Reprinted from Vol. 23, No. 2, February 1958 The Current Status of Open Cardiac Surgery HENRY SWAN* University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver "The inner surfaces of the chambers of the heart are the last ana- tomic areas of the body to yield to safe direct- vision surgical inter- vention. In the past five years, two entirely different methods to achieve this have been developed to the stage of practical clinical ap- plication. Thus, today, no portion of the hu- man body defies surgical exposure. The implications of this accomplishment on the future treatment of various forms of heart disease are obviously great, since both hypo- thermia and cardiopulmonary bypass are only in their infancy in terms of application to the technical problems posed by specific disease states. Significant advances in surgical treat- ment of various forms of heart disease can be confidently expected for years to come. At present it would appear that hypothermia is the safer of the two technics, but it also has HENRY SWAN *Department of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado.. February 1958 stricter limitations. Since this method received clinical trial earlier, it is not surprising that it has achieved a slightly more mature state of development. This is not, however, to say some pump oxygenators may not soon equal or exceed it in terms of risk; it is to be hoped that both technics will soon be essentially without risk. I shall outline some experience with both methods, and indicate some of the problems yet to be overcome. Hypothermia Stimulated by the report of Bigelow and associates’ in 1950, hypothermia has been and is at present under continuing investigation in the Halsted Laboratory for Experimental Sur- gery at the University of Colorado. It was early observed that general hypothermia was attended by a high mortality because of severe myocardial arrhythmias (especially ventricu- lar fibrillation) and because of serious dis- turbances in the clotting mechanism. Exten- sive experimental and clinical observations. over the past five years have essentially elimi- nated both these hazards. We feel that the risk of hypothermia per se, as currently employed in this clinic, is in the neighborhood of zero. 127 TABLE 1 ProcGressivE INCIDENCE OF SIGNIFICANT CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS IN 265 Cases In Wuic HyporHermia Was Usep FIBRILLA- | DEATH |STANDSTILL DEATH TION First 100 cases... 15 12 7 1 Second 100 cases .. 8 4 1 1 Last 65 cases .... 1 0 0 0 The following details in the management of clinical hypothermia for cardiac surgery ap- pear important in promoting the safety of the method. 1. The range of the lowest rectal tempera- ture achieved is 30 to 32° C. Circulatory ar- rest is performed at this temperature.” This limitation in degree of hypothermia is ex- tremely important. 2. Cooling is accomplished simply and by design by immersion in ice water. There ap- pears to be some rationale in cooling the pe- ripheral tissue ahead of the heart and other vital organs.” 3. Throughout the entire procedure, a de- liberate respiratory alkalosis is maintained by hyperventilation.*-° 4. Throughout the course of the cooling, operation and warming, dextrose is adminis- tered intravenously. Evidence is increasing that intravenous nutrients have a beneficial effect on the myocardium in hypothermia.® d. The first two units of blood used dur- ing operation are heparinized, having been freshly drawn in plastic bags. The presence of platelets, fibrinogen and other enzyme ele- ments of the clotting mechanism, together with the absence of citrate, are considered helpful in avoiding the bleeding diathesis of hypothermia.’ Transfusion is given freely be- cause a low blood volume is poorly tolerated in hypothermia.® 6. A bilateral sternum-splitting incision is always used in order to achieve adequate ex- posure and allow proper positioning.” 7. Great care is taken to position the pa- tient so that the cardiotomy is in the upper- most portion of the heart, thus materially re- 128 ducing the risk of air embolism occurring in the coronary arteries.’® 8. After the establishment of inflow occlu- sion to the heart the coronary circulation is perfused with 1 to 2 cc. of 1:4000 prostic- MIN® in order to slow the heart. The decreased metabolic needs of the slowly beating heart apparently are important in reducing the risk of ventricular fibrillation.’"" 9. The root of the aorta is always clamped (except in operations for aortic stenosis) to prevent coronary blood flow during occlusion. This helps avert coronary air embolism, main- tains bradycardia, and diminishes the coro- nary return to the heart, thus insuring a dry operative field." 10. The period of circulatory arrest must not exceed six minutes. If more time is needed to complete the procedure, the operation should be interrupted and the circulation restored. A second period of occlusion can then be insti- tuted after an appropriate interval to complete the procedure. The principle of multiple short occlusions allows at least 10 minutes of safe intracardiac time." ll. Warming is achieved by diathermy. which is a form of internal warming. There appears to be some rationale for rewarming vital internal organs before peripheral tissues.” Careful observation of these considerations reduces the mortality rate of hypothermia it- self to a level that is essentially negligible. For example, the incidence of serious cardiac arrhythmias in our series of patients is given in table 1. The incidence of disturbances in the clotting mechanism is given in table 2. It is clear that as the limitations of the methods and better control of the unusual physiology were learned the risk has steadily decreased. TABLE 2 ProcressivE INCIDENCE OF CLOTTING DISTURBANCES Durine or AFTER HyroTHeRMIA BLEEDING | THROMBOSIS | DEATH First 100 cases 4 2 6 Second 100 cases 3 2 5 Last 65 cases ..... 