Index A ASuSalud 282 Absorption of nicotine. See Nicotine pharmacology Abstinent smokers, effects of nicotine administration 177 Academic performance and smoking initiation 36, 228 , Access of minors to tobacco products ease of access 266-269 enforcement of legislation 266, 268 over-the-counter sales of cigarettes 266, 269 perception of ease by adult members of ethnic groups 267 vending machines 268-269 Acculturation effectiveness of warning labels 299 factor in coronary heart disease incidence 163 Hispanics 228, 237 initiation of tobacco use 234-235 smoking cessation 235, 237 smoking prevalence 61, 65, 235 tobacco advertising and promotion 227, 229 Actors, appearance in tobaccoads 243 Addiction, nicotine. See Nicotine dependence and addiction Adolescent African American mothers and use of tobacco 27-28 Adolescent Health Survey 49 Adolescents cigarette brand preference 80-83 risk factors to predict cigarette smoking 228-229, 230-231 smoking initiation 40, 225-229 smoking prevalence 28-44 use of smokeless tobacco 44, 49-50, 174-175 See also Youth Adult literacy programs tobacco industry support 217 Adult Use of Tobacco Survey (AUTS) 21, 79, 80, 96 (description) Adults, psychosocial factors of use 225-238 Advertising, tobacco products bans, ethnic group support 293-297 billboards 215, 221, 222, 244, 293 convenience stores 222 endorsements 242 ethnic targeting 13, 220-224, 240-244 ethnicity of models 240-242 immigrants 223, 241 Tobacco Use Among ULS. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups impact on youth 220 in-store advertising displays 222 print advertisements 214-215, 221 revenues 214-215 role models 242 stimulation of cigarette consumption 207, 220-223 targeting youth 207 television ban 214 African American Tobacco Control Network of California 297 Age airflow obstruction and smoking, Japanese men 159 and stroke incidence, Asian Americans 165 at smoking onset 36 differences in smoking prevalence, by ethnicity African Americans 22-23 American Indians and Alaska Natives 46 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 61-63 Hispanics 66-67 Aggregation problems in data collection. See Data collection and analysis Alameda County Low Birth Weight Study Group 168 Alcohol use and smoking among youth 37-38 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 216 American Cancer Society (ACS) 280, 292, 295 American Health Foundation study 156 American Indian Cancer Control Project of California 276, 286 American Lung Association (ALA) 274, 275, 295 American Psychiatric Association (APA) diagnostic criteria for drug dependence 177 American Stop Smoking Intervention Study (ASSIST) 269 Anemia and smoking, effects on birth weight 171 Angina. See also Coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence and mortality Antismoking campaigns. See Mass media; School- based health education approaches Antismoking policies. See Smoking bans in public places Arts, tobacco industry support of. See Tobacco industry, support for arts Asian Americans for Community Involvement 289 Asian American Health Forum 297 Asian Pacific Islander Tobacco Education Network 297 Asthma 160 Index 321 Surgeon General's Report Athletes, appearance in tobacco ads 214, 243 Athletic events. See Sponsorship by tobacco industry; Cigarette promotion campaigns Attempts to quit smoking. See Smoking cessation programs Attention. See Nicotine, physiological effects Attitudes toward tobacco use among adults 264-265 among youth 36, 38, 41 belief that smoking is addictive 183-184 immigrants to the United States 262 parental attitudes 40 smoking in public places 287-291 See also Cultural values Attrition rates in group approaches to cessation. See Smoking cessation, attrition rate B Barbers /beauty parlor operators, involvement in cessation efforts 287 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) American Indians and Alaska Natives 45, 46, 50, 51-56, 144 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 56, 58, 59, 61, 62-64 description of 21,95 ethnic differences in quitting smoking 183 Hispanics 164 measures of tobacco use 97, 98 Behavioral alternatives to cigarette smoking 260 Bill of Rights touring exhibition 218, 222 Billboard advertising. See Advertising, tobacco control, tobacco products Biochemical markers of tobacco use ethnic differences 179-181 measurements among pregnant women 167 smokeless tobacco users 183 youth 32-34 Birth weight. See Infant outcomes, effects of smoking during pregnancy Black Clergy for Substance Abuse Prevention 286 Black History Month 222, 296 Bladder cancer. See