Oct. 19, 1955 Dear Dr. Swan: One year has passed my operation, so as you ask, I am writing to tell you what mischief I've been up to. After arriving home I felt fine. In fact, I went back to work at the office after only one week. At Dr. Richter's request I did restrain myself from any physical exercise until after the first of the year. By the time January rolled around I was really feeling fine, more peer and energy than I have ever had. For the next 2 or 3 months I went dancing, bowling, skating, etc. whenever I wanted to. My children thought they had found a new mommy. We were able to play and do so many things together. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Don, my ten year old son got the suprise of his life one day when I rode his bike. He never dreamed I knew how to ride much less that I was physically able to do such a thing. We were all very happy and having a great time together until about the middle of March. All of a sudden I didn't feel good anymore. No one was more surprised than I to find out I was pregnant. Just hadn't counted on it out least not so soon after the operation. During the first five months I had the usual sickness and tireness[sic], but nothing unusual. In August I had hay fever followed by a virus that left me feeling rough and rundown. Dr. Richter made me go to bed about four weeks ago for complete rest. I'll be here until the baby comes -- about Dec. 5th. I wasn't too happy about this but actually feel better in bed. I do [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] have shortness of breath and trouble in breathing, but I'm sure everything is going to be all right. All I want is for the baby to be all right and for me to feel as good this January as I did last January. Please let Dr. Blount read this letter or at least tell him about it found want to say hello to him also. I still give thanks for such men as you and pray for both of you and the wonderful work you are doing. We were all disappointed when we didn't get to come to Denver this summer. Don't know know when we will be able to make the trip, but if it is important to your records that you see me again I'll try to work out something. I doubt that you have ever had anyone follow your operation with a pregnancy so that make my case a little special, doesn't it? [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] All in all it has been a good year for I had a taste of what it means to really feel good and know that it will be that way again. If either of you ever have occasion to be in Indiana, we would love for you to call and say hello. I hope it has been a good year for both of you and that you are continuing to have great success in your work. Sincerely, Clarabell Presley