warfarin pharmacokinetics, 12:38 SMOKING (See also SMOKE, TOBACCO; SMOKE INHALATION; SMOK- ING, CIGAR; SMOKING, PIPE; SNUFF DIPPING; TOBACCO CHEWING) air pollution and chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:37 and air pollution in lung neoplasm etiology, 5:25-27 allergy and, summary of findings, 1:23-24 antitrypsin deficiency and risk for chronic obstructive lung disease, 6:33-34 bladder neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:17 bladder neoplasms in coal gas work- ers and, 7:16 bronchitis and, summary of findings, 1:18 bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1:18-19 cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:13-15 chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:7 chronic obstructive lung disease and mortality, 6:9 coronary heart disease and, 4:21 effect of childhood respiratory symp- toms on adult respiratory tract disease, 6:38-39 effect of combined tobacco product use on mortality ratio, 2:35-36, 2:39 effect on absenteeism, 3:8, 3:10 effect on absenteeism, summary of findings, 1:12-13 effect on acrolein content in enclosed spaces, 11:25 effect on activity limitation, 3:13-14 effect on angina pectoris, 4:47 effect on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxyl- ase activity, 5:57 effect on asthmatic patients, 10:21- 22, 21:22 effect on benzo(a)pyrene content in enclosed spaces, 11:24 effect on carbohydrate metabolism, 12:65 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 15:29-30 effect on cardiovascular system, 12:15-16, 15:19 effect on catecholamine levels in plasma, 14:88 effect on cause-specific mortality ra- tio, 2:37-41 effect on central nervous system, 15:18-19 effect on cerebrovascular disease risk, 4:50 effect on corticosteroid secretion, 12:40 effect on dimethylnitrosamine con- tent in enclosed spaces, 11:25 effect on drug assays, 12:34 effect on enzyme activity, 1:25-26 effect on esophagus, 5:44, 13:25 effect on furosemide diuretic action, 12:54 effect on gastric secretion in man and animals, 9:12 effect on gastric secretion in peptic ulcer patients, 9:13-14 effect on hormones, 15:20 effect on imipramine pharmacokinet- ies, 12:33 . effect on immune system, 10:14-20 effect on immune system, summary of findings, 1:18-19, 1:23-24, 1:26 effect on incidence of acute condi- tions, 3:6, 3:9 effect on incidence of chronic condi- tions, 3:6-7 effect on learning, 15:18-19 effect on levels of carbon monoxide in expired air, 15:30 effect on lipid metabolism, 12:65 effect on lung function, 6:22 effect on lung function, summary of findings, 1:18 effect on lung neoplasm histologic type, 5:23-24 effect on lungs, summary of find- ings, 1:18-19 effect on morbidity, 3:5 effect on morbidity, summary of findings, 1:12-13 effect on mortality in the United States, 2:9 effect on mortality in women, 2:25 effect on mortality ratios, summary of findings, 1:10-12 effect on pancreatic secretion, 9:14— 15 effect on pesticide residue levels, 12:75 effect on peptic ulcer healing and recurrence, 9:8-9 effect on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, 12:27-44 effect on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, summary of findings, 1:25-26 effect on phenol red excretion, 12:39 effect on protein binding of drugs, 12:40 effect on protein metabolism, 12:65- 66 effect on pyloric pressure, 9:16 effect on respiratory symptoms in children, 6:11-12 effect on responses to diagnostic tests, summary of findings, 1:26 effect on salivary secretory IgA lev- els, 10:17 effect on secretin release, 9:15-16 effect on sleep, 15:11 effect on small airways function, 6:14-18 effect on small airways pathology, 6:24, 6:27 effect on vitamin Bg levels, 12:67 effect on vitamin Biz levels, 12:66 effect on vitamin C levels, 12:66 emphysema and, 6:24-26 emphysema and, summary of find- ings, 1:18-19 esophageal neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:17 heredity and mortality and, 2:41 interactive effect with occupational exposure, summary of findings, 1:19-20 kidney neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:17 laryngeal neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16-17 lung neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16 lung pathology at autopsy in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 6:18 methods for measuring usage, 15:29- 31 myocardial infarct and, 4:21 in myocardial infarct etiology, 4:38- 40 neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:15-17 and occupational exposure in lung neoplasm etiology, 27:29 and occupational hazards recommen- dations for research, 7:19 oral neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:17 