Urinary bladder cancer Blood pressure. See Hypertension Boston, marketing of X brand cigarettes 295-296 Boy and Woman Bear culturally appropriate software package 273 Brain function. See Nicotine, physiological effects Brand preference 79-83. See also Cigarette brands Brand recognition. See also Cigarette promotion campaigns; Cigarette brands 322 Index Bronchitis 141,158, 160 Bureau of the Census 187 Bureau of Vital Statistics 187 Cc California “Proposition 99” 217,275 smoking cessation hot lines 277 smoking cessation efforts 297 use of revenue from cigarette taxes 277 California Department of Health Services 284 California Tobacco Survey 68, 182, 268, 283-284, 289, 292 Cancer. See specific types of cancer Cancer Information Service (CIS) hot line, National Cancer Institute 277 Cancer Prevention Study I(CPS-I) 161 cancer registries 138, 147 Carbon monoxide as an indicator of smoking 33, 34 Cardiovascular disease. See also Coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence and mortality Cardiovascular effects of nicotine. See Nicotine, physiological effects Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale 234, 237 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 282, 284 Cerebrovascular disease African Americans 165 American Indians and Alaska Natives 165 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 165-166 Hispanics 166 Ceremonial and religious rites involving tobacco 44, 209 Cervical cancer 152 Cessation of smoking. See Smoking cessation programs Charleston Heart Study 161 Chewing tobacco. See Smokeless tobacco use Chicago Community Based Interventions for Low-Income African Americans 281 Chicago Lung Association’s multifaceted smoking cessation intervention 281 Child Health and Development Studies 167 Children as motivators to quit smoking among Hispanics 260 exposure to environmental tobacco smoke inhome 173 involvement in smoking cessation campaigns 269,271 lung function and environmental tobacco smoke 172 Chinese Community Smoke-Free Project 277 Cholesterol and cardiovascular disease risk 162 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) African Americans 158 American Indians and Native Americans 158-159 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 159 Hispanics 159-160 Churches Organized to Stop Tobacco (COST) 296 Cigar smoking 91-94 Cigarette brands 555 State Express 218 Alpine 242 American Spirit 223 Belair 242 Benson & Hedges 79, 80, 82 Camel 79, 80, 82, 220, 224, 243 Chesterfield 242 Dorado 220 Eve 243 Kent 79, 80, 243 Kool 79, 80, 82, 243 L&M 243 Lucky Strike 243 Marlboro 79, 80, 82, 83, 218, 220, 224, 242, 243 Merit 79, 81, 82 Mild Seven 223 More 219 Newport 79, 81, 82, 220-221, 224, 242 Oasis 242 Old Gold 241 Pall Mall 79, 81 Parliament 219 Richmond 242 Rio 220 Riviera 242 Salem 79, 81, 224, 242 Salem Extra 244 Spring 242 Spud 242 SuperM 244 Uptown 222, 224, 294 Vantage 79,81 Viceroy 243 Virginia Slims 79, 81, 223-224 Winston 79, 81, 82, 243 X 224, 295-296 See also Brand preference; Brand recognition; Cigarette promotion campaigns Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Cigarette consumption among ethnic groups African Americans 22-28, 41-43, 74-78, 112-121 American Indians and Alaska Natives 44-55 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 56-66 Hispanics 66-74, 75-77 targeted ads as external cues to smoke 223-224 Cigarette manufacturers. See Tobacco companies Cigarette prices. See Revenues Cigarette promotion campaigns Chesterfield film campaign 242 coupons 223,294 cultural events 213, 218-219, 297. See also Tobacco industry, support for ethnic communities, pride, and culture Marlboro Man 243 Marlboro Tour ‘93 211 samples 296 sports events 294 Viceroy race car driver 243 See also Advertising, tobacco products; Brand recognition; Cigarette brands Cigarettes, hand-rolled, lung cancer death rate 149 Civil rights movement 243 Clean air policies. See Smoking bans in public places Coalition Against Billboard Advertising of Alcohol and Tobacco 297 Coalition Against Uptown Cigarettes 295 Cocaine use in conjunction with cigarette smoking 37 Cognition. See Nicotine, physiological effects Committee to Prevent Cancer Among Blacks 295 Communication skills training for youth 278 Community approach to smoking cessation 278-283 dependence on tobacco industry 213-219 loyalty to tobacco industry 213 meeting of community leaders in Greensboro 297 mobilization /involvement in antitobacco campaigns California 297 Uptown cigarettes 294-295 X cigarettes 295-296 projects, limitations of 263, 265, 293 volunteer health representatives 