state mandates for health education, 23:5-7, 23:18, 23:15-16, 23-18 state smoking laws, 21:27-28 LEUKEMIA (See also NEOPLASMS) benzene and, 14:51 LEUKOCYTES cell count in cigar and pipe smokers, 12:81 cell count in ex-smokers, 12:81 cell count in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:79-82 chemotaxis in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:82 effect of inhalation and smoking lev- els on cell count, 79-82 granular, levels in smokers, 10:20 LEUKOPLAKIA (See also MOUTH NEOPLASMS) betel chewing and, 5:41 bidi smoking and, 5:41 snuff in etiology of, 13:40 tobacco chewing and, 5:41 tobacco chewing in etiology of, 13:40-41 LIFE EXPECTANCY (See also MORTALITY) definition, 2:11 effect of smoking levels in the Unit- ed States, 2:12 LIFE SKILLS TRAINING antismoking education component, 20:11 LIP NEOPLASMS (See also MOUTH NEOPLASMS) aleohol consumption and smoking and, 5:41 pipe smoking and, 1:27 pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:21 relative risk in cigarette vs. cigar vs. pipe smokers, 13:22 LIPIDS effect of smoking on metabolism, 12:65 LIVER function, effect of aromatic hydro- carbons, 12:7-8 organ weight in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:9 LOBELINE nicotine substitute, 19:16-17 LOCUS OF CONTROL academic achievement and, 20:22 cessation of smoking and, 18:18 maintenance of smoking and, 18:9 Low-tar cigarettes See CIGARETTES, LOW-TAR Lung diseases See BRONCHOPULMONARY DIS. EASES; BYSSINOSIS; CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASES; RESPIRATORY TRACT DIS- EASES LUNG FUNCTION (See also RESPIRATORY FUNC- TION TESTS) effect of carbon monoxide exposure, 11:27-28 effect of cessation of smoking, 6:22- 23 effect of cigar smoking, 13:34-35, 13:38 effect of nicotine, 14:90 effect of passive smoking in asth- matic patients, 10:22 effect of pipe smoking, 13:34-35, 13:38 effect of smoking, 6:22, 14:90 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:18 effect of smoking levels, 6:22 sex ratio, 6:21-22 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:21 in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 6:23 smoking in chlorine workers and, 7:10 smoking in coal miners and, 7:9 smoking in cotton workers and, 7:9 in white, black and oriental smoking and nonsmoking men and wom- en, 6:21 LUNG NEOPLASMS (See also BRONCHIAL NEO- PLASMS RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) air pollution in etiology of, 5:25-27 animal models, 5:29-31 aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induci- bility and, 5:57 asbestos and smoking in etiology of, 5:28 carcinoembryonic antigen test in di- agnosis of, 12:61 chloromethyl ethers and smoking in etiology of, 5:29 in chloromethyl ether workers, 7:16 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:28 cigar smoking in etiology of, 13:28 effect of age began smoking on mortality ratio, 13:14 effect of cessation of smoking on risk and mortality ratios, 5:24-26 effect of filtered vs. unfiltered ciga- rettes on risk, 5:16, 5:18-19 effect of inhalation on mortality ra- tio, 5:14-15 effect of low tar and nicotine ciga- rettes on mortality ratio, 5:15-17 effect of smoking levels on mortality ratio, 5:13 effect of smoking levels on risk, 5:12-18, 5:16, 5:18-19 effect of smoking on histologic type, 5:23-24 effect of smoking on mortality rates, 5:9-11 heredity and, 5:23 histologic types, 5:23-24 induced by benzo(a)pyrene in ham- sters, 5:30 induced by nitrosamines in animals, 5:30 mortality in asbestos workers, 7:11- 12 mortality rates in cigar vs. pipe smokers, 5:23 mortality rates in women, 5:16-18, 5:20- mortality ratio in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:26 mortality rate trends in Great Brit- ain and the United States, 5:10- 11 mortality ratio in smokers vs. non- smokers, 5:11-12 nickel and smoking in etiology of, 5:28 occupational exposures and smoking in etiology of, 5:27-29, 7:17 relative risk in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:29-30 role of pulmonary alveolar macro- phages, 5:31 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:16 smoking and occupational risk in whites and nonwhites, 7:17 smoking in asbestos workers and, 711-18 smoking in etiology of, historical per- spective, 5:9 smoking in uranium miners and, 7:14 in smoking vs. nonsmoking twins, 5:23 uranium and smoking in etiology of, 5:28 in urban vs. rural areas, 5:25-27 LUNGS (See also RESPIRATORY SYSTEM) air pollution and pathology in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 6:36 effect of cigar smoking, 13:35 effect of pipe smoking, 13:35 effect. of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:76 effect of smoke inhalation in mon- keys, 14:76 effect of smoking, 6:18 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:18-19 effect of smoking levels on patholo gy, 6:24-27 effect of smoking on pathogenesis, 6:25-26 enzyme induction of emphysema, 6:28 nicotine absorption, 14:85 organ weight in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:9 LYMPHOCYTES B and T, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:31 effect of smoking, 10:19 effect of tobacco smoke in mice, 10:19 effect of tobacco smoke on immune function, 10:17 MACROPHAGES, ALVEOLAR (See also PHAGOCYTOSIS) in bronchial fluid of smokers, 6:28 count in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:29 effect of cigarette smoke, 