pancreatic neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:17 peptic ulcer and, summary of find- ings, 1:28 in peptic ulcer etiology, 9:11-12 percent distribution of cigar, ciga- rette and pipe smokers in the United States, 13:9 in polycythemia etiology, 12:88 respiratory symptoms and, summary of findings, 1:18-19 respiratory tract diseases in children and, 6:11 as risk factor for chronic obstructive lung disease, research recommen- dations, 6:41-42 as risk factor for bladder neoplasms after exposure to aromatic amines, 7:16 standard conditions in the United States, 14:35 in sudden cardiac death etiology, 4:44.45 susceptibility to infections and, 10:19 synergistic effect with uranium on respiratory tract, 12:90 SMOKING AND HEALTH Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health, historical perspective, 1-5-10 effect of lifestyle, 3:11 history of research, 1:5~10 occupational hazards, 7:5 SMOKING, BIDIS leukoplakia and, 5:41 SMOKING CHARACTERISTICS adults in the United States 1964- 1975, A:21-22 effect of nicotine, 15:12 effect on arsenic levels in the respi- ratory tract, 14:57 effect on dependence, 14:97, 15:25 effect on nicotine absorption, 14:87 males vs. females, 5:21, 5:28 survey, respondent-reported styles, A:21-22 research issues, A:22 SMOKING, CIGAR (See also CIGARS; SMOKE, CI- GAR; SMOKERS, CIGAR, TO- BACCO, CIGAR) bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1:28 in cardiovascular disease etiology, 13:32-34 cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:28 in cerebrovascular disease etiology, 13:32-38 in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease etiology, 13:34-38 in coronary heart disease etiology, 13:32-33 effect of smoking duration on mor- tality ratio, 2:37 effect of smoking levels on lung neoplasm mortality, 13:27-28 effect of smoking levels on mortali- ty, 13:14-17 effect of smoking levels on mortality ratio, 2:36-37 effect of use with other tobacco products on mortality ratio, 2:35— 36, 2:39 effect. on blood pressure, 13:34 effect on cholesterol levels in serum, 13:34 effect on laryngeal neoplasm mortali- ty ratio, 13:24 effect on lung function, 13:34-35, 13:38 effect on lungs, 13:35 effect on mortality, 2:30, 2:35-37, 13:7-8, 13:13-14 effect on mortality rates, summary of findings, 1:27 effect on mortality ratios, 1:11-12 effect on neoplasm mortality ratios, 13:20 effect on oral neoplasm mortality ra- tios, 13:22 effect on pharyngeal neoplasm mor- tality ratios, 13:23 effect on respiratory symptoms, 13:36-37 emphysema and, 6:24-26 in lung neoplasm etiology, 13:28 NCSH survey in the United States, 13:8-9 neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:27-28 nicotine absorption and, 13:17 oral neoplasms and, 5:39 peptic ulcer and, summary of find- ings, 1:28 in peptic ulcer etiology, 13:38 percent distribution in the United States, 13:9 SMOKING DURATION age began smoking in males vs. fe- males, 5:21, 5:23 bladder neoplasms and, 5:45 effect of age began smoking on lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:13-14 effect of age began smoking on mortality ratio, 2:19-21 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:34 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio in women, 5:21-22 effect on mortality ratio, 2:17-19 effect on mortality ratio in cigar smokers, 2:37 effect on mortality ratio in ex-smok- ers, 2:28-29 effect on mortality ratio in pipe smokers, 2:38 effect on mortality ratio in women, 2:26-27 effect on myocardial infarct morbidi- ty and mortality, 4:35 SMOKING HABIT in blue- and white-collar workers, TAT carbon monoxide in maintenance, 15:15 carbon monoxide metabolism in maintenance, 15:17 central nervous system effects in es- tablishment, 15:11 central nervous system effects in maintenance, 15:18 clinical importance in drug monitor- ing, 12:41-42 dependence in maintenance, 15:17-18 diurnal variations, 15:25~-26 effect of 8-blocker on cardiovascular system, 15:19 effect of 8-blocker on central ner- vous system, 15:18-19 effect of 8-blocker on hormones, 15:20 effect of blood circulation on mainte- nance, 15:19-20 effect of heredity, 15:9-10 effect of hormones, 15:10 effect of nicotine, 15:7-8 effect of nicotine, summary of find- ings, 1:30-32 effect of nicotine metabolism, 15:16 effect of nicotine self-administration in animals, 15:11-12 effect of tar, 15:7 Index of General Psychological Well- Being and, 3:17-18 lifestyle and, 3:11 lung neoplasms, occupational risk and race differences, 7:17 maintenance factors, 15:13 maternal, personality and, 8:26-27 nicotine in maintenance, 15:14 pharmacological aspects, 15:5 