282 Community Intervention Trial (COMMIT) for Smoking Cessation 181, 183, 236, 260 Congressional candidates, campaign support from tobacco industry 217 Index 323 Surgeon General's Report Congressional Hispanic Caucus 215 Consumer Expenditure Survey Interview Survey 292 Coping mechanism, cigarette smoking 275 Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults (CARDIA) 172, 181, 186 Coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence and mortality African Americans 160-161 American Indians and Alaska Natives 161-162 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 162-163 Hispanics 163-164 Cotinine. See Biochemical markers of tobacco use Cultural events, tobacco industry support of. See Tobacco industry, support for cultural events Cultural values as depicted in tobaccoads 222-224 cigarettes as indicator of affluence 222-224 Hispanic attitudes toward smoking 223 tobacco as a gift 210 See also Attitudes toward tobacco use; Social influences Current Population Survey (CPS) attitudes concerning minors’ ease of access to tobacco products 267 ban on tobacco samples 293 classification of ethnicity 186, 187 CPS-I 161 efforts to restrict youth access to tobacco 266 employer-provided smoking cessation programs 286 ethnic differences in prevalence 87 ethnic differences in quitting smoking 183, 184 Hispanics and coronary heart disease 163 quitting behavior 25, 48,57, 70 workplace/ public place smoking restrictions 288, 289, 290-291 Current smokers, definition of 97 D Dance troupes, tobacco industry support of 219 Data collection and analysis accuracy of findings on youth smoking prevalence 31-36 aggregation problems 239 bias against Asian Americans with low English skills 61 bias in selection for studies 61 bias of findings 31 324 Index differential misclassification bias 30-32, 34 differential school dropout rates, African American youth 31,32, 228 multivariable logistic regression technique 83, 85 noncomparability of tobacco use studies 238 nongeneralizability of tobacco use studies 238 nonreporting problems in tobacco use studies 238 reporting bias 31, 239 retrospective analysis methodology 74 sources of data 95-96 tobacco smoke exposure, infant outcomes 168-171 unavailability of data on specific ethnic groups 44, 56,259,277 Death rates by cancer cervix/uteri 148, 150,152, 153,155 esophagus 148, 150,153 kidney/renal pelvis 148,150,155 larynx 148,155 lung/bronchus 144, 146, 148, 150 oral/pharynx 148, 153-155 pancreas 152 stomach 155 urinary/bladder, 152,156 by ethnicity 139, 144, 146 Decision-making skills training for youth 271 Decline in smoking. See Smoking prevalence, decline in smoking Definitions cigarette smoking and cessation 97 number of cigarettes smoked daily 97 use of cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco 97 Dentists, advice to patients 285 Depressive symptoms and smoking 234 See also Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV™) 179, 181 Doctors, in cigarette ads 243 Doctors Ought to Care (DOC) 215 Don’t Let Your Dreams Go Up in Smoke 286 Dropouts, high school 228 Drug use and smoking. See type of drug E Economics dependency on tobacco sales, American Indian reservations 213 efforts to reduce tobacco use 292-293 expenditures on tobacco promotion in ethnic communities 213-219 Education by ethnic group African Americans 83, 84 American Indians and Alaska Natives 83, 84 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 83, 84 Hispanics 83, 84 levels of, and smoking 25, 26, 28 Educational materials, smoking intervention. See Smoking cessation programs Elimination of nicotine. See Nicotine pharmacology Emphysema 158, 160 Employment employer antismoking policies 287-288 employer-provided smoking cessation programs 286 labor force composition of tobacco factories 208-209 English proficiency. See Language/linguistics Environmental Protection Agency assessment of environmental tobacco smoke risks 287-289 Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure and ethnicity 86-87, 172-173, 287, 289 exposure in public places 287-291 exposure to household smoke 288 fetalexposure 167 infant outcomes 167-171 nonsmokers’ exposure 172-173 perceived dangers of 261-263 pregnant women 285 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 169-171 workplace exposure 287-288 See also Smoking bans in public places Esophageal cancer 151-153 Ethnic groups , definition of 7-8, 186-187 demographic characteristics 8-11 exclusion from tobacco studies 61 health outcomes 187 Ethnic labels, see Ethnic groups, definition of Ever smokers, definition 97 F Fagerstr6m