September 27, 1930. Dear Henry: Your letter written last Monday came in last evening. This is one of the chattiest, newsiest letters and altogether one of the most satisfactory ones you have ever written to us. I am sorry if I misled you regarding the Michigan Central train. I knew you were routed over the Michigan Central but thought it left from the La Salle Street depot. It is fortunate you had sense enough to find out in time about my mistake. Would you mind telling me where the Michigan Central does leave from? At this point Miss Anderson tells me it is the Illinois Central Station on Michigan Boulevard, which is news, although I just have a flash of memory now that I once went to Detroit years ago and took the Michigan Central train from the Illinois Central station. I am glad you got the long sleep on the trains going East. It shows how much you had to pick up in order to get approximately level again on your game of shut eye. Probably if you had not been going back to school you could have continued the operation for another week which would have helped to build up a reservoir of strength for you. I am very afraid that during this period of getting your physical development you are going to feel a little bushed for several months and the more so if you have too much physical exercise. I am taking the liberty of asking the Carey Drug Company here to send you a bottle of Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver Oil with hypophosphates. It is our old well-known bottled sunshine which I do not think you like very much but which if you care to take it will help build up your strength during your tennis tournament more than anything that I know of. If you take a tablespoonful three times a day and go through about two or three bottles I think you will find that it will give you more pep because it furnishes more concentrated energy than almost any other type of food product and inasmuch as you are burning up so much energy by growing this may help to add to the supply. Don't feel you have to take it unless you particularly want to. In this connection it may interest you to know that Dorothy's new husband is about 6' 1" and he overdid during his period. of development after he had gotten his growth with the result that he had to leave college and has not been able to pack on the bone and tissue to fill out the frame to accord with his height. It has left him sort of a stringy bean pole like Joe Holland. Am mighty pleased to know that you mere watching the conservation of energy. Keep at it even though it is a little irritating at times and you will be well rewarded for the rest of your natural life. I think my most compelling impulse during this last summer has been to keep constantly in mind the necessity of keeping you as fit as possible in helping to tide you through this very trying period in your development. I like your course of study and am glad you were able to work in a little music with it. Your love for music will undoubtedly be sharpened by the knowledge of the fundamentals which you will doubtless get in the course you are taking. Will this course enable you to get the honors at graduation which you were hopeful to obtain? With 10 college credits already behind you and only 5 more to go and with a possible 6 in sight, is it any advantage to get the 6 in order to give you advanced standing in college? Since you left I have been making some inquiry regarding the best professors at Princeton so that you might pattern your course a little along the lines of getting the best instruction, especially if you plan to go to the Harvard School of Business. The more I think of this plan the more impressed I am with it inasmuch as I know that the boys save several years in business by having had the course and the honor men always have a choice of jobs waiting for them which they can take if they choose. If by chance you should be an honor man and should be offered a position in one of the eastern banking houses you might want to give it some favorable consideration if only for the benefit of getting the years of experience there and later following out the program which we have discussed from time to time. It certainly would give you an excellent acquaintance and knowledge of the actual operations of the origination of securities which would be helpful to you wherever you happened to be later. One's friends are always exceedingly helpful in furthering one's interest and the more friends one has the better one is off. I think you are working along the right line in this connection. Friendliness begets friendliness and considerate, courteous, thoughtful treatment of others leads to respect and friendships which prove satisfactory and permanent. I have also started to make some inquiry about a room for you at Princeton and am wondering whether you would rather be on the campus in one of the dormitories or in some little hole in the wall over in town. I should rather believe I would prefer to be on the campus unless "it isn't being done among the best families." If you hear anything about the situation drop me a line for I am about to do a little wire pulling in order to get you a place. Sorry your room is a little devoid of sunlight but then you can get a lot out on the campus when it is available and when it is cloudy, as it usually is most of the time up in your section, you will have stored up enough sunlight to carry you through. Glad you had a good time over at Eliza's. Should you see her again give her our best. Do you think you will have enough rackets to see you through the fall? If not, possibly you could get a selection up from Boston or New York at the shop in Exeter so you could take your choice of handles and balance. We will forward your laundry and the tennis presses together with the racket covers as soon as I can get out to the farm to get the presses. Carla was married Wednesday night. Very pretty wedding. The groom's two brothers occupied Ganny's house and one room in your house for the last week. We are going out tomorrow to clean up after them. They seem like very attractive people. A great many have asked after you and are much interested in your progress. By the way, if you go over to St. Paul's School for any basketball or tennis matches be sure to get Laton McCartney to introduce you to the crowd that is going to Princeton from St. Paul's next fall. There is always a good crowd from St. Paul's and they always are leaders in the University and it would be nice for you to meet a few of the crowd before you go to college if it so happened that you were in line to do so. I forgot to tell you that I won the golf bag from Bud Barwise and am having it marked. I went out to practice my irons yesterday and believe I am on the road to correct what has been wrong. I will know better after I practice another hour. It is so simple that I blush that I didn't think of it before, - all in the matter of timing the stroke. Taddy has been having a little trouble with her sinus in the last few days but the spray seems to be helping clear it up. We have her on the bottled sunshine diet too and it is helping her to snap out of this infection. I suppose you read about the enclosed in the eastern papers. This is another illustration of the troubles that attend the younger crowd when they get into these long continued series of tournaments before their physical development is completed. Many a promising athlete loses out by overtaxing his system before his growth is attained. I hope Gledhill will have no permanent serious trouble as a result. I look back on our summer together with great pleasure. Very affectionately, Dad P.S. I enclose a guaranty covering your purchases at the Exeter Shop which you may deliver to them if you so desire.