research issues, A:22 role of carbon monoxide, 15:7 summary of behavioral and psychoso- cial research, 1:32-33 tar metabolism in maintenance, 15:17 tobacco metabolism and, 15:9 tobacco tars in maintenance, 15:15 trends in males vs. females in the United States, 5:19-21 women, 2:25-26, 5:19-21, 5:23 SMOKING LEVELS (See also CIGARETTE CONSUMP- TION) absenteeism and, 3:10 asbestos exposure and fibrosis, 7:18 carboxyhemoglobin levels as indicator of self-reporting accuracy, 3:12 chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:7, 6:10 effect on angina pectoris morbidity ratios, 4:48 effect on aortic aneurysm mortality ratios, 4:55 effect on atherosclerosis, 4:8-16 effect on bladder neoplasm risk, 5:45 effect on blood cholesterol levels, 4:62 effect on body weight during preg- nancy, 8:24 effect on coronary heart disease morbidity ratios, 4:27-33, 4:36-37 effect on coronary heart disease mortality ratios, 4:22-26, 4:36-37 effect on intermittent claudication incidence, 4:53 effect on kidney neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:49 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:33-36 effect on leukocyte count, 12:79-82 effect on life expectancy in the United States, 2:12 effect on lung function, 6:22 effect on lung neoplasm mortality in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:27-28 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio in women, 5:21-22 effect on lung neoplasm risk, 5:12- 18, 5:16, 5:18-19 effect on mortality ratio, 2:15-18, 5:13 effect on mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:14-17 effect on mortality ratio in cigar smokers, 2:36-37 effect on mortality ratio in ex-smok- ers, 2:28-29 effect on mortality ratio in pipe smokers, 2:36-38 effect on mortality ratio in women, 2:26-27 effect on myocardial infarct morbidi- ty and mortality, 4:35-36 effect on myocardial infarct risk in oral contraceptive users, 12:51-52 effect on pancreatic neoplasm mor- tality and risk ratios, 5:50, 5:52 effect on pancreatic secretion, 9:15 effect on lung pathology, 6:27 effect on peptic ulcer mortality rates, 9:11 effect on placental ratio, 8:15-16, 8:18 effect on serum vitamin By levels in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 8:73 effect on small airways function, 6:13-16 effect on sudden cardiac death mor- tality ratios, 4:43 emphysema and, 6:24-26 emphysema and radiation exposure and, 7:14 incidence of peptic ulcer and, 9:5 and lung pathology, 6:24 males vs. females, 5:21, 5:23 maternal, abruptio placentae, bleed- ing and placenta previa, 8:39 maternal, effect on birth weight, 8:12, 8:21, 8:25 maternal, effect on birth weight for gestational age, 8:20 maternal, effect on DDT content of breast milk, 8:51 maternal, effect on gestational age at birth, 8:43 maternal, effect on lactation, 8:50 maternal, effect on nicotine content of breast milk, 8:50 maternal, effect on perinatal mortali- ty, 8:33 maternal, effect on perinatal mortali- ty risk, 8:35 maternal, effect on weight gain and birth weight, 8:25 maternal, hyperkinesis in children and, 8:23 maternal, perinatal mortality and, 8:40 maternal, preeclampsia and toxemia and, 8:42 maternal, premature membrane rup- ture and, 8:39 maternal, sudden infant death syn- drome and, 8:44-45 maternal, spontaneous abortion and, 8:30 maternal, synergism with other risk factors for perinatal mortality, 8:35 occupational exposure and health risk, 7:17 and pathological lesions of small air- ways, 6:18-19 prevalence of acute conditions and, 13:9 prevalence of chronic conditions and, 3:7 prevalence of peptic ulcer and, 9:6 respiratory symptoms and, 6:20 respiratory tract diseases in children and, 6:11 risk for respiratory tract infections and, 6:30 sex ratio in chronic obstructive pul- monary disease and, 6:20 SMOKING MACHINES continuous vs. intermittent, 14:73 dosimetry, 14:74 SMOKING, MATERNAL abortion and, 8:9, 8:30-32 abortion and, research needs, 8:77 abruptio placentae and stillbirth and, 8:39 anoxia and perinatal mortality and, 8:47 antepartum hemorrhage and, 8:39 ' bleeding during pregnancy and, 8:39 breast feeding and, 8:51 breast feeding and, research needs, 8:78-79 during pregnancy, and respiratory in- fection incidence in offspring, 11:32 effect of biologie factors on birth weight, 8:14-15 effect of smoking levels on birth weight, 8:12, 8:16 effect of smoking levels on placental ratio, 8:15, 8:18 effect of tobacco smoke on fetus and infant, mathematical model, 8:74 effect of socioeconomic factors on birth weight, 8:14-15 effect on behavioral development in children, 8:22 effect on behavioral, intellectual and physical development in