dependence questionnaire 179 Familialism 212 Federal Trade Commission 140, 181 Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Federal workplace antismoking policies 287-288 Fetal morbidity and mortality. See Infant outcomes, effects of smoking during pregnancy Filters, packaging of Uptown cigarettes 224 Focus groups 40, 286 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 211 Food and Drug Administration 207, 266, 297 Food, Tobacco, Agriculture, and Allied Workers Union 209 For You and Your Family 284 Forced expiratory volume as a measure of pulmonary function 159 Former smokers, definition 97 Freedom from Smoking® for You and Your Family 281 Freedom from Smoking in 20 Days 281 Funding initiatives for public health 6 G Gateway Program 217 Gender differences smoking prevalence African Americans 22-24, 41 American Indians and Alaska Natives 44-48, 50-56 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 56-59 Hispanics 66-69 smoking trends national data 23-28, 78-81 General Social Survey 233 Genetic risk, lung cancer and CYP1A1 gene 142 Gingival bleeding and recession 174 See also Periodontal disease Government regulation of cigarettes, support for 298-299 Great American Smokeout 280, 283 Great Alaska Spit-Out 273 Group approaches to smoking cessation 277-278 Guide to Black Organizations 217 H Harlem Dowling-West Side Center for Children and Family Services 216 Harlem Hospital 221 Health care facility access 277, 283-284 Health care providers 283-284, 285 Health consequences/risks of tobacco use knowledge of among adults 235, 264-265 among blue collar workers 263 Index 325 Surgeon General's Report among ethnic groups 12, 265 among pregnant women 171 Health insurance 216, 263 Health Status of Minorities and Low-Income Groups 6 Healthy People 2000 5 Heart, Body, and Soul 286 Heart attack. See Myocardial infarction Hey, Girlfriend, Let's Talk About Smoking and You 285 Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 159 cigarette smoking prevalence among adults 66-67, 79 among successive birth cohorts 122 among women of reproductive age 71 among young people 72 description of 21,95 environmental tobacco smoke and clean indoor air policies 287 long-term trends in cigarette smoking 78 methodological issues 186 quitting behavior 183 Hispanic/Latino Tobacco Control Network 297 History of tobacco use by ethnic group African Americans 208-209 American Indians and Alaska Natives 209-210 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 211~212 Hispanics 212 Honolulu Heart Program 159 Housing projects 236, 263 Hypertension 160, 162, 163 74,76, I Immigration, impact on smoking prevalence 61, 234 In-store advertising displays. See Advertising, tobacco products Income and increases in cigarette taxes 292 Indian Health Service (IHS) cancer death rates age-adjusted 155 lung cancer 143-146 cervical cancer 152 classification of smoking status 186 regional differences in cancer death 144 smokeless tobacco use 49-50 326 Index smoking cessation programs for pregnant women 285 Infant outcomes, effects of smoking during pregnancy birth weight 166-169 morbidity and mortality 169-171 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 169-171 International Multicultural Partnership 297 Interviewing methods. See Data collection and analysis It’s No Joke, Don’t Smoke! 274 It’s the Law voluntary compliance program 268 It’s Your Life—It’s Our Future 276 J Jackie Robinson Foundation Awards Dinner 219 Jargon, use in cigarette ads 242-243 K Kaiser Permanente 61, 161 Kool Achiever Awards 218 L Labor unions 208-209 Lim Thé Néo Dé Bé Hit Thudc? 276 Language/ linguistics proficiency, as barrier to knowledge of health consequences 234 proficiency, as barrier to tobacco control messages 262 proficiency as measure of acculturation smoking prevalence 234 translation of smoking cessation materials 274, 281 use of non-English words in tobacco product materials 222 Law abidance 228, 232 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 216 League of United Latin American Citizens 216 Legends Campaign 282-283 Legislation sale of tobacco to minors (Synar Amendment) 266 FDA tobacco product regulations 297 Liberalism, factor in smoking status 232 Life Skills Training (LST) Program 9 271 Lifestyle factors and decline in smoking by ethnic group African American youth 36-38 Low birth weight. See Infant outcomes, effects of smoking during pregnancy, birth weight Lung cancer 137-135 African Americans 138-143 American Indians and Alaska Natives 143-145 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 145-147 