Pi OT ae i COR. Me eye EU Sr Rae cm Be ET Se PRO RY eRe Le SERRE a1 TR Re a Coe ee on LEE er ee ee a 3 eee Bee re ee Pen rr Ea ee te Rees at Stee 3 Bie ¥ ¥ 7 tig Ce ry ty pay ae Ya ey Es Oe ‘ ar ke Ay, Hs eee 7 : naa ; : : ‘ : t ak? A Papi Name Pape ee = ae We finale got away from Newport News on Tuesday morming about nine in the morning of the 2th of March, heavily laden with coal that we could not get in New York, and by breakfast time only a low line remained of the Virginia Capes, In Newport News the earidorss were getting g1.10 an hour, not a good place to stay in --- especially if you watched them loafing on a job they could easilyvearn my salary at, (of course “I can tell myself that. _ I would soon tire of such heavy stupid work; but outdoor work at ee $280.00 per month? ) > se before jast it was a bit rough, t was standing uo in my berth about two 6, wondering if it wouldnt be wise to close the portholes of the cabin when a great big warm lovely wave pour ed down my neck and nestled into bed with mé, Every one of the cabins on our fhoor got the same, and Schweebroek the steward was not quite so cheery in his "Morgan, Geniteman"!, Ce a ae = ie a oe fa Spy? Today it has been beautifully balmy, and two or three of the men have come out in their summer clothes-~~tomorrow it will ‘be much more so, We have just had a swift sunset, darkness almost complete in half an hour, I looked out to the West this evening just before dinner and saw the young moon, ‘the penumbra very plain, and a big planet burning unusually plainnearby . I wonder what topical forests it was hanging over, and how long it will be before ai see one, Nver ie I imagined the plue of the trepical seas as strong He. Sead as full of color as "it ig, 3 18 not the opaque staring blue of the Italian lakes, it is a sea of waving blue 1ight,. the a same difference there is between dead blue eyes and eee ‘tha Shine with living light, Looking out over it: you see the: tip-ups in dazzling contrast to the purplish-blue, and then like tiny . aeroplanes at a distance, the tiny flying fish hurrying along ove a gene surface , their little fins buzzing in the sunlight, Silvery ‘white against this extraordinary sea, An learning Portuguese from a dazzling one and Her less — blinding husband, and it is a curious sort of hog-Latin-Spanish , I make it up as I go along, and that seems to entertain then, April 4th finds everything | very tropical, Flying fish are aes numerous, the color of the.sea is even bluer, and the steady e eastern winds are -the only things that keep it from being opp- ressively hot.’ The shantung silk clothes I got were no mistake, though they looked odd at 8 @olliston Rd, The Duthh sailors have a neat way of fixing their wash- ing to the line: they simply pry one of the strands away from the others and tuck a corner of the shirt into the gap---so when the wind blows it tightens the rope on the shirt, For this reason no shirts are found in the Gulf Strean, » I have read WcGrath's She Princess Blopes, Cooper's The Brazilians and Their Country, Hergesheimer's Java Head, and White, Mechanisms of Character Formation, The best is the last--- and full of more satisfactory novel- material than either of the no- Sees. April 5. Today brought us to our fbrst land, The soft green mountains of Dominica,steep and covered with waving sultry green, Then sheering away from Dominica we came up to Marlinique, lovely heaps of steep-banked foliage above a shore fringed with palms, These were my first palms, and they were better then I expected--- the tops a thicket of waving tracery and kke beneath an inviting depth of shadowed trunks where walked red-calicoed figures about, their native business, A huge cloud hung over us.as we passed, bringing out as fairly emerald the spots where the sun shone, All rather. easy and slow going, these figures we were catching glimpses of along the gray Shining shore, As we rounded the corner of the island we had full view of iad Pelee, It was a parched, jagged, towering pile whose southern sides are banked with streams of the lava that reaches in a motionless gray river down to the buried houses of St. Pierre, No trees and as yet few plante of any kind have begun to grow on this side of the mountain, The visible houses are roofless, quite deserted ---an unshattered Bailleul, April 6th, Last night we arrived at Castries, St. Lucia, after dinner, to take on coal. With an arc-light and much shouting we sidled up to a low-lying coalpier, where by an arc hung over the ships side we saw one or two very British looking men in pith helmets and khaki duck, or in old looking civilian clothes, and a a rapidly growing crowd of niggers of the gentiis Nigger --- and every one of them pretty mighty excited at seeing kis aueat regu- lar passenger boat since before the war! — We walked down the gang-plank to talk with some of the sol- diers, who we found idee stuaiel tase | They took Quinn and me up to the Maple Leaf Hotel: herd a\sereat bearish looking coon ram a bar and boasted by signs on bhe wall of his Jicesicen origtn., We ne baa some beer with the Canadians who were desperate for the | a - sight of some strange face, for they have been down on this post with not a thing to do, not for six months as they had been = promised, but for two and a half to three years- with a C.0, who'd have lost his rank Ni nny i Jae An o Ans LM } a V =a F 2s] of Lt.Col. and re- verted to a Lté if he had Péported the station as not re- quiring the men there. Somewhat like another situation, As George Bigelow says, "Ask me who!” When we got back from the pub we found coaling going on at a pace and in a way that was all that has been said of it. Hundreds of negro wenches , bare-legged to the knees and trussed up in the most ragged and disintegrated clothes I have ever seen, were standing ar walking with large bas- kets of coal upon their heads, The general flow of the crowd was from the dump towards the ship where stood at. the very edge of the bunker a checker, who as each woman passed him, basket on head and hand outstretched, gave her @ copper coin marked McGregor Peters-- the value of which for it is the money of this tom, is about cent, The baskets as I saw on the scales, weighed between 100 and 120 pounds . A contrast to the coaling at Newport Newsl I have never seen such peculiar and admirably erect figures of women, such swaying loose walking, nor so abundant cause to believe that you were looking at no more than a female animal-- as sturdy and independent as the male and differing only as a matter of stricture, They talk a patter of French--"Vihny see"! was come- here! ---all in a flat loud piercing tone, their pink Longues rolling about kaekr between their gleaming teeth, And Lord what hard work! This morning after a sleep troubled by the screams and t thuds of the coaling process just on the other side of my closed porthole, I got up feeling rather dopey. But on looking out I paw the island that had been hidden the night before, the clean- est greenest looking sweepof hill you ever saw, palms---yes and the finest wavy sort of them, up against the skyline, I got up into the town without much delay. At a store I got some post- cards and as I was looxing about aimlessly for anything else I might need there was suddenly a great burst of screaming pain of the actual horsewhbp-- and the loud selfrighteous of the user of the whip, and the click of the rawhide in action, And behold a terrified little nigger of perhaps nine and his equally agonized small sister of twelve getting collectively horsewhipped by a big fat Bmmx very distingue looking coon dd i> with a white zoatee, The screams of the little boywere drawing a crowd rapidlywhen the old fellow gave up-- only to be succeeded as a source of terror by the native police, Aka = , xtall shrivelled negress in the = most flowingly copious and roar- ingly pink calico dress I have ever seen, with a deep red ban- dana and a large straw hat, s stood by and gave shrill appro- val to the punishment, Then t the crowd as usual disregarded ca un J ‘i i il Hh i wn " os ct ct opinions, sought action else- ee ms ws ines as where and melted away, leaving Begg) gif a a mss + ae eh x ‘ her in loud unanimity with the goatee, Walked to the top of the hill overlooking the bay, see- ing my first living bamboo--- whose beauty is not in the dry stalks we see at home, Such a smooth strong green columns, and such soft creamy green, Many chameleons on the way down the road, bright green if near the bamboo and stone grey against the wall, A warm close morning by ten o'clock, And go back to the- boat , through narrow flat streets flanked by low verandahed houses, with much staring by the population, Then came midday sleeping in that damned hot cabin of mine, Read some of the Smart Set this P.M. and happened upon Mencken's definition of a theatrical star---" a heavenly body" ‘Saw the Southern Cross this evening -- tis not very bright but improvesm upon further acquaintance, Also identified the Scorpio and the Centaur, Scorpio very easily. April 12th. ne day differs not much from the other Soni days, and so it is that I can Sum Up @ few suns into wal page. After leaving ST. Lucia we turned eastward and be- gan the accomplishishment of that part of the journey which nobody realizes at home-- the big eastward swing to get around The bay at Castries, St. Lucia, Cape San Roque, About the only change I have noticed is that the cabin is a little hotter at night and the wind a little stronger by day---with a little more rolling by day. I have not had any Ragas more baby waves coming in to sleep with me, but have rigged up a jury sail out of a pillow-case and a cane, which reaches out of the port like a hand and pulls in a most refreshing current of ing. Nobody is seasick, only just Theee days ago after dinner the boy went round the boat With a gong, and so as usual we all assembled in the smoking room to see what it was about. Mr. Israels, a blonde Jew from New Orleans coffee merchant, who wears his captain's two bars still on his soft shirt coblar, took he Phoer, He explained that the guesses on the next day's run, " the pool", were to be run thus; 20 numbers from 275 to 294 had been sold during the afternoon for $4.00 each , We would now proceed to the auction of these numbers to the highest bidders, the seeler retaining half the price realised, and the final bids being for Righ a and low field, i.e. any number of miles the ship might go Shove. | or below the given range of numbers, The pot was to be made from the other half of the mumbexs amounts bidded, plus what was given for high and low fields. Everybody looked dully in- telligent and the bidding went on slowly but surely, till about $400 .0Owas wp If you bid for the number 284, and the boat ran 284 miles that next day then you'd get half the pot and numbers 274 and 294 would divide the other half. Of course ee | ee Sa e csaeania low and high were the best of all bets, but this Jew was more familiar with game than the others and nobody bid him higher than $74.00. Now he had heard earlier in the day that hhe poat was not. making good time ,------- The boats made 261 miles Mr. Israels won the entire pot, gave away 950.00 to the stew- ards----- put despite this gallant and humane action failed to protect his good name from the muttered oaths of his fellow passsengers , This was the first time I have ever seen a Jew in a game of chanced Metter I might say I have not yet seen a Jew in a Game of Chance, Last night we had a fancy dress party. It was very hot and I saw myself best as a baby, in all the heat and tus mult of the evening, So I got Mrs. Best to give me a night- sown---lMirs, Van Rensellaer had told me that nowadays the young anybody, ---so Mrs, Best gave me a garment in which size obvious- ly struggled with girlish coyness, pretty little fake flowers over a "throat" that went well around me, Mrs, B, is (a) #x48. From other sources came bib, a bottle, a pink hair-ribbon from Mrs. Fitz-Patrick. It was a coy and dangerously thin costume, but I lived a happy baby's life in xk it until I found it was beginning to stick to me, so I left and I hada long succession of warming the tropical tepid water while the rest of the crowd filled the bar and emptied the bottles, Roxo and Jugo were aress- ed as a Brazilian coon and his wife, Israel wore his Sam Browne pelt in additionto his regular uniform, Lutfy was a sailor, Mrs. van Pel¥ a pink accordion pleated gown which she says is a petti- coat but which looked pretty chic for all that, Quinn the Can- adian at my table, started to dress up for my nurse but found himself too convinving/ and irresistible as a demimonde and nat- urally left me to take care of myself, Brito was in the Captain's hat and his own pajamas and looked quite like.a wilted officer one of these days, Yesterday came the ceremony of . crossing the equator and being in; >. a _ “| itiated by Father Neptune into the 'company of all good mariners, This — » consists of getting dressed in sy your bathing suit and parading round 3 the deck and ending at ak large on “OY yg the after deck where Father Neptune P Me appears dressed in long flowing robes es | , _ triton, etc., and after lathering wits your face, eyes, neck, and head, turns re a you while you are tightly closing both eyes to keep out the lather, 4 Le: | eee over heels into a tub of water + Beate 'or rather a tank of water, while the rest of the passengers yell with — oe i bea Me cul Dias ea A Reha Lae R Ce SA ahora Dated a hh oc tdi. ‘ pleasure, This morning I found in my dreams my cigarette case which I lost in New York, --- I looked at it and then as I would | do again I yelled MYAy" My loud yell woke me up and L looked in my empty- hand to find NO CIGRARETTE CASE, Don's cigars have as is usual with his presents been muuh appreciated, Three or four mornings ago I came down to the cabin to find Swee broek the steward reading this diary intently, and when he saw me his-only-comment was that hi's taweweeraut paper It he saw this evening's copy he'd have numerous complaints to make , for the stenogz#apher is sitting in the buff exclusively , right under the electric fan and tired from too little to do, April 14 | rt is*a suridey afternoon and we've been about three hours across the equator and in a blaze of the most blinding sunlight ,and the sea an unbelievable sea of blue ‘light, and the boat just rolling along carefree and swashy, the flying fish hurrying over the top of the waves,..,.,all things warm cheery and agreeable, Madame Godoy, a beautifulnBrazilian widow, is ..sitting in here listening to a friend of hers play the piano. Just a week ago this time we were looking over the port side of the boat at Mabtinique,.,.a glorious pile of steep hills, almost enerald ee where the sun filtered through the big rain clouds of summer, All the way up those steep gorges and hills were filigre palms waving contentedly in the warm air and along the shore, barely distinguishable through the field glasses, white and red clothed figures, Then St, Pierre with its 20000 dead, more than half still buried beneath the lava, a sight that seems to have kept the settlers from coming back, And that night we coaled, All night long the stream af nigger wenches with the coal baskets on their heads, swaying and lurching up to the ship' S side, screaming and chattering . to throw their 100 pounds into the bunker and go back for more, “To see the palms, the passion flowers, the bamboo, and the bho bay of Gapies where Spaniard and Englishman fought it out in bhe ola. days, ---- all this color and ahundance made me keen to get on to the end of my journey, But St. Lucia is as far \from us as Europe is fron you almost, and to-day a b' row lone birds have been earnest of nearing land, Pernambuco tomorrow, (7 \i/ A Baptist minister has " just left me sorrowing . Meee He came around with a book of trench poetry, and gave me the book to read, I read half of two and all of one, and then I couldnt go on, " A proud and fearless woman Seeing pictures in the fire, And a torn and mangled body On the wire", Quinn took them up a while and in three or four minutes I ask- ed him (he was in the 8th of Oct, show of the Canadians) "Well how do you like them?" "Oh they put me in the blues again", he said uneasily. "Those are real good pomes, aren't they!" said Dr, odin ing coming up to us suddenly. ¥g 1 Well I suppose they were but we could not be sure, It bores me a bit to have so many want thrills withbut any suffering. April 15. We got into Pernambuco about il o'- clock this morning. In some way I got my direct- ions confused and as a re- sult the place stays in my mind as if it were on the coast of Africa with all the country lying to the east instead of the 90 0600000006060000600006 8 8 6 O68 8 6 6 6 6 6.6 1} KONINKLIJKE. HOLLANDSCHE LLOYD S.S. ,, HOLLANDIA” | AEQUATOR, den ~*~. Wij, NEPTUNUS, God der Oceanen, Zeeén, Baaien, Golven en aller andere (behalve minerale) Wateren en van alle leven, hetwelk daarin scharrelt, dwarrelt, friemelt en wWriemelt, enz., enz., enz.; ae ae dat Ct Ola. voor de eerste maal Ons gebiéd Co en aan alle eischen en voorschriften heeft voldaan, waarom hij hiermede van Onzentwege het recht verkrijgt te allen tijde in Ons gebied te verwijlen. Als blijk Onzer hooge tevredenheid verleenen wij hem de gunst allen zeenymphen het hof te mogen maken en doopen Wij hem met den wes welken naam Wij hem gelasten waardig te dragen. Gegeven in den ATLANJISCHEN OCEAAN, | “oe -U den V/A a J AL CK, 19 ry ae mr ll OUNUS, GOD DER OCEANEN, ENZ. Ce Eee [Jjcoc occ CDF DF ODD DDD ODOC ODOT OOOO DDDD ODDO ODE OOOOO [=] ees wt Tt Git? west, It was a low lying port with a long jetty and a few skiffs filled with bahan2s ‘and oranges, an old Dutch light house and @ group of clean looking white houses that looked as 0, Henry says"like a hard-boiled egg on a piece &P Yettadelt! They have an amusing scheme of unloading their péople from ‘the boat there: a large basket, a cross between a clothes basket and a sentry box was. stood on its end and a few people crowded into it throug the opened side, It was suddenly swept into the air by the ‘erane and the ‘people dandled in the air for a moment only to be suddenly dropped on to the bobbing deck of the tender, The con- tents were anything but happy, especially when the tender rose suddenly and struck the descending basket on the bottom, Mrs. Croher is gas usual roaring into ee ee in an engaging way and has bought a “parrot fron an old Indian, We have begun to get other impressions than just sight ---we had mangoes for lunch, and they"S ean wate odd, | As we left the harbor a rainstorm began, the first they have had since November, and .the distant water got quite purple and the nearer water got a bright plue like an Italian lake, We passed a fisherman sitting on the four poles lashed together and handling the tiny sail of his raft, very much alone in the sea, but going as far as 35 miles outside of the sight of land because he has unvarying trades to blow him back, April 16 I think it was tonight we came into Bahia, You cant do anything in the trop: Bey dusk. it doesnt last long enough, After dinner we went to the city in an automobile wi ts Mrs, Pyles, Drand Mrs Titus, Brito and Bennett, climbing up the @ilaTt on which the city liesand gave it the onceover from an automobile, going out to the _pensao which, is kept by. Guynemer' Ss. mother, where we met a friend of Bennetts, whose career is in- teresting, His name is “Mosely, &@ small swarthy young mglishaan, with a shifty oyP and a handbhake like. crumbling tissue-paperé In the summer of 4014 he and a friend were at Monte carlo, His. Jade friend one night when they were in the gambling-room said, "Here 24 put this twenty francs on bine red " He did and won 140 frencs ---and some more that night . Since when he has been gan- bling with any money he can get his hands on, He tried to euliat. but was rejected on his stature. so hearing the reputation of Rio as a center for gambling, and ashamed to show his face at home he came to Rio.In theee months he had lost nearly 150,000 dollars of his own and his family's money, If a boat came in on Friday night he would hardly sleep for the excitement of getting the draft from home , If it didnt come in time to get to the bank on Sat, he would take a launch across the bay and get a friend to cash it as a special favor---- to use up that night till he was where he was before, He got almost to starvation, went to Bahia to get away from his pals of Rio, got a@ job in a commercial house and had a safe made out of heavy steel with a slot in it through which he begged his employer to put a third of his savings--against himselfg One night the lomgihg got the upper hand and he got a cold chisel, opened the box and lost the salary at roulette, When we saw him Bennett said "We&l old man how goes it?" Mosely put his hand in his pocket nd pulled out a handful of chips and grinned a queer sort of leer, The air was soft and l@aded with smells I have never known before, the palms along the streets are all they say of them, the houses a stmange ornate, formal but I suspect very cool sort, a bit like the modern French houses in Lille or along the Boulevarde de Lille in Roubaix, The _ stores were all open in Bahia, simply without any front wall, and the proprietor stands round loafing quite like the orient, The music goes on the tine oF Dud da-dada da Dud da-dada da, The Pavoni te place of light and life is a combination cigar and rum shop with tables for other forms of food, Since Pernambuco I have shared my cabin with Antonio Caeta Ribeiro, em firma A.C, Ribeiro, Caixas 245 RECIFE, We grin inanely at each other but I can see that I study the Portuguese pretty soon now, Antonio is much intrigued by rp. my stropping my razor in the morning; he doesnt do it to his and the noise he makes shaving makes me cringe with the pain it must give hin, Though he may be beyond suffering from the | desperate fumes of the perfume he uses , Thank God he doesnt mind fresh air, ‘An election here was lost here recently because the trumpcard was saved till the very last and then played with a crash, At nine o'clock of the night before the elections the orators sallied forth and mounting the stumps said" This man they ask you to vote for is nof worthy of your vote and we have just discovered a fact that proves it. Why he is so weak and soft a character that he doesnt even keep a mistress" April 17 Now that I have become used to the palms, mangoes, . zapotos, and the bamboos, and the parrot we bought at Pernan- buco, my wonderment has been aroused more by the natives then by flora or fauna, Some of the haute monde do Brasil got on the poat at Bahia, They seem to me like slightly Swarthy Frenchmen very well educated and speaking at least the three languages and often five, very amusing company in some cases, and much more civilised in the French meaning off the term than we of | North America, They are keen about the U.S. amd are much more favorably disposed to us than the Argentines, at least so every one sly 82" ths! coaneny bred folk are in the business of absorb- ing the black blood which is like taking an inkspotk out of flannel breeches by adding more water and rubbing the affair into a, ti cet aoe than ever, The coons have none of our jolly clattering spirit----nor have their whites much joie de vivre either, The naval men we had down here a& were an excellent sort and made no end of a killing with apparently everyoneg I gather from the numerous commercial men on board that the trade conditioms here will revert to the European advant age very largely, now that deliveries can be made from the o other side, but th.t Brazil looks with great favor on the U, 5. partly to counter-act the extreme favor with which the Argentines regard Europe, Everyone says that we are lend- ing to Europe at five percent and they are come down here with it and using the friendships of before the war are able to push the Americas out, and getting 8 to 25% on the money they pay us back with “ees gusto, And a smile for ois innocent good-will, Hell, what's the difference! I think we have a long road to go before we are good foreign traderas ani besides we dont need the money SO we havent even the first principles of ‘an excuse to do anybody else out of