INDIANAPOLIS CHAPTER NO. 32 OF THE OFFICERS CHAIRMAN d HA Y MR. THOMAS F. MASON, JR. Whonde carts, WC. VICE-CHAIRMAN MRS. ELIZABETH FLEMING INDIANAPOLIS 1, INDIANA SECRETARY MRS. CLARABELL PRESLEY TREASURER MR. CLAUDE O. HANDLEY Cetober 1y, { wi LO Dr. nenry Swan wniversity of Colorado 42QC Hast Ninth Avenue Denver 20, colorado Dear vr. swan: Gnee asain it is the anniversary of my heart operation. Five years ayo today we had a date, pro- bably the sicst important date of my life. I can erutnafull. say that today I feei five years younger than i aid before my operation. i am in ver good neaith, and have no co:plaints et ell. in fact, I have had no reason to see a doct r for a year and a half. In December lam going back to ur. iicnter for aco::plete check up. vy children still number three, and i prefer it stay at this number. 2. feel very lucky to be alive touay, end to successfull, raise t..cse three is all i esk. in tne past ycar . have become active in an orcanizgation known as she iendid cearts, Lice & Cnapier was Lozmed in indianapoiis in vuly, and 1 wos elec ed secretary. in cese you don't know of tois #roup, i will enclose a psa plet tellin: of our Las cod purposes. Our cua:er is guite new, but we ope to oe oF reel s rvice in tne Indianavolis area. incé goinin.e tiis «roup i have talked with “any peovle vino have wad hea:t sur ery. whe wajor- ity of these people say they never ever sau tueir aoctor after tsey left vue cperating room. I quite vroudly tell then thet bota you and,or, Dr. Blount saw me every day of the two weeks 1 was in Denver. “IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE’’—AND HELP OTHERS Frankly, they are envious, and all exvress the desire that their doctor taxe & more personal interest in them. f know you are all ver busy en, and I thank you for all the valuable ti:e you devoted to me. tlease say he. lo to Dr. Slownt for se, ad someday we will vaca= tio in the west avrin, and T'1ll siop in venver to sve you. Until next year the vest of everythings to you. Very Sincerely, : ° LE. mo, ; = a “ Let! A eet CO Se - “ a wn at COR Che Oo