chiidren, 1:21 effect on bilirubin levels in neonate, 12:34 effect on birth weight, 8:9, 8:11-13, 8:17, 8:20-21, 8-26-27 effect on birth weight, research needs, 8:78 effect on birth weight, summary of findings, 1:21 effect on birth weight for gestation- al age, 8:19-20 effect on body height in children, 8:21-23 effect on body weight. during preg- nancy, 8:24 effect on body weight in children, 8:21-23 effect on breastfed infants, 8:51 effect on duration of gestation, 8:18 effect on fetal and neonatal mortali- ty, 8:41 effect on fetal breathing, 8:67 effect on fetal growth, 8:12, 8:18-19 effect on fetal growth, summary of findings, 1:21 effect on fetal growth in animals, research needs, 8:78 effect on fetal heart rate, 8:10, 8:67 effect on fetal thermogram, 8:68 effect on infant head and shoulder circumference, 8:19 effect on infant mortality, 8:10, 8:28 effect on intellectual development in children, 8:21-23 effect on lactation, 8:48, 8:50 effect on lactation, research needs, 8:78-79 effect on lactation, summary of find- ings, 1:22 effect on lymphocytotoxic antibodies, 10:18 effect on maternal and fetal carbox- yhemoglobin levels, 8:70 effect on maternal weight gain and fetal growth, 8:24-25 effect on nicotine content of breast milk, 8:50-51 effect on neurological development in children, 8:21-22 effect on oxygen availability in mother and fetus, 8:17 effect on perinatal mortality, 8:32, 8:34-35 effect on perinatal mortality, summa- ry of findings, 1:22 effect on physical development in children, 8:21-23 effect on placenta, 8:69 effect on placenta, research needs, 8:78 effect on placental metabolism, 8:68- 69 effect on placental ratio, 8:14 effect on pregnancy, 8:9-11 effect on respiratory tract infection incidence in children, 10:12, 11:32 effect on umbilical artery, 8:69 effect on vitamin C levels in breast milk, 8:52 in etiology of fetal mortality, 8:38 in etiology of neonatal mortality, 8:38 in etiology of perinatal moratality in low birth weight infants, 12:67 hospital admission rates of children and, 11:33 hyperkinesis in children and, 8:23 hypotensive effeet of thiocyanate lev- els, 8:42 incidence of low birth weight and, 8:12 long-term study of effects on chil- dren, research needs, 8:77 neonatal mortality and, research needs, 8:76 perinatal mortality risk and, 8:28 personality characteristics and, 8:26 placenta previa and, 8:39 preeclampsia and, research needs, 8:77 pregnancy complications and, re- search needs, 8:76-77 premature membrane rupture and, 8:39 prematurity and, 1:22 preterm delivery and infant mortali- ty risk, 8:42 smoking levels and spontaneous abor- tion, 8:30 spontaneous abortion and, 8:9, 8:30- 32 spontaneous abortion in wanted vs. unwanted pregnancy and, 8:30-32 stillbirth and, 8:36-37 sudden infant death syndrome and, 8:44-45 sudden infant death syndrome and, research needs, 8:77 SMOKING, PARENTAL (See also SMOKING, MATERNAL) effect on asthmatic children, 10:21 effect on children, 11:31 effect on respiratory tract infection incidence in children, 10:12 effect on youth, 17:5, 17:13, 21:13-14 maintenance of smoking and, 18:15 prevalence of respiratory disease in children and, 11:32-34 sudden infant death syndrome and, 8:45 SMOKING, PIPE (See also SMOKE, PIPE; SMOK- ERS, PIPE; TOBACCO, PIPE) in bronchial neoplasm etiology, 13:28-29 bronchopulmonary diseases and, sum- mary of findings, 1:28 cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:28 in cardiovascular disease etiology, 13:32-34 in cerebrovascular disease etiology, 13:32-33 in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease etiology, 13:34-38 in coronary heart disease etiology, 13:32-33 effect of smoking duration on mor- tality ratio, 2:38 effect of smoking levels on lung neoplasm mortality, 13:27-28 effect of smoking levels on mortality ratio, 2:36-38, 13:14-17 effect of use with other tobacco products on mortality ratio, 2:35— 36, 2:39 effect on blood pressure, 13:34 effect on cholesterol levels in serum, 13:34 effect on lungs, 13:35 effect on mortality, 1:11-12, 2:30, 2:35-37, 13:7-8, 13-13-14 effect on mortality rates, summary of findings, 1:27 effect on laryngeal neoplasm mortali- ty ratios, 13:24 effect on lung function, 13:34-35, 13:38 effect on neoplasm mortality ratios, 13:20 effect on oral neoplasm mortality ra- tios, 13:22 effect on pharyngeal neoplasm mor- tality ratios, 13:23 effect on respiratory symptoms, 13:36-37 emphysema and, 6:24-26 in ex-cigarette smokers, 19:29 in lip neoplasm etiology, 13:21 NCSH survey in the United States, 13:8-9 neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:27-28 oral neoplasms and, 5:39 peptic ulcer