their old means of Liv1inood . We have three Japs, six Norvegians, one French, two Venezuelans, a Mexican, and the balance in ‘Aecemtines Brazilians and "100% Americans", Our table is nothing but men and no two born in the same country=--but that doesnt keep it from being the sort of a place that the hotel Fal- orie was. There is an Argentine whose only word in English is VERY CATCHY . If you wear a new necktie or carve your meat quickly or tell a rough story that pleases, you are rewarded with an approving nod and a "vairee Ketshee" fpom Signor De Miguel, Mr. De Mike as Quinn nate him, Brito one of the Brazilians is funny as the deuce for the gest- ures he tuged—té I never saw a man SO dependent on the hands feet legs and pack to express what he wants as this"SR Nas- cimento". "@nd she iss sairl!B I saw Clarine in New york pefore I sailed, and her husband too, I think he would be as need aS any in the Bronx to irk Mrs Hanks but Clarine told me things were much easier in that line than before. and Mrs Hanks is anxious to patch . it up. Clarine looked very well and made the naive remark that when you had a baby you didnt seem to get your brains back ! She said you gob sors of cow-like and contented and that Hetty had noticed the same thing too, ‘The only thing I could think mk it must be like is being taken into the Fly Alec and 30 I guess You and I are barred from that sensation! April 19 3 At two in the morning I woke up and saw the huge half-shad- owed mountain of Cabo Frio rising out of the sea quite near us, the now scant moon giving no more light than to show Gray-green rocks with blue mist floating over them, and the strange shape of the outline against an already misty star- light, Dawn was not for some time but I soon got up, And as soon aS I got up on deck the northern part of the Sky began to show an increasingly Strange and fairy book sort of hor- izon, jagged mountains of blue-black running along the coast, We were running before the dawn, The sky behind us more and more golden, the mountains more and more a china blue, the sea greener, The lonliness of being on deck was nothing, I didnt notice it till a gust from the land itself brought a lot of e earthy odors that made me want Company to enjoy them with, Very soon we could see &@ huge beak of Gray granite, smooth and cold, nosing right up out of the sea at the mouth of the harbor, lowked morenlike Sugar Loaf--Pao dAssucar -- and so I knew Rio, Now you will never read any exaggeration of Rio Harbor. on t is a little bit like what would happen if Keene Valley were filled with clean water to the level of the top of Sunset Hill of hand AY ra i the side C { 5 Of the hills covered with palms etc., and the entrance f rom the Ausable lakes, no, from the Chapel Pond Side, The city would lie to the south and soutwest and west of the bay, a rambling enormous affair of Pink, lilac, blue, buff or white plaster fingering up into but thoroughly afraid as | : over of conquering the tree-covered mountains that hover the bay There are identically the same big rainstain slides of gran- ite as in the Adirondacks, but everything on a vast scale, In the morning sun the Brazilian flag looked very much like a young tree, so very green and so very yellow. As we were waiting for the Customs and Port officials Mme, Godoy's family came on board and made a good deal of a scene, Her husband's family really, people she had hever seen before---~which must be very hardg Met Hackett at the dock and also Dr, Thomas Al- ves, a Government official in the Public Health Service who has been loaned to the Commission . The name Rock-~ efeller is somewhat of a sesame here --- [I went through the customs with no examination. Then getting into the bCommission's Ford we road up to the Hotel International one of the finest sites I have ever seen, Rio itself is rather exceptional, it has the formality and cleanliness of Paris, the hurry ana lack of tradition of the U.S., all the warm open house sub- trpical things I had never seen before, and something additional which needs watching before it appears in the literature, But there's no more question about it's beauty than that of Nancy Graves--=+-it Simply is the lovliest I have ever seen or & imagined Quintada Béa Vista —~—~=SRio. de Janeiro h TT ie SETTLES At the International I. met, Dr, Austin, a Philadelphia man who knew Hal Thomas and Arthur Lyon at the R. Inst, Also Dr. Pearce of Pennsylvania, who is going round on an inspection tour of all the South American countries for the Foundation, He is about as approachable as a stone wall round a cemetery, but proves rather a cheerful duck at the end of a long attack and no fool at the main. chance, He used to ig to Marion in the dark ages, and so knew the Sweetsers, He told me a story typical of the Brazilian method of expression,--- a grammar gave the local definition of language as "WHAT IS LANGUAGE?" “Language is divided into three forms: iWritten 2 Spoken 3 Gesticulated, Met also br Hydrick wno did the H¥ in the Camayan Islands, trfiidad and tobago, A very nice Southerner a man with brains enough to go to England as a Rhodes scholar and not waste his time studying Se a ¢ Sih woh al or er ‘ set Ne * Bie stead of Englis shnenamne their. ideas, = over to Nicktheroy, across the harbor on the eastern side and there at the Hacketts we had a del- Z v icious warm swim and a pleasant mi dinner---waffles off an electris iron at the table and some beans much like howe . I dont suppose there are many sunsets in the world more beautiful than the ones you see from Nicktheroy, Coming back with Hydrick I saw an exampite of what others have noticed here,--the solemn determined way the Brazilians have a good time, They try not with the jerky, selfconscious mortified abandon of some sections of the Nordic race, but with amelancholy, dis- tant look that the experts say hides a tremendous whirl- wind of happiness, At any rate he simply stares with” joy at an American who really is noisy and happy and original in his fun, Hackett says that an American can do anything dow here and the Braziiians say to them- selves “He is an American!" or"The Americans are apract- feal people, he must have a reason", This polite and cautious of three or four boys from the battleship Ov6(#6" PUEBLO who solemnly imitated a barnyard scene in the street in Nicktheroy was no doubt made by all intelligent Braziliane| 4 April goth. Dr, Pierce gave a luncheon today to the members of the Commission and their wives, where I met Dr, Darling and also Dr, Crowell and his wife, Darling is a tall,long-haired, open eyed man of ideas; he'd be at the head of a now religion if he were not at the head of the ranks in this new phase of medicine, He 1s aperson who loves vistas, medical and anthropological es- pecially- and the way he talks of the Nordic race , the Mediterr- aneans etc,, is most fascinating, because he knows a great deal about it, Smillie thinks he knows more about mosguitoes than all but two or three other men alive and I don't doubt it. The Cro- wells knew Don in the Philippines and have been mbst kind to me, He is at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute as the Pathologist, She seems rather the worse for her time in fhe Islands, and looks very tira , Dr, Chagas of the Institute was there also and I got along with him fairly well in French --- it is going to be my salvation until I get some Portuguese, Chagas is going to the U.S. and if you get a chance to hear him, do so, After dinner I went up on the hill and watched the sunset over the bay, It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, Rio de Janeiro, In the evening sat and talked with Pierce and Austin. The. night was wonderful and you should see and. smell the night here! The tobacco is GOOD, From what Hackett says I shall go to Sao Paulo with Smillie and get familiar with various mosquitoes and worms and the sim- pler phases of the Portuguese tongue for a month or so, and then return to Rio with a chance to really get to work, I Suspect that I will be sent to the state of Santa Catherina to do a Hx survey and then perhaps to keep on there in charge of a few posts, The work here in Brazil is opening up with a most gratifying and tan- talizing rapidity, Tor example there are eleven enormous counties that have requested suMtare lately but we can't help them because we are so short of trained men, That is a months crop of requests ---and look at the size of Brazil! I see where I get what I came for -- experience in health administration, © April 2ist, After lunch with Hydrick and Alves at a delight- queer restaurant down town we went over to Nicktheroy and had a row over to the outdide beach with an Englishmen by the name of Waugh, who has just married Dr, Hacketts secret- ary and is living at the H's house, ‘Twas pleasant seeing an Englishman again, At 8:30 in the evening we took the train for Campos, a Sugar town in the state of Rio, and after a very hot and close ride arrived the next morn- ing at 7, The R.R, was called the Leopoldina an English affair and it burns wood ---nor is it more prosperous inappearance than it need be, WS went to the post in town where the guardas bring in the bring in the work for the microscopists, and then we went then we went out to the field, where in the heart of the sugar cane country a large blue see house gives quarters to the men who ride about from village to hamlet, giving treatment-and coli treatment and collecting specimens, The sign outside on two high posts driven into a five foot anthill read COMMICAO ROCKEFELLER. The guardas are all rather super- ior men and ride well these funny little single-footing horses, DW o.. ¥ BY BL e ‘) O 2 6) 7 6) BY va a Al e 0 py BY J ‘= OawNODHOD OA OLIty OAC QASIA ae Fe ik fee ee ear “MNswaes 00 = het.) (Oma elh = O9O04vWLiO0S ®P Wibdue ee WOINSAW a) | 26 April 22 i. & ” “Hackett and Smillie and I went out to a suburb well out of town early this morning to see a place where there has been a great deal of malaria among the laborers in a large brick- yard, Giine Cue pool to pool scooping up shallow pans of water and spooning out the larvae to take home and hatch out, thus we spent a very hot four hours, The sea wter has eaened in to a con- Siderable extent in the pits from which the clay has been taken and forms pools of graduated salt content. We took specimens to * be tested for salt %. Brick yards are entirely uncontrolled and unadvised in the matter of the drainage of their pits here; so far as I know, As we went along the road I remarked to Hackett about the way the pullock-carts were droning and squeaking--you could hear them quite a long way off before you came upon them. He said e that the oxen have to be whipped all the time unless they can have that squeak to cheer them on the way, so the driver s put charcoal in the axle, and the senile is enough to convince any living creature that something goes on, The towns make them tone it down with soap os nk the city limite. . We got to the hotel to a very formal dinner given by the Crowells to the DR Pearce, with Mr, Morgan the U.S. Ambassador, as one of the chief guests, It took an interminable time. I had a simple creature to converse with---most of the time it was serving, for she never returned anything but a few easy nal underhand, and I got well cleared out of leads bythe end of the - evening. Mr. Morgan gives the impression of a porcine dilletante, the sort that wears a check suit, black pearls,and with the handkerchief in the sleeve, and a hewiahake like a warm oyster or a surgeons rubber glove filled with warm water, He is said to be shrewd , and commanding of respect in the later stages of acqu aintance, and is a great favorite with the Brazilians, I think it would be interesting to know what happens to our natural antipathy when we smother mt for utilities sake, April 25 Smillie ieft this morning for Rezende, but it didnt { Seem wise for me to speed up tp quite that extent, so I stayed at the hogel and didnt get up till one, Pearce and Austin led an equally lazy life |] Brazilhan meals are mot on our schedule at all, In the early morning they nothing but strong coffee and perhaps a little bread, At 10;50 or 11:00 they have almoco, a com- a ee bined breakfast and lunch, then comes jantar at 5:00 and thereafter nothing at all. They are very fond of meats and greasy things, and beans are the only vegetable as common as our potato, Ther is a great plenty of fruit but they do not eat it much, and have quite a lot of rules about the eating of itn milk and oranges NO! Fruit with breakfast ? NO! etc, Limes are common and Pearce S SOE HT oe am § x, : a ER ey 4 yy ak ae * OA 7 || says that everything we take lemon on is better still with lime, abacate especially, and ‘in tea, Oranges can be bought for 1$000 or about 25¢ a hundred, and of course bahanas are cheap too, Mamaos are melon-like things (our name for them is paw-paw) which have the flavor of Easter lil- ies and are good, My stomach is meeting a total stranger about twice a day now , , Rio is the most beautiful city now, especially at night and from Nicktheroy, They dont care what they spend in street lights, millions of them in long twinkling lines along the sea or sparkling in festoons and chainsn on the mountains. The plan is not to have a certain amount of light for a certain anoint of money , put to have it look well; and it certainly succeeds, April 26th sc Up before dawn to catch the train for Rézende 27 The ride to the ststion in the auto was very quiet and beautiful the chauffeur seemed to have pleasure in going that way, © This is quite unlike the normal Brazilian chauffeur, who has & very niggery idea of driving and is hair-raising to a degree fe fou! 2 he the way he cuts behind street cars etc,, taking chances that would make Barney Oldfield turn in his grave, It is funny to see four policemanto a block, standing inthe center of the Sidewalk to keep the people walking only on the right Side, Prey “gt pater snails spall at ii Panorama visto do Internacional Rio de Janeiro Me eos 8, “ f a Sg <5 eo re Gee See Tae, WORM Ca ia eel ins “ t et ed ‘ 5 a Att ~ bared Ms oie | while automobiles are threatening death out in the streey, Writing this on the train finds me climbing up and up these bananaz and palm-covered mountains in an ordinary coach, A good roadbed and in good time, The sun 1s still very hot but the air is more refreshing t han in Rio, Imet Smillie in Rezende safely and we went on to p20 Paulo, a long but interesting ride into country of good eleveationand perhaps more civilized than around RIO, Sunday 27th. | Things here in §.P. are extremely interesting, just as they were in Rio, The country, rich beyond computayZion, boombng, graft-sustaining, fazendas yield- ing 20 to 30% a year, scant native culture, careless, raw, active eager,---- this country is our own country of 1830 to 1850 all over again. States Rights are far stronger than Federal power, eee et et EE Sn a Vista Geral de uma Fazenda de Café — E. de S40 Paulo. They are keen for the Rockefeller Commissao---it is in demand far beyond its ability. What with my trav- elling expenses paid, with new places opening up every- where, 4 UREA amount of money to work with and every kind of country in the world to be visited and work to be done in many of them, I feel satisfied I shall get valuable administrative experience plus an extraorginarily “inkereanine life along other paths, 7 ; 28° Most of the food is new, the cenguage is new but Got too hard , there is going to be enough interesting medicine to keep @ man busy on that alone, and there is enough contact with everybody----from the Naval Attachees wife round the circle meeting the Indian sqaw at the place where the ladies drink, gamble and keep cool, When we were. out in Campos scooping ap the larvae, Smiiltie said "If only my elinteal professors could pm me now!" But after considering it we decided that they pay 4100 a week for the chance each summer and refer to it as fishing, whereas we get get paid for doing it ---and, catching no fish either we score morally by not calling gw it"fishing", I expect to call it off here after about a month or two of vey + Re hookworm, malaria and Portuguese, And in June or July I! ll go to Santa Catherina to make a survey there ~=- nice cool country, I'm told, This town of sao Paulo is a delightfully cool wellkept Californian town in ahigh rolling section of hills, and in all the obvious ways a good place to live an, it ae not aas beautiful as Rio but nothing could be very well, though it is more cool and comfortable, “-gmillie bought a parroqueet yesterday in Rezende and we solemnly carried the little green devil through two lines of swell Brazilian soldiers in the station last night, who were standing at attention, awaiting a pair of French Commissioners who came down with us on the train, After this impressive reception to the bird, and an extremely affectionate and excite. ed greeting by young John Smillie, aged 4, iis parroauale met tragic end by being under the advancing toe of draudnotner Anderson---- and now the only thing that stands Prate is that there are lots more paroqueets in Brazil and we were going to get another anyway. Good luck tonyou all and dont worry that these pages aren't numbered---much of Homer, we are told was carried in the heads of those who liked his stuff---and I shall do better when I settle down, II — Mussurana (Oxyrhopus cloelia) matando uma jararaca (Lachesis lanceo- latus) serpente venenosa eis of a single long holiday in the. summer, As r said well oboe ved, excepting the men who make a tidy. penny each holiday by hiding in the office buildings and arresting the people who try to work against the law---the detective ae given half the fine! | The last three days Smillie and I have been getting up at six and hurrying over to the Santa Casa ade Misericordia a huge hospital run by the Catholic Sisters, to run through some clinical tests on the use of beta-naphthol as a remedy for hookworm, The patiemts are all uneducated Brazilians, in one of the eye wards, most of them having trachoma, and all of them well infected with Hw (hookworm), It is simply a perfect little laboratory we work in, though the gift of as much as five milreis (41,) would be so frightfully liber al an act that you'd be put in the papers for it instanter, Where the money comes from to run the whole big place is problematical---exceptathat the Catholic church is behind it, Were it nog for the awful. numbers: of flies and the crowding of patients one on a high bed and one on the floor beneath him, the hospital would be quite presentable, The gardens around which the buildings lie cloistered are of course 1 lovely, There are royal palms, fir trees that come dow only to 15 feet from the ground with a little hedge of young bam~ boo in pots to make a cool little retreat under the fir tree complete, And a dull droning noise fills the air, pouring — out of the imposing, chapel that etends inthe center of the garden, --- the prayers of the sick for relief from their ilis, When one of our patients, Jose Boli, a pasty faced little defective with trachoma and an unqunchable grin, pray- ed this week it worked wonders and Jose is host no longer of 768 hungfy H* worms and is fast convincing me that even if you dont prevemt H* recurring in Brazil you can do an enormous lot of benefit to some pretty miserably 111 men moe o a : ‘ ME shee ; ae : Ie es : CU Gate OE an Ree ee : egos 4 fa 50% 11 ie sca 1 éna ee. tat reg Tie een eee fas 5 bigs Mage oe keep Hi ning , which under ‘the elpcumstances io an that x a1 am going ‘to y Wis taeriea, rtd & ing ‘th 4 n g ~-ny 1¢ wher 1 my eyes open o ane ae is ae T t : } a Mey te r ‘its . “al . we j i) on “the graceful paim waving ‘by ay Puan .. ~ oa winter suit that I brought ‘down hére has not “peen too hot yet, and it bids fair to grow cooler eti.l, penn ah overcoat will never be a necessity, . “"ghe food here ‘at the Instituto Paulista is simply " “delicious especially the medt, f an‘getting Mo’ that 'T can “get my gastric claims attended to by the waiter pretty well but he is shocked more than he ean help showing by the small meais I take and the ever phesent "Chega" with which I waive “aside” three courses ‘of meat or tree kinds of jelly. The coffee here is simply delicious and the Brazilians take it the way the’ English take tea, Theres @ big differencé in their sugar hoe though; it is fine and flakey and dissolves almost immediate- rae in any size cup, ‘Of course the fruit ‘de ‘good especially some of these things ‘I have never tasted before, a ‘ art a ee ee & Me ws Up on ‘my “walls: ‘here’ already hang the pictures that “adorned the walls at 355. Marlborough, the M.G,H, 41a Gener- ca Hospital 22, or at least some of them, for I think ther's a good deal to be said for hauling the Penates around with you, As soon as I get to a post and settle down (as the sea gulls say) I shall put up those famous flame colored curtains “which turned up quite unexpectedly in sone of the stuff I unpacked in that lovely oiity of RIO, It was a humorous sight “Ys see then roll out in all ‘their Tupper madness of color upon the well swept floor oF the IntePnacional,. saw Sf a few certain spoons had rattled out with them the tilusion would have been complete! — : “Which one of the family likes the flavor of sassafrass ~ espectally? They ‘nave boxes made of the ‘wood: here and the s amell is really very pleasant and not too “strong, When I get to travelling though there will be a | lot of things to get so I'd bast wait, ™: explicit directions on it Bobe Hackett, Ae eee wontiey eam. 8 50, t took eavadviiee of ‘the: chance. ne home with my coat end waistcoat over my arm ana a nice layer of silk between my flea-bitten chines and the mila breezes of. limo, Dr, Epitachio Pessoa's native lend,(He's| the nut % ‘tha hae ‘just been elected president of Brail), As I said phte is the beginnirig of the cold weather, and so. I celebra- “tea by gbing out to Phheiros and collecting 801 me ‘anopheles | and culex larvae to atudy this next week, Elavo the re diener at the school of hygeine went with me ‘and took great pride in talking Poruguese to ne the entire ‘time, while I t “took equal pride in understanding hin, which.I can do now to my great amazement by assuming that he is a French Canadian | trying to-talk Latin when flushed with the fumes of wine, The words bear about that relation to anything you ever heard before, Coming home I did feel the need of a more satisfact- ory medium of exchange, for a very inebriate elderly negress— of navvy's dimensions reminded me of "My Sunday at Home" and I knew fear what it was, The motormen on these bondes(trect - cars) stop the car any time anywhere and for PATO ane “reminds ne of La Belle France, Before I forget it let me call attention to the low salaries and the equally elevated morals of the the Customs Officials in this great land---if you must send ne anything - that cam be worn or sold ‘send 1t to 61 Broadway with the sent in any shipment to ar and not in the mail , Things otherwise get stolen or require ages of quarreling with the authorities before they can be delivered, = © a Yesterday Smillie and I went t@ the Darlings for Sunday dinner, Dr, Darling was one of General Gorgas' chiefs in Panama from 1905 in the yellow fever days to 1913, is in the R, Commission now and is the head of the school of Hy- geine which the State of Sao Paolo has begun here, For the last three years he has been in Java on H# ‘and Malaria and in addition to these remarkable experiences is @ man who ee ‘ or oe eS Pas cr eat ¥ bie auger” GE cag Pigs oo es igh 2, oe ae ee RR as PO nh Sp ae rr we 4 s * /* ES, oe cig voy ‘ ‘ oni 9 Wa date : ss ‘ . ‘ % Sari toe ‘ shi uo Cs25 é Yeu: ‘ e ait pi pA ee Reece cy. cig te kia eit hae See SB eS 2 peat “noe aes ah >. aisha Fes aia A RAD ta Ga aad: a Fe Ere ee a iia e 5 f fe bik an) AME ai MASA ie 5 AS ad : wah Se ea PERS CCA per Ee. ei eee Oe ae ES ME eRe at gy BCU Relea eae 8 te) Me Ee OR et eGR een th? hie A. ye : > eas ae Pay ‘A Bia he oh) » og kk gamle, Mite el ti i a lami Oak od er ee ae ee lee Vie Pune oieae Pee! Wahome a ss ieahaa. Halt ae ee ae aur ; ee ene “Bee ene a. fol ai, tll ee Fe aa, CON Ree es Re i 58 a ke J hig a li 8 GE alls slat A lB le ak i ‘ Oi gaan bare “4 4 ae ae, ; eects ey b a ee j Biiccca