Hispanics 147-149 M Magazines, ethnic African Americans 218, 241-243 portrayal in tobaccoads 241 American Indians’ portrayal in tobacco ads 223,241 Hispanics 214 perception as trustworthy information source 241,274 See also Advertising tobacco products; Mass media; Newspapers Manual of the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death (ICD) 187 Marijuana use in conjunction with smoking 37, 44 Mass media radio 274 television 241, 274 See also Advertising, tobacco products; Magazines, ethnic; Newspapers Maternal smoking. See Pregnancy and smoking Media literacy 241 Medicinal usage of tobacco. See Religious use of tobacco Memory. See Nicotine, physiological effects Menthol cigarettes 79, 142, 224, 242, 243, 244 Metabolism of nicotine. See Nicotine pharmacology Milwaukee County Youth Initiative 217 Minors’ access to tobacco. See Access of minors to tobacco products Misconceptions about causes of cancer 263 Monitoring the Future (MTF) surveys description of 21, 96 perceptions of risks of cigarette smoking 230-231 predictors of cigarette smoking in African American youth 226 smoking cessation 97 smoking prevalence American Indian and Alaska Native high school seniors 49 decline 36 young people 28, 30, 32, 37, 42, 44, 72-74 Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups MTV 274 Muscle relaxation. See Nicotine pharmacology Musical events, ethnic targeting by tobacco industry 218-219 Myocardial infarction 160, 164 N National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 213, 216 National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery (NAAAPI) 224, 287, 296, 297 National Association of Black Social Workers 216 National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs 216 National Black Caucus of State Legislators 215 National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer (NBLIC) 295 National Black Police Association 216 National Cancer Institute (NCI) 25, 74, 265, 277,279 National Cancer Institute Advisory Panel on Tobacco-Use Reduction Among High-Risk Youth 269 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 147, 154, 163 National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO) 215, 218 National Directory of Asian Pacific American Organizations 217 National Directory of Hispanic Organizations 217 National Coalition of 100 Black Women 216 National Conference of Black Lawyers 216 National Death Index 163 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANESL IL, 0D 71,86, 161, 164, 181 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) adults beliefs about health effects of smoking 264-265 cigarette brand preferences 79 cigarette smoking frequency 182 current cigarette smoking 87-90 effects of education and race/ethnicity on smoking behavior 83 ethnic differences in quitting smoking 183 exposure to environmental tobacco smoke 86-87, 172 involvement of health care providers 283-286 information needs 262-263 lung cancer death rates 146 Index 327 Surgeon General's Report measures of tobacco use 97 pipe and cigar use 91-92 prevalence of smoking 35, 92-93, 98-121, 122-124 quitting behavior 261 smoking prevalence estimates 124 smoking status and ethnicity 84 use of smokeless tobacco 94 African Americans and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 158 prevalence among successive birth cohorts 74-75, 76, 140 prevalence of cigarette smoking 22, 23-24 quitting behavior 25-26 women of reproductive age 26-28 young people 30-44 American Indians and Alaska Natives prevalence of cigarette smoking 44-45 quitting behavior 46, 48 women of reproductive age 48-49 young people 49-50 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders prevalence of cigarette smoking 56 quitting behavior 57 women of reproductive age 57,59 young people 59-60 Hispanics prevalence among successive birth cohorts 77 prevalence of cigarette smoking 66-69 quitting behavior 70, 237 women of reproductive age 71-72 young people 72-74 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 272 National High Blood Pressure Education Program 286 National High School Senior Surveys. See Monitoring the Future survey National Hispanic Scholarship Fund 217 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse _ ’ (NHSDA) 28, 36, 72, 182 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 28, 72 National Longitudinal Mortality Study 186 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey (NMIHS) 27, 28, 49, 170 National Medical Association (NMA) 276, 282, 283 National Medical Expenditure Survey 44 National Minority AIDS Council 216 National Mortality Followback Survey (NMFS) 161 National Natality Survey 27 National Pregnancy and Health Survey 28, 72 National Research Council 172 328 Index National Survey of Family Growth 27,71 National Survey of Oral Health in U.S. School Children 174 National Urban League 215, 216 National Vital Statistics System 138 Native American Indians, by region and tribe (smoking survey) 50-56 Neighborhood tobacco product advertising 221-222, 293-297 Neural actions of nicotine. See Nicotine, physiological effects Neurotransmitter release, changes caused by nicotine See Nicotine, physiological effects New York City, proposed ban on public smoking 218 Newsletters, smoking prevention campaigns 274 Newspapers 214,218. See also Magazines, ethnic Nicotine dependence and addiction 181-184 Nicotine pharmacology 175-184 Nicotine, physiological effects 175-179. See also Withdrawal symptoms, nicotine Nicotine replacement therapy 286 Nicotine yield 179 Nonsmokers exposure to environmental tobacco smoke 137 support for bans on tobacco ads 293-298 O 100 Black Men of America, Inc. 216 One Day ata Time 286 Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) 213, 216 Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America 216 Oral cancer 153-155,174 Orallesions 174-175 Oral leukoplakia 174 Outdoor advertisements. See Advertising, tobacco products Over-the-counter sales of cigarettes. See Access of minors to tobacco products Oxygen-carrying capacity, maternal, and effects of smoking 171 P Packaging 224 Parental attitudes toward smoking 40 Parental cigarette smoking, as risk factor for initiation 229 Passive smoke exposure. See Environmental tobacco smoke Pathways to Freedom Community Demonstration Project 280 Pathways to Freedom: Winning the Fight Against Tobacco 276 Patterns of tobacco use. See Cigarette consumption Peace pipe 210 Peer tobacco use 231-233 Perinatal mortality 166 Periodontal disease 174 Personal consultation for smoking cessation face-to-face 278 telephone 278 Pew Charitable Trusts 217 Pharyngeal cancer 174 Philadelphia Mayor’s Commission on Literacy 217 Physicians advice to patients regarding smoking 283-285 appearance in tobacco advertisements 243 Physiological measurement of cigarette smoking. See Biochemical markers of tobacco use Pipe smoking definition for surveys 92 history of 91-92 prevalence of 91-92 Point-of-sale displays. See Advertising, tobacco products Political campaign contributions by tobacco companies 217 Portland Life Center 216 Power distance 283 Predictors of tobacco use and initiation 231-233 Pregnancy and smoking abruptio placentae 171 African American vs. white 167-169 and other drug use 168 birth weight 166, 167-169, 171, 185 ectopic pregnancy 171 intention to breast-feed as predictor of smoking cessation 260 intrauterine growth retardation 166 preterm delivery 169 reduction of cigarette consumption 27,71, 167, 169 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 167, 169-171 See also Infant outcomes, effects of smoking during pregnancy; Smoking prevalence, during pregnancy Prevalence of cessation 8 Prevalence of smoking. See Smoking prevalence Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the Surgeon General 44,220 Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Prevention programs. See Mass media; School-based health education approaches Product endorsements. See Advertising, tobacco products Product targeting American Spirit cigarettes, American Indians 223 Dorado cigarettes, Hispanics 220, 222 Mild Seven cigarettes, Asian Americans 223 Rio cigarettes, Hispanics 220, 222 Uptown cigarettes, African Americans 222, 223-224, 294 Project SHOUT = 271-272 Project SMART 271 Programa Latino Para Dejar de Fumar 279-280 “Proposition 99” tobacco tax initiative 217,277 Psychosocial risk factors 225-233 Public health objectives 5. See also Healthy People 2000 Public places, antismoking policies. See Smoking bans in public places Public service announcements 279 Q Quit attempts. See Smoking cessation programs, quit attempts Quit for Life, employer-provided program 282 Quit Today! 