From AG's Diary: Friday, September 3, 1943 Prof. Alfred C. Kinsey, University of Indiana Courtesy visit in light of fact that he is the main recipient this year of funds from the NRC committee on the study of sex phenomenon--attractive in manner and impressive in his account of his work--pupil of Wm. Morton Wheeler and with an established reputation I judge as an entomologist--specialty gall wasps--uses same form of analysis of records which he devised for studying speciation in wasps for the psychological study of sex phenomenon in human beings. It will be a long term undertaking--the correlations and the statistical validity of the results are impressive--most of the material has been collected by Kinsey--two assistants now trained to the point of getting virtually same results are at work and the number of cases has passed 8000. NRC Committee went out to visit Kinsey--volunteered their own testimony, thus joining the eventual 15,000-20,000 persons recorded--quite extraordinary program on the whole.