January 11, 1965 Dear Mr. Myers: Once again we have had failure of delivery of a package from Africa and this time it is quite clearly completely the fault of Rohner Gehrig & company. I therefore do not intend to pay anything concerning you bill Reference #50-9299 as of 1/7, and I am returning your invoice herewith, Furthermore, I am going to consult with our legal advisor to see if you would not be responsible for the loss of these fish so that damages might be recoverable. In a nut shell, these fish arrived in Kennedy Airport on BOAC, Flight 505-683-765 on 12/32/64 on a normal day in the middle of the week. These fish were not forwarded by you in accordance with your bill of lading, Number 16JFK-2933967 until the 4th of January. In other words, these fish sat in your Cargo building four days. As a result of which two of the large specimens were dead on arrival in Denver. Our institute will no longer make use of your services, and I do not expect that you should receive any further shipments for us. I am very disappointed in the inadequate manner in which you have handled these shipments and have acted as our agents. Your truly, Henry Swan, M.D.