0 1 0 POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE TABLE 3 ProcressiveE Morta.ity For ALL Patients UNDERGOING Open Carptac Procepures Durinc HypoTHERMIA (180 Cases) DEATHS Number | Per Cent First 60 cases toe. 12 20 Second 60 cases . 6 10 Third 60 cases 3 5 In the last 65 cases, not a single death was at- tributable to either ventricular fibrillation or a disturbance of the clotting mechanism. The effect of better over-all management of hypothermia on the mortality rate of open heart operations is seen in table 3. Of course, better selection of patients and improving technic with increasing experience may play a part in the trend of these figures, but irre- spective of the relative importance of various factors it is gratifying that there has not been a single death among the last 41 patients un- dergoing bilateral thoracotomy and open car- diotomy during hypothermia. In view of this experience, we feel at pres- ent that those open cardiac procedures which can be technically achieved in 10 minutes of direct-vision time should be done during cir- culatory occlusion under hypothermia, since the method itself is so safe. The following diseases are examples of le- sions for which the open operation is clearly preferable to blind technics and the procedure can be done adequately within the time limit. 1. Pulmonary valvular or infundibular ste- nosis occurring as a single lesion. 2. Atrial septal defect (secundum). TABLE 4 Resutts or Direct-Vision Repair oF PULMONARY Stenosis During HypoTHERMIA 3. A combination of pulmonary stenosis and atrial septal defect (trilogy of Fallot). 4, Aortic stenosis. Both valvular and infundibular pulmonic stenosis, occurring as isolated lesions, are readily amenable to plastic repair. The results of open intervention in restoring normal hemo- dynamics and obliterating the pressure gradi- ent have been very satisfactory.'® Since the mortality has been nil in this group, we now recommend operation to any young patient whose pressure in the right ventricle exceeds 70 mm. Hg, irrespective of whether or not he has had any symptoms relative to the heart. Table 4 shows our total cumulative experience with these two lesions. With the risk rate so low and the results so satisfactory following open operation during hypothermia, it seems unwise at this time to recommend either a closed procedure or use of the pump oxygena- tor, with its greater risk. Atrial septal defect of the so-called secun- dum type is a lesion complicated by many as- sociated variations. Aberrant pulmonary ve- nous drainage into the right auricle, multiple septal defects, unusual prominence of the valve of the inferior vena cava, and associated pat- ent ductus arteriosus all commonly participate in this malformation. With such complexities it seems hardly necessary to mention the su- periority of an open technic for treatment. In spite of its variety it is uniformly possible to repair the lesion in such a fashion that the pulmonary veins are transplanted to the left side of the repair in less than 10 minutes of operating time. Table 5 outlines our experi- ence with this operation. In view of the fact that the last 41 patients with atrial septal de- fect have undergone a curative procedure with- out mortality, we are currently extending our TABLE 5 REsuLts oF Direcr-Vision REPAIR OF ATRIAL SeptaL Derect (Secunpum) Durtne (Intact SEpta) HyPoTHERMIA TYPE | CASES | CURED | IMPROVED | DEATHS CURED DIED Valvular . 34 32 2 0 First 43 patients 36 | 7 (16%) Infundibular....) 4 | 4 | 9 0 Last 41 patients 41 0 February 1958 129 TABLE 6 Resutts oF Dinect-Vision Orenation Durinc HyYpoTHERMIA IN TRILOGY OF FALLoT CASES |OPERATIONS|TOTAL CURE| IMPROVEMENT | DEATH 16 18 6 7 3 indications for operation in young persons with this disease. We believe at present that all patients with atrial septal defect (secundum) should have operation when the diagnosis is established, irrespective of the presence or ab- sence of symptoms, gross cardiac enlargement, or other objective findings. A major contrain- dication to operation is reversal of the shunt with consequent cyanosis. In this respect, therefore, the indications for surgery are es- sentially similar to those for patent ductus arteriosus. The combination of atrial septal defect and pulmonary stenosis (trilogy of Fallot) presents interesting therapeutic problems. In 15 of our 16 cases the shunt preoperatively was right to left, and the patient was cyanotic, in some instances extremely so. Our initial impression was that if adequate relief of the pulmonic stenosis were achieved the atrial septal defect might close spontaneously. However, in some cases cyanosis has persisted while in others a conversion of the shunt to a left-to-right direc- tion has resulted in cardiomegaly and even cardiac failure. Two of these earlier patients, therefore, have undergone a second hypo- thermic procedure to close the auricular sep- tal defect. In our last four patients we per- formed a two stage curative procedure at a single session, first opening the pulmonary valve and then