HEALTHY PEOPLE The Surgeon General’s Report On Health Promotion And Disease Prevention HEALTHY PEOPLE The Surgeon General’s Report On Health Promotion And Disease Prevention 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General DHEW (PHS) Publication No. 79-55071 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 017-001~00416-2 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20201 SURGEON GENERAL OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE The Honorable Joseph A. Califano, dr. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Mr. Secretary: I am pleased to transmit herewith the Manuscript of the Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. I believe this will be an important document for the American people. Many people and institutions, too numerous to acknowledge, have provided valuable assistance in preparing this report. I would particularly like to express appreciation to Dr. J. Michael McGinnis, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) and his staff, and to Dr. David Hamburg, President of the Institute of Medicine, of the National Academy of Sciences, for his leadership in mobilizing the resources of the Institute to provide the accompanying papers which present documentation for the report. Sincerely yours, "| Auris b Richmon ssistant Secreta Surgeon General M.D. for Health and July 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECRETARY'S FOREWORD SECTION I - TOWARD A HEALTHIER AMERICA. .... I- 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. . . . 1- 1 CHAPTER 2: RISKS TO GOOD HEALTH. ..... 2- 1 Major Risk Categories ..... 2- 2 Risk Variability. ....... 2- 3 Age-Related Risks ....... 2- 5 Assessing Risk. ........ 2- 6 The Role of the Individual. . . 2-7 SECTION II - HEALTH GOALS. ........... II- 1 CHAPTER 3: HEALTHY INFANTS ........ 3- 1 Subgoal: Reducing the Number of Low Birth Weight Infants . 3- 5 Subgoal: Reducing the Number of Birth Defects. ...... 3- 8 CHAPTER 4: HEALTHY CHILDREN. ....... 4- 1 Subgoal: Enhancing Childhood Growth and Development. . . . 4- 6 Subgoal: Reducing Childhood Accidents and Injuries. . .. 4-10 CHAPTER 5: HEALTHY ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS. ........ 5- 1 Subgoal: Reducing Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents ...... 5- 6 Subgoal: Reducing Alcohol and Drug Misuse... .....64. 5- 7 CHAPTER 6: HEALTH ADULTS ......... 6- 1 Subgoal: Reducing Heart Attacks and Strokes ..... 6- 6 Subgoal: Reducing Death from Cancer... .....-. 6-12 CHAPTER 7: HEALTHY OLDER ADULTS. ..... 7-1 Subgoal: Increasing the Number of Older Adults Who Can Function Independently. . .. 7-5 Subgoal: Reducing Premature Death from Influenza and Pneumonia... .... eee 7-12 SECTION III - ACTIONS FOR HEALTH. ....... III- 1 CHAPTER 8: PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES. . . 8-1 Family Planning. ....... 8- 2 Pregnancy and Infant Care... 8-6 Immunizations. ........ 8-16 Sexually Transmissible Diseases Services. .......0.4, 8-20 High Blood Pressure Control . . 8-23 CHAPTER 9: HEALTH PROTECTION. .. 2... 9- 1 Toxic Agent Control. ..... 9- 2 Occupational Safety and Health... 2... ....4. 9-11 Accidental Injury Control... 9-17 Fluoridation of Community Water Supplies. ....... 9-26 Infectious Agent Control. . . . 9-28 CHAPTER 10: HEALTH PROMOTION. ... 2.2... 10- 1 Smoking Cessation. ......, 10- 5 Reducing Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs... ....... 10-11 Improved Nutrition. ...... 10-17 Exercise and Fitness. ..... 10-24 Stress Control. ........ 10-28 SECTION IV - CHALLENGE TO THE NATION. . 2... IvV- 1 CHAPTER 11: CHALLENGE TO THE NATION... . ll- The Obstacles... . 2... 0, 11- Opportunities for Action. . .. 1l- WHE APPENDIX I - MEASURES FOR BETTER HEALTH - A SUMMARY. . 2... ee ee ee APPENDIX II - SOURCES OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. .. 2... 2.2.2. . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . oe 8s @ e © ee © «©