Se a a\e ce Oe \e Ma ve % 3% 433 T BA FEp — EF en K me A&A practicable program for The Rockefeller Foundation in ee Taye Wave advancement of knowledge exists if we set befers ourselves these three — propositions: il. That man understand. himself better - mind and body. 2. That man understand his husan environment better ~ himself in terme of others and others in terms of himself, the phenomena of his social and economic relationships. 3. That man understand more completely the nature of the physical universe, which is his environment. Between the realisation of these desiderata and the fact that there are funds which sould be devoted to this purpose there are the fol- lowing considerations: I, The intrinsic and essential qualifications of The Rockefeller Foundation are that it disposes of large sums of money which can be rapidly mobilized and narrowly ooncentrated; that the expenditure of its money is virtually under the contro] of technical advisers now assured of favorable and intelligent co-operation in any part of the world; and that the Foundation has a policy which is neither inflexible nor obligatory for an indefinite period of time. II. The Board's contribution towards realizing these desiderata gan be only partial. It caw prime the pump. It cannot inolude every- thing nor take full responsibility for the support of « very large number of undertakings. It gust, therefore, be limited in character if it ia to be wide in scope, significant and lasting in effect. Ili. Knowledge advances in ways unforeseuable. It is, therefore, futile to make a rigid program or an exact plan. But general plans are reasonable and indeed necessary to avoid dissipation of effert and attention. Re IV. The Bourd is not an operating agency. It must work through others. It is consequently of the greatest importance that care be exercised both in the selection of those through whom it expects to work and in the determination of the relationships of the Board with these persons or agencies. In the last analysis, advancement of knowledge depends upon human beings, usually human beings of superior intelligence and/or placed in conditions conducive to re- search and reflection. The requirements of research are assentially four: 1. Tho man, who should be intellectually gifted, curious, unsatisfied, persistent and preferably healthy, though not necessarily young. &» «a promising field of interest ~ i.e. a subject or cu- riosity which offers in the present state of knowledge and methods, a promising lead. 3- Support of a financial sort for the payment of salaries, supplies, instruments, housing, and the opportunity of keeping in contact with the work and ideas of others. 4. Recruitment by which is meant the continuation through training of the coming generation, of advances already obtained, and the possibility of bringing fresh minds and energies to the resolution of problems still unsolved. In essence then the task may be said to be to find, to train and to support the best quality of investigators available. Vv. It is unwise to ignore the conservation and propagation of ex- isting knowledge in an attempt to acquire new knowledge. The world is not ending with the present generation nor does it as yet enjoy in any satisfactory measure the utilization of what 4s already known. Society, however, is relatively familiar with and loyal to the task of teaching and conserving knowledge, but it is only beginning to learn the value of supporting what mizht be called « new profession, that of the investigator. eek wR ee mE The work of The Rockefeller Foundation in medical education and the medical sciences is difficuit to condense into a few pararraphs. If such a resume be useful, it would be the following: Starting from the recornition that the health of mankind depends to w very large degree upon the knowledga and capacity of practitioners of all forms of medicine, the Board undertook to improve the quality of medical aducation successively in a lurge number of countries. At the outset of this undertakings it was an imueagurabla advantu;e to have time without serious interruptions for the survey of the status guo and for the elabo- ration of a program of action. From this period of widely extended study of medical aducation in different countries came two results’ 1. The officers gained enormously in knowledge not oniy of the varietias and details of medical education, but of the funda-~- mantal considerations to be borne in mind. 2. Some reneral policios were adopted: those of stren;thening especially the medical sciences, of supporting the so~called full-time principle in the clinics, of aiding promising indivi- duals throuzh foreign fellowships, and, as a matter of strategy, the selection of certuin centers of influence in medicine for intensive development (London, Sao Paulo, Paris, Peiping). As time went on the Division of Medical Education developed pro~ jects in a large number of countries, in each instance with the objeotive of improving the existing institutions for medical education. Funds were used for buildings, endovment, temporary support, truining of personnel, and interchanve batween different countries of information and points of view. During the earlier part of the history of the Division of Medical Education, the allocation of money for tne support of research as such was not con-~ sidered within the progran, but towards the end of this period, and more explicitely with the reorganization of 1929, the support of investigation and research as such came to be the dominant phase of the Foundation's interest in medical science. In retrospect it would be my opinion that the best programs during the past ten yeurs in the fleld of medical education and medical science have been buildings and endowments at strategic points, fellowships local and foreign, and long term grants-in-aid of capable investigators. Failures or disappointments were most commonly associated with incompetent men, premature hopes of progress in fields where no advance has taken place, and over-confidence in the social, economic, and cultural matrix on which higher education must rely for its life. Km ke ee Prosram in Medical Science It is obvious that with the history of the Medical Sciences and the existence of activities which are in active operation, the future activities of the Medical Sciences are certain to be of two general sorts: old and new. The old may be divided into activities which it is proposed to maintuin, and programs in which the commitments will be progressively reduced or allowed to expire without renewal. The continuing programs are in the main connected with medical education in China, including the PUMC, fellowship prograns, both foreign and those now administered by the National Research Council, and the program of grants-in-aid in Burope, a function which in the United States is at present discharged through the National Research Council. A full list of such maintenance programs and of programs that will be terminated is not ready at this time, but certain general decisions to be described later have a bearing on those programs. The new program for intensive development 4s in the field of psychiatry and neurology. Although it may be expected that in the later stages of planning a large degree of emphasis will be placed upon the advance- ment of knowledge in these fields, and although this motive will in many instances be praesent from the beginning in projects submitted, the present status of these fields throughout the world is such that some attention must be placed upon the teaching and recruitment facilities on what would appear to be the institutional basis. The main activities will be three: 1. Selection and training of personnel through scholarships and fellowships. 2.