suturing the atrial septum at a second occlusion. Our cumulative experience with this malformation is seen in table 6. Some of the earlier patients with only a single stage may eventually need closure of the atrial sep- tal defect. In six of the surviving patients the circulatory system has been restored essential- ly to normal. More recently we have explored the possi- bility of transferring our technic for pulmonic obstruction to operation on the aortic valve." Exposure of the ostia of the coronary arteries 130 to room air did not prove a serious deterrent, as methods for avoiding coronary air embo- lism were developed. The risks of this proce- dure have proved to be largely technical, since the need for much greater care in avoiding re- gurgitation of the aortic valve following ma- nipulation limits the operation and extends the operative time. Nonetheless, the results in a small series to date have been sufficiently satisfactory to warrant continuation of the technic. These results are shown in table 7. In our opinion the open procedure is so su- perior to the digital and blind instrumental technics previously available that operative intervention in rheumatic aortic stenosis is justified much earlier, before there is exten- sive calcification of the valve. In addition, it is suggested that congenital aortic stenosis is more common than generally supposed and that, whether the obstruction is valvular or subvalvular in position, open operation is in- dicated when left ventricular strain is present, with or without subjective symptoms. Total Cardiopulmonary Bypass Many lesions require much more operating time than that currently permitted by hypo- thermia. For these, the pump oxygenator using total cardiopulmonary bypass is the method of choice. The variety of oxygenators and pumps currently in use throughout the world attests to the fact that the best design for such an instrument has yet to be developed. The problems associated with total bypass are mul- tiple. Blood procurement and crossmatching, rate of flow, type of pulse, adequacy of oxy- genation and extraction of carbon dioxide, avoidance of air embolism, aberrations in me- TABLE 7 Resuits oF Direct-Viston Repair oF AORTIC Stenosis Durtnc HYPOTHERMIA CASES | IMPROVEMENT | DEATH Congenital Valvular 10 9 1 Subvalvular 3 | 1 2 Acquired i 2 2 0 POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE tabolism, difficulties in sterilization, protection of the formed elements of the blood, and avoidance of interference with the clotting mechanism are only a few. Moreover, all these difficulties are compounded with time; the longer the perfusion, the greater the risk of serious or fatal physiologic deviation. Thus the very essence of the need for pump oxygena- tion, a prolonged operative time, imposes a condition which raises the risk. We know of no pump oxygenator as yet which has a risk rate approaching that of hypothermia. Our earlier experience with a bubble-type oxygenator was extremely unsatisfactory. Damage to the cells, disturbance in clotting, and diffuse cerebral damage presumably from multiple small emboli were associated with inadequate flow rates. For these reasons we turned to a screen-type oxygenator with roller pumps, a combination which had long been studied by Gibbon,’* and was subsequently further refined by Kirklin et al.'° After exten- sive laboratory trial, this instrument received clinical trial in 13 cases of advanced pulmo- nary hypertension associated with interven- tricular septal defect. In most instances it was possible to close the defect by direct suture, but in three it was necessary to plug the defect. One patient, undergoing operation for the sec- ond time, had profuse bleeding during and after heparinization. Her hemorrhagic diathe- sis eventually proved fatal. Another child died quite unexpectedly of heart block a few hours after operation. The other 11 patients have done well, but the effectiveness of the repair and its influence on the advanced pulmonary vascular disease remain to be studied. It ap- pears that the pump oxygenator system we are using is adequate although still replete with danger as bypass is prolonged. It will remain the subject of continuing laboratory investiga- tion. We intend to extend its use to more com- plicated lesions such as transposition and tet- ralogy and to continue work on its potential use in acquired valvular disease. Summary Our experience with the current methods available for open cardiac surgery is briefly reviewed. At present, after a broad experience, February 1958 we consider hypothermia to be essentially without risk and therefore the method of choice for intracardiac procedures which can be accomplished in 10 minutes or less. Our screen oxygenator in association with roller- type pumps has proved adequate for total car- diopulmonary bypass. The risks of this in- strument have not been thoroughly assessed, but application to a broader spectrum of intra- cardiac conditions seems justified on the basis of our early experience. REFERENCES 1, Bicetow, W. G., Lrvosay, W. K. and Greenwoop, W. F.: Hypo- thermia: Its possible role in cardiac surgery; an investigation ut factors governing survival in dogs at low body temperatures. Ann. Surg. 132:849 (November) 1950. 2. Swan, H. and Brount, S. G., Jr.: Visual intra-cardiac surgery in a series of 111 patients. J.A.M.A. 162:941 (November 3) 1956. 3. Bram, Emi, Swan, H. and Virtug, R. 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