December 12, 1979 Mrs, Clarabell Presley 1505 N. Hawthorne Lane Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 Dear Clarabells: I was very distressed indeed tp »pen your recent letter of October 19 and to hear of the trouble you have been having. Unfortunately, I did not get your letter until about two weeks ago because I was out of the country during the latter part of October and the first three weeks in November. I think you would be interested in why I took the trip. I was invited to Leiden, Holland, to open a symposium on the history of cardiac surgery. I covered the period from the beginning of human times to the achievement of the ability to operate within the heart achieved by cthe use of hypothermia in 1953, so you see you were with me in Leiden, Holland, even though you didn't know it. From reading over Dr. Peskoe's notes, I gather that you did not have any significant injury to the heart muscle at the time of your initial attacks and I would suppose that the electrocardiographic changes have by now essentially returned to normal and I hope that such is the case and that you are feeling better at your normal daily life. Clarabell, you really must make up your mind to lose a considerable amount of weight as this will be the single most important thing you can do to give yourself comfort and joy in life. So join a local health club and the Weight Watchers Society so that you can get encouragement and inspiration to get great and progressive daily exercise and the gradual demolition of excessive weight. It really is very important for you to do this. And besides if you approach it in the right frame of mind it can actually be a lot of fun. Dr. Blount is on a sabbatical year to finishhis appointment at the medical school. He is retiring from active practice when he gets back. Meanwhile, I have continued to enjoy very good health. TI am still continuing my research at Colorado State University and I pacticapate in the teaching program at Colorado University from time to time. Thank you for your nice letter and I am sure that you will get along well if you determine to condition yourself until you are firm and tough. Have a great Christmas with the grandchildren and a vigorous New Year. Very sincerely yours, Henry Swan, M.D, HS:db P.S. It is always wonderful to hear from you and it is remarkable isn't it that this was our 25th Anniversary!