ae f ie ila a i t sulin eer 4 \ z . x cc: a ae 4 re ot ae Rol oe N eis Pos s * ee ; f : : CG 7 1 pe find Peer - ee. a : hs oe ey ria ih " :) ere * - - . Ee oT ee ‘ Oe aa sa Bes ws he ee ee ere, emer = . ° : : ees ie oa i aa: : ’ snything he me to eee ‘first, or course hs is Labebinn ating as an authority on Javan for he is crazy about Serena: sleeps in a sarong wears it all the tine in his den, used to. chew betel nut,which he says has ever$hhing that a cocktail has except the aicehel, and has a collection of Javan things that I've never seen equalled on any similar subject, His wife is so amusing! She is a fat cheery outspoken high tenm- pered Southerner who. is just as well defined a character as her husband and is the mother of four perfectly delightful ned children, She is the boss © as well as the mother and the morale of the troops is oWwieus- ly good, I had an awfully good time there and shall go again, and very outspoken and determ: The Professor is one of the worlds authorities on mosquitoes and is the livest brain I've seen here yet, ‘You should see the use of the Boston garter here,-- it is but another illustration of the fact that you can do anything somewhere in this world and get by without comment, All the sporty children in the cities wear half lenghh socks with a bright blue or purple garter man's style holding the sock in blace, An old stage device as I remember it at Keith's that made all the women scream with raucous pleasure | We used to think the soil in Colorado was red , Coill- pared with the deep dye here it was the delicate pink of a shell, It is really a magnificent combination the deep red of the soil and the rich subtropical greens of all the plants, I got Father's letter ef April third on the Soth of the same month and was glad to find it as prompt as that. The opening of the 2%e letters he mentioned was quite all as it shohld be and if similar apparently impersonal things turnup dothe same for 1% is no pleasure to have anaaters2 advertisement chase you all over the world, There are no changes in the plan to stay here till. at least June 1st anf there is not a suggestion of any diff- ‘deulty in acclimating myself to this type of continual sun- shine, Good luck to every Griggs ---its good to remember what atall blond looks like! . eit bh 15 t T tie & ges Fan, III — A Mussurana (Oxyrhopus cloelia) engolindo sua victima Si May ws Domingo _ Please let me know if tue seisbele thus offerings. on the family hearth are too much imfluenced by the commercial scool (dropping my aitches a bit ) of thought, because I don't want to be so formal and typewritten to the boosum of the fam- LLy se | | | ? During the past week I have been JOHN W. SARGENT to a most interesting group of mosquitoes and though you may say that the portrait of that elderly female culex is an outrage- ous carieature and notb at all flattering ---- you must admit that the one of those two old anophelines eating together is - wonderfully spirited,-- an amazing bit. I have also been Margeret E, Sanger to those mosquitoes (business of birth controlé among the larvae ) and have been Katherine (in the Be- mis sense of the word)too: so that theres little I dont know about them, Though I may sound bored by so much concentration as a matter of fact it is a great relief to be at consecutive well-ordered work again and the hours in the Laboratorio do Hygiene e Saude Publica are Satisfactory. | There are sone amusing things to be seen here inthe way of customs and points of view. Its good technique if you and your wife belong to the liesure class, to lock her in when you | go down town in the afternoon, Quite the thing for her to look, out of. the front window though and her counter move is to make. anice little cushion that fits the window and there she lolls all the P.M, shall we say slightly bored in expression, It is . & town where all the fazienderos or big plantation owners, come to live from"the coffee" when they have become so absurd- ly rich that they have to have company to live it down. So they blow in, or rather out a good deal in perfume, in automoveis (guess at it), and as their women are following the.,U,S.: movies as a standard of dress and behaviour the Society is rather dress suity and the women run to fluff and picture hats: simple -- like an orchid, On the street cars the conductor always blows a tin whistle as a warning that he soon will ring the bell, and en route the motorman anxiously looks up and down the cross streets for possible lean- passengers or probable fat-ones;at al- most any distance, The people are odd in one way that I have mentioned before, ‘ae are So subdued and sober, They are the sort of people it is impossible td take off, because they have no tangible identity to begin with and they'd take it with seriousness and fortitude or with that wonderful explanation they give for many North An- erican incomprehensible acts "the North Americans are a practi- cal people --there is a reason for that somewhere", But I not- ice that Hackett and Smillie are both much quieter than the men at home and they seem to have caught the Bparitisaé Spirit, The negro blood has failed to cheer up the people in any percept- ible way, though its the same negro in most other ways, In fact Smillie tells me that up in the intertior you can hear them tell- ing most of the Uncle Remus stortes -- handed down from the ori- ginal African source,. Darling believes that they must have killed of a very large number of the active spirited stock among the Portuguese during the Inquisition , and to that lethal selection you can undoubtedlya add the cumulative effect of the rule of celibacy for hundreds of years in the recruited priesthood, and the factthat of the adventurers who survived their adventures and settled here in the early days usually diluted their abilities in the colored blood around them, The effect may not cbhme from these causes byt it is just what the causes would give, I can assure Yow.’ 7 I am getting very fond of the Brazilian oxen the more I see of their touchingly simple attitude toward their work: if they dont hear the wheels squeaking they stop then there and for good . So the drivers --whose nib thee are usually ministers wives and have had practise @ with similar situations in the parish-- put charcoal in the axles, and you should hear country life in | Brazil! Its assream ! Good luck to you and my love to the missus oe Alan. On A warm blue-fogged autumn day with the night's cold mist scarcely rolled back off the mountains arounds uS----- and you write May on the letter if you are down here for the winter! I havent been able to feel cold yet and have been here in two or three hot waves put these people are selling charcoal braziers and the ladies have begun wearing their furs when they go out walking undid? the bananas and palm trees. It is very attractively cool here and no mistake about that. , Your letters have been more welcome than you'd suspect without Ti ta eeenes of Bordeaux and the queer wave of isolation that comes over you before you can get a foothold in a new place, Mankind handles the problem of Isolation in various ways, Aneas as I remember it made it guite objective by believing two of the gods were mixed up in his leaving home, and when things went badly he re- ferred to wrathful Juno interms anywhere from petulance to blasphemy and when things went better he bhanked his stars for what few pro- tagonbsts he did have in heaven. English colonials settle it by taking out a great quantity of home with themand never thinking of returning for good; thus ending by having more lovable living in Kuala Lumpur or Capefown than they could possibly secure at"home .. Oyr friends the Christiams who are morally so intent on the dismal business of self-isolation begin about in the late after-noon to feel how far away they are from everything and what a cool and uhrelenting world of toil and struggle they are in , It is in this evensong and veapers etc, that they reassare themselves that there is some help for mams lonely lot, his throes of melancholy, his nakedness to the winds of adversity, and that (excepting in epic circumstances like 1914¢ 1918) most suffering and dying is done without solace of companionship-- and alone, So they reassure themselves with calling eachothers’ attent- ion to the “ Rock of Ages Cleft for me" (ME!!!) or to the toot that Jesis gives "the weary calm and soft repose" and with the burden of the struggle if not lightened at least re- arranged they fare homeward---- feeling a bit less isolated. Still other people handle their isolation by great memory feasts and recollection parties, ending with "Sust wait till I get back"! , "Boy, won't that boat look good to me"! --- and others wellknown, And still others, like the Supt, at the Good Samaritan Hospital who says she won't have another dog because she expects to be too miserable when she loses her first, refuse to feel anything lest they feel alone sometimes! a I have had the sihoet tx the past two weeks that the Past, with alla its certainties and km known pleasures, its mellow satisfactions, its maudlin securities, acts as the great inertia and obstruction to the Desire and Impulse of any sort; capable | of smothering by logic any and every of the stange umessoria ble sparks of wanting-to-do- something-for-its-own-sake, Of the strength of the Past -- letters from home, photographs, and My Goa tunes on the Victor ---- I've had proof adequate of late, but rc heer have had such a magnificent knowledge of freedom as breaking with it gives, nor have I been ever felt as the danger of perpetual se- curity as frsh as now comes the delicate security of perpetual dan- ger and isolation, You are one of the few people I know who I know can understand what I mean---- and you know as well as I do that sometimes the Past gets a merciless inning, that the worst of being sick is the vague homesickness that goes with it, and how disgrace fully grateful you feel to the people who protect you for a second and then plant you on your feet again Jiueput the other you like as mhch as I: looking over this Brazilian to the palms, cedars, and bananas trees, the bright red earth, the pink and yellow stucco houses, the distant fazendas, and the blue mountains at the rim of the sky---- thats all new, beautiful, and it is reality, for I'm out in those hills in a week treating 400 Portuguese @ gay ae trying to get casts of how to live into them at the same time, Which is a great deal better than tekk looking out and .thinking of "what used to be " ete etc, I am grateful to have you to write to for nobody else I know could possibly conclude that (1) I am not lying away homesickness, or (2) that I am noy on the verge of bec oming a Brazilian---- they would inevitably believe one or the other, I wish you were knocking around with me here, rédvime with pleasure, as I do (much to the stirprise and delight of the sombre natives) at all the things: I see, things that amuse all grades from Rabelais to Charles Lamb, ‘Twould be such a delight --- for 33 I know you'd think of them much about tne Same as I and. they are certainly like nothing on earth, Yesterday I heard a pleasant flutey sert sylvan sort of music in front of me on the street. A rough thin slouching sort man approached with a large glass case with cakes in it balanced beautifully on his head, and in his hand he held ‘to his mouth an absolute replica of the pipes of Pan— reeds bound together | eh which Hameee solemnly rather wistfully _blowing---his cakes for sale---- ag he walked down between the open Windows of his clientele on the Rua Brigadiero Thomazo Tobias. EN # Hydrick-- one of the Commissao Rockfellar men down he here says that about 8 years ago an American Gunboat, having occasion to go up the Amazon a way, sighted a Brazilian flag fly ing over a fort . fhe Commander was feeling tactful and oredcred a four gun salute to the Brazilian flag--- which was duly carried out, A single gun from the fort acknowledged the salute----- and a launch put out from the fort with a huge white flag flying and _the €.0. of the fort in beautiful uniform, to say that he would have held out to the end but that he ran out of powder] Ther's a wave of anti- Americanism béing fostered by t the I talians and the anti-governmeny crowd here now, and its great sport to watch our opportunities to extend or retract our work as the opportunities occur, Wilson's lies Mexican policy and his attitude to our foreign possessions, in the opinion of the men who have been here 40 years, is the only reason that it is possible for Americans to live openly or honestly here at allg There were some very mercenary and Shady deals about to be backed up by the U.S. government had not W, been elected. Kermit was much involved! Hal!HA! Good luck and tell me what goes on, when thi Splrit moves you Oct AA ete 34 Does it inwardly irritate you to have it type- written? I won't ageiri if it does but it 4e so convenient to have all the letters describing things down here done this way ‘to keep the copies of for the ffiture ond the rest of the family wee vell I have yet to hear from then as @ matter of fact on this and other subjects, Toenight, May 19th, makes the end of my first month in Brazil, but I wont burden you with the soggy sort: of review of deeds that falls due upon anniversaries, but pass on to all the things that are making this long chance I took more and more successful as time goes by, of course the 19th of May is most famous to me as the great national holiday of that gon auong nations, the TROBANS, btu but the surfeit of hol- idays anong the Brazilians has begun to eclipse the rare days given over to rejoicing among the eine nller peoples, I have been here in Sao Paulo fo: about three weeks picking up some of the medicine and lab, work that is going to be useful to me at work here, In having the comreade~ ship and direction of Jack Smillie, a C,c, graduate who was in II Academy Greek with me and is assistant in the Gert. School of Hygeine here and in the Rockefeller Foundation as well, I am certainly fortunate, And it is just as comfortable to have as chief boss Lewis Hackett, who preceded me up abot “the Richards Camp, This week I shall go out to Atybaia or to. / Parana’ to a post up in the coffee to get ion in to the real field work, And thence to Rezende again with Smillie for a longer Stay and probably some real first hand work, August (the dead of winter) will see me in ay own field possibly in Santa Catherina or Marinhao where it is assumed I shall be the bess and run things to suit myself and write my own reports and have the management of three or four: posts and all the mi- eroscopis we and guardas( nen nurses d ‘that 1% takes te run them, "But as things seldom are the same as you expect and as prophecy is not anybody 's forte ‘these oar to eer: my letters to what I! ve econ will -sathery you best, myself wondering where you are and what goes on? So auch | 80 that. ah” £9) ree i T coming about the time. this gets to the U oo an going to send this home to the Flat and relye on er home Xeoteraay au rT was coming hone he. lunch. a ragged slouch- ing sort of mon approached me and he was “making a pleasant syle van sort of music somehow, with sonething, at his mouth, Balanced beautifully on his head a large glass case of cakes, and in his hand, eure. enough Pan’ s Pipes--reeds bound together with & ‘thong on which ae he was solemnly rather wietrully Dlowing----his cakes for Bale---9a8 he walked dow Ddetween the open windows of his” _ elientele S10N6. the Rua, Brigadiero Tobias, rs a reat, place here to ‘find new and consequentiy very oa oustoms, — iihen you pass. the cemetery here avery hat in the. street car. is lifted, And a block further. on af the. girl in front of you . gets off she says goodbye with her hand pala up wiggling G11 the fingers, to the friend she is leaving, eti2l on the oar, All the * carrying is done on the ‘head. ---up to pianos, where it is recog- nised that four heade ane better than one, Of course all the = stores are open to the street, ond. the same holds true for the | many laundries, apparently the girls who iron there in their bare calves and white dresses. fina that looking at all. whe passersby Re makes their work drag less boringly,. The butcher shops ane to sell — Te each day's meat before noon or it is taken aay from them, And if = you like fresh ailk,, as ‘the cow might gay. to the esaf " “you know what you can do” mo for the milking can ve aene out on the street in front of your house» uty fhere is no libel Law her at all and ‘the art of seur- réllous Writing flouriahes to an astonishing degree, with plenty o"(which means: the’ £01 of sheets like "Perfusc “ew) to ruin peoples’ names, But of course the writing is amusing and it must be a ‘relief when you have a ghod mad on to be able to publish all of ith * : During the past week I was the speaker at a Current Events class where with e Coldstrean Guardsman I told thon about this war --.“that® they are so blissfully ignorant of down here, a I didnt let then a4 with the journalict's ideas about the war nd told then net boasted 80 much about Bose, as ee ae i aes aa hi s oe ges na s : ‘ ae ee ee, is ~--and then t a Anericans who up aa. as they had been told about in , read and sot our ideas from in the U aBe boxes and trays, how you find these. the ‘perfection | of all ay aid ana of how they had won the Yar and of how well “the mail was being delivered to the boys etce and of how the Amerdecn soldiers were the teat fed of all etc. Bes ‘no incline @ to criticise, but that as it. then I should not fee 4 id them. som of the things I have seon among - the Americans and ¥ tota shen Mk bs tb interes: ing thing, to me about those facts was that I couldnt get anyone at home to believe then, and they wouldnt either, The YoM.C.A, critictens were brought up or course and I ‘told then everything can happen in war and that I think that the current feeling "the ‘troops was due more to Xs inefficiency ‘than to sectarian ‘resentment (a reason suggesed by @& woman. whose noting js in the Xt de © also think that some of he end anant imow that there was @ WAR on and were acting a bit peevish because things didnt go as smoothly — those daanea newspapers we all Well to tell the truth I found hone coming a very atneneee ing business because I dont, think the spond who stayed at home will ever reaiise what enough folie - them oe I didnt see were worth | all the o dying that £ t saw beting done for then, Too many. curs, There. are perf: etly lovely woods here in Brazil, Such — colors and arrangements of grain as you could nog dream of, and. By i ee Ae" ve wosdsorkers a marvel or in the hands of some of these ‘al their own possibilities, I shall nadt eave without some of their | Do be a good Lady ané United 4 retu 111 Faiths family more amusing and delightful ti than ever, She ie the only one who moking much application of the sterling principles of large families which we iearned at 731 North Cascade, And aS @ partial result the ern all the time, I liked 1t better thai Good luck and cheerto--- wish 4 Soup: have waited till you came back before | i Kok Ma, cop Wi £1. Oe Raho | . SS ee rg an ae I ne ne zt % fo a / pI \I/ Khe K a ey Po AG he LPP YS i ) Din -— Pw td ‘ fi ee gi | |. eis Ayes ot gree es 56 Hearing, that the Uberaba is leaving Santos on the 28th I am going to chance a letéer filled with the urgent trivial re- quests that seem to develope so acutely when you are miles from any sort of stores or agencies for the wellbeing of man, Sometime when you are in town can you order a pair of low shoes from Coes& Young (they have my size and style) and going next door order at Delanos @ good Leghorn or Bankok hat size 7 3/8 or 7 1/4 large, And can you telephone M, Sullivan in Cambridge on Mt, Auburn St, near Boylston and tell him to make me two suits of light white duck and two of light weight kahki drill, with waiste coats, 1,e, 3 piece suits, He has my measurements, And give to each the enclosed paper to be put on the package when it is sent to International Health Board 61 Broadway, New York City, to be forwarded from there, ‘Charge them to yourself and I will see that ® : you get a check for $100, in time to gave your using the back door as they flow in the front door bills in hand, Clothes can be gotten in about 2 to4 months time thus and are infinitely to be preferred to the atzrocious prices and doubtful workmanship here, — If Sullivan is dead or out of reach they may remember me at Macullar Parker's where IT got a suit in shantung silk about te Feb 23 saat, | | Today as I Was working at the School of Hygeine I heard a wid yell or two and then the usual sequence of pistol shots and | more yells and then looked out to see the whole neighborhood on t the deat run toward the row, which means it Was & civilian affair because in the case of its being the State Police in a row the one was killed but like our ow early -days fights are managed that crowd is always and wisely ce al, I dont know whether any way, On one of the fazendas we did shme work on a well known bad man got into touble with the omer, At eight o ‘lock in the even- ing he told his friends that he was going to shoot the owner the next time he saw him, The fazendhiero knew the man meant what he said , when he heard the threat two hours later, He knew that the eunman would enter the fazenda at about 6 the next. morning and he knew the gate he would be coming by, So at 5 the owner went to the — phy eee eee meas uate ort eile ia WE AS Aagchraes saa TRC edi ier 20 ane hak Om RE aa eg 2 CE alt eh Tk a Ca ane 2 A Ms tae iy Sr aes Ri PA Pate eh Wiig nT! ioe) ‘hetg 4 Wise tees gate with no gun showing and when the murderer came up on his pony surprised him so that he simply told him that he ‘in dare murder him and that if he did to try, All the fazendiero had said the night before when told this fellow was after him was " I will see him before he works himself up to it", . My period of instruction is nearly over, It has been Simply invaluable ,a° you would suppose for I knew nothing of H* or malaria when I came, I shall be at Regzende doing regular post work next and will write you. from there, | I have seen what a tremendous disease hookworm is demonstrae ted on the small hospital scale here, The seriosly infected look like pernicious anemia with bloods as low as 20% hemo~ — globin, and the common rate being 40 toS0, It is interesting | to be able to predict a mans wages in the coffee by taking his hemoglobin;s0 closely does the proportion | work out, And another interesting thing is that in the Malay States the proportion between ankylostomes and necators was so def- inite shat for each race,--Chinese, Tamils, Europeans etc, that farling thinks it may be of some value in unravelling ‘the obscure points in the origtns of the races there, ethnic | groups widely scattered having the same "anky Los tome index! He io & mosg stinulating and interesting mani, and has a mental sweep that is quite rare and yet not at all put ‘on, n I fthe Gregg family wish to have a bro, that in the immotile immortal phrase of Mrs, Forbes, "4s out of touch with things in Milton" they could club together at say July 1ith and give me a subscription to the ‘Sunday Herald; Your birthday will go by before you get this but best of luck and frequent thinkings of you, X sdsaBe ot a 3 going on actively to see how much behaviour tells,how little what 4s said, At | It 4p the third of June ---the dead of winter here , the time most dre ded by the coffee growres: on account of the chance beauty of the endlessly blue sky of frost and when you Look at the and the temperature of South Tamworth in late May ,-- 1t is not a very threatening sort of winter after all, Since the ‘265th of May I have been up in kthe interivr-- that 1s about 12 hours in , at two places naned Brodowald and Ati- | baia, tiny primitive frontier places where we have poste and work AMOTLS, the corres and cotton fazendas, To Brod- owski the night train from Sao Paulo takes 12 hours, at first on a perfect rail , later on the wildest sequence of jerks end lurches — that was ever called a railmoad, pulled by the usual woodburning engine, These woodburning engines are no joke, the glowing ¢inders frequently burné your travelling clothes in Large holes, -<- but at night are quite fine to see,’ a créss between volcano and a. pinwheel, I wenb up with Dr, Hydrick and his successor here as etate director Dr, Mario Pernambuco, Hydrick is & very likable and pol« ished southerner, a Rhodes scholar, and a a very good men, ~e Mario fs a wise, even-tempered little fat mm man, with the face a highly educated baby, and a@ pleasant way of deliberate contemplative ditties: Brazilians are much nore careful about meeting their friends and employers at the station than we are, so it was no surprise to see most of the personel of the post at the train when we arrived, We walked right up to the post arid surprised the secretary still in his pajamas at 7 o'clock in the ‘morn,--for wiiich ‘he promply got a cool comment from Dr Hydrick who ig one of those enviable people who doesnt lose his own balance when he wants to upset others, We found that the cuardas ( the men who ride out and give treatment under the doctors ordets) were on strike and the mornings business rapidly — : turned to the interviewing of 411 the guardas, and running a South American strike among about twenty rather frightened but defiant men, Not knowing enough Poruguese to follow the talk I spent my time try- ing to decide | whetherthey were lying, or no$, You would be surprised Fis ey’ g ‘ ale as a and life oP many ways is date? 1835 ‘ ss 3 we had fired three men, These wens to the others and started a little movement to call our hand by ail going . Hydrick's southern temper was just the thing for this and when he went out to them with eyes blazing and called out " Que mais ? que mais? " (who else ? who else To they decided they wouldnt go after adiand the strike waxed very weak, The cause, in case Richard's social instincts are arroused by the apparently high handed treatuent of labor, was the fact that they were all reprimanded for being late to break fast vy their chefe, who owed a Little money to the ‘aceeal leader of the "strike", ” The town of Brodowsict ie T1A%. and western in the “eompletoness of the plan and the incompletenese of the sez settlement, It 1s in highk rolling hille which are covered _ with unending rows of coffee bushes, _ a rich deep green and a beautiful thing to see, You do not thin of Brazil as mountains, but. that is almost all I have seen. thusfar an Hackett sayS that io nearly all there is, The ground is a very deep red, almost purple, and Looks just Like ‘Bheod on the horses lege when you come in from @ zone or area of treat ment. It is @n enormous country and in the interior I was just at Abraham Lincoln's time--- the early settlers are pushing on into the wilderness with muszle-loading rifles — and axes, the shanties are shared by much ee the livestock . _ On the 29th, starting at 4 AM., on & little single footing horse »Raoul Dini, the guarda, and I rode out to the fazenda Ollhos d‘Azua. ost of the way it Was bright Star- light with a cool morning breeze and. everghhing on the road= side looming very large and more than ever strange, as in a * | POG When we gotto the fasenda madrugsada wae just breaking over Lovely rolli..g hills whose outline against. the ¢@e red aky showed the low even planted coffee bushes as far as I cuuld see, Our ponies wheeled sharply into § eourt-yard of a large low buildins and two large dogs charged at then — ee < . Z° i at” , [ > - i _ @ a ae i. we, ws “F , OitA : Z Ou hh, A < LAa, Fa . 