April 18, 1945 Dear Dr. Gregg: I have the honor to inform you of your election to membership in the National Committee for Mental Hygiene at a meeting of the Executive Committee held on April 3. You were elected in recognition of your highly valued contributions to the progress of organized mental hygiene work on the basis of the following citation, and we trust we may be honored by your acceptance of election. Citation: Dr. Alan Gregg is a major influence in current and future psychiatric progress. After internship at the Massachusetts General Hospital and service with the British Royal Army Medical Corps in World War I, Dr. Gregg has served continuously with the Rockefeller Foundation, as a field staff member of the international health board 1919-1922, as associate director of medical education 1922-1928, associate director of medical sciences 1929-1930 and as director of medical sciences since 1930. His energy and discernment in finding and assisting high-grade persons engaged in significant work has been brilliantly shown in the support of the early and most difficult stages of penicillin therapy. He has guided the investment of large philanthropic funds in psychiatric education and research. He has been in honorary member of the American Psychiatric Association since 1941. His capacity for combining intimate knowledge with clear perspective was shown in his vigorously critical address to the Centennial Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, which was warmly welcomed for its earnestly constructive clarification of issues. (Whitehorn) The National Committee for Mental Hygiene consists of an elected membership which makes up the basic voting body of the organization and our endeavor is to bring into the membership those who have a stake in this field. At the annual meeting, which is held in November, the members who can conveniently do so assemble and elect the Board of Directors. The enclosed bylaws will show you the corporate organization and functions of the National Committee. Membership carries with it no obligation of work unless voluntarily assumed, nor does it imply any fixed financial obligation, although elected members may be solicited from time to time with others. Actually it represents an acknowledgment and recognition of professional and lay persons active in fields related to mental hygiene, whose interest in and support of the mental hygiene movement are known, in contrast to the Associate (non-voting) Membership, which is a paying membership open to the general public. With assurances a deep appreciation, I am Sincerely yours, George S Stephenson Medical Director