den wes welken naam Wij hem gelasten waardig te dragen. Gegeven in den ATLANJISCHEN OCEAAN, | “oe -U den V/A a J AL CK, 19 ry ae mr ll OUNUS, GOD DER OCEANEN, ENZ. Ce Eee [Jjcoc occ CDF DF ODD DDD ODOC ODOT OOOO DDDD ODDO ODE OOOOO [=] ees wt Tt Git? west, It was a low lying port with a long jetty and a few skiffs filled with bahan2s ‘and oranges, an old Dutch light house and @ group of clean looking white houses that looked as 0, Henry says"like a hard-boiled egg on a piece &P Yettadelt! They have an amusing scheme of unloading their péople from ‘the boat there: a large basket, a cross between a clothes basket and a sentry box was. stood on its end and a few people crowded into it throug the opened side, It was suddenly swept into the air by the ‘erane and the ‘people dandled in the air for a moment only to be suddenly dropped on to the bobbing deck of the tender, The con- tents were anything but happy, especially when the tender rose suddenly and struck the descending basket on the bottom, Mrs. Croher is gas usual roaring into ee ee in an engaging way and has bought a “parrot fron an old Indian, We have begun to get other impressions than just sight ---we had mangoes for lunch, and they"S ean wate odd, | As we left the harbor a rainstorm began, the first they have had since November, and .the distant water got quite purple and the nearer water got a bright plue like an Italian lake, We passed a fisherman sitting on the four poles lashed together and handling the tiny sail of his raft, very much alone in the sea, but going as far as 35 miles outside of the sight of land because he has unvarying trades to blow him back, April 16 I think it was tonight we came into Bahia, You cant do anything in the trop: Bey dusk. it doesnt last long enough, After dinner we went to the city in an automobile wi ts Mrs, Pyles, Drand Mrs Titus, Brito and Bennett, climbing up the @ilaTt on which the city liesand gave it the onceover from an automobile, going out to the _pensao which, is kept by. Guynemer' Ss. mother, where we met a friend of Bennetts, whose career is in- teresting, His name is “Mosely, &@ small swarthy young mglishaan, with a shifty oyP and a handbhake like. crumbling tissue-paperé In the summer of 4014 he and a friend were at Monte carlo, His. Jade friend one night when they were in the gambling-room said, "Here 24 put this twenty francs on bine red " He did and won 140 frencs ---and some more that night . Since when he has been gan- bling with any money he can get his hands on, He tried to euliat. but was rejected on his stature. so hearing the reputation of Rio as a center for gambling, and ashamed to show his face at home he came to Rio.In theee months he had lost nearly 150,000 dollars of his own and his family's money, If a boat came in on Friday night he would hardly sleep for the excitement of getting the draft from home , If it didnt come in time to get to the bank on Sat, he would take a launch across the bay and get a friend to cash it as a special favor---- to use up that night till he was where he was before, He got almost to starvation, went to Bahia to get away from his pals of Rio, got a@ job in a commercial house and had a safe made out of heavy steel with a slot in it through which he begged his employer to put a third of his savings--against himselfg One night the lomgihg got the upper hand and he got a cold chisel, opened the box and lost the salary at roulette, When we saw him Bennett said "We&l old man how goes it?" Mosely put his hand in his pocket nd pulled out a handful of chips and grinned a queer sort of leer, The air was soft and l@aded with smells I have never known before, the palms along the streets are all they say of them, the houses a stmange ornate, formal but I suspect very cool sort, a bit like the modern French houses in Lille or along the Boulevarde de Lille in Roubaix, The _ stores were all open in Bahia, simply without any front wall, and the proprietor stands round loafing quite like the orient, The music goes on the tine oF Dud da-dada da Dud da-dada da, The Pavoni te place of light and life is a combination cigar and rum shop with tables for other forms of food, Since Pernambuco I have shared my cabin with Antonio Caeta Ribeiro, em firma A.C, Ribeiro, Caixas 245 RECIFE, We grin inanely at each other but I can see that I study the Portuguese pretty soon now, Antonio is much intrigued by rp. my stropping my razor in the morning; he doesnt do it to his and the noise he makes shaving makes me cringe with the pain it must give hin, Though he may be beyond suffering from the | desperate fumes of the perfume he uses , Thank God he doesnt mind fresh air, ‘An election here was lost here recently because the trumpcard was saved till the very last and then played with a crash, At nine o'clock of the night before the elections the orators sallied forth and mounting the stumps said" This man they ask you to vote for is nof worthy of your vote and we have just discovered a fact that proves it. Why he is so weak and soft a character that he doesnt even keep a mistress" April 17 Now that I have become used to the palms, mangoes, . zapotos, and the bamboos, and the parrot we bought at Pernan- buco, my wonderment has been aroused more by the natives then by flora or fauna, Some of the haute monde do Brasil got on the poat at Bahia, They seem to me like slightly Swarthy Frenchmen very well educated and speaking at least the three languages and often five, very amusing company in some cases, and much more civilised in the French meaning off the term than we of | North America, They are keen about the U.S. amd