July 29, 1936 Dear Alan: I am sorry not to have a chance to have a leisurely talk with you at my farm in Connecticut this summer, but I understand that you have taken up your lodgings at South Tamworth instead of Cornwall Bridge. However we will postpone the exchange of ideas until you get back. I have nothing in particular to say except I'd like to have the chance to philosophize with you about the program of the RF and the GEB. In the last six years the two organizations have spent approximately $140,000,000. This is a tremendous sum of money. What mark has it left? Have we genuinely influenced the tide of human affairs by what we have done? I am not answering these questions in the negative because I don't know what the answer is. I am merely wondering whether this $140,000,000 has been spent in ways that effectively increase the sum total of human happiness and welfare. This is the kind of question that I should like to discuss with you in leisurely fashion when we could stretch ourselves out on a grassy knoll and contemplate the world around us, but we'll have to do it in the fall. In the meantime I hope you are having a grand rest - to which you are certainly entitled. Don't worry your head any about the affairs of the Foundation - we'll have plenty of opportunity to do that later on. Affectionate best wishes, Cordially,