and, summary of find- ings, 1:28 in peptic ulcer etiology, 13:38 percent distribution in the United States, 13:9 SMOKING PREVALENCE adults in the United States, A:11, A:12-14 Health Interview Survey data, A:138 socioeconomic status and, A:15-16 teenagers in the United States, A:13-14 in white and black adults 1965-1976, A:15 SMOKING SURVEYS adults in the United States 1949- 1978, A:8-10 adults in the United Statds 1968- 1974, A:18 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 3:11-12 Health Interview Survey, 3:8-18 medical faculty of Dublin University College, 22:14 National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health, 3:11 research design, 17:7 smoking and work-loss and bed-disa- bility days, 3:8-18 teenagers in the United States 1968- 1974, A:18 SMOKING WITHDRAWAL STUDY CENTRE (TORONTO) group cessation program, 19:11 SNUFF carbon monoxide as reinforcing agent, 15:7 consumption in the United States, 14:13 effect of manufacturing process, 14:30 effect on mouth mucosa in women. 13:39-40 in leukoplakia etiology, 13:40 in oral neoplasm etiology, 13:39-40 prevalence of use in the United States, 13:10, 13:39 tobacco selection, processing and manufacture, 13:38-39 SNUFF DIPPING (See also SMOKING) health effects, summary of findings, 1:29 SOCIAL FACTORS effect on mortality, 2:42 SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS cessation of smoking and, 18:20-22 recidivism and, 19:31 smoking and chronic obstructive lung disease, 6:38 smoking in adolescents and, 17:8 smoking prevalence in adults and, A:15-16, 18:16 SOIL effect on metal levels in tobacco, 14:58 effect on tobacco quality, 14:16 STANFORD HEART DISEASE PRE- VENTION PROGRAM effect on cessation of smoking, 19:15-16, 21:24-25 STILLBIRTH maternal smoking and, 8:36-37 etiology of, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 8:36-37 maternal smoking and abruptio pla- “eentae and, 8:39 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:36 STIMULUS CONTROL TREATMENT modification of smoking behavior, 16:16, 19:20-21, 19:29 STRESS (See also ANXIETY) nicotine excretion and, 16:8 STROKE oral contraceptives and smoking and, 12:51 smoking and, 4:50, 4:52 STRUCTURAL FORMULA carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hy- drocarbons, 14:53 catechol, 14:56 heterocyclic compound carcinogens, 14:55 isoprenoids, 14:50 maleic hydrazide, 14:62 nicotine, 14:46 nicotine metabolic pathway, 14:93 nitrosamines, 14:46 pesticides in cigarette smoke, 14:62 pesticides in tobacco, 14:62 phenol, 14:56 tobacco alkaloids, 14:46, 14:95 weakly acidic heterocyclic compounds in cigarette smoke, 14:56 STUDENTS, COLLEGE alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use, 18:14 health education opportunities, 21:9- 11 smoking habits, 22:18 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE effect of smoking and oral contra- ceptives on risk, 4:50, 4:60-61 SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH coronary heart disease and, 4:41-43 effect of smoking levels on mortality ratios, 4:43 induced by cholesterol and ischemia in primates, 4:43 research needs, 4:45 risk factors, 4:43-44 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:43-44 smoking in etiology of, 4:44-45 SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYN- DROME effect of maternal smoking, 8:44-45 maternal smoking levels and, 8:44-45 research needs, 8:77 SULFUR COMPOUNDS levels in cigarette smoke, 14:40 SWEDISH TWIN REGISTRY mortality ratios in smokers, 2:42 SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION modification of smoking behavior, 19:22 TAR CONTENT of cigarettes and health characteris- ties, 3:11 decrease in modern cigarettes, A:19- 20 sales weighted average per cigarette 1954-1977, A:19 TARS, CIGAR . carcinogenicity, 13:30-32 in cigars, 14:44 TARS, CIGARETTE and beta radiation induced skin car- cinoma in mice, 7:10 determination in mainstream smoke, 14:43 effect on mortality, 2:22 effect on smoking habit, 15:7 metabolism in maintenance of smok- ing habit, 15:17 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and, 14:52 reduction, effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:15-16 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:108 reduction methods, 14:110 sales weighted average delivery in the United States, 14:109 summary of constituents, 1:29-30 TARS, PIPE carcinogenicity, 13:30-32 TARS, TOBACCO (See also PARTICULATE PHASE, CIGARETTE SMOKE; TARS, CI- GAR; TARS, CIGARETTE; TARS, PIPE; TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER) carcinogens, cocarcinogens and tumor promoters, 5:54—57 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:15 