October 15, 1965 Dear Kanyike: I hope things are going well with your fisheries program and in that regard I am writing to ask you if we can make some sort of an arrangement with you somewhat as follows. Kanyike, we are studying the brains for large lungfish but it is extremely difficult to send very large lungfish by air. What I would like to do would be to see if you could accomplish the following program for us. Could we rent from you for a period of about two or three months one of you fishery ponds, such as, for example, the one just a few miles out of Kampala, where we collected some lungfish before. This pond should be drained of all fish except large lungfish. Then approximately 20 or 30 large lungfish -- and by that I mean from 10 to 40 pounds in size -- should be thrown into the pond. As soon as they have been thrown in, the pond can be gradually drained. By this, I mean take about two weeks to slowly remove the water from the pond. This will force the lungfish to go into estivation. They will dig holes along the bank and go to sleep. Approximately three weeks after the pond has been drained and the fish have been in estivation for at least this long, I will arrange for Sebastian Kabuye and some of friends to come out with you to harvest the fish. They could be dug up, instantly killed, and the brain removed at once and put into certain solutions which we will provide to them for this purpose. After they have harvested all of the brains of all the lungfish, they will then send them to me refrigerated by air express in a fashion I will work out with Kabuye. Would you do some figuring, Kanyike, and give me a cost for the above program. We would like to proceed with it immediately. I know it will probably cost you many shillings to do this, but we would be glad to pay whatever you think it would be worth. Even so, it will be much cheaper than trying to send giant lungfish to Denver when all we want really is their brains. Mrs. Swan joins me in sending our warm personal regards, as always. Sincerely, Henry Swan , M.D. cc: Mr. Sebastian Kabuye