8 “ < a * 2 IE i ony’ 7 * o 47a * . . ‘ ma Plantacio de Milho oe Santos. Serie em cores No. 514 + ee: ah in 2 os oF r Ut ‘ie, in a protestional-natentos, eort Or way, ‘to be | etlenced rate rine ss with a aa by the fazendero wie cane out in the hhalfedar oo in his hand to via us "Bom dia"! He was o large fat shortenecked = ‘man with porky eyes, : 8 ‘rough unkempt beard, a swarthy skin, but - pather gracious manners and obviously nobody ' 8 fool. rie ied tue _— up ‘some low end cramped stairs to a large dark. room where we sm had some excellent corfee and bread and were eyed with giesling, curiosi gy fro. ‘the depths of the kitehen, by what later prove, to be his aeughter, ‘The damm came on quickly and soon we went—_ ne aedicina i ae out to some of the colonistas howses to give: various members of the family--- usually & very weary and wicore setted mother, a tired end. wrinkle? father pale under hic sun and an assortment of undersized tired ¢ ildren, on for every year since the Catholic church lent its authority. The baby always howled and spat out 1/3 of the ‘medicine, but the guarda had ‘De- “eomme an expert and didnt lose his temper at all, but shovelled. in the 500 with all the zeal ef-« that comes of an incomplete training in the art of medicine ,: ‘Then wandering round the fasenda : till there wareno poss@bilities of any poisoning, from the aedeine I was shown more amusing ne. fruits, insects, and methods of farm manageuent than I have “ever” seen in 60. _ohort a-epacuief..) w fruit on low vines ine, There nere cfd nes th scem a ¢ross “between 2 squash and an orange and aeice delicious ay ae, bre e) ; e yell : doces or candied fruit. On gnarle: low trees I pAeseR, ang, at jaboticaba, a berry & Bbawt the eize of | . large chorry DLs A the! flavor of a jJaboticabs--- the beot fhat can be done by | of teitins you what to expect wi ven you ta te them for li they gx cts 5 me : +e as ge or tae. tres each fron a tiny stiff little Rew otioging rd downland, And erwling on the _— were ants of ws ware of en nee oe 1b of “were cential hime 4 One day a new linea U.S, found 4 line. a. orted-circuited ond sent & lineuan out to find. ene a & the matte, was, The man found one of the nests just | like the one I saw , promply climbed the pole attached his Se atus to the wire and. called up the. Lines on : , Mell, who 4s causing the trouble?" said the fume h Jao de Barro” gaia the nan laconieally, hav seen the same ae ni ‘before, wv Seis wei’ ee a: omelet 4 2 : "e212 him that the Company is going to start legal | 8 against him" said the Manager, — | ney have a pleasant musical and ve Me 5 the grain out in the rural districts here, I ir shed on the fazenda there was placed on a big stone base the of a cedar tree about two feet ak and hollowed out in the er into a huge bowl, gle aing red grain of the wood polished re ; constant use, The rest of the tree, along heavy log, was bel- y 4 ‘ bowl tas 2 very. large peg fixed at rig ee | be: " and the end sticking out of the shed was hollowed intoa | oe eee He " aah ie DP certh Oa ; | spoon which they led a emall brook frou @ chute ef or — ‘ ; Fes ; f , i : , r. # , The water filled upthe apoon, with a loud ercak she log nd. with athud fel) @ down,poured out the water back into opps on to refilis-the other end with the peg thus pounding dom = wih heavily. It made a pleasant noise, dull sor or Po dless variety of ner even inag pw The Majoolo, A cart with wicker sides for taking ‘coffee to the Railroad, coo | i ; i j af ar “again, or you would be reactive : with greot cerenony ane hospitality in some “irtefloor parlor imply Dentel Boone all over a to seca varlot, of ‘shtngs besides opilaca pe the | native nane for hookworn, of things: that the local nedi cine man the Curae diero has tol’ the people are incurable, and they bake his word as religiously as some take Reo, Cabos iin otier parts or the norid, I just Lor ged for a few inctruaents a it! 8 r.ther fun to be taken for & aingele worker when yom. are ‘Sure ef your results! The doctor at Atibaia Was DR, Ay Pimenta2 Salgado, nose name in Portucuece me ne pepper and salt, and who Was rather amusing colipamy and a source of some new taforuetion about Brash, s He has ‘blue eyes --an glieh grandfather crt whieh is a dis- f tinct relief nowadayee & more weleome and safer Sign of relise ae bility than it Was at hones, That sounds ridiculous probably but blue eyes mean less of the. tar=brush, and as a rule a. know that means ‘something, He toldime a gesture ~— Was new --- if you snap your fingers against your neck at scans " dont ask me to talk about. such a thing !" and another, ‘ir you put phe. thumb of the right hand in the palma of the left and turn it - ae it neans "the % man is a thier --- he's cheating you. » He tells es me he nade xanan $3000, an the erippe epidemic here i ast epring. in about 6 weeks and just. barely. out of School at ‘that, On the 6th I go to Resende for Some , ‘field work there, It. is about three hours out of Rio and, in. perfectly lovely country, Thank the Lord 4 got my sense of direction back while I was at Atibata, | it was £0 hard to think of the sun coming oF _ from th: north! And at first dom here Tr was lost beyond hope zs . * Pe ez Nall becau: e I couldnt keep 1 ay directions strc ght. << An getting very, much tint: rested in 200logy with | SO a mony new thinge +o, see. corm here, Tt As still time pr ,Darling — saye to aie a new species arter yourself} He has refused a moaquise and tyo LickSe=— I would be proud of any thing. There are entirely strange diseases here that do not abpes in our = S ish bonbhonhe,, ame’ fresh. y Aeseripea < BA hl cove ed * notice the 4] , t beeNS > uals Hoe alee but ‘that ie not | uncoamon An living in foreign countedhs and - Ua etds remind me ‘that tere are euch “things - ‘It mill be oad to have the same ‘Asolation froa th: r otof people a Te: (ards Brazil ‘when 1 get ‘back that r nad about Burop: an war when I was at hone. ‘?will be fun aeotius people froue=--Brazilt ae They will be live bis ds Ahmany caneseayou shoul gee how bre : crossing of the eqé ater enlarges the realns o. “topics accepte c in: poli tek conversation! A dinner party is ‘something | else again | Ma WUSs , to what at was in ‘Boston! “Tf any of he offs, rune have stamp collections I am Ridin fo: & position as Toren agent for @ Brazil and Wiad ” pleased be serve ‘ : I do not believe tha. Parwell is regretting his trip at all, and though I never ‘thought him one to frivel overuch r'22 bet he is pretty serious minded when he comes back Take hin round a bit as soon as can deen at 4s hard and tiring work to try and bear the burdens of the world at this particular stage of | the game, I should be pe 80 interested to talk with hin shen ne eomes back, 1 shall be ‘Interested to know what nis - Ampressions of fnelahd are, rd hope thet the biological details. of your family are beginning to’ take less and lees of your time, the brushingof. teeth, the wiping of noses, the cutting of cectk ait God knows » what more, Make then take ¢ re of themselves for & bit and. put in a prayerful half hour each day thinking of what you'd most Like to do and doin it, Just becuuse mz you have had a, Large and happy family, nor lost a husband to death or to indifference like many other women, nor lost a son in the war, these are no good reasons for not being as happy as con be now that the farily is fair into college, you'll make better hay in this bit of sunshine 4f body is given over to spirits end @hapsrs' your scrutiny is given to theatre programs instead of the eternal diaper, Without wore advice from a brother as old as Jin was when your ‘second was born (figurative way of saying young but not so awfully young) you can continue your wellimown domestic triumphs unaided ~--but do write me some ~* a2 > to see siene of people here being ceptions A Vceh- 2 by | Age It be ‘ules and we have just fini ched the morning mecal called almoco, at 11:50 and Smillei and I are sitting in the bed reon wad ting for the spirit to come over us to make — out a list of all the people we have treated gince 6 this morning — both in the Santa Casa de Misericordia and elsewhere, We are no- longer in the state of Sao Paulo but dow near Rio in a tow by | the name of Rezende, situated much like Colorado Springs, with splendid high mountains to the west of us and With the same beau- _ tiful weather to bless us all day long, We came on the 6th and today is the 8th ; yesterday. went into & long day of wondering ‘Up and dow the village street looking for apeetes cases to treat today---an attempt to test the _ routine treatment for its efficiency in getting rid of He infection and to try out the value of some more fresh chenopodium, I begin keen about the work in ‘the wee, ts given. Yous An the native huts, end in the voluntary ros quests for treatment from the people who have geen what it has _ done for their friends, The number of negroes here 48 much above what it is dow in Sao Paulo, and the houses are even more sketchy than ever, ah Part of our work Ls in. the 1e0al santa , Casa, & combine ation of poor house and hospital, It is large and airy but none | too clean ana fhoating about. there a that same old acrid smell of the poor ard. unkempt, that makes ime th Peers 8% least that it is not Russia with any excuse for closing the windows ! There is & Girl who propels herself about the floor ona her hands, legs long since paralysed, who eifts the corn and leers at the str gers or beats the wandering chickens cats and dogs who are far more real to her than touz us, There ie an old man who wonders about telling us that if he had had any sense he would have taken kero- sene years ago for it brings the air in his body just as it takes the air into a lamp--and he then produces a bottle of it from his dirty pocket and drinks plenty of it for a dewonstration, "I used to like Jao Periera da aay once” he murmurs frequently "but tha e to God I dont likr him any more", And all. the other inant 9 of a Portugues or rather a Brazilian poor house, and eal ruel stupidities, 3 3 | Outside two Royal, Palme readh’ up their flawless shafts seventy or eighty fect wi th a ‘thick rich collar of green at ve top from which’ sway the innuaerable: otately Leaves--- one of the most. wonderfully ‘eatisractory trees r have ever : | seen, And to ‘the west down a picturesque street. of blue, white yellow or bronzed houses | stands an ola chureh against ‘the deep blue’ of these strange irregular mountains, Long teans of oxen lazily drone dom. the etrest, the whells creaking _ exactly as the pookeasé tn Fathers study 1 used to, louder and never ending while the catr meee turns its solid wood= en wheels, 7 ae Last night the village drunk, Gabriel, cme “round to see us, 70 years old, but happy with pinga ‘(the native whis key) ‘and insisting on long conversations with himself or any one ‘else, only too: ‘aelighted to sing and dance for us ‘in the moonlit garden the songs of the early days when he mas ae slave and a man he knew who tried to kill his forner mas- ter, He is ap rfect natural clown, and ‘I can see him sfill- dancing extravaganbly and to a chorus of pers a be 3 _ gong to a flea Eatava na cosinha Fazendo o meu jontar © diabo da pulga — Nordeu neu ‘calcan Olhe como pula, Como transita, Como e travessa Esta MALAL GA» Pulga te juro, pou testemunha Pego-te no dedo Estaloe-te na ania, Sacudo a coberta, Torno a sacodir, O diabo da pulga Nao me deixa dormir, Father's polyglot tendencies will probably suffice to un- ravel all this, which was sung in a very thick gutteral ‘way that I could only recognize parts of, Aletter from Hackett tonight confirms my impression which I wrote to you that I would go south to do a survey there, He says "We have two pieces of work to be done this year ince the bugets expire on. canenber Sist, These are the surveys of — Santa Catherina and Parana,, Since the work in Santa Catherina is to be followed by the immediatexk installation of an inten- give post, it would be well to @o Parana first, The trained personal from the Parana survey con then be taken te Santa Cc Catherina , and later used as bhe nucleus j0F an intensive post, You will wnt to begin this. work in July," Which when translated into terms of one U,5, syllable. means te that I am going into the coolest part of Brazil ame white people than anywhere else to do the work of finding out the extent of dnfection in a state and later going to do the same thing in even @ cooler and more southern part of Brazil this later time anong the great German section ! LOok up your map and find me ---for rin be there by the . time this gets to you, That was rather e oxtraspeineey news about Gerald Seldon ridge that you wrote me, Gene Prston had taken the eiieens of rprise out of it by what. he had said to me ‘the year I was out ink the Springs but I cant say At is any less impressive, AS you. or 1924 ought to be a great, celebration and J think you can count on my being, at ‘the table. with a few remarks about how well I like the U.S, food and what it @ll means to have a large family of siblings and a supernormal Mother and Father ef the ANGLO-SAXON race ! In these things. T am content, All the afternoon we have spent at the. Santa Casa, wathhing o girl with severe symptoms of pobsonings after her dosage thie morning, and poor old Smillie whose wife died here — in Brazil last fall in childbirth, hoe all the scene recalled to him every time he comes near to death, I dont suppose that I will ever have to see so much as at Reily--- and.surely I hope not, She is much better this evening poor ‘thing, When, we left. the hospital the oravling girl and the old old. man were. sitting out together on the stone poreh in the twilight quiet in the quietness that cannot aif it wousd---aimply without help. Good night to you both w 4 oT fl +} Out of the Cosinha window Itatiaia, Coming over from the mangero tonight I passed two enormous palms, splendid, smooth-shafted, Royal Palms,. eighty feet high, quiet and motionless in the soft brilliant moonlight, against the strange irregular outkine of Itatiaia,cloud ridden and high seats the white huts, It is a village by day of bullock carts squeaking down from the hills,bringing réce, beans, and other coarse farm produce to exchange them for salt and such implements as they may be satus cil ae 2 But for all the beauty and novelty I do not forget that part of the world where hushed,stark, two-storied farm- houses stand, not low white-walled casas fustnl with ie the chords of guitars, nor where flutters white birches in the eae and not tall whkke shining-leaved palms, With moonlight on its slow swaying leaves--- well you say its unforgetably beautiful but the chief trouble de is that such beauty is forgetable, it surpasses memory and all that stays is the remenbrance of being overwhelmed. ha My B “ appes & Crude thatch of banana leaves, to& the rhy tha o = Oo. June i#th finds Smillie and me up on a huge fazenda at Itatiaia the highest mountain in Brazil, busy treating the natives here on some specially controlled work to determine the effectivensss of the previous treatment they had, qt is very satisfactory to gee that the hemoglobin of those whe have had the treatment be- fore is notably higher then it was when they viere first tre.ted, | and te see the willingness of the people to take the treatment, - Smillie is a very good sort, with the saving virtue of in- ‘ gathable curiosity on a wide range of subjecte and consequengly now well informed on many things here in Brazil, He has been . doing the sane sort of work in the U.S, before coming dow here and has had several amusing experiences dom in N,Carolina, | When a diagnosis was in doubt yesterday he remarked that if Wu. were in Carolina it would be easier because with children. there can be only two things the matter; "Hives" and "thrash" , there can be the bold hives, the inw ra hives, or the plain hives, The bold hives is alway s fatal, Inward hives are where no rash irs, Thrash is any disease of the throat or mouth and include s ‘what we call diphtheria, tonsillitis, thrush, bronchitis and peritonsillar abscess, The treatment for thrash is to ‘pass the. enild backward through a white muled collar, The chief cause of death is perishing’ to death and when pushed for an elucidation of the term the county clerk ‘xpiained that "it happens that way", I call these things to mind when tempted to think that things are a bit backward in Brazil! You'd have been a perfect companion at a party I saw night called thie peourge ad 4 tHael« ee a It was a negro dance, , Straight fron Africa, held u on the maw moon, in the 11 moonlight and around a fire mder im of two "tambours" or rawehide drums beaten witht the heel of the hand, When I saw an excited buck in the store about eight in the evening buying — ten bottles of rum and taking them away in a huge demi john it. vas clear there was a party to come, These dances are always on church holidays and are preceded ‘by uilach prayer, so that Smillie and g waited till ten o'clock before we heard the thud of the tambour, Wandering down toward the negro quarters we came upon @ mule train camping by the road, the aninals just unloaded were rohling. in the road while the men cooked, coffee and warme : ed up some beans for the evening meal,around a fire in taedust of many @ former mule train, The nen told us that the pretos (Portuguese for blacks) would take a bit more time with their prayers, but that soon the "jongeo" would heads In the bright moonlight I drifted dow to the little chapel, which looks for all the world like e parched whitened bone on the tree~ less field, and listened to the endof the service, It was wild wailing and intoning, wiyh the left hand holding the forenead while the ri cht ‘herd the chin, A dog, suffering %t terribly from the fleas wandered in and out among the wor ahs p ers onthe? | chey screaned requests to Sao Antonio, Suspect} ing, by .o merely Congregational intuition that services were nearly over I drifted back to the fire where Smillie was still talking to the men of the mule train, We could hear the queer resonant thud of the tambour, cetting higher and higher pitched as they were dried. by the fire,and soon church was out and we saw the white figures of the negroes Gresses — ‘@rifting across the fields, We followed and came toa a hut with a small cleared dirt yard in front of it and a roof of = + {te gos? banana leaves covering one part near the house, Nothing can gtiite describe the noise that two men were making on she tambourg--- a most inticate ,evasive rhythm fpom a most primitive drum, A combination ef resonant thud and shallow rattle , the contrast: will carry a league on & quiet night, A tall very black buck stood swaying and a barefooted lorkskinned owmers and a stray our i‘ pe 7% if 3 s * ~~ i 6 . o * ‘ “ us Pe mer . - crouching by ‘the fire-light, in nae PRghL nad. a. tinean with seeds in it,which he struck against hie Left "tana in rhytha |, with the drummers, He was singing a, loud dance song also in perfect time, and as a chorus to ‘this the negro wonen standing at the edge of the floor wauled a series of yaheas ah, Other negroes not singing tool turns rushing into the center of the @aeet and choosing a wouen fron Uhe chorus danced around her — with wild leaps and snapping of the legs. and general muscule ar taut extravagance, whi Le she unconeernedly apun slowly ever to face her. partner at two poles of an ebhene oval through whieh they anced, This to nothing but rhy thin and wild songs from ten till six the next morning. I woke at four by chance ond still could hear the strange Dea hnne of the tambours far away and» an occasional welling up of the | song into the night, Later I learned that the big coon ae Song an"eniex ” or conundrum and if the chorus couldn't anewer back ke correctly he cang the same question all night at them and in the morning he would have tom sive the answer they should have guessed, I apoke of the mule train, You'a have liked to eee then coming dow the valley road, first a distant tinkling cloud of dust in the moonlight, then a beautiful 61047 ringing dimes of four notes, end soon the lead mule gk quite proudly ahead of all the others and his omers, his collar hung with bells which rang clear and true,as he passed, to point the way to the heavy~laden drooping followers that scuffled along behind hin, with theér exhaustedly heéling the whole procession gut of veg agacu oa duty aaneuls sl They have an anusing, phrase for board and lodging when it is included in a man's Pays He ie payed "mi Lho" or wet, whereas af Lavine: 49 ab 4 "secca® ary. I wonder whet happened to the search for my good o14 cigarette case, I maven) heard of at at all, While the fat little Padre is wheedling, threatening, and cod- dling his flock or various members of it into giving us the nek horses they promised yesterday for the six hours we have between here and Crissiuma, I