TEACHERS attitudes and smoking habits of coaches, 21:13 attitudes toward school smoking ‘in principals, 23:14 attitudes toward smoking education, 21:12-18 : health education certification require- ments, 23:28-31 . as role models, 17:15, 21:12-13, 23:11-12, 23:35-36 school smoking policies, 23:8-12 smoking habits, 23:35-36. training in adult education, 21:9 training in antismoking education, 17:19, 20:14, 20:17, 23:21, 23-31- 35, 23:39 . training in health education, 20:19- 20, 21:11, 21:19-21 TEENAGERS (See also ADOLESCENTS) cigarette consumption patterns in the United States, A:23 female, increase in smoking preva- lence, A:14 : smoking prevalence data, A:13-14 stioking surveys in the United States 1968-1974, A:18 . TERMPERATURE PROFILES effect of cigarette composition and size, 14:35 . TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL (See also CANNABIS) effect on enzyme activity, 12:42-43 THEOPHYLLINE effect of methylcholanthrene on me- tabolism in rats, 12:32 pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:31-32 THERMAL ENERGY ANALYZER in tobacco analysis, 14:9 THIOCYANATE LEVELS (See also CYANIDES) in clinical determination of smoking levels, 12:42 in plasma of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 7:7 maternal smoking and hypotensive effect, 8:42 monitoring in cessation studies, 19:7, 19:20, 19:28 in saliva of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:30 in urine of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 1:4 THROMBOANGITIS OBLITERANS (See also THROMBOSIS) allergy and, 4:60 atherosclerosis and, 4:60 clinical and pathological features, 4:60 role of tobacco proteins in etiology of, 4:60. smoking and, 4:60 THROMBOEMBOLISM oral contraceptives and smoking and, 12:51 THROMBOSIS” - : (See also CARDIOVASCULAR DIS- EASES; CORONARY HEART DIS- EASE; THROMBOANGIITIS OB- LITERANS) . mortality rates in cigar and pipe smokers, 4:59 mortality rates in smokers vs. non- smokers, 4:59 research needs, 4:59 smoking and, 4:59 smoking and oral contraceptives and, 4:59 TOBACCO - (See also TOBACCO CHEWING; ' TOBACCO, CIGAR; TOBACCO, CIGARETTE; TOBACCO, PIPE) allergic effects on cardiovascular sys- tem, 10:22-23 allergy and, summary of findings, 1:23-24 in allergy etiology, 10:23-24 amine and nitrosamine content, 12:74 antigen, role in immunoglobulin dis- ease entities, 10:7 antigenicity of, 10:9-10 blends in cigarette manufacturing, effect on smoke constituents, 14:29 carcinogenesis induction in animals, 5:53-54 carcinogenesis induction in animals, summary of methods, 5:29-30 constituents, in main- vs. sidestream smoke, 11:5-6 constituents, effect with occupational exposure on health, 7:7-9 consumption, historical trends in the United States, 1:5 immune hyperresponsiveness, 10:20 isoprenoid levelg, 14:48-49 male vs. female consumption in the United States, 14:18 metabolism in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 15:9 pesticide residue reduction, 14:61 production by type in the United States 1964-1975, 14:12 radicelement levels, 14:60 stems, used in cigarette manufactur- ing in the United States, 14:18 types, components after aging, 14:21 types, production in the United States 1964-1975, 14:12 types and classes, 14:13-15 types used in smoking products, 14:14 usability index, 14:23 usage measuring techniques, 15:29-31 worldwide production levels, 14:11 TOBACCO ADDITIVES effect on percent weight of products, 14:63 use in chewing tobacco and snuff, 13:39 TOBACCO AGING effect on components of tobacco types, 14:21 effect on taste and aroma, 14:19 methods, 14:19 TOBACCO CHEWING (See also BETEL CHEWING) carbon monoxide as reinforcing agent, 15:7 consumption in the United States, 14:18 effect of manufacturing process, 14:30 health effects, summary of findings, 1:29 leukoplakia and, 5:41 in leukoplakia etiology, 13:40-41 nitrosamines and, 14:45 in oral neoplasm etiology, 13:40-41 oral neoplasms and, 5:39-40 prevalence in the United States, 13:10, 13:39 tobacco selection, processing and manufacture, 13:38-39 TOBACCO, CIGAR (See also CIGARS; SMOKE, CI- GAR; SMOKERS, CIGAR; SMOK- ING, CIGAR) components after fermentation, 14:22 storage and fermentation, 14:19-20 U.S. government definition, 13:10 TOBACCO, CIGARETTE (See also CIGARETTES; SMOKE, CIGARETTE; SMOKERS; SMOK- ING) United States Government definition, 13:10 TOBACCO, PIPE (See also SMOKE, PIPE; SMOK- ERS, PIPE; SMOKING, PIPE) consumption in the United States, 14:13 effect of manufacturing process, 14:30 United States Government definition, 13:11 TOBACCO COMBUSTIBILITY (See alzo TOBACCO PYROLYSIS) growth conditions and, 14:16-17 precursors