280 R Race. See Ethnic groups Racial discrimination 214, 260 Radio. See Mass media Rappers/Pick It antismoking message 221 Rates of smoking. See Cigarette consumption Recidivism. See Relapse Regular smoking, definition of 97 Reinforcing effects of smoking tobacco 176 Relapse 25, 122, 261-262 Religion as protective factor 42, 226, 232 Religious use of tobacco 210 Reporting bias. See Data collection and analysis Reproductive health. See Pregnancy and smoking; Smoking prevalence, during pregnancy Resource guides for ethnic groups, tobacco industry support of 216-217 Retrospective analysis methodology. See Data collection and analysis Revenues. See Advertising, tobacco products, revenues Index 329 Surgeon General's Report Risk-taking behavior, factor in tobacco use 44,7 3, 95 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). See Youth Access Survey Role models. See Advertising, tobacco products Rompa Con El Vicio. Una Guia Para Dejar de Fumar 275 S Salem Freshside™ Salute 218 Salem Open tennis tournament 211 Sales to minors. See Access of minors to tobacco products San Antonio Heart Study 164 School-based health education approaches 269-273 School performance. See Academic performance and smoking initiation Schools, antismoking policies 289 Second-hand smoke. See Environmental tobacco smoke Self-help approach to smoking cessation 275-277 willpower 275 Self-reports of nicotine addiction, by ethnicity 181-183 Self-service tobacco displays, elimination of 266, 269 Sex differences. See Gender differences Sharing cigarettes 211, 212 SiPuedo 280 Sickle cell trait and smoking, effects on birth weight 171 Sidestream smoke. See Environmental tobacco Smoke Smokefree policies. See Smoking bans in public places Smokeless tobacco addiction 183 Smokeless tobacco use by ethnic group African Americans 44, 94,174 American Indians and Alaska Natives 49-50, 55, 94,174 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 60, 94, 174 Hispanics 74, 94 cessation programs 234 effects of 174-175 factors associated with initiation 232-233 prevalence 233-235 Skoal Bandit promotion 218, 219 use by adolescents 174, 232-233 Smokers, acceptance of. See Attitudes toward tobacco use; Cultural values; Social influences 330 = Index Smokers, definitions 97 Smoking abstinence, overnight, and loss of nicotine tolerance 178 Smoking: Facts and Quitting Tips for Black Americans 277 Smoking: Facts and Quitting Tips for Hispanics 277 Smoking bans in public places 287-292 enforcement in ethnic communities 289 Smoking cessation programs ageatcessation 46 among members of ethnic groups 14, 274-283, 286-287 approaches 259 attrition rate 277 culturally appropriate 259-262, 273, 274-283, 286, 287 desire to quit 260-262 education and ethnicity as factors 85 employer-provided programs 286 family-centered interventions 260 Freedom from Smoking in 20 Days 281 health benefits of 263-265 home visits 278 information needs 262-263 motivation to quit 260 nontraditional providers and 286-287 perceived ability to quit 286 pregnant women 285 prevalence of former smokers African Americans 25 American Indians and Alaska Natives 46 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 57 Hispanics 70 quit attempts, African Americans 25-26, 236 See also Community; Group approaches to smoking cessation; Self-help approach to smoking cessation Smoking initiation adolescents 225 by ethnic group African Americans 40, 78,226 American Indians and Alaska Natives 227 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 227 Hispanics 40, 78-79, 228-229 long-term trends, birth cohort analysis 78-79 multiple group studies 229 targeted advertising 223, 240-244 Smoking prevalence among adults 21-23, 26-28 among ethnic groups 12 among young people African Americans 28-31, 44 American Indians and Alaska Natives 49 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 59-60 Hispanics 72-73 See also Monitoring the Future surveys by ethnic group African Americans 22-25, 35, 74-75, 233 American Indians and Alaska Natives 44-46, 50-56, 233 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 56-59, 234 Hispanics 66-70, 75-77, 234-235 comparisons among ethnic groups 87-91 decline in smoking African Americans 27, 30, 31, 36, 38, 41, 74-75, 78 American Indians and Alaska Natives 49 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 56-57, 59, 61 Hispanics 69,71, 75-76, 78-79 decreased by cigarette taxes 292-293 during pregnancy African Americans 26-28, 29, 285 American Indians and Alaska Natives 29, 49, 285 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 29,59, 285 Hispanics 29, 71-72, 285 education and ethnicity as factors in smoking status 83-86 in Asian countries 65-66 in Latin American countries 69 in women of reproductive age African Americans 26-28 American Indians and Alaska Natives 48-49 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 57,59 Hispanics 71-72 regional and tribal tobacco use 50-56 retrospective analysis and assessment of African Americans 74-75 Hispanics 75-76 See also Gender differences Smoking prevention programs. See Mass media; School-based