take my Corona in hand---- They are afraid of rain here and as it was letting down buckets last night as wetl as atk the hour of our departure 5 am, our horse owners nat- urally left the business to take its own course and we had no horse © Now the next hour is speht in convincing them that we really intend to go,,,"modo militar" it is called, Yesterday Was a parrbarridade, We treated 318 of the sick- est people I aixex have yet am seen, men looking as if they had had mortal hemorrhages-- weak and stupid they were and took a long time to answer any question that was put to then, Children it seemed by the hundred thousand, Gosh what a day! There is genuine danger with people like that --- the obl of chenopodium may pois~- on themseverly and I was damned uneasy for the whole of the after noon, waiting to be called to haul some kid out of convulsions, or the like, But today all is well and I seem to meet nobody who is ready for me with the long cooling knife, Graces a Deus, In the town of Ararangua there is not a street, It is one vast level lawn 30 kilometers along the river bank, Little box like casas at great distances from eachother, with a few trees, and shining beautifully clean in the early morning light, There is a big horseshoe of blue mountains and a wide deep river runnigg . to the west of the town,I have been down to swim each day early-- there are few sensations so pleasant as swimming &lone at dawn-- I ahev had but little of it since the days at Saranac Lake, = There is no reason for doing anything in the world here, The natives just live and live, If it were not for their peculiar sad streak and their hookworm they would sing, The women are all sad-- but they do not kriow it..., I think they dont,,. but '. perhaps you dont have to know it. _ It is the fipst time this municipio has had a doctor for a long time, and I have had countless” wrecks nronent to me to cure, Christ must “ive = an aeay time-- at if harder to cure the in- 4 incurables by the modern methods, The stethoscope gives a prestige that the results of treatment will prove to be ill-founded, But still, the hookworm side of my trade pays Splendidly for I know that it is worth while, and even ‘the tratados wax enthusias- ae ‘tie and claim to feel like dancing for the first time! We could have quite a baile sometime here for 80% to 90% have H#, ileal a \ { i i . * i ; . eo “Peace ink terae of bl Like a desert, wherein no single sound, nor smell, nor col ; * preeminently claims attention, my world of this limitless and full, with that innebiculate f ness which without < ess, with that > any natural emphasis is really perfect emptix wandering of notes unstressed whieh 18 no more than any gentle — numming mondtone, I have been reading the journals of Septeaber and early Aucust and some of Oct rz; not as yet ancient history ey 2 for I do not see the papers here, ee prophecies thatgglong since have been fulfilled or else have the prophets an hours chagrin or an easy alibi. The European news 4s depressing... "an ant-hill kicked to pieces by a fool", y more than this, The Bullitt report of doings in the * tonfcrence makes me more of an alien than ever to those who have had the direction of affairs: the deep chested ‘en, — 1 ae whose clothing I used to cut off to their uncontrollable groans were immeasureably “sold" by those in authority, Thank God I ; eR a not in apron strings this Christmas to be led to church to. hemp some preacher wriggle and maggot over 'Pcace on Earth, aad Will toward Men' 1 I can get drunk or give a hundredtmeatments for Hookworme- and enjoy an honester form of self-deception thus, ‘But imagine Rleanor, the suffering, and worse than thie the des- _ pairof anything better, and the sense of ‘being sold, Noryally I am no penny dreadful, but I have no sponge of cheer to soak up all this agbny, I do not read the papers becuse they are false much of the time intentionally... ‘but I have seca physical suffer ing cnough to know what goes on in Rurope, and I have talked to. working men evrywhere to know that. their side te never given honestly, and to know the bitter stupid revengefulness that keeps on growlng-- and the ghastly lack of any kindly justice to curb it all, | It is the custom at home as I remember 1t, to think of m Lom 4s the only normal state of ee is ey j Rg not have honest healthy days when despite a balance in. | c(or even an agreement twixt the bank and your > | “. : Te 5 ; : ow check book), despit -a good sleep and a good job 6 a done during the day, you could weep for the world in and still feel sane? : its loneliness and its sorrow-. * a For me there 18 no question about it, and thus I can- guine cult for their honor that monotonously sa _ worship of Good Cheer, Twould a better cure to have . 4 A : ' somebody weep on me shoulder and try to console ie } , * : i ‘ os. 3 os out of the poverty of omtles than out of satiet; ” ® ? * : : é ay We have finished the southern part of the State and tomorrow start at Piguassu, goon turning nor the ward for the work of December, The job goes well now, 9 row among the men has blow into clear weathhr again 1. and they have just asked permission for a day off on i ‘Netal' vihbth is christmas ! Not strange tho = :. for it is no such day as we have at home-= and not ? wBually sagh of, #. parte here, We certainly bwill have a day off on Natal, The chief benefit that I got out , of the row was Bonini'’s definition of "Character", Here it is synonomous with Anour propre=-= & pleasant pep) , : and penetrating comment on th amount of discipline f here enployed!"¥rFreud in Santa Catherina" 1s another “pook my publishers will have to refuse soncday-- tis ‘lovely to be in 4 country almost without repressions, ‘ tie toentine «0 quch of -man paeus Xite in one where | hhe barbed wire was almost discouragingly plentiful, a URES. See ts tte es Voge PR Le ‘ ‘ fa aie * - * Wee ih, - * ne tae ? - January 14 1920 “Hewan polis . —- * : a + The western mountains are bright misty x blue, the bay is rough with warm brow waves ahd tlpeups, the afternoon Summer sun of five thierty is blazing in at the window of my room here on the third floor of the Hotel lietropole,and I am “much as Adam considered chic,in the warn strong and refreshing breeze, with my time quite my own, It is @ three day rest be-~ tween surveys and I am in a civilized hotel with a lot of Americans, good food and a novel of Gertrude Abherton lying on my rather erunplea-sheeted bed, Luxury in @ word «= and. depois @'amanha off we g0 again, this time to Lages in: the mountains where there will be more of the wilds and the Weste ern frontier elenent, ‘There’ ® been a pleasant flavor about the last few days for the reason of being around with. a@ bird named Bennett Reo Bennett a one time reporter on the New York World, and a typical rover and raiser of the devil, Not in the roidterers sense but journalistically, He.-was. the man that found there was & group of patriots busy buying the rights of the old French company. in Panama for 3 million and getting ready to sell the same to the U.S, government for 40 million, and he took such thorough Joy in showing the scheme up and just who was in it(Roosevelts brother-in-law)for exauple) that T.R,. & sued the World for libel..... but was glad to have the suit ®- clared unconstitutional a year or so after-- and Bennett was given the honor of a place on the Trade Commission to Brazil ~~~ which he has found an exceedingly profitable country. to live in, being completely sick of the essence of New York and. journalism, He is keen and amusing and I have a time with him every evening, We have variety here in this hotel--- we, _ have @ miserable black-toothed little skinny Brazilian whose chief Claim to distinction is ‘that he has spent a year and a half in the Tower of. tondon, for being the paramour of the famous lady who stole the plans of the British tanks and got was shot, He, being & Brazilian diplomatic them to Gergenx. she attache was told iver to risk his. life on british soil agein and so the world is somewhat smaller. than it used ‘to be for — nam, We have a Sang of the General Electric Company here naking a survey that will result in a street-rallway in this funny little Capital, The boss of that gang I heard the first. night I was here say in the loud voice of his kind, | "But let me tell you the best fish in the world are the trout on the Denver and Rio Grande between Pueblo and Grand Juction"! We have the. Governor's one eyed. and. black-haired son with his appalingly blond Danish wife, She can talk Danish German and Enge aden, he Portuguese fench and English, They are confined to a language they neither can talk nor write with ease or even correctly! It is funny to hear them, And besides that we have the daily parade out in front of the Palacio of all the office-seekers in Brazil and all the grafters. and all the people with an axe bulging out of their _ pockets-- so ingenuously waiting upon the ell powerful Govern . or that it is almost opera-bouffe Goverment, Government while wait, The Conjuror says"Look at the dicky-bird"! (that isthe beneficent Rockafell' Foodaish sometimes) and evrybody Looks, and the Governor makes a quick signature with the other hand and somefeller goes. away from the Palacio SO happy he ke has to get right out of tow before He tells too many people, Tomorrow I am Somefeller instead of R&@feBler and I want to get the Gov, to give me an automobile in to Lages, and he is going to say "Look at the lulu bird!" and everybody will look and then I'll get a requieition for an ‘automobile, That is. called Governmental Cooperation in my Report-- but it treats m about 150 poor devils that wouldnt gettrested otherwise, i and what wont a mother sacrifice for her young? Heh? — The poetic thought ‘came to me this A.M, that St, Patrick has nothing very much on me, I am casting ‘em out of a country a good deal bigger than Ireland! Nossa Senhora olha as cobras! Lt-a8 true that definitions are always interms of something — else. “hots of times the Flying Corps lads used to say that enter ing a eloud-bank at say 6000 feet and after shooting along for half an hour seeing nothing to steer by, they'd flash out into the sunshime.... ¢o find themselves upside-down and the earth far far above them, where the blue had been, That is what it is like to come out of the wilds here suddenly and try and find out where youre at and where the wokid has slid to. Today is a perfectly clear cool day, a perfectly blue day and the bay over to the Mountains to the West, is a soft ripply yellow green, 50 lovely a place that it musts needs be the last port of call and glimpse of Gods green earth for many a 49er on the Way. to Cape Horn, and whatever that meaat, And a great place for pirates in the days gone by. Ana a few Perkinses and Taylors on the north of the island spell whaling vessels from New England {Nees T sound like the Henty Books, but here somehow it is not sO haad to believe in then, For instance one gets used to. the caboclos taking off their sheath knife as a sign of courtesy as they witer a house, Dulled to the ceremony one stays alime to the possibilities implied, Yesterday I had the most delightfully Ciara eye ee Ive ere been puzzled because I have always wanted to do more things than I really wanted to'de If I made a list I always fell behing it, or cmme in like a poor track athlete, completely sickened and exhausted by the technical vicopry. Then besides doing one thing with a whole heart makes that one thing change under your very hand to some thing different and bigger .Remark- able contrast! Yesterday it suddeniy came to me that the desire to take some execise. for example or to write or do some accounts were not ambitions vastly bigger than .the energy ‘éo do then, Quite the reverse id true: the wished are enormous but they can only poke concrete little suggestions up through the crust into our attentions, The thing is like a chick hatching--- the per- sistent little beak of the wish suggests a definite act and oe Sd Se ree al a ee Eee ee thus ohly can crack through the shell . THE THING TO DO. . is to assist, voluntarily pick a bigger hole in the shell - and then no wonder the deed grows as you g0 on with it, Lastk night I just barely wanted to take a walk, and instead of saying " Oh thunder I dont want to take a walk"! I sort of tore open the resistance, reserve, repression or whatever it is, and . pasking in the much bigger desire for exercis. that lay below, ‘took a magnificent and totally contented hour's walk along the starlit peach, That's an‘ epoeheemacins! discovery... and the crazy desperate part of it is that it is no more communicable to you or anyone than the experience of swimming or fire or anything like bin te: And yet a wild anxiety to talk i. omer: I am swirling about in a gang of Americans here, having a time before I go into Lh woods again, Last night I talked with a fat porcine American woman who reminded me of lirs A, who has lived here for 8 years and knows the natives well . she has eyes like Bismarck's and yet with all her enormous eating and driving power quite a lovable creature and the years here have removed all conversational banis Not exactly with the light touch but she conveys sincerity and honesty and kindheartedness, The | marriage customs among the natives here are pretty sketchy: there being an excess of fidelity over ceremony, Mrs Bennett spends a endless hot days there on the fazenda making wedding dresses that hang from the shoulders-- the next week to slave with more justifiable haate to line the cradle, She told me---we were talk- } ing at ee how she and her maid were awakened oe night after one of unehe paities, by a figure in the room spooping tomapick up the dress and kiss it, " Probably the girl’ s mother who died last year-- you know, mighta been PRMD Ler never kin tell" she said uneasily. They both saw the figure, (Hyslopover) a Lages January 19 1920 "“Engoliou ? imgoliou?" (Did you swallow it? Did you swallow £%?) . these loud questions my guarda or Gan-nurse shouts to a small pallida boy who is strug sling with a capsule-- trying to get it down safely, We are in the spacious committee room of the Local city hall and queer old Potuguese look down from the walls at the procedure( the town began in 1794) rather amazed would the origin als be to see the mal de terra actually being cured,, Por here in Brazil the pallor and weakness and misery of hookworm disease is — taken with a shrug of the shoulders and a great deal of well exe pressed horror--- but not much 240, Tam on the job of finding out the extent of infection Aina region here in a region about the size of the state of Colo rado and half of New Mexico-= travelling these last six months constantly, stopping only a week in each place aid then after | about five to eight hundred people have been examined clearing out for another place, Naturally the experience has shown me a good deal I never thought of before, and in this sort of a job meeting usually with the boa vontade of the people I am ina position to see and be told things that an ordinary stranger apesnt get to see, After this survey is through with we shall establish posts for the intensive treament of the infected in the worst places, and by treating the people to &@ cure show them what they could be having in the way of health, and with this extraordinary lever inculcate the primary ideas of sanitabion into them, The curious thing about it really is that the scheme worke--- they are profitting by it and adopting Glowly the ideas of hygiene, And when you reflect that it was only in 18659 that : ‘the courts of Parliament in London had to close during the summer : sO horrible was the stench fron the Thames fron poor.y disposed waste, or that the connection of sewres with the municipal drains of Paris was prohibited by law up till @ 1880<--« perhaps the beginnings of sanitation here do not seem 20 insignificant, But. omitting for the moment this genera) nett, wich takes much of the time of my day-- perhaps sould be amused to read of Other things less technical and more amusing, ‘Brazil is a mediaeval country with: the constitution of the U U.S.(practically) ehoved dom over it like a oil hat upon the head of a Roman plebe, tt ; gives rise to incongruities a especially when the transportation is etil1 80 ineffective that one region differs enormously from. the’ Other in almost OV= ony way. The Brazilian is one of the most easily governed men in | ny experfence, In an enormeous jan of people in Rio you can always move easily by say "Com licenca!"-- and they always give way, They cannot resist persistent and gentle pressure-- it Wwearsa them out completely! They never will refuse any thing done slowly and quietly, My employees when I give then a a choice as to where they would like to work Look quite pained and one began gently to tell my the custom in Brazil Was that the obligation of the employee was to do whatsoever the parao wished «-- and not to choose his service at all! Imagine being lectured in @ modern state on the h obligations » of the employee} But easy as these people are to lead like children, they have had no expericnee and with their system : of family life arid schools never get the chance to know the technique of government of others, Governments here are strong on just the same principle that little boys armies keep their unity--- many titles and everybody happy--yes, a touch of imper sonal ‘good of the service' and the opposition feels a sudden ‘accession of strngth and you are back where you were if not even furhher back, | ‘Looking back upon the U.S, at this distance our national interest no longer seems to be liberty-- more it is production that we care about, The men who ‘menace liberty are excused if they are producers, Here Liberty still flourishes and I have never seen so high a per cent of people who ean and do do suet what they like, And incidentalyy a producti on ao Bone sae ately inconvenienced by that same Frectee. But to leave ; generalities, # ges is ans the high rolling oe planalte on the other side ef the coast range from the low hot coast line, It is midsummer but deliciously cool here, Frost fell last month and in the winter they have it around ten above our zero with snow, The lands are enormous and the life is all cattle raising. Horsemen in big and beautiful woolen pallas or ponchos, high loose leather boots, splendid horses and with @ silver dagger if not a Golt revolver tucked a wee bit out of sight, Rare women, rarer ladies, Coming in we passed ‘@ huge herd of beeves being driven to market-- thousands of then, the cowboys in huge hate chaps and leather lasso, The ‘screaming part of this Wild West is. that they will ride leagues and leagues to see and enjoy an American Far Ooest fila, They think that Tom Myx and Dustin Farnum are eimply gode-- and like many anothe _ er thing in this Here” World’ the a@miring audience 16 more neare ly the real thing than the actors, It would be more than they could bear to think that hone f1ims( and the moving, pictures from America are worth more than .our entire diplomatic corps on an! all the fool trade coumicsions in the works for the pur pose of an entente cordial betwean the U.S. and Brazti)teould ‘be unbearable to think that in the Far West we no longer have plunging bronchos and flaxen haired schooltcachers and despere= adoes ote etc, But here I passed a bunch of horsethieves and twould take some little making up to look their equals I can assure you, Living under lean-to tenta with their Guarany or Botucudo halt breed women; and horses! I should aay 60, a scattered all around in the. beautiful grassy plain. where they | ; 4 were camped, a The per cent of infection here will not be over 13% where on theother side of the mountains down on the lovely paluy tropieal 1s ttoral we have seen no place that had less. than 8&8, Saver as 96 and above, And very very Sick people, ‘The practice of a eluilar form of belief to Christian science is very common here, The Curandheiros or benzoadors | can manage a disease very well at a ale tanee, end the Catholic 2 : prieste are not | far behing. A carandheiro cures but a denzoador — are righ or blesser can avoid such things as the evil eye, cattle pests flights of grasshoppers ana frost, I know a priest sho sola l&ttlée calico flags at five mil a plece-- value here about (5-- to keep the grasshoppers off, They did not work very well-- but he said he had splendid silk flags at 50 mil that would work wonders! This being, more money than a caboclo sees ever at one time-- naturally 4% could not be denied that these big flags are good, I know ar intelligent American women-- even of the Bad) followers are intelligent-- who here employs a blesser for her ranch ond believes in him, She has eeen the cock- roaches in droves swept out of the house after his prayers and she is no questioner of HOW it is done}--- she wants the results, Instead of people heing angry at such atup Laity twould be better for medicine to learn what happens and simply show if possible that with a pheicul cause it works better to have a Bhakaazk physical remedy, Instead of flying into. a passion with the people who have found spiritismo to worka as well as anything else, For if we t the thing to do is to prove it. Lages Janeiro 25 It is & cool clear refreshing afternoon. wh th but little going on. Silveira is sitting in the big room of the intendencia wanting cards and talking with some of his fellow Rio Grandenses and I have nothing to do now that the accounts are ‘ali up to date, — p These big rolling hills with their sandstone cliffs arc. continu : ally shifting color under the banks of rail bis gray and whi te clouds that. go rolling over then, a few urubus well up in the _ sky are circling patiently and waiting for something to arop dead the lojas are all sleepy and the horses are awishing flies in a lazy shade, sh i ‘ I do not suppose that outeide of Brazil exists the same pure mediaeval spirit that exists here, A tall horeesman from Rio Grande haa just come in, emi ling & most delightful clear and ure " susptetous unpolished smile, alt. courtesy and gentility, not with the greasy grovelling of the Saxon race but with a childish and — yet selfrespecting independence. I cont ‘suppose: that his aasegusar whe sits in the other room smoking a consolatory Cigarrette has ever seen the railroad nor does Bhe know more than the squires daughter in an England of L740, The daughter is bony and imperson- eh mindeds and reminds me just a speck of Emma ilandell, They are the people whose Simplicity of epirit makes this Job we are doing seem perfectly natural to Che meee o= they always: have accepted easily and with 2 smile of 5 sratitude and have given with less consciousness = being & giver than any other people I have ever seen~~ and it seenis perfe Gbly natural to them that we should he doing this, Not 80 the more sophisticated-- who assemble in groups to discuss in an undertone what this Commission is doling anyhow, If you wanted an iliustration of what an open heart be worth you'd find it here, The eimple people reap all the benefit that thex' wise’ leave in suspicion, * The qmtrance of a cleanly and well dressed Aun peing ints this consultorio nearly does me in! To think that there ean be people who wash with a true Anwa: ra. gon to 2. clean all over, peole who like to keep their clothes all clean, who take the sane AF, care of thenselves that we usually ony to pet dogse=-that causes a queer rush of tribal feeling to go over Le == some- what akin to the feeling you have when when you, see a friend from Colorado Springs whom you have always known and liked suddenly coming upon you in say the fifth week of your tay in the stock yerss re carpet cleaning cotablichaent or. in the hold of a mackerel schooner , you straiten up and A they look: Like nice pink and white Apalaos and Dianas dropping down from another planet. “the Brazilian caboclo has an odor of o1d old bacon, nna about hin-- it is so pleasant eo find a somebody who hasnt, I met 2, nice o1a German sho has been, collecting butter- flies for 20 years here, He really collects the cucoons and raises the Lat butterflies themselves==- eb in this way he gets better specimens, He has just shipped about 25000 to Kkrp Europe and has collections of 540 different