July 10, 1965 Dear Bryan: I have your letter of the first of May, which I found on my return home. The ones which were sent out I never received because I never was able to get to Dakar. My boat was almost two months late in delivery and I ran out of time, as far as making such an extensive trip was concerned. Bryan, I was very sorry to read of your illness last February and hope you are totally recovered. We have had some interesting experiences with the fish you sent. The little ones are surviving, but are not growing rapidly enough to make it practical for us to accept small fish in terms of this project. Two of the medium sized fish were killed by another one, which shortly thereafter died of a virus disease -- so we lost three in the Intermediate group. The two largest ones are now in the state of undergoing oxygen consumption studies for the purpose of attempting to force them into estivation. I note you will probably be away from Kampala during the last half of this month, but you should find this letter upon your return in the first week of August. Bryan, we are specifically interested now in turning to very large fish and I mean of the fifteen to twenty pound category. I would like to have you give some thought to shipping (consigning to us a shipment) of just one of such a fish, Make an appropriate metal box, longer than the fish, line it with foam plastic of some kind and then in side of that make a very long, very strong plastic bag -- into which you can place the fish together with an adequate oxygen supply. Obviously such a big fish would need a lot of oxygen during his travels so that the whole shipment would approximate the size of a trunk. Please be sure that, in catching such a large fish, no significant injury to him occurs. Rather than try and keep him and be sure that he does well, it might be better for you to inspect him on the day of delivery, if he seems to be in good health send him immediately. We may have that same fish undergoing estivation within a week of the time he removed from the waters of the Uganda. May I suggest the possibility of reopening negotiations with Tanyiki, at the Kanji Fisheries. I understand he is back in Uganda, after sojourning in the United States. I shall be in and around Denver for the next three months and you should send the fish consigned directly to me at Stapleton International Airport, Denver Colorado and use the address 6700 West Lakeridge Road. I am no longer at 303 Josephine, so you must throw away that old address. I have had no trouble with shipments coming to Denver -- as far as immediate notification was concerned. Now, Bryan, go right ahead and get such a fish and make your charges appropriate to the effort and cost and we shall be glad to meet them. As I said at the beginning, we are perfectly willing to pay you the equivalent of ten or fifteen little fish for one giant one, as we have no further need for small fish. May I hear from you as soon as possible in this regard, but don't delay for an answer -- go ahead and send the fish. Best regards, Henry Swan, M.D.