February 20, 1947 Dr. Alan Gregg Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Center New York City My dear Dr. Gregg: It is hardly necessary to assure you again that we very much appreciated your visit with us here at Bloomington. You have been a source of great encouragement for this whole project, and you may be sure that we will do our best to deliver as you anticipate. I am particularly glad to have had you see some of the manuscript and get something of an idea of our plans for publication. I hope you will give further thought to writing the preface. The President has told me that you discussed the question of the library with him, and as soon as we can get action from our attorney, who is tied up with State Legislature, we will get papers for incorporation moving so we can make plans for the library and various other projects. I am enclosing a letter that I thought you might be interested in seeing as a sample of the red tape which would leave us up in the air if we did not know directly from you what the action of the Rockefeller Foundation has been. You understand that we are no longer worried about these things, but in the beginning they were frankly a nuisance. Alfred C. Kinsey Professor of Zoology