Oct 19, 1993 Dear Dr Swan: Another year and I'm still going strong. It was 39 years ago today when had my surgery. There were many times in my sixties I didn't think I'd make it to seventy. I turned 73 two weeks ago and feel great. I had to have my pacemaker replaced in August, but other than that have had no problems in the past year. Still work part time for the emergency doctor and remain active at church, lodge, etc. My family is fine and the grandchildren are all young adults in college now. It is so good to hear from you each year. It sounded like you and Mrs. Swan got a great deal of pleasure from your gardens. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] How lucky your are to have each other. The one thing I would like to have had different in my life, is for Roy to have lived to share the years. He has been gone 23 years. In spite of all my heart problems, I feel I have had a good and full life. It just would have been nice to have my mate. Please let me hear from you and how everything is with you. As always love, Clarabell