of smoke constituents with tumor activity and, 14:23 TOBACCO CONTAMINANTS aflatoxin B,, 14:22 pesticides, effect on smoking quality, 14:18 radioelements, 14:20-21 TOBACCO CULTURE chemical conversions, 14:19-20 effect on tobacco leaf components, 14:16-17 effect on tobacco quality, 14:16 harvesting and tobacco quality, 14:17-18 methods for quality improvement, 14:17-18 TOBACCO CURING effect on nitrosamine levels, 14:45 effect on polonium-210 content, 14:113 homogenized leaf curing, 14:19, 14:26 maleic hydrazide and, 14:47 methods, 14:19 nicotine reduction and, 14:108 tar reduction and, 14:108 Tobacco extracts See TOBACCO LEAF EXTRACTS TOBACCO INDUSTRY economic impacts, 21:18 TOBACCO LEAF alkane content, 14:48 allergies in tobacco workers, 10:20 antigens, 10:11 characteristics, as “markers” for smoke delivery and composition, 14:22-23 characteristics, correlations with smoke constituents, 14:24 characteristics and biological re- sponse, 14:25 classes produced in the United States, 14:14 combustibility and growth conditions, 14:16-17 components, 14:16 components, effect of tobacco cul- ture, 14:16-17 components, fraction-l-protein as food source, 14:28 components, modification, 14:30 effect of aging, 14:19 effect of cultivation conditions on smoking quality, 14:15-16 effect of curing, 14:19 effect of growth conditions on com- ponents, 14:16-17 effect of stalk position on compo- nents, 14:18, 14:20 effect of stalk position on quality, 14:17-18, 14:20 effect on mainstream smoke composi- tion, 14:38 effect on smoke components, 14:11 “markers”, and modification of bio- logical effect, 14:23 nicotine levels, 14:45 nonvolatile nitrosamine levels, 14:45 physical and chemical characteristics affecting smoking quality, 14:14- 16 relation of chemical components to smoking quality, 14:20 United States Government grading system, 14:14 TOBACCO LEAF EXTRACTS in allergy desensitization injections, 10:13 antigenicity, 10:10 in carcinogenesis induction in ani- mals, summary of methods, 5:29- 30 skin test reactions in allergic vs. nonallergic children, 10:13 skin test reactions in asthmatic pa- tients, 10:10 skin test reactions in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 10:13 TOBACCO PROTEINS allergic and irritant reactions, 10:13 antigenicity, 10:11 effect on blood coagulation, 4:60 role in thromboangiitis obliterans eti- ology, 4:60 skin test reactions, 10:12 TOBACCO PYROLYSIS (See also TOBACCO COMBUSTI- BILITY) aromatic hydrocarbon reduction and, 14:111 benzene levels and, 14:49 naphthalene levels and, 14:49 Tobacco reconstituted See TOBACCO SHEET TOBACCO SHEET carcinogenicity, 14:29 ciliatoxicity, 14:105 economic effect on industry, 14:27 effect. on tobacco product manufac- turing, 14:27 tar levels and, 14:44 technological advances, 14:9 in cigarette manufacturing in the United States, 14:13 in tobacco product manufacturing, 14:27 Tobacco smoke See SMOKE, TOBACCO TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES ciliatoxicity, 14:105 smoking habit and, 15:8 TOBACCO TYPES carboxylic acid levels, 14:57 in chewing tobacco, 13:39 in cigarette manufacturing in the United States, 14:18, 14:14 production in the United States, 1964-1975, 14:12 tar levels, 14:44 TOBACCO WITHDRAWAL SYN- DROME degree of deprivation and, 15:27 dependence and, 15:24-25 severity in males vs. females, 15:28 summary of findings, 1:32 time course, 15:26 TOBACCO WORKERS abortion, 8:9 allergic asthma, 10:21 allergies to tobacco leaf products, 10:20 contact dermatitis, 10:23 TOLERANCE to carbon monoxide in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:15 to cigarette, smoke in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:16-17 effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 15:16 to tobacco in maintenance of smok- ing habit, 15:13-15 TONGUE NEOPLASMS (See also MOUTH NEOPLASMS) alcohol consumption and smoking and, 5:41 TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER (See also PARTICULATE PHASE, CIGARETTE SMOKE; TARS, TO- BACCO) carcinogens, 14:65 effect of homogenized leaf curing, 14:27 : levels in cigar smoke, 13:11 nicotine reduction, 14:108 tar levels, 14:44 TOXEMIA maternal smoking levels and, 8:42 TRACHEA (See also RESPIRATORY SYSTEM) effect of cigar smoke on cilia in cats, 13:37 in smoke inhalation methodology, 14:74 TRACHEAL NEOPLASMS (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) in hamster offspring after nitrosa- mine injection of lactating moth- ers, 8:50 induced by nitrosamines in animals, 5:30 . TRACHEOBRONCHIAL CLEARANCE (See also MUCOCILIARY SYSTEM) effect of tobacco smoke in dogs, 10:15 TRYPTOPHAN METABOLISM bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:67 TUMOR PROMOTERS (See also CARCINOGENS; COCAR- CINOGENS) role in carcinogenesis, 5:54 in tobacco smoke gas phase, 5:54-55 in tobacco smoke particulate phase, 5:54.55, 5:57 TWINS lung neoplasm mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 5:23 mortality ratio in smokers, 2:42 smoking habit and heredity, 15:9-10 ULCER, PEPTIC cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:28 cigar and pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:38 economic impact in the United States, 9:17 effect of smoking on bile reflux, 9:16 effect of smoking on healing, 9:9 effect of smoking on mortality in males, 9:10-11 effect of smoking on size, healing, and recurrence, 9:8-9 epidemiology, 9:5 etiology, 9:11-12, 9:16-17 healing in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 9:10 incidence in the United States, 9:17 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:38 mortality in smokers, 2:41 prevalence in male and female smok- ers and nonsmokers, 9:6-7, 9:8, 9:17 prevalence in Poland, 9:6 prevalence ratios in six countries, 9:8 role of nicotine in induction, 9:12-13 smoking, coffee and alcohol consump- tion and, 9:6 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:23 smoking in etiology of, 9:11-12 smoking levels and prevalence of, 9:6 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ANTI- SMOKING EDUCATION STUDY description, 20:15-18 evaluation, 17:20, 20:11 teaching approaches, 23:26-27 URANIUM and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:28 synergistic effect with smoking on respiratory tract, 12:90 URETHANE in cigarette smoke, 14:41 URINE acidity and nicotine excretion, 16:8 effect of pH on nicotine metabolism, 14:92-93 nicotine content as measure of tobac- co usage, 15:29 USABILITY INDEX tobacco leaf “markers” in develop- ment, 14:23 VENTILATION RATE effect on eye irritation, 11:26-27 VERBAL REPORTS (See also SELF REPORTS) as measure of tobacco usage, 15:31 Ventilatory function tests See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) VETERANS ADMINISTRATION recommendations for smoking control by health professionals, 22:22-23 Vital capacity measurements See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS VITAMIN B, LEVELS effect of smoking, 12:67 VITAMIN Bu levels, effect of smoking, 12:66 levels in pregnant smokers vs. non- smokers, 8:73 tobacco amblyopia and, 12:66 VITAMIN C LEVELS in breast milk, effect of maternal smoking, 8:52 effect of nicotine in animals, 12:66 effect of smoking, 12:66 in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:74 / in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:34, 12:66 VITAMIN DEFICIENCY smoking in etiology of, 12:66-67 WARFARIN effect of benzo(a)pyrene on pharma- cokinetics in rats, 12:38 effect of smoking on metabolism, 12:55 pharmaer"inetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:38 WEIGHT GAIN and smoking cessation, 19:31 WITHDRAWAL CLINICS (See also CESSATION OF SMOK- ING) effectiveness, 19:10-12, 19:15 evaluation design, 19:33-34, 19:36 sponsored by voluntary agencies, 21:16 WITHDRAWAL STATE and maintenance of nonsmoking, 19:31 neuroticism and, 18:9 recidivism and, 16:18 as reinforcer of smoking, 16:9-11 symptoms, 16:14 WOMEN (See also SEX RATIO) acute conditions in smokers vs. non- smokers, 3:8 cigarette consumption patterns in the United States, A:23 effect of inhalation, smoking dura- tion and smoking levels on mor- tality ratio, 2:26-27 effect of less hazardous cigarettes on mortality ratios, 2:23-24 effect of smoking on mortality, 2:25- 27 laryngeal neoplasm risk in ex-smok- ers, 5:38 laryngeal neoplasm risk in smokers, 5:36 lung neoplasm mortality rates, 5:16— 18, 5:20 lung neoplasm mortality ratio in smokers, 5:20-22 myocardial infarct in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:35-36, 12:52 severity of tobacco withdrawal syn- drome, 15:28 smoking habit, 2:25-62, 5:19-21, 5:23 smoking prevalence, A:11, A:12-13, A:17-18 WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPER- ANCE UNION antismoking campaign, 23:12-13 WOMEN’S MOVEMENT influence on adolescent smoking, 18:16-17 influence on smoking habits, 17:18 and sex differences in cessation of smoking, 18:21 WORKPLACE PROGRAMS antismoking campaigns, 7:18-19 coronary prevention programs, 22:16- 17, 22:19 mouification of smoking behavior, 19:9-10, 19:28-29 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION report on antismoking legislation, 21:18 YMCA antismoking programs, 20:24 ZINC LEVELS smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:73 x US. 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