Dr. A. C. Kinsey Reports that he has gotten into satisfactory conduct with Dr. Guttmacher of the GAP. Six states in the US are now revising their legislation in the field of sex offenses. Besides that New York and Canada have withdrawn new laws for the purpose of revising them. The extremely severe practices in the State of California may probably be reviewed. Walter Jordan, a Negro, is the head of the Board of Review in California for sex offenders. The opportunities for K. and his associates to take part in various current studies are numerous. The study at Johns Hopkins on abortion under Tietze and certain studies at the Museum of Modern Art are examples. Also Trumeda at the Boston Art Museum is interested in Japanese material. I asked K. About the income from his book. His royalty has been 96 cents per volume and he expects that by first of January, 1949, the total royalty income will be $200,000 for the year 1948. It is not probable that this will amount to more than $25,000 in 1949. The next volume on the female will appear probably in 1950, from which similar or even larger income may be expected. The income sources for 1948 have been University of Illinois, $12,000; RF $40,000; royalties $35,000. The balance of the royalty income will decide the succeeding year. K. would expect the total budget for 1949 to be in the neighborhood of $80,000. I told K. that the experience of having a grantee put out a bestseller was new in Foundation work. The nearest analogue had been a grant made to start the Parent-Teacher magazine which had been financially successful beyond the expectation of anyone and the board had not felt any obligation to continue the grant. I said that I thought that the same position would be taken regarding his Institute but that the matter had not been formally discussed. K. says that he feels the need of a medical man and a psychiatrist on staff. That the activities will need more space than at the present time. He is aware of the fact that it will be difficult on the subject of salary paid to a medical man which must be above the level paid on the campus if he is to get a good one. I told him that I thought the salary status question ought to be approached to President Wells in terms of salary paid in the medical school, and K. was apparently grateful for the suggestion which was new to him. He reports that there is a large number of opportunities for work now far larger than before and that he and his staff have turned down $40,000 worth of proffered lecture fees. He is used as a consultant by the Army which has spent $500,000 on a sex study of their own, but they find they cannot publish, or do not want to. K. Did not seem disturbed at my intimation that the Board might expect him to finance studies in the future without it fade, although he does say that it would be a valuable help.