June 12, 1935 Dear Alan: Early in the spring when I was in your office I spoke of George Draper's work in the clinic.* He has prepared a memorandum outlining his desires and plans. I thought you might be interested in looking it over. Please understand this is not a request for funds. It is a statement, however, which could be used in case a request should be made. I am sending it on to you (HANDWRITTEN NOTE: returned) merely thinking that you would be interested in reading it. Perhaps you would return it after looking it over since it is the only copy that I have. Yours sincerely Bill Palmer (* Investigation of Man as a complete organism, and the relationship which different personalities may have to various mental and physical diseases, in the so- called Constitution Clinic at the Presbyterian Hosp., or Division of Medical Anthropology. Propose to bring this into the curriculum for the med. students with a lab. course) (Personnel required $17,800 annually)