are much more favorably disposed to us than the Argentines, at least so every one sly 82" ths! coaneny bred folk are in the business of absorb- ing the black blood which is like taking an inkspotk out of flannel breeches by adding more water and rubbing the affair into a, ti cet aoe than ever, The coons have none of our jolly clattering spirit----nor have their whites much joie de vivre either, The naval men we had down here a& were an excellent sort and made no end of a killing with apparently everyoneg I gather from the numerous commercial men on board that the trade conditioms here will revert to the European advant age very largely, now that deliveries can be made from the o other side, but th.t Brazil looks with great favor on the U, 5. partly to counter-act the extreme favor with which the Argentines regard Europe, Everyone says that we are lend- ing to Europe at five percent and they are come down here with it and using the friendships of before the war are able to push the Americas out, and getting 8 to 25% on the money they pay us back with “ees gusto, And a smile for ois innocent good-will, Hell, what's the difference! I think we have a long road to go before we are good foreign traderas ani besides we dont need the money SO we havent even the first principles of ‘an excuse to do anybody else out of their old means of Liv1inood . We have three Japs, six Norvegians, one French, two Venezuelans, a Mexican, and the balance in ‘Aecemtines Brazilians and "100% Americans", Our table is nothing but men and no two born in the same country=--but that doesnt keep it from being the sort of a place that the hotel Fal- orie was. There is an Argentine whose only word in English is VERY CATCHY . If you wear a new necktie or carve your meat quickly or tell a rough story that pleases, you are rewarded with an approving nod and a "vairee Ketshee" fpom Signor De Miguel, Mr. De Mike as Quinn nate him, Brito one of the Brazilians is funny as the deuce for the gest- ures he tuged—té I never saw a man SO dependent on the hands feet legs and pack to express what he wants as this"SR Nas- cimento". "@nd she iss sairl!B I saw Clarine in New york pefore I sailed, and her husband too, I think he would be as need aS any in the Bronx to irk Mrs Hanks but Clarine told me things were much easier in that line than before. and Mrs Hanks is anxious to patch . it up. Clarine looked very well and made the naive remark that when you had a baby you didnt seem to get your brains back ! She said you gob sors of cow-like and contented and that Hetty had noticed the same thing too, ‘The only thing I could think mk it must be like is being taken into the Fly Alec and 30 I guess You and I are barred from that sensation! April 19 3 At two in the morning I woke up and saw the huge half-shad- owed mountain of Cabo Frio rising out of the sea quite near us, the now scant moon giving no more light than to show Gray-green rocks with blue mist floating over them, and the strange shape of the outline against an already misty star- light, Dawn was not for some time but I soon got up, And as soon aS I got up on deck the northern part of the Sky began to show an increasingly Strange and fairy book sort of hor- izon, jagged mountains of blue-black running along the coast, We were running before the dawn, The sky behind us more and more golden, the mountains more and more a china blue, the sea greener, The lonliness of being on deck was nothing, I didnt notice it till a gust from the land itself brought a lot of e earthy odors that made me want Company to enjoy them with, Very soon we could see &@ huge beak of Gray granite, smooth and cold, nosing right up out of the sea at the mouth of the harbor, lowked morenlike Sugar Loaf--Pao dAssucar -- and so I knew Rio, Now you will never read any exaggeration of Rio Harbor. on t is a little bit like what would happen if Keene Valley were filled with clean water to the level of the top of Sunset Hill of hand AY ra i the side C { 5 Of the hills covered with palms etc., and the entrance f rom the Ausable lakes, no, from the Chapel Pond Side, The city would lie to the south and soutwest and west of the bay, a rambling enormous affair of Pink, lilac, blue, buff or white plaster fingering up into but thoroughly afraid as | : over of conquering the tree-covered mountains that hover the bay There are identically the same big rainstain slides of gran- ite as in the Adirondacks, but everything on a vast scale, In the morning sun the Brazilian flag looked very much like a young tree, so very green and so very yellow. As we were waiting for the Customs and Port officials Mme, Godoy's family came on board and made a good deal of a scene, Her husband's family really, people she had hever seen before---~which must be very hardg Met Hackett at the dock and also Dr, Thomas Al- ves, a Government official in the Public Health Service who has been loaned to the Commission . The name Rock-~ efeller is somewhat of a sesame here --- [I went through the customs with no examination. Then getting into the bCommission's Ford we road up to the Hotel International one of the finest sites I have ever seen, Rio itself is rather exceptional, it has the formality and cleanliness of Paris, the hurry ana lack of tradition of the U.S., all the warm open house sub- trpical things I had never seen before, and something additional which needs watching before it appears in the literature, But there's no more question about it's beauty than that of Nancy Graves--=+-it Simply is the lovliest I have ever seen or & imagined Quintada Béa Vista —~—~=SRio. de Janeiro h TT ie SETTLES