(Written by Dr. Gregg from Garmisch, Germany) August 17, 1931. Dear Doctor Dale: Thank you for your letter which I regret to be delayed in answering. I can, as you surmise, give yon only an informal indication on some of the points, but on one other I can be more specific. 1. I should expect that a proposal I could make to my board which would enable you to offer a post to F. W. Barnet of Melbourne would receive sympathetic consideration, and probably favorable action. I am not in a position to how whether it would be feasible for you to propose this at the same time as any other proposal you and your colleagues may present as measures to further research upon virus diseases, but I suggest that a single proposal (in point of time) even though it be composed of diverse though not unrelated items, would be easier for me to present than a succession of items each requiring separate action at successive intervals. I know from your letter you understand this point, and consequently my answer can only be in general terms -- namely, that I see no objection to your proceeding with inquiries that must be begun early in any event. 2. R. H. Fischer should write Dr. D. P. O'Brien at 20 rue de la Baume , Paris, applying for a fellowship. O'Brien, who is as you know my assistant in our Paris Office, will know about Fischer and your plan, and I see no reason why we could not accord Fischer a special fellowship, outside the category of those administered by the Notgemeinschaft, which would satisfy the special circumstances. 3. I would agree that some measures might well be taken to prevent Ilford from being swamped by the technical demands of membrane making for his colleagues, and I appreciate your kind suggestion that some capable young American might be found as a helper and colleague for Ilford. One of two courses could be followed: to include as part of a proposal you may make to us an item to cover the salary of a colleague for Ilford, and later attempt through inquiries on your part and mine to find a competent American candidate; or, on the other hand, to rely upon a national Research Council Fellowship to finance the expenses of a young man to be found first by the same method. If I seem to wish to involve you in the choice it is because through Richards or other friends of yours in America you could obtain reassurances regarding the candidate's ability and because your preferences and judgment should have first consideration. I should be somewhat inclined to think that putting the money at your disposal to find a man satisfactory to you would be the preferable procedure in that it affords more varied means to satisfy the need and is perhaps more expeditious. I have made one or two sallies from this little town on business during the past weeks and now the vacation is coming to an end with the departure from Hamburg on the 25th with my family for New York. Thank you for your kind wishes for a good holiday which I have had - and which I hope you have had or will have, too. Sincerely yours, Alan Gregg