June 14 127 East 61st Dearest F and F:-- I am going to marry Eleanor Barrows in early July. The course of events in these things seems to be that you know you'd like to, then you know you're going to, then you really know you're going to and then after a while you know when you're going to. Then you tell your family and go and do it, and [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] then you telegraph your best friends and whistle to the dog to get into the Ford and take out a map to see where next. This is family news: we're not keen for the engaged state. . .or we wouldn't be getting married. I'll take care of friends please. But, outside of that restriction, isn't it pleasant news! My I am happy. Your loving Alan. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] Hope I can manage to get up to Boston Sunday.