October 27, 1974 Dear Dr. Swan: This is an anniversary year. It has now been 20 years since my surgery. In many ways it seems to be only yesterday. Life has been very good to me, I have three kids that have grown to adults without giving me a moments trouble like so many parents have had with hippies, drugs, etc. I now have four beautiful grandchildren, that he [. . .] to keep some young. Debbie my youngest is now in her first year at the University. I have a very good job as secretary for six doctors who staff our emergency room. But most of all, thanks to you I have my very good health. Except for lossing[sic] Roy so early in life its all been good. Traveling is still my hobby and I hope to get to Colorado [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] again in the future, and hope to see you next time. Remember me to Dr. Blount and I wish only the best for you always. Sincerely Clarabell Presley