species, This I must look into, He was one of these people who eime ply adore Ncture, They always have gentile kindly wives-- who treat them in a motherly sort of way and ocoasionally a oe with a passion for meakbne money--- just to keep the bale ance in the family. He had, Nimrod was fond of hunting-~ but where 1s the man in the Bible or ‘in ny thology who mas fascinated by Nature. This man Hudson, W.H, HUdson, whose "Par Away and Long Ago" is a “very good description of that disposition, is the best example I know of the sort of per- son whom watching, Nature charms completely, They ‘keep on coming-- lora what an immense varlety-- some giggling others erying, some trenling, OUET. appapent- " ly without a nerve, some anxious to talk others on the de- fensive and silent, soem thinking that a P.E. is moral and above board others thinking that the medice is « necessary immorality, --- what an endless varlety-= all in one little municipio which has never seen ‘the light of day. Day after tomorrow dom to Plorisnopolis en ‘to start the vork on _ the Tina ¢ or Asland, — } Lages Santa Catm Catherina When I settle as long-as.8 days in one place I begin to go dry for material to make letters out of-- and thus through suffering, as the Character Building Books tell us is sympathy enga _endered, and Iam able to forgive all me friends --- and in fact to be more than a ligtle grateful tothem for ali that they have con- tributed towards the fine work of Americanising me For indecd | you'll have a rank furriner in your midst &2 when I return if 1% werent for the fine line of uplifting letters and depressing news- papers, As Mire Rice observed in a priceless letter not long ago, 4."I do not know what we are coming to in this country, The hunting © season has begun and is splendid fun? Indid@idually you seem to : - prosper but the State seems a bit off ite feed, This is a most interesting country, It iss 24 hours in- and over the mountains by a Boowheek (Buick) automovel and like Some little time, _ there being no railroads. within five days horseback, It 's Virgin Coffee. ka has not. heen. touched. for is 4 high Polling country and is nice and cold even in, this midsummer weather, Last. month (comparable to June) they had a@ frost and the nights are always cool, But aside from this real estate’ arip the really intere ting thing io that the people are &ll1 well removed f om any for of outside contact except Fox and Triangle Films from the U.S. and the life is really that of the Argentine pampas, more _ then of Brazil, There is a Reavy, Indian streak and no little negro which ise mixed with Portuguese and Austrian and German , fhe men are all horsemm and more or less gunmen and certainly. handy with a knife if need. be, They very politetly disarm when I examine. then _ and old cap pistols and 15 inch knifes. arent the rarest things I h have geen, The life is olosely aichn to that in Maine in those haleyon months of the year when there is but Little fiehin', A ere tall Italian doctor who got nie ‘boiled on beer yesterday says that he is raising aoney for a statue to 6 Trabalador de hages" (the worker of Lagea) to be put “P in the Praga here in tom and it : ’ 5 ‘ a = \ oe Be ee: Ck se : * Menlo eae +4 , ‘ Mid e - : Meet e oe ae. 4 ‘ ? a ae ee gee ss ie ah Ag Ra Ba Mh. 5 i Coes ue ae ae Sree pee =e eee Subst aah ee say Hec 9 gh ST Df 2 ae ae ‘will be & tauro, He was a good 01a skate ‘thie Italian and gave me a good many points on the local customs and diseases that I ahd not known of before, All the old schodl type of drinking-- refusals of one more treated as an undebatable absurdity, Always crashing glasses on against - the other and never saying Saude or any toast--- in a word a professional! Which sets me to wondering what ia the state of drinking at home, Is it much the same in the the ‘small pinces? I should think the dances must hove presented a 8 rather. sma aller number of Pranko Frenches and Minots ee _ themselves into a corner! ‘Less "awfully funny" men for the husky Priecillas to leap around with, | “Which leads me by @& more abrupt transition to agk you hows all and what goes on, It is pathebic to see that 7000 miles really is some little distance, But I do not ex- pect to be gone forever-- so whe te the difference, ‘There is one charming thing about these Brazilians that: T know I shell notice by ite absence at home... they are the most auctile malleable tensile and polite people on the face of the globe, It is nothing to 48k a kid you ahve never geen before to g ona half an hours errand for you, &&he Yast says "Peis nao" and goes, You could spend three weeks as a total stranger in any one of these fasendas and have ‘anything you wanted-- and 4t would be all siiles and dignified politeness, Really a remarkable thing. Well here comes almogo in the shape of a little nigger who'll say in a high cracked voice whth infinite dignity "Oo Senhor Doutor a boia sta na mesa!" which litterally means that the bull meatis on the table-- at times not a greut ways from veing a highly descriptive announcement, Plorianopolis Febru: iry i 19% 20 I cot back from Lages on the 26th and have “been here rather without much variety since then: waiting for the month to end and my usual task to fall due of naking up all the different accounts, This job will see me a complete accountant on the latest plan, be- fore I: am done with it, T am really glad to find that nonthly statements are getting easier as time , goes on, As I shall soon be running a fifty-thousand dollar budget here it is about time! All Last night I played a little bridge with the Westinghouse gang here-- engineers a month out from New York-- and 2kn got a little reat from the endless recibos and conhecimantos of the day, But really my news is mostly of Lages- & hdgh cool place 270 kilometers inland where I ate armadillo jsut freshly cillowed out of his armor, and. where t thoroughly enjoyed the energetic and cheerful people, and their cold climate, The caboclos there too were charming: this old bird was all smiles and "sea-shoresk , They have one delightful phrase ther on meeting eachother, It goes" Ah, como vae! Coma passa axSi Vossa Signoria? Como passa Sua Obrigacao?" (How is your gentleman- ship? How goes your obligation"?-- Ana that means ‘your family!x' Another point about those caboclos-- when they meet they shake hands reach out. and touch eachother on the chest and then ° Shake hands again! If on horseback they shake and then pat eachother on the innej side of the forearm and then shake again, It is a solemn ceremony-- and reminds me of the College Widow of George Ade's and the fraternity handéhakes tnéreor, The Cariocans and Paulistas laugh, but it 15 no worse than ABeir terripie embraces and scapula stroking! And the sing song of the talk “ here! I never have heard its equal, Especially such a word as obrigacao, I diearned & delightful thing. dast night at the table. Many times here if a general here wants a bit of @ show at the Station, or on the Street-— to show that he is some body~-— why he can hire & few soldiers! They ga" OF a rented by the asy-~ p Think of & discipline 30 rigorous | ‘that soldiers need to. r3, Ingleze_ver as the phrase is, be encouraged by. pay for a little private parade, oh well the Bos ton police hac the same idea in mind perhaps! It Ls said that Brazil had officers enough for ten million men during the. wary Privates were rather expensive to hire then though, and vven the gallant, marines revolted when they or EPR S «: bo their terror that they, were being, sent beyond. Ba~ hiat It is queer for us, it always will be, to understand then, Why should the aireet descendents of a race thats show~ ed the world what @t1ectpline and. order. could do, be the very ones to be. 60 > hopelessly deficient, in atectpline and. order now? ae PoP eee There is a man named Hart here in the Westinhouse crowd who was in the Construction division of the engineers in France, ‘gust the Gane time I went over he went but he stayed 6 months longe hy He confirns the idea, I have of the isolation from all home-keepers that, the overseas crowd have come to have, He too cannot understand the Cabot Lodges, nor can he find a real issue in all the row going on over the League of Nations, I showed him the verse of Sassoon’ s called the Counter-attack The place was rotten. with ‘Anes: serine ‘adiiiaid: ‘legs. High-booted, sprawled and grove&led See ee ere And trunks, face dotmward in the sucking. mud Wallowed 1fxe trodden sandbage loosel fitted, : And naked sodden buttocks, mats of Bulged, clotted heads slepy in the cee wate lime, - And then the rain begane--_ the Jolly, old rain! | +-- Of course having, experienced this we should. be extremely cautious about binding ourselves as a nation to prevent 4t, Hart and I "agreed" about whe I got. a telegram from Hyaricx in Rio anata: that candy of food Was there for mé to the tune of and other fo: me ' ten or fifteen dollars te be Sung to the Customs House peobe, I told him Le pay and. eat the perishables-- put I - Hope that anything will ‘be. sent to 61 Broadway in the fmbut reyare ite 30 much easier and shorter, The alfandega (customs ) is ‘the most irritating thing in ‘Brazil, and that is a pretty handsome compliment, ‘ splendid isolation would be easier than to receive a package from unknown source and then have a fat mulatto official steal half of at and charge you for what's kx wish sim would come down here and see what a, wonder=" oud social position the negroes and mulattoes have here, I never , realised how neatly subjugated, they are in the U.S, until I see them expansively eubracing some blonde here in the R Re station or at 4 . & public neo tin o gt $ _— & coon with any education ra come to Brazil-- they gain more than they Lose by Leaving the USS. Portuguese is onay to pick TF and the educated coon here is just the same as a white, One of may boys is conpietery forgettua of color-- he never renen bers to ‘wa at down on the census card, and all the rest too draw almost no line at all, The trouble is that the black race has no more wanderlust than an ebony newell-post and they never will get up and do something really new, That was & great find Mother made of her mosaic pin: the mosaic law of chances seems at variance with the common law, I wish I could find two or three of the things. I have lost here in the same cheery way, I am preparing to enter the needles eye it would 5.@em by the way things are dropping from me, Develops a cold and ascetic attitude - towards the baubles of this world to lose one P KN, ( pre re nata, Mother, you never let a pkece of slang slip by, Til bet you were fierce at 1S). one month more and this Suitecase life Stops for & while, I'd Like to have Elinor and Marjorie down here to. fit up some swell little seaside bungalow and stock the guarda-comidas (ice-box) with mamao and abicate and abacaxi, ‘Then, oh then there would be fruit eating and no more carne de porco, Weel thats naw an eempossible plan, however, Florianopolis is a very pretty and breexze-combed town, and there could be worse things in February, Having, sat here in the buff, in a north-coming sunlight that makes me wonder whether and why I dont look shiny red like a thin hand over a strong flash-light, I will.now.snak down to the bagnheiro and turn on the crank marked chuva (pluva in Latin) and take me a bath, Good luck and my love to the whole Tribe . Lages, Est. Tees na asso Eee Me aes h aK Palacio Municipal. i i ij a \g I wonder 4f anyone ever mote --or could wite what. was really happening to him? Do. you suppose 'tHould be comprehensi- ble, or entertaining or vith the least value ate all-- this complete fuse of binnen-leben with @ lot of sighte and sounds and amells, Now take my soap tor example, I cant convey any- thing at. all by saying that ay cabin on the. Hollandia going to Rio was a delightful place, that I liked the roll of the boat in those enormous shining blue. sunlit seas, and those suoky-burning stars. that. popped out at night, ‘that Schweebroek | the steward was ROO NE 5 that the food was grend, and that it was the first time I had gone a-groping alone, that everybody on board nearly ex- pected to make or break thenselvec in the~ ‘country | we were rolling» to, I cant convey Lt at all. But if you had been there( my trunk at full of soap) all that, would be necessary would be to hold up this ceke I' ve. just. found today and say "! vember that" and ; you'd. say "Gosh! The Hollandia! I should say. aor". Weil that isthe sort. of thing that living here 1s all woven over Ber, thousands of new things . and. nary & chance to call up wore by the mention of them than at best a weak Burton Holmesickness, and. remark about' what ann interes ting!-da-da-daah it's pathetic this letter business} But of course thore are limits to this gloomy diatribe against literachoor in comparison with perfume as a form of Spiritual correspondence y For example it takes no very great energy for you to, picture my overweening pride when I tell you I was invited to be the Godfather of §he Totary Public! 8 oat illegitimate oftepring-- a tremendous Cathedral service, 'n- evrything, that, I, shad to pass up at the last, minute because I a turned out. ‘to be not a Catholic, But you cant gay that the. I1lmo, sr, Dr,: Alan Gregy hasnt. had honor proferred him in his Heydays! But they hurried ‘out a& mere Brazilian “compadre" for the kid, ‘and Coronel Jose ; Rame wT, a oe ame : were able to OAS along without or me, I was bored rv ‘tears to be ‘incon and now th 3 x have the being-a-godfather-to-a-?-0f fepring as a re- pressed wish that leaps’ to my harried consciousness every tine I pE maned by the church! ‘ Theré 1s a a acne of American engineers here ading’ the typical act: crabbing incessantly and talking with endless beers Long into the night about New York ete etc, How they crab the Brazilians! I am in’ possession of enough ~ facts and stories to work their yee into rabies grave--- , and it's a pleasure to work "en up to fever heat every _ evening and send ‘em stambling and cursing off to bed, It ip that there are few countries as thoroughly irrit- ating 48 Drazil, to © person who makes no intelligent efforte to anuse hingelf, But I cant miss the chance of Gre: suse men to a boil; they are so bringing the childish and so ‘provineial even’ as a New Yorker is pro- vinclal, and 80 pothetically at the mercy of small things, They are the sort to dislike the Notre Dame because the chairs arent decently comfortable, Their boss was in & charge of the first three years of the excavation of the Grand central Station, has built a power plant in the Pyrrenees 6tc, and has a very red-mottled face, very big even, tobaceo-yellow teeth, and gets irritable if you dont drink 2. cocktail with him‘ before dinner, He hae a curly} lipped professional smile, and blood-shot eyes, and I xk dike his directness--- but not much else, I think that I dideve tad Bare?y wonens superior pity of men when I see “ii Eldredge with @ listener, @ dependent, or a stake to win, Women can be all three--- and Mr EF, can be very easily — manage d ‘by the bird in the cage, Rabsner aR Tagore gets off what would be a cute remark if it didnt” take him so dong: "It is only when we get: to the point of letting the pird out of the cage that we realise how free the bird has ‘Bet ow on oS” Man eee ° BAND SORT It is @ Sunday afternoon in a tiny fishing, village on the coast of the island of Santa catharina s @ dozen } pickanninnies and ‘whites” are strutting about. under the palms wit! swords and 8linss hade of sania stems, and our work goes slowly for the moment, cam There, are few things more simple than a Brazilian fishing village: if they werent so cc it would be idyllic, these big Salling, cane oes made from, one piece of wood, one big log hollowed out, these brown, bare- legged fishermen. stalking along in the flate at twilight casting the big skirte ike nets and dragging in the. shrimp and dumping them into withe baskets, the wandering path along the shore, children weeping with hunger if the fishing has been poor (for they are absolutely poor here) and sick . yellow women squatting in the doorways. or making, native. lace. at a tremendous. speed on. the wool. or rag-stuffed. pill Out on the beach they may be making their twine on. spinning jennies rigged up on the beach: the mother seated and surrounded with children while the hisband works peacefully, and occasionally shouts to the man at the other end. of the long twisting. twine-- while the pet. pig in a very playful mood bowls over the baby, All this I sa $9 last night and talked with them for a. while and a heard about the local. curandeir or magician who.can cure snake os *. bites by thought transference and force of will and absent. treate ment, or write a benze. (blessing: for your roga that will keep off the grasshoppers, and why. the, police came yesterday and caught Esidio. “anoel ce Jesus--- and other bits of news, Then I came back to the Club (pronounced clooby) and in true. Brazilian style hung. from the windows for a. while. wabching,. the, summer sun's. a, as ae Ps coming ana arréen; red three Microscopes One Wit~aA & CicaYr 11040 ¥ ; wt @* ‘ee Se 1 | oe oe fm a ny oe aay eed Ae “Teg, Bre ey HR y See vay © ee i gi par a 4. 7, es er O 8 Yio {,! ling, aT Cr 1 1 sd } gd Gi ié 6 tne z, yy > vi 4 bid BO tiie hi rij é wae %e ‘ * ia > " i ila i, Bien ee? > + em #4 . ey FSS oa oy roe 4. Yo “ Arrived a doctor at the ompty microscope “nc peered down the GX- £ ae "a i Ti te oS ye * on™ » » i, 2% ey ? my, * et s e ge o, 4 * i ay a of om, € #7 parrel ,«-= Hieo by George that's a beauty eh Doctor’ —" ile wn on At ogee ati, "et “ ds. Ye ~ % a £2 ms ee Me ot In comes a girl of twenty <-- motner O21 five ana & ne , isiin, Aaa & he aaa re ot, a@s gt — “5, en 4 still very pretty, wna @ country! ‘sy ns “ery 1 , f2 3 1% Put ot ay1ti ri th 7 50 Lne Wo J 4 i md y oT dn tA Ui cL AA Vi ie bs " -Riberao ne * & “Pe ee ' oe Your double ds here and you ahve ro. more chance in the world--- because youre way off and she is right here! I call her :.; =~ which she cant pronounce, bub she smiles the way you do-- not Just the way because r*il admit nobody can do that -- but she sililes and promises to bring me flowers very soon, And she has just sata of your Cigarette holder "Que coisa linda = para um mogo tao agadavel!" and you have 10 wore idea how that Eka sounds j ‘ghe thinks " What & ‘beautiful thing for euch an agreeable 7 OUnE fellah"! and she says it right out with u fright- ful sigh at tne end, Last night she saad "was ---que boca linda hc ‘tem dentes quebradas --neniaua! " (But what a beautiful mouth you have, No broken teethe-no not one! ) She is twelve and she is the original cheery spirit frou the forest, Last night we danced--I didnt dance I was the orchestra roaring, Turkey in the Staw ana beating Upon a tin can to the un- limigzed joy of twenty small i kids many pickanhhies, “who danced three and four rounds without the least exhaustion and then came rye begged for more, I sang ‘em the Pig ae ard they called 4b uma especialidade and shen I bought a whole mid reis worth of candy they all ahd to say good ndght three times and kiss any hands fervently with many wishes for good fortune in aarry ing the wost beautiful lady in th 1e world, I line of simplicity and charming manners that is hard to beat, When I read aloud in English they screamed with pleasure and begged for more, and ran wildly up and down the beach FOrIIng for thetr monies to come, and hear 0 Doutor Glegey. i ; Yesterday I found by the roadside an interesting plant that looked like, 6 fern but if you touched it ever so iightiy it Closed all the Mitre leaves and folded its sven Phgnt up 80 quickly that you, had to pinch very — to catch a leaf open between thumb and, foref inger, ‘8 —— ‘You have heard of phosphorescence in the tropical waters, last night | as usual and never have | 150 Americans, And not one. rad i i us . 4 oS i = wea Pa — — ae aloe 3 * ’ ? i “- + & cate ool 3 $5 608 and , ghybaie to He A. x where in the world the World is, My enenorada. is asking if I am single or married ! sya T am bored with her---1 shall have to close and x | % een | Flortang; Feb, 16 1920 At home we ‘think - we have quite a earnival in ew orleans on Marat Gras but ‘there is nothing An ‘the world chat can ‘touch ‘Brazil when it comes to going orazy in carnival week. That is what at is hers now and the ‘barouches a a automobi 1es already at 6189 in the Palle are rolling through the streets Loaded with singing maidens, to 0 up to the publi square and. wheel round and round, while the word stares ab their costumes ana ‘throws paper : ‘Streamers at the 300d Loikicing ones, That ‘koeps up steadily bill about Q Peus when the big dances begin ond the crowd in the square . aimini shes. a Ait ttle, Thi 8 is the second daye= ve have one more to goer, ana all the Sundays for the past two uonths have been Baar carnival in expectation, But the thing that gives it the flavor is the custom of having oe battles with ethyl. chloride eprays-= sues. Like ‘what you have in the 0.P.D. only that dissolved in t tne _sturt is good otrong perfume 1 Well everyone has these things . oo everyone and the fights are on every minute, Your —_ as a Lotharto is to get some dow the pack er into the ear of any virl you choose, ghe does the same in self. diffonce, and the BULL. OF PERFUME 1s AWFUL. : never have imagined an atmosphere like that of one of the sporty clubs (called cloobby here) last nA Gas where I Wes at the dance, It was as hot as Glass Day but entirely indoors and evry minute these vile perfume squirts going ea1d over yOu. My_ coat still smells ag George Biegler used to say of similar situations "like Mary Gardens axilla" and. there is nothing to do but wait untdd carnival is Overs BUS at is a blessing in ai agui se-~ for we are not ‘without socially sneegee negroes here and perhaps fleurs at amour 1s to be vreferred, I an too vise to. want to rick my happiness to fleurs d' Senegambia, Well, since mriting youmny last letter much has happened, I have about two more weeks to Ge to finish the second survey z made Ports. ‘The first we Gs a region about, tine size OF * ~ ® ‘ ¥ eae aay ache sn has passed to fore getting the game, I was very glad. Pic tater Fey x ei ster-in-lam for the yeur 1020, positions . 