Sunday Night Dec 11 1927 Bimini darling-- Another interesting day--at Pigeon Market at 11:45 after leisurely breakfast. Saw a few birds but not any interesting, in willow baskets on the snow being shown by a crowd of 2 or 3 hundred fanciers--the fanciers being about as far as from fancy as you can imagine and (for once) much more entertaining than the birds. I had romantic hopes of something new and strange--but nothing came of it. Then to a physics institute where a very amusing line was handed out [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] about the Goolf Stree-am[?]--a man has made a model of it and it gave results similar to those in reality. And a study of tides and magnetic diversion and spectra of protective coloring etc etc. Then to dinner with a brilliant little Jewess who is a prof. of physiology and has found out some very interesting facts about the appearance in the spinal fluid of different substances in the blood stream. Rather extraordinary glimpse of housing conditions. When the door opened there were two oil stoves going strong in the hall with two kettles of vegetables and meat, and grease all over the floor--since [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] it was the kitchen for a family of man, wife, wife's sister and 18 yr old son in a room probably a little smaller than our salon. The Jewess had two rooms off the same hall for herself and her maid servant--a luxury allowed intellectuals of special distinction, i.e. to have a study. Then a walk "house" in brisk weather of 10 above zero Farenheit [sic]--at least it was 10- Celsius. The streets are jammed with hucksters of apples, oranges, candy, and cigarettes, and wild looking cheap books. Then to dinner with Walter Duranty the corresponded of the N.Y. Times who was most interesting and a very nice fellow to boot. I shall have more to tell of his line--since it is 12:30 [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] and I've a stiff day tomorrah. Yesterday saw a huge reversal clinic as is a clinic--most interesting. 1000 pts a day about, in outpatient. Many interesting features. These two excellent institutes and a little Russian family dinner which was most instructive. Then a little shopping expedition what resulted in some table clothes for Elly Barrows [. . .] her blond family. Gee I'm glad you are what when and how you are! May I think of you quite a lot Miss Barrows? Well I'd just adore to . . . . and won't it be a grand Christmas! Jes'a diagrammatic Christmas: oh dear I'm beginning to get exuberant about the return. Yours for Christmas Buffie xxxxxxxxxnth to Dodel, the Neuilly Wet, and Sao