health education approaches Smoking recidivism. See Relapse Smoking reduction during pregnancy. See Pregnancy and smoking Snuff use. See Smokeless tobacco use Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Social influences smoking prevalence in Latin America 212 status-seeking behavior 224, 240-241 tobacco use at American Indian social gatherings 210 See also Cultural values Social Learning Theory 282 Social skills/ peer pressure resistance training for youth 271 Sociodemographic factors and decline in smoking by African American youth 36 Socioeconomic status coronary heart disease deaths 161 exposure to school-based smoking prevention programs 269 factor in the response to changes in cigarette price 292 smoking prevalence 83 targeting ofads 240-244 Software, interactive learning programs 273 Sponsorship by tobacco industry. See Tobacco industry Stages of change 225 Stanford Five-City Multifactor Risk Reduction Project 279, 284 Stomach cancer 155 Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco (STAT) 268 Stress. See Coping mechanism, cigarette smoking Strong Heart Study 45 Stroke as the major form of cerebrovascular disease 164 Suc Khoe La Vang! 283 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 169-171 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program 138, 146, 149, 151, 152, 156, 186 Surveys. See specific survey: Adult Use of Tobacco Survey (ALTS) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Current Population Survey (CPS) Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) Monitoring the Future (MTF) surveys National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey (TAPS) Youth Access Survey, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Synar Amendment. See Legislation Index 331 Surgeon General's Report T Task performance. See Nicotine, physiological effects Taxes on tobacco products excise taxes 292-293 sales taxes 292-293 Teach For America 217 Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey (TAPS) 21, 32, 36, 73, 81, 83, 96, 228, 266, 267 Terms related to tobacco use 8 Television. See Mass media Tobacco, alternative uses. See Religious use of tobacco Tobacco companies American Tobacco Co. 242, 244 British American Tobacco Co. 212 China National Tobacco Corporation 211 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. 217, 224, 242 Japan Tobacco Inc. 223 Liggett & Myers 242, 243 Lorillard 223, 241, 242, 243 Parliament 219 Philip Morris 216, 217, 218, 222, 241, 242 RJR Nabisco (R. J. Reynolds) 215, 216, 217, 219, 223, 224, 244 Sante Fe Tobacco Co. 223 Tobacco Institute 216 United States Tobacco Co. 219 Tobacco control. See Smoking cessation programs Tobacco industry African American involvement 208-209, 213-214 Asian production 211 community loyalty 213 funding of community agencies and organizations 215-217 Latin American production 212 shift of expenditures to promotional marketing 293 support for arts 218-219 support for cultural activities 218-219 support for education 217 support for ethnic communities, pride, and culture 213,216 Tobacco Use. See Smokeless tobacco use; Smoking prevalence Tobacco-Use Reduction Among High-Risk Youth, NCI Advisory Panel 269 Tobacco Workers International Union 208 Tumor suppressor gene p53 143 332 Index U Union of Pan Asian Communities 287 United Cambodian Community, Inc. 287 United Negro College Fund (UNCF) 215, 216, 217, 219 United Tobacco Workers 209 Urinary bladder cancer 156-157 Vv Values, used as a means of smoking cessation and health promotion effort 260 Vending machines 268-269 Victory Over Smoking—A Guide to Smoking Cessation for You and Your Family 277 Vietnamese Community Health Promotion Project 283 Virginia Slims fashion show 211 Ww Warning labels 298 Warning signs mandated by state, prohibition of sales to minors 268 Weight control and cigarette smoking 38-39, 277 Withdrawal symptoms, nicotine 178-179 Women. See Gender differences; Smoking prevalence Workplace environmental tobacco smoke exposure 287-288 See also Environmental tobacco smoke Y Young Men’s Christian Association 216 Youth advertising, effectiveness of 41 alcohol use 37, 38 attitudes toward tobacco use 38-41 knowledge of health consequences of smoking 227 skills training 271 See also Adolescents; Mass media; School-based health education approaches; Smoking initiation; Smoking prevalence Youth Access Survey, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) 269, 293, 298 Youth access to tobacco. See Access of minors to tobacco products Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) 74,96 29, 36, 44, 73,