4 wate By % Meh eo ies 2% 4 aa Rei , a in, this oeaie, ma ae since I eterte : oe ee future lire Harding) comuend her, she rence 9 * ai tgree sake No Mans Tana t) . ola se ry gee = Lous of. ‘the | tia? , ie oy FE ar present ignorance te anything to go by, Lae * eS eS ate } ee eS oe 5 ce eres - wong gat + to lea. eas ne me, In ne nts ime ae I ea ey es te em sé oo bgt gS lee . ight dancing with the dark eyed Senhoritas this, I never supposed a man could sweat 80 much, clothes that it certeinly takes a very” merry even- They dont dance very well: oné his to fail back ee" on memories of 22 Gen, end ‘Kitty Van Buskirk to keep from fore Eee ar a ase PCE SES very’ AGe 4: new the girl I could come fairly close to compliment= ing hers all t iow ef hey. conduct and Juigenent thusfar ( al a must be ‘Steve Sabine’ Ss / another year of the war of , “by ‘ the * an American surgeon, The wre mostly) are to be found, 16 years from now the American colony in Ro will be bho ‘enous a to support a girl: at ia fairly near impossible, “ 7000 wile ice Hn tH taey can, stand en awful lotta s, cause its a sue they t be, good, depend a 6908. eal nore than, we. Ao. en, old friends and ary-goods, otores and... -gubaide. diversion: which. arent this. country" 8, strong, pointe," ve. seen, too, many perfectly good women tiring themselves all. out here, who have enjoyes, life, in. other, foreign. sountriessnot #9 ye. very seopt- ical. ef 4% here, cae a z him osap’ ed Since November the first I, have: exangned., 40260, people for, heoksorn.,. malerip2 history end spleen, ondargenent,, seen to - % is 2 obo Bane BETS. edie ey PA pee onéller state 56 Santa Sethorina,. There saxona, are. & number of interesting things. about, this. publi¢ health games the one that 3000 ond, treatuents for hockwork ‘and, ki Ms wae ale us sppesls. to me ‘the most 48. shat, with; a ‘dbbere, Anstruetion er. the patients: dont have bo. have - the disease. aL). over aged and the general utandara of living is coning Up 2, bit ae a result of instruction, We have. explained the whole inns te about, 2000 people and | Hackett haa. certainly got the vovernnents | stirred up toa great pitch of onthushasn, They” are paying a very tidy part of the freight now: and we. atoy on running the works, I'11. stiek in a card we use &9 give you an ide ay the numbers in the righ t hand corner are for the heighta of all under 21 and - an coing LO have some interesting figures on the influence Of hookworm on growth when \ gat tt me to sit down and analyse 10000 cards, The teve use (oypht as history) is. very | generously filled out, ‘There fe no ‘such: thing ao if reserve on tl that subject he EDO | se hs ee ‘The Bosch. ie herein eres . nuaber's | ond quite umabash= ed, I must aay t get fea. ‘Up bo the: teeth Ii stoning’ to the German I hear sp soken everyuhere here. But ‘they are here. to stay and m4 x in vith the Brazilione | -- 80 that, you dont have to worry ‘much : about their future! As Gernans they are iat much beloved by the prasiiians-- but their Andustr: ousness and tech nical wnt *have been talking with Reo Bennett again and he is certainly | interesting and of an overwhelmingly interesting period, eee was on the New vork World at ‘the time when the Panama Canal Was being worked out of the hands of the old French company — and being made ready for the use of the U. 5. rt happened. that at _that time a pair of New York engineers(for names see the World of that time) backed by Joe Leiter formed the Hackensack ilead= ee Company to drain Buttermilk Channel and develope the Meadows "for factory sites, One of the engineers had had the contract for the Croton Dam for the city of Bex York and was naturally in a position to get a good many good things under way and an access to plenty of Capi tal, Bennett was employed by the company to sok the secret of this Hackensack company wie ck me the arrangement being | that when the stock reached 75 (from 12) Bennett Was to get some ¢25, 000. fox his Joumalistic services, Well it was accomplished after Bennett had promised a good ripe rakeoff to a number of the Newspapermen of his acquaintance who had given their aid. going to collect his o25, wes he was told to get out of the of five of the engineer, and naturally his friends being somewhat suspicious __ thought his failure to come across was due to his desire to pocket the whole sun, This made him thoroughly angry and he went over the ground to get something on the engineer, W .Barclay Parsons | told hin mPa the Croton contract and he found that the other engineer was under 17 indictments for peonage in Tennessee alone , Then came the bids for the Panama Canal and this firm of engineers ; was the lowest bid put up. Then Bennett's time came and with Bar- — clay Parson's help and that of Lindon Bates he started analysing ~ the Panama plans and so successfully did the destructive criticism work that new developments came along rapidly. It appeared that a compny was well underway, to buy the old French Company out at 3 million and sell at 40 to the goverment--patriots all, Douglas Robinson was in it, Pierpont Morgan was in it, and there were a good many others who wished like the deuce they werent in it, aes fg Sete: Sc eee SS Sake te oe Saar es ee F ays -Roosevely sued the New York World in the capacity of President_o _ _______of the U.S. because the stories of the paper were subversive to __ _skipped to Naw Paris where he_ began. wpe French information. against the day of his extradition, ; _Alfred Henry Lewis telegraphed him to come home, and_ ee time he was taken down to Washington to see. the, Colonel, a= ___who with a bottle and a half of Scotch to the three of them, _ “began bawling out Bennett who began giving as much as he got. _ he upshot was the appointment at a later date of Goethais and _____the Canal put through on entirely different plans from the origin al. And Roosevelt offered Bennett the job of Brazilian Trade Commissioner--- and the world has been quieter. ever since! As B, tells it all in all a fascinating story, Also the story of the sewaueoat joker Cyrus G Ward, : At the Times bar all the newspapaer men had to congregate because a eae was ‘too close to their work ‘to go anywhere else as easily. | The nee. Was notoriously tight fisted and the newspaper men Se eae ee "decided to get pees So one day one when a fine old man was dozing in the corner one of the reporters lifted ‘the cane and hurriedly — _ bought the appropriate tissue seeper etc and made , with a11 the C aemeare an atroctously sarcastic ‘speech of ‘presentation to the parkeeper- - which he took as being» genuine and ordered up arinks een sca bisheartcnd rl Mae ae was put in the window, Then ‘the eee eee back and, “ae: barkeep was sold, When the reporter who bee had pulled the trick came in the barkeep said: "Well you got ae . ee ali right-- but 4s get you yeti" thr reporter came right back i “What! you let the old bluff have your cane that we gave to you ‘Why that was Cyrus G Ward and he bet me $100 he could take the cane away from you the same aay we gave itt" And again the barkeeper bit--and rushed out ce ‘find the true C a; Ward in his. office and tell him where to get off! discipline at West Point, or some such strange suit, and Bennett __ - gorry for the people who Rhwe 1t as you do with most diseases Bennett considers that the joy in being a New Yorker is a _ disease, an interesting disease because instead of feeling th man with this disease feels sorry for the people who haven't got it, The disease of being a Brazilian I have not a I reassure you) succumbed to in that intensity, I still feel . sorry for the people who have it, After Pebruary q shall go up to Rio for the begifning of March and then return here to live for & month or so in the town of Florianopolis establishing the posthans here for the thorough treatment of the whole population, That will see me well into the month of April and probably into Mey . oe I got gome clothes yesterday from a tailor in Cambridge with o, note saying that I had please to let him know if the clothes: fit and he will then now whether to go on and finish dated JulgZg Srd! It reminds me the ‘the order, The request was way. they recken, ‘the dis tance of starg-«~ number of light years 1. rust you got a check from me recently for all of the loan of April 21919. I cannot bear to have America remain the Banker of the World too long! Us reconstructed countries arent always ain. the dbtors--- except in the spirit, The only ‘period of time in ny léfe that I cant remember being grateful to yen you was that time you scalded me in my bath tub, | Luckily the scar is only mental! Mavvacs quart J eau We “have & telegraph operator here who has malaria abel and that was the reason I didnot send you a telegram on the ™ 4 rh roi — sreat occasion recently, When the chills are upon — la i knows what he \mi.cht be understood as trying to say, It has / already been \ the despair of thousands here--- but what can - you do! ‘ "i yi fa \ ‘ ‘A Your lovink brother — \ Be Chefe da Commissao Rockefeller deste Estado Cee ere re SS ‘ rae) Ne 4 > tx % i w x : 1%} £23. WG : ae ae . vs id yp j 4. a — Lek ie reeeee hie. BES a EAE OMT ae dit” > é ih gee oy : I bhve just been out in the backeyard snooting with a bodocue which is pronounced bawdawek, and. trying to shoot as straight aS the natives-=-— which ae nopeless, It is a combina- tion of a sling and a. bow and it looks like this: but in stead of arrows the natives — use dried clay petlets which get very hard and are easily hard enough to kill birds with, The natives are so sure that you can throw a tostao (a piece of money the size of a quarter) into the air and they can hit it. Then too I have been playing with a roarer, which is @ piece of horse-hair twined thus over a twig and at the other end at tached to a hollow dun open at. one end so that the WRBBANE, of th e horse-hair ‘makes & very loud noise, “When I wae up at ‘Lages oe which ‘ss | place “you can perhaps find on the nap about 270 kilometers west of the island of Santa Catharina, ~«- IT ate an armadillo and here is his picture before he. was eaten, They are very hard gasp to catch 18 they once get into the en- 1 trance of their nape because they bend over and the long acales stick out ot right angles and erip the walls of the burrow, The meat is very sweet and they are rather rare now as @ result, I got sens skins of ante eaters which are enktnd tanandoa a pandeira because their tails are S09 big and wavy they look like flags, one I saw was almost the size of a ‘bull-nide and the claws were huge, He has ‘three claws on each foot and when he fights ‘ Boo ¢ . : ihe rie talons which come embrace--- we Fy tates more enemy is ¥ sposed | tee - . nee ei Pikin. # 4 ey ri? eee mel « ‘ “ ee 5 & 5 zi isappear inside when he draws it in happily, las are queer trees for if you cut ut nest morning there is almost a foo & tig ep Pty: ara 2 aie ; es — ready above the level of the cus, I didnt believe thig ad to be shown, They mow very well be- ie . “/ i oh a. ‘ti ei: « told me ao I ha cause after one bunch of bananas has growm on a tree - 4t wont bear any more until it is cut dom and a ows from the same root, i. 5 gue _ * . : weds Up in Therezopolis I met a German FES gm ns 8 5 th thins ah % K . OF Ne fhe a Ea . ste - ‘ eR ¢ “ bs z alas ee im , ; whe « ‘ Rite Me om the eggs so as to have ‘s ™ ae " ‘ a em he had raised f, ¢ Lee > 3 ie perfect specimens and his collection numbers more than ee 3 ey 3 ¢ : om Ff . rot : ig Pr as aise “apy z " 532 different kinds, I do not think that in the U.S, swe have more than 100 ian a it be ‘ , ‘ \ — ies a you can see that he has a very fine collection, ae * Pica , which is be wearing a > a . ient) she would certainly aad wet sche ; # . ee : f ; the thumb tucked between # % 4 ; 47 wt + OF ome ee Ae i‘ : B ‘ % ‘A a 4° % ’ a P ; oe nd closed over Lt, It is gust the way my Mother « p the figa is always the instead of the left. Faith Bemis used to sleep that se © * “ ‘ . eR ~ way when she was heli ove * he laying his long oot of new banana plant « when they who has spent 26,000 to Europe so that I guess he is pretty successful! are at 211 common-- 60 that ‘If Elise were a Brazilian ( which I am glad she the first and second finger and a hand ag ox carved out of coral or ivory or ebony, with 8 food as you “seize it and suddenly years collecting butterflies and moths, Last month he sent one down the mex le toy ee £8 , } * : es “Ee ord it har m 1 ‘ “skir They wade out : a low water and fling it very gracefully and skillfully ds all spread out aid sinks in the water in e of a cone, The frightened shrimp are too slow to get “a i: 4% . ed “ : outside the leaded sinking berder end then the fishormm begins to pull gently and the brder slowly closes together — —— ” Ps the net, You with plenty of shrimp caus ? « ae ae % et Pee ale. ® i . * « ways e4% shrimpe- cmarao-- if you dont use them all pee ean a) a8 ‘bait out in the harbor, When the day has been bad for ¢ a ; F # nh . Me é | fishing I can always tell at night walking along by the mits - Deeause the children.are 411 orying of hunger, §. 9. 4 Pe ee Sef. ee An intersting thing h re.is their type of boat here, 4 ‘ 2 4 ; . te : ’ e° ¥ : ; . é i Silene cane itn So ” 4 One is a plain descendant of the whaling dories of the New | 3 _--«- Bedford wanderers, with long keels and sharp prow and ste . im » ie rc : . the other 1s a canoa or am canoe cut out of one single log , : . % : | and very big and easy to paddle, They use a sail for these _ or canoas and can make very good time, Read Pour Years Before The ¥ hei f Mast end you may find some reference to this island, for it was where many of the boats put in for the last time before they =| started around the Morn by the straits of Magellan, Magellan's . gat coe PRC RRS ee . sss veal name was Magellaes which 1s pronounced }\: bc, wouldnt look up from his maps if so loudly, Oh, I forgot to «: sph pole was snapped off and the 4, : 3 % paepaw end if you put some of oe ‘put a plece of meat in it the meat ‘pe aigestéd thd °° re ‘ ‘ “ ‘. 4 next day , Everybody - . a : e * es * i 3 . 4 Pa a ie. 1 the meat there ie on the table a Brazilian get away with four kinds’of meat at one m gtak a ‘ # P ; . avn uew at CU ee 4 Os CKO : ile ile as ? ("4 # ; 4 * % ae £ : néal**” Good -luck” : ‘eve 59¢ - ork while you wo? k it is always easicr and yc : | bie ‘a lot more time left over for every it Ost oe gan Always 1 it, Ge eee : eo \ ’ as it Tt YR - ‘ ‘Tey te 2 ‘ : our loving uncle ¢* $ ie Se February 23 1920 Dearest Pa and “Mes ! ee mee : ‘For the third time my duck trousers have come ‘back from the wash ently pressed from side to aide ad remonstrances: with _ the svarthy child have been moekiy accespted, we are on our last stand on this inspection and it certainly is a ruinous one, ‘The ine habitants of the island of ‘Santa Catharina are the most densely ig- norant ana hopelessly aistrustful that we have come across yet and. here we ahve been waiting for people to examine for almost a week and only about 120 have turned up, I have hac. less ambi tion than at any tife in my life, but thank the lord have had a ‘few magazines to Pead, i Like the inglish Nation better than any of our reviews, It hide a letter from Benjamin Franklin to br Fothergill which when, you have been lolling in a stifling barn for a week reading about what your friends are doing in the world that moves ,aEG nee & certain i tae: flavor, to wits : , og ' Dear Doctor: : | ; : 7 . I resteret your: favor: of the 1oth of December, It Was a great deal for one to write , Whose time is so little his om, By the: way Hach 22 go you intend to live? i,@, to enjoy Life, To be hurried ate perpetually from one 3s! ck chamber to another is not living. Do you please yourself with the fancy that you are _ doing good? You are mistaken, Half the lives you save are not. worbh the saving, as being useless, and almost the other half ousht — -* to be saved as being HHMZKEMM mischievous, Does your conscience hint to you the impbety of being in constant warfare against th: plans of Providence? Disbase was intended as the punishment | of intemperande. sloth and other vices; and the example of that pun= ishment was intended to promote and strngthen the opposite virtues, — You seem to be just the some service to sochety as some favorite , first Minister, who out of the great benevolence of his heart should ~ procure: pardons for all criminals that applied for them", Ba: is & curious fact that only at rare intervans have I seen : anyone with even a low average of ambition or intelligence and the constant daily contact with people who hhve all the appearance of “havens bled to death is in the long run strangely depressing. to am o more warers aed than, peeved: + knew that there wouldnt be much nen tal excitement here--- ‘but I aia not suppose that the contact wi th 10500 hookwormed would leave me slightly in the digeard 50 far as oi p is concerned, That is the number we had finishea at uhe | end of last month=- this nonth we ought, to ‘have 41009 done. se ‘ As tn about a ‘eoek I an salen up te Rio, (Youaa. eet this glad news after I have started back again) That will be a, pleasnat SHARE? for me as it is quite different from here, t will probably “spend e a painful sum ‘of mil-reis and have a a good enough time to last “tall the same time next yeor! specie " * ‘got a buneh of letters when 1 got back from Lages and the large number from Pa Was a delught, ‘They give me quite . clear idea of all thats going on, Faith's family seens to be approaching like 8 railroad train or a herd of buffalo and I shouldnt wonder if she sometimes Got rather flabbergasted at the determined and loud » noise they make, Mothers theoretically should never ‘stop the once thoy have begun-- they can of course slow dowm-- btu grandchildren _ should be always sneaked under their wings before the ardent 1st. gen, ‘youngest, has begun to leave the nest for trial trips, ‘Thue the mother a an seep mp in. t e rg where the ) good ones always want = be, in Brasil, But it is still an oda thing to come into one of our ‘treataent. parties and here. and see the general scene, A group of pallid monkey=1ike nen. and extraordinars ly dumpy women seated on their haunches slong the walls, many smoking these terrible paile cigarettes and a guarda choking medicine into some lemon yellow kid about twelve years old in height and 18 by the. word of the entire asseubly, Gosh I can | Give you a sample of 4t all right when I get home, Brazilian. summers are not very bad here, It is the light more than the heat that gets me, I have been really surprised at th e 4 mildness of it, But they gay there Was nothing merciful in ht season at Rio. this year, r an glad I atant have to be there for r aun certains *~ Ly better off in cold weather . a J y | Lobicing over some of these typewritten letters I have been 8 ¥ bowed by then greatly for they seem to have nothing in them that 9 as. ‘Burton Holmes wouldnt fcel 72.8 ‘formal enough to use on next years ie circuit, Tin sorry for this and should ha, ine seen it sooner, There is going to be Less of Brazil now that I' 11 be more confined to ‘Florian ‘ opolis-- SO long hand letters will be more in order. for various ‘reasons, | og wout have to live so uuch from a suit case as in the past end ink aoe I have just returned from the movie, which was brightened and varied by the appearance. of a disgracefully fat and painfully brunette (though pasty) Spanish dancer-- Strellita, Strellita' s = at oe corsage after the first moult was reassuringly metallic in lustre hough a half spin she did gave evidence orf what heroic work was being done by hooks and eyes, She jellied fearfully in the brisk- er and more kittenish steps, singing quite without expression and rolling her eyes 1 rt, q 1t, and 2 up. Her various changes behing he scene left her thinner and less See Ais «i but the voice and face were in no way relieved, Then a Brazilian in the audience made a few remarks out- loud, wittily as he thought, Not so the manager , who advanced with ‘three frightend policemen ana began to expostulate with the fresh guy. Entire families were leaving the boxes and the house ae general beamed interest and satisfaction at the diversion, Then came the head manager iorward and because the witty one did not want to go out , screamed out "Voce esta preso!" (Youre a _prisoner!"), At this a wide circle of empty chairs rormed around the disturber of the show who began orating on the rights of man, while three policemen and two managers lashed themselves into verbal fury crying "Youre arrested ! Youre a prisoner !" This lasted 10 minutes till the man allowed himself to be suided out by at least five pairs of hands, with numerous hot pauses of pro- test against actual coercion--- world wide privilege of the arrested it seems---- to the Delegacia da Policia, During the last twenty yatid€s toward the Delegacia our wit began to weep wlth bitter humiliation, but by the time he got inside he was in full oratorical tongue. ae oa oe om a After becoming accustomed to vhese what must a Brakilian think of an American arrest ! Worse than any crime! Mrs Bennett told a story of one of Reo's parties which ended in his usual cheery imaginative irresponsibilty and sensitiveness, When he came in at 2 A.M, he was still quite drunk but very harmlessly so and’ she thought that it would be a good time teleeatek him for it, So she simply did not recognise’. him, and persistently refuded to understand who he was in spite of his aggrieved statements, He soon began to feel very miserable and sat dow and cried for a while-- which was what she wanted, After a few minutes. of grief he pulled’ himself together and began moving the bureau over against the door, then the ward-robe was draggeded over, She lay in bed wondering what in the world he was going to do, and finally asked hin why'he was doing that . " Well’Madam" said Reo "Your see thas is the first time in my life I have had to spend the night with a t i perfect stranger and I cant be interrupted Lagoa, Santa Catharina February 25 1920 , Dear a | Here are two inten sabemetinne: lakes with a sharp ange of granite hills to the east, falling off negligently to the north to let in the fish into these lakes, and at the ‘south to let in the cold rains from the Argentine, Behind _ us the hille on the west-- we are in a flat sand lagoon == and if we had. a glimpse of surf I think the sunrises here wid be about as fine as anything I have ever seen, It comes so suddenly here, the dawn is so Clean too, and the colors are verything you can think of, with distant ieland-mountains, bamboo and banana greenness, and fish jumping out.of misty ; fdame pink water, It.1s good to climb up on. the railing of the crude bridge across the narrowest part of the lagoon, and while everything is still bright pink can! breezes just beginning eave. the. blanket, behind, see the fish below you scatter ‘el that short but priceless flash before youre in the water,. and crash in for a small swim before the, 'gente' begin to arrive and you play the role of sanhor doutor once more, I do like the in-theeair part of diving-- you never. get enough of it, OF spent @ liberal and very. agreeable evening, in the U.S, last nicht for the simple reason that I decided yesterday to give up any idea of going there till at least a year from now.! Istt that. an odd thing, that when you give something up you get it in all its, pleasant. flavor. of. an evening, and if you refuse: to give it up you dont have it at @ll, Quite a. trite lesson to learn at this advanced age, I suppose=~ ‘but the age you: learn it at doesnt make any diff- ence after all. Mhat a funny thing twould be to be brought up With - would be out -_~ sense of what was ola-- and v9 nothing, ip gam 8 mished by noral: bromide, cant accept the: invitation to join much as I should like to, But the Rocky Mountains have one advantage that I have always been keen about-- they feel your own 48 you Look at thei and you dont have to discount any of your pride be- cause they may belong to some one else, And besides that they are very clean and cool and make you feel as if the air. wa8 all through you as well as all around, and they dont allow a stuffy feeling, like waking up in a Ppullm@ana car, ‘There ia a place I am going to see when. I wet home; it is on top of Cameron "s Cone and I am going to ‘take a donkey and camp there 5 week and cvry morning I can watch the sun rise over Colo- u nado springs and the plains and the evenings I can look at — * eet Peak or dom in Crystal Park in the nice purple cloaming that it used to have when I was a kid, The delightful part of this idéa is that Lam going’todo it, rather wish I was in the Tyrol or the Dolomites or better in Vienna apending ay time on ‘people who have had some’ fun out of civilised life and dont. want to lose it all, here it isa little different for they have. never had any civiifzation® and I am sceptical about the possibilities of their being able to carry it, Like shaving , tov which bare _ barism was originally contrasted, civilization takes a cere tain amount of daily energy, and I am doubtfull if itis worth the time with the people who havent already gotten ‘the idea, and’ somewhat into practise, I get very low at the news fron abroad, I would rather. be over in At again, | | “Dont adopt two neurotic Jew babies, Eleanor, that's flying in the face of their instincts, They , Like to be in | higher dilutions-~ one in twenty or fifty is about right-- then ‘the neurottener they are the better, but they'll be very - domifugal if you have ‘ein too crowded, You ouhgt to get a wee © - geot with yaller fuzz 80 ‘st the Jew'll be misunderstood in his childhood even if you cant ‘misunderstand him, that good dey understanding for an artist-= it ruins en, Your plan reminds me of | a saying at the Rodi oat School "Oh: well everybody has hia pet yew", Which despite the Middle Ages and many trips to New York on ty and all ake other examples of race hatred I think of 1s still true, and the funny part of it is that we like our one pet Jew quite a lot; and feel very warn and liberal about it all, I Inow afer. i like a lot but like Anericans end Mnglish and Freneh and G ermans 5 they are apt to pave friands you cant care 80 much for, . we eae heat down here in this