Apr 19 1956 Used by Dr. Gregg in connection with meeting with the Nat. Fund. For Med. Ed. 5/12/49 Report of Committee on Economic Status of Anatomists Summary of 42 page report to be printed in the Proceedings 1. On the basis of the 1948 list of members of the Association, there are 139 full professors, 102 associate professors, 87 assistant professors, and 23 instructors in departments of anatomy of medical schools. These data are alarming for they indicate that no one of the lower ranks is large enough to replace the rank above it. 2. Fifty-five professorships will become vacant from retirement along during the next ten years. If no more than a one-to-one ratio of replacements is advanced, at least 55 young men should be recruited into the profession during this ten-year period. To maintain the profession and its present status with the replacement ratio of three in sub-professorial to two in professorial ranks, 82 young men should be recruited during the period. 3. Fifty-seven questionnaires or 70% of those mailed out were returned with answers. 4. From the questionnaires it was found that there are places now vacant for 107 persons with various degrees of anatomical training. These are divided as follows: 5 professors, 8 associate professors, 36 assistant professors, and 58 instructors. Anatomists believed that 217 added personnel (62% more than the present level) are needed to bring their staff to a level where teaching will not be excessive and at which adequate opportunity will be provided for research. 5. Present annual salaries for instructors range from $1500 to $5000; for assistant professors, from $2500 to $6200; for associate professors, from $4000 to $10,000; and for professors, from $4000 to $15,000. 6. Increases in salary stated to be desirable are analyzed in the body of the report. 7. The research funds expended by the 57 anatomy departments furnishing data totaled only $679,180, of which 14% or $96,500 came from departmental appropriations and the remaining 86% from outside sources. Thirty per cent of these departments have no research appropriations from the University budget, and 25% of the departments receive no funds from sources outside the school. 8. Forty per cent of the 57 departments had no graduate students; the remaining 60% were training 79 persons whose avowed purpose is a career in anatomy. These students received fellowships ranging from $300 to $3600. 9. Remarks on teaching facilities contained in answers to questionnaires. These are regarded as adequate in 75 per cent of the departments. In the other 25 per cent, desired additions, in order of frequency, relate to space, education material, equipment, and cadavers. Forty per cent of the departments desire annual budgetary increases for teaching. 10. Suggestions for improving the profession contained in answers to questionnaires. (a) Larger salaries with which to attract and hold young men equipped for a career in anatomy. (b) An attempt to secure greater recognition from the other preclinical and the clinical sciences of the contribution made to medical teaching and research by anatomy. (c) Modification of present teaching methods by introduction of functional and clinical concepts, reduction of individual teaching loads, and production of better textbooks of gross anatomy. (d) Greater support and more time for research, and the broadening of research interests. (e) Increased facilities for travel and study at other research and teaching centers, especially for younger staff members. (f) More technical and secretarial assistance. (g) Establishment of adequate fellowship programs to attract good young man to careers in anatomy. 11. List of available fellowships and sources of grants-in-aid are given in the body of the report.