KOON NATRONA L Funp FOR, MEDICAL EDpucaTyen AG DIARY May 12, 1949 MAY Origa, National Fund for Wedical Sducation At 4 o'clock there was a meeting st the Cloud Club in the Chrysler Building presided over by J. B. Conant and atterded by the Trustees of the Fund and representatives of the AFL, CIO, several insurance companies, AMA and the American Association of Medical Colleges, 3 or 4 deens and representatives of Negro and Jewish hospitels or social organizstions. C. gave me 25 minutes to talk about the needs of medical education. Other speaches by Stassen of Pennsylvania and Herbert Hoover. I judge that Chase Nellan is going to remain the executive secretary and thet the principal executive has not been chosen, Welter Gifford heaving turned down the job. Later 4. sent we 4 summery of the talk I gave, which I corrected and returned to hin. I think the movement will need a first-rate smecutive if it 1s going to succeed. If the American public «new the relative Lmportance of good medical schools as compared with research aoney for some of the more grephic and dramatiseble dissases, an adequate aum of aoney could eusily be relsed and tre adequste sum would be in the neighborhood of *60,000,009 for asdicel, nursing and dental schools. I made the suggsstion thst the medical prefession itself could be challenged to contribute $100 per caritea and thig wes at least entered in the records of the seeting.