little place nearly a, week and have dene alnost nothing ate all ensues the people are isconfiado and are sure that there ie a string to this | chari ty somewhere, So I have lost all my natives to be amused at and life has been very very slow, The sun is amazingly. ine tense at noon and we have to pile out across @ long field of — mandioca to get to a dirty little store where we have bananas and hot chicken soup and jerked beef and weal lemon pop and coffee and very tough rolls, 8o that after the return journey --end 1 hate to always walk in a slow aimless digesting sort of way after every meal--we all fall on our cots and sleep, while the sun rolls across the. north of the sky and finally the afternoon breeze sto rts up. People in the U.S, only guess at the stupidity and backwardness of these countries-- it is hard to imagine that if your best friend was bitten by & rattle snake you would not be able to get 7 dollars to buy a syringe to cure hin-- but no; the people leave all that and shrug their shoulders, saying that they are very poor,-- and the next day he is much worse, They refuse evrything but what is put in their hands and use even that sparingly, The esdivac has just arrived to pay a call, He pays one each day and says "Entao como vae?" and then sits around for half an hour or so saying nothing at all, which gets to me sooner or later and I start typewriting again and he watches for about ten minutes and then g0es out and talks to my wen, who are not bothered by a@ silence that is unhappy and a speech thht says nothing at all, It is a country where you talk not as some Bay to revert the sooner to silence, but for the fora Be Voy gen va Ts is iy, he nse tel < — le Tony es — “ae oe ne se. a be « ie 4s , the choice of words and the oratorical beauty of it all, » rae ee ete a py snes ont de % Whe : ~ mn an ek oe & mawnmeent Ae ea ey conte 2 on cy & he: Uuties and Wealtn OL ora Z41 a Or sSscrcanilns jc PGWLAUS Cape at & ee %. me é“ whe pi yan, oy % de ey ; » ea on “a a — : “es ¢* ines “%, a * the politicians who talk and do nothing! So I take to work and all evening long the noise of tneir arguments xeepe me from falling asleep over ite-- but to listen to it - 2 a nip ana #hanteo my a Vee te eae ee, Good luck and thanks for the letter hee * . oS ae , i ot metal ose aS = Gite Lagoa February 26 1920 “Mite, Nerds: t am on the norhh side of this: house and it in the quiet and rapidly getting hotter kind of a morning with everything very ereen and pleasant looking but the air very very close, We are waiting to clear out and-around the porch: of the old wireless sta- tion which we have used for a laboratory are. still the victims of this. mornings treatment frat tine round for their final dose, The auto- mobile will come over ‘the hill agout three hours: from now an@ my trip to Rio will soon be beginning, Hurray for that trip to Rio! Bamboo here grows in big feathery clusters called ban- - poozals which are a perfect: paradise for birds aif tase: noise they make fron the cool green inside is anything to go. bys ‘There is one that they call Alma de Gato or Soul of a Cat which 18 just like a kitten sr round halt lost and. half enjoying it. Then gira _ there are a lot of perfect; wonderful humming birds of all colors and in a field nearby gone wonderfully tame pheasants-- so that it is rather pleasant to sit out in all this Pleasant weather and see the birds in a bamboozal Like pate, I am completely bpamboozaled by te Well, wouldnt-it be a nice thing to find you in Rio when I get there, 7. you would be bored to. tears there is 80 little to @ao as to theatres and dances etc, but you would like it when the new moon shines down there and all the smell of the tropical plants and all the bright plaster houses and all the strange part of it struck you, The beauty of it is hard to bear at tlmese- it really te | = I am getting so used to Brazil now that a lot of it doesnt geem strange to me anymore, But I am & long way. from thinking of staying here for good, The people are not amusing and not being “among my own people at all gets tiresome after a good long while, But I havent seen any thing like the Brazil I waht to see before going home and it may be. that 12 have a tes adventures yet before I turn home, I hope so, _ The good old cigarette holder continues to hola out in splen-— . * ‘ : tt - i ‘ * rd s Re tee Bae GS ge! 2 ‘ : es Ces eee: an ae cs ee dor and usefulness and gathers compliments unto its giver evry little while, I am still looking for something to fit neatly over your fet neck or put more aip if it were possible into that cute little face of yours-- Gosh it will be a long time before I forget it and that's the truth, Why arent you there in Rios--waiting for me in white silk at the International for dinner up there on. the terrace above the bay! Damn it I wish Brazil wasnt such a rotten place for girls to stay ine- and there'd be more here, as you might say. I BAY? just had a half hour's symptoms from & local beauty-+ and I am glad the Americans dont come if that is the result of Brazil on vinmmen. ; a I F p November 20th 192vu Conceicgao de Arroie Rio Grande do Sul This has been a grand day nf travel, Tomorrow I shall see crocodiles and pink flamingoes, but today I have seen white cranes and little wild ostriches 61.208 here avestruzes, and I think in our Grngraynsee. omg, ‘Yesterday I got up at 5 in the grande Hotel in Porto Allegre said goodbye to a youth named MeGurk with whom - haa been rooming and took a nigger-driven barouche to a funny Little wharf owned by one Edmundo Dreher, There was a queer little side-wheeler the Camaquam, which consisted of a Captains wheéi house and cabin | con- bined, and a large stateroom filled by the clothes fo an old couple about 75, and a lower deck which was ange and dining saloon com- bined in back and engine and poiler rpom in tront and cargo space in the middle, Thus coming down the stairs one e landed on sacks of salt and cans of Standard oil or Brindilla kerosene, to your left standing bored Looking mulatto engineers and to the right a saloon Tull of gente arriving, A curious sne11 of lemons leather and oil, All aay we sidewheeled ‘varough mud eerored water, I FORGE ng and thus greatly Ampressing some of une passengers who see a book -very rrely, Brazil in a year importe vhe printed matter that. Argent- ine takes in a nonth, and Argentine only 8 million to Brazil's 20 or 25, At por do sol or sun set we peacefully ran on a bar, and witn no swearing trom the Captain nor impatience fron the passengers quietely settled down to chicken soup and beans and. rice, “three kinds of beef ,and coffee, then the leading citizen on board told about a recent experience of his in being among, ‘hose poisoned by arsenic, and a stern fat woman unravelled the motives of the cul- prit to her om satisfaction and to a dumb audience, the first citizen being too canny to interrupt her, I very soon went to sleep on the lounge and woke be “occasionally to see all my frineds in all the usually agonized positions sleeping and snoring. Possibly the ; least artistic thing in the world, By seven o'clock we were sliding up a still river over-hung with Low:flat trees with long wavy grey moss on the lower side of the branches and cactus, orchids and gravata on the upper side-- loking like a big tangle oi everything green all the way up to the top, there were lots of blue herron and a bright green jagged-backed young crocodile who didn’ "t _ move enough to make me sure I have seen a live one 9d There was a bird on ine reeds, jet black with a tnick finch _ beak and a crest and head as bright a scarlet as you could imagine. After many curves we came up along a big crude stores building along: the and I got out thinking it was Palmares, There were @ dozen or 60 big two-wheel oxcarts, wheels z vhink the broadest and largest I have ever seen and thatched with rushes woven in a broad arch, with an cow-hide untanned over one end, It is used for all the heavy carriege } here and is aram by six pairs of oxen all sbung out in a Line of pairs, a horseman or two to take care of the affair with a long pole, They oil the axles here so” you dont — the unending squeaking and ‘humming of the carro de boi of the North, on asking for Dr George Roy an engineer to whom I had a letter from the Sectreary of State (rast company these days t) I was told by a very pretty and fearfully bashful. little Dutch girl that le was la adiante and 80 I went vo find him, Sure enough Cae came a short little Frenchman speaking such terrific Forsuguene that I asked him to say it ‘in French which he was only too glad to do and we had 8 grand time, He has been in one place or another fp 26 years outside of France-- several years in Tonkin with the French Chinese "empire builders" and then in wexico the last en in the Argentine except for uhe war time when he was in France, A very cheerful soul indeed who was awfully nice to me and took very good care of my food and drinks, He waved me nto his quarters with a erenn geswure put found a hen nesting on the bed which he was too kindhearted to shoo out, and who watched me shave in the noncommital attentive way that hens have, but laid no eggs for almogo in spite of my polite silence, Dr George Roy 4s the Chefe of a railroad which the French are building here-- | perhaps the the queerest I have ever seen, The guage is 60 cm, which makes the width of the cars just wide enough for two people and &@ tiny passageway, The engine wouldnt work, so we had dinner, and then afterwards the Spanish Chief Engineer, (he had one muiatto helper to distinguish him thus) sent in word as happy as a kid at Ghristmas that the engine would work after all, Dr George was not to be #e2 fooled, and had three mules hithshed to a buckboard as un antec corde de mon arc and amidst a perfectly gratu- itous and luxurious whistle we set off over the green pak- prairie in the rain, sitting up on tkwo benched right behind the engine, Numerous birds started up very near as the road has not been running very long, and @he excited pleasure of the engineer and the’ Superintendent of Construct- ion grew simply boundless as’ we passed the tenth kilometer without a breukdowm, and perhaps ten yards ahead’ of the mules, We suddenly realised we needed more water-- out jumped the ‘engineer and raked out half the fire’ while the fireman clattered down ‘he track to borrow a bucket at the last ranch we'd passed, Then for twenty minutes they emtied muddy water into the machina, and ‘soon we went away again, leter to meet a deserted engine and a few'cars on the track, Out we got again, and dumped’ the cars off the track, and decided to push the engine in front, Suddenly we came to the end of the line, The cambbn that had come wo newt ius :ter the 35 287 remaining kilometers was broken dow in mid prairie, They little Frenchman told me “Restez tranquil “ and we both — got into the buckboard behind the mules, ‘Six hours ‘more said he would see us at the hotel in Conce&ccao de Arroio, It had stopped raining a iitile and I didnt care, The prairie was too interesting, It was. quite flat, and in some dircetions snretched off ‘to. the horizon | without a break in its green smotheness, But in many places you could see bamboo hedges and trees surrounding some far distant ranch-house, looking like Arnold Boecklin's Toteninsel, in a vast sea of prairie, Sometimes one. was) close enough to see the white paster house and the red tile roof, or the. thatched outbuildings and the bamboo. lattive work of he walle, But usually’ froma distance only. the green trees and bamboos leaning together over an un- seen house, The prairie was: bright green, our path was the smoother stretches of°grass, almost like’a: law, and shallow puddles and poitls were everywhere, A gray @ bird about as high as a chicken but much thinner; witha slow deliberate and rather choosy walk, gray on the body, with pure white wings edged with a broad) black: atripe, was, on all sides and very tame, The name for it, is6 quero-quero from the cxf, and. it has a beautiful way of flying,in ~unison, We saw quxi p partridges quite close thinking they were hiding(ten feet away) and white. cranes nabbing frogs . | quite: undisturbed, Then came a Ford over the, hiil and... as it was for ‘us we got in androcked away at twice the | speed for the low line’ of blue mounteins to the west, The. ‘ostriches werent at all frightened, when. we caught up on some ‘I got out and tried to get a picture and they, ratlled away, easily-- they are only half, the. size of African ostriches but are really prettier and more graceful,.,I) got about within 50 yards up to them before they got, frightened, ot » Then shddenly we got to & place where the houses with bamboos around them began to be bunched together and » tuning a corner we found a big green square with an old church in the centre and pink and white and blue houses all around it, --- whichowas Conceiccao do Aroio, Sunday the 21 of Noven- ber 1920 _ =. IT am for the ineingih the king of the Bungaloos ! I am ina special boat chartered for my benefit and going a three day journey along a string of lakes, It is a humorous journey and there are some 23 men crowding. into the cabin to see this process -- reallya very funny sight, great big browm devils with hip boots crowding round and saying " Barbaridade!" and "Tao 1li- geira! "-<- the first time a good many of them have ever seen a typewrite, Now that the ones who were here at first have stop=- ed calling in their fr iends and the crush has abated the discuss ion has turned on the advanteges of being educated and the am- azing skill it requires to run a typwwriter ! The things are synonomous, It has happened this way, The question of where we would establish a post down in the State of Rio Grande do Sul came up and IT had to decide the pace and when, So the Secretary of State Dr Protasio Alves gave me a letter that must have said a good deal more than it seemed , for when I gave 1t to a very good little French engineer named Dr George Roy, he simply put everything at my dispostion and I have a large sidewheeler to myself with the only drawback that I have to take the large part of the voters of the town of Tramandahy home after the election and the caboose of the boat is cheia de gente which is so much more than merely full of people would be, Eastward we have .a few dunes and then the sea, west- @ range of irregular and heavily wooded hills, and we are ‘winding in and out over a long chain of shallow lakes which tomorrow will be more a long swampy river and there I-shall hae great fun, Fun because I have never seen a crocodile in nature yet, nor any pink flamengoes, but these I am assured we shall pass in great abundance, And tonight after the voters have got- ten off the boat I shall be boss of it completely and shall have to do nothing but command the ship to WAX wedigtr ‘ahohor:early in the A.M. That will be my idea of a good time-- and I luckily * brought plenty of films and I certainly do hope I can gevu some- thing worh while, | . | fhe notes I made about the frogs eggs proved to be abdut as accuraé as most or tne information you get from Brazilians about their own flora and fauna, They are exception- ally unrelaable it seems to me-- a duck and a robbin @ passaros --- and beyond tnat not much distintion is made! ~-I opened some of the beautiful pink eggs.and there was curled up the nicest little snail shell, the. open front part ‘yellowish and. the finer spiral part a very. bright cochin- eal red color, This tiny shell were floating, ina gluey ~ - fliia, but were very plainly nothing to do with frogs at all, | ted ices 8 aut of aotiupet dD aE! Two customs wnieh I have noticed again, here but which IT have not made any. note of before I bhink are worth mentioning. When the steward came in, to light. the lamp’ on the Camaquam he turned to everybody as soon as the flame wees i-cinds and said) solemily "Boa Noite!" and everybody answered"Boa Noite!” , This, I have seen widespread here but the other trick I noticed may not be be at all common for I have never seen Lt before, When a girl about 19 came into she breakfast room at about 6 in ihe A.M, she first went to what. was either her brother or a very indifferent husband and waiting patiently for. him to outsretch his hand finally took it rather perfunct- orily, as I hougt, and kissed it, I heard her say no "Bom Diat" nor did he either, | | framandahy proved to be a desolate sort of Provinee- town-inshe-winter sob of a place,and as the wind was high we rocked all nikt at anchor and in the morning went on to he bamboo surrounded fazenda of one Diehl where. we fqtepbonee for more gasoline, And finally towards dusk tied MP in ube ‘lee of a mud bank-- Barro de Joao Pedro-- and when Lt was “mroning the sky had almost cleared and I knew it would be w warm enough for he jacares (crocodiles) to be out when we got 4 to them, Along bhe river and even on the reeds in the Lagoa dos Barros there was ‘ great abundance of bright salnion pink splotches about 3/4 of an inch wide and 2inches long, I thought at first that these were eggs of some moth, but the invariably wet and-exposed positions were contradictory, so I asked what they were, Frogs eggs! The individual eggs were 0 size a bright pink glue on the inside and pink but with a powdery white color on the shell which was a little stiff, on breaking one the glue dried very quickly and the big Dutehmen tela me thes used a paste of the eggs for sores in horses-- they cured immediately was his observation, In these plains there is an enormous number of cattle nearly all wild and when the engine came near they hurried away over the smoothe prairie at a great rate, Occasional horsemen passed by with palla or poncho sweeping down drom their necks to cover almost completely. man and his horse, They have @ curiously digniffging effect; the rider seems to be sitting very erect and still and. moves with his horse as one piece, We passed two men in tne late afternoon who had encamped,in the lee of a, bamboo grove with their huge waggons providingsskgiter, for they use vhe tongue of the wagon as ridge-pole for a rawhide or canvas tent, they were lassoing stkes..on the end of the weéeson tongue, The lasso here is always fine braided rawhide, They were hauling railroad ties in these big carts which take 50 to 65 ties (short and small of course) and get 60§000 for the load which takes some 5 to 7 days(sometimes 4 to 5), this is with a nor- mal exchang e $15.00 but here has more value if they do not buy foreign goods--- which there is scarcely an opportunity to do, Just as on the Amazon where $3 kilometers from Manaos youre in the jungle, here one has to go put a& very short distance from Porto Allegre to slide back 200 years inwo the middle ages of agricwiture,religion,;medicine, music, and many customs, They plant by hand, they buy blessings for eile . @ the mares, Iohey. wrap up a compound. fracture of the tibia in a dirty bandage and leave it till the owner dies, they sing Gregorian music mixed in with the carninval music of two years ago--- perhaps 200 years is stretching it a little, But bastante atra- zado it certainly is, Toaay is election wae the hoteleiro begged my | amma for the noise that he is sure will take place here in the botel about lung time 1 iui to barroulho sem qualquer duvida, Doutor, There was parrulhs, "seus fe hundred and fifty tall dari ‘men in high boots or in sandals and clinking and jangling with spurs were drifting in and out all day long. The election as usual here was absolutley uncontested-- there was no other candidate than the intendente: of Borges de Medeiros’ party, The newly elected Intendente when I’ met him in the eveneing remark that Cox's telegram of congratulation to Harding was “correctissimo" and a phenomenon you'd never see in Brazil between two parties, The day after the election Monday-no Sunday morning erly Dr George Roy the little Frenchman took me down go where the dredge was getting its deadly work in and showed me with pride a cut from which they had taken 400,000 cubic meters with an apparatus built on the spot with every bit of iron hauled 60 kilometers in carro de boi, The dredge was built there too and really seems to be a very effective apparatus -=- though I'm a better judge of aspiration apparatus than dredges, , He had tom warn me séveral times of going into huts saying "Dont go in there!It's all bicho de pe there!" And dirs 'ehodett a few days after I was digging one out of my foot, Three of his workers have had to stop work al- - together and it is pathetic’ #o'see some of the dogs. Pleas too are no. joke in this good ship "General, Ozorio", Leaving Cornei1hos aowhieh was a venda with a rather graceful ola tree sprawled out over the roof, a little pink chapel with BOM JESUS written over 1%, and a few little hovels with sick children sunning themselves or lying on the floor saring at US-- we started up & winding stream through a huge marsh that stretches for miles between the ocean sahd dunes to the east and hke irreguler flat topped mountains to the west and norh west, Not five minutes later I was seeing one crocodile after acide flop off the low banks and dis- appear in the muddy water, or if ata greater distance : stealthily bide into the stream and wait with his. head and evil eyes just showing above the water until we were perhaps twenty feet from him when he would whi sk out of sight. They are evil beasts to watch-~ outright ferocity would be more agreeable. han than this non-committal akant silent guileful retirement, ‘The size I did. not remember to eshate and memories are unreliable, Their eyes are wonder= fully placed, on he top of their heads and elevated just enouk to be the last thing to ees periscope like beneah the muddy water, I never have seen such an amazing variety and number of fesh water birds-- many I never have seen the like of before, There was a huge goose with black and white Wings and a gray body and a very short face covered with red wattles. There were lots of bigua, an ungainly duck like thin elackish brown bird witha a long sharp beak, that looked and dived much like a loon, There was aa black hen like looking one with. a@ red face, and two white patches on its wings, that almost always ran and couched in the reeds rather han fly. One huge black anni white stork and another soft bitue gray crane and a beautiful little golden brown bird about the size of a pheasant and a habit of holding up its almost transparent geg@lden wings when it alit, And another---but so it went on © fifteen or so new birds that I watched with the binoculars , from the prow of the boat, t would like with a Snes canoe my spend two weeke like a savage in these noad swamps, ‘slaeping when he world about me sleeps and feedng and wandering through the long days with the peaceful content hat comes with practice at living - so, The more one notices of living things the more completely does the Scotchman’ s renark express the situation ee sa grand life af ye aon' t weaken" It does not seem to be as much of a universal slaugh- ter house ag it re considered by some ,@Rathxthat, Death that has been preceded by some few "crowded -hburs of Siersous life" is no great tragedy, ote death that ends a life of misery and insufficienciy and sickness is a relief---- in nature these are the two varictbes. “The death we abhor ig the one of our own making--- we keep putting off the crowded hour and suddenly cones the end before we have run our race and had our fling--- then of course it 1s bitter, and of our ow making the more > poignant, But here in the swamps if there is an abundance of food there are more Stong moprhens and more strong-winged ducks that sur- vive all the oher struggles of living and the hawks live on the excess weaklings-- which must bear some fairly constant ratio to the total. To me wild life seems a less brutal balance than I was taught to believe it, and etre ss see goings-on ‘considerably more so ! I always feel in places like this the way gu feel. when two very agreeable Looking people are pre a, language you cannot understand and but half catcn he ideas of, There is some sort of communion in the wilderness that strangera cannot enter into with- out a year or so of ners Lanes and perhaps much more than mere time 1s involved as well,