6:29-30 effect of cigarette smoke on phago- eytic activity, 10:17 effect of tobacco smoke, 10:15-16 effect of tobacco smoke on count and ultrastructure, 10:16 effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:76 effect of smoke inhalation in mon- keys, 14:76 elastase release in smokers vs. non- smokers, 6:30 in lung neoplasm etiology, 5:31 protease activity in smokers vs. non- smokers, 6:29 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:31 Mainstream smoke See SMOKE, CIGARETTE MAIN- STREAM; SMOKE STREAMS MALEIC HYDRAZIDE hydrazine levels and, 14:41 structural formula, 14:62 tobacco curing and, 14:47 MALES (See also SEX RATIO) smoking prevalence, A:11, A:12-13, A:17-18 MARIJUANA (See also CANNABIS; DRUG ABUSE) correlation with tobacco smoking, 18:14 effect on enzyme activity, 12:42-48 effect on pharmacokinetics, 12:42-43 effect on pregnant animals, 8:58 MATERNAL-FETAL EXCHANGE aromatic hydrocarbons in animals, 8:66 benzo(a)pyrene in animals, 8:66 carbon monoxide in sheep, 8:59 carbon monoxide in sheep and dogs, 8:58 nicotine in animals, 8:54 Maternal smoking See SMOKING, MATERNAL Maximum mid-expiratory flow rate measurements See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS MECAMYLAMINE nicotine antagonist, 16:8-9 MEDICAL STUDENTS antismoking education, 22:17-18 perceptions of physicians’ smoking habits, 22:7 smoking habits, 18:8, 22:18 MEDITATION in modification of smoking behavior, 19:22 Men See MALES MEPERIDINE total clearance in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:39 MEPROBAMATE cessation aid, 19:17 MERCURY (See also METALS) levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:73 smoking and occupational exposure, TT MESOTHELIOMA (See also CARCINOGENESIS; NEOPLASMS) smoking and asbestos exposure and, 7:12 METABOLISM (See also NICOTINE METABO- LISM) carbon monoxide in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:17 effect of smoking on carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, 12:65 effect of tobacco smoke on food con- stituents and additives, 12:75-76 nicotine in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:16 nicotine, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:9 tar, in maintenance of smoking hab- it, 15:17 METALS (See also CADMIUM; CALCIUM; LEAD; MERCURY; NICKEL) cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 in cigarette smoke as carcinogens, 14:59-60 levels in particulate phase cigarette smoke, 14:59 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:73-74 in tobacco smoke, 14:58-59 METHYL PARATHION smoking and occupational exposure, 77 METHYLCHOLANTHRENE (See also AROMATIC HYDROCAR- BONS) effect on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxyl- ase activity in rats, 12:28-29 effect on enzyme activity, 12:21-22 effect on phenacetin pharmacokinet- ics in rats, 12:28-29 effect on RNA metabolism, 12:21-22 effect on theophylline metabolism in rats, 12:32 in oral neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:42 METHYLENE CHLORIDE occupational hazards, 7:8-9 MORBIDITY (See also MORTALITY) bed disability in smokers vs. non- smokers, 3:12 bronchitis and emphysema in the United States, 6:20 coronary heart disease in ex-smokers, 4:38 effect of cessation of smoking, sum- mary of findings, 1:12-13 effect of smoking, 3:5 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:12-13 effect of smoking on acute condi- tions, 3:6 effect of smoking on chronic condi- tions, 3:6-7 findings of NCHS National Health Interview Survey, 1:12-13 incidence of acute conditions in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 3:9 peptic ulcer in the United States, 9:17 prevalence rate of chronic conditons, 3:6-7 smoking and lung neoplasms and oc- cupational risk, 7:17 work-days lost, 3:8-9 MORBIDITY RATIO angina pectoris, effect of smoking levels, 4:48 coronary heart disease in ex-smokers, 4:28-31, 4:34-35 coronary heart disease in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:27-38, 4:36-37 MORTALITY (See also EXCESS DEATHS; FE- TAL MORTALITY; INFANT MOR- TALITY; LIFE EXPECTANCY; MORBIDITY; PERINATAL MOR- TALITY) annual probability of dying in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smok- ers, 2:30-34 bronchitis in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:34 chronic obstructive lung disease in smokers, 2:41, 6:9 chronic obstructive lung disease in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 6:10 cigar and pipe smokers vs. ex-smok- ers, 13:8 cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:13-14 effect of age began smoking, 2:19 effect of cigar smoking, 2:30, 2:35-37 effect of environmental factors, 2:42 effect of heredity in smoking related disease, 2:41-42 effect of inhalation, 2:20 effect of inhalation in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:18 effect of nicotine and tar content, 2:22 effect of pipe smoking, 2:30, 2:35-37 effect of smoking in the United States, 2:9 effect of smoking in women, 2:25 effect of smoking levels in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:14-16 effect of social factors, 2:42 effect of years since quitting in ex- smokers, 2:27-34, 2:35 emphysema in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:34 epidemiological studies, 2:12-15 esophageal neoplasms in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:24 ex-smokers, 2:26-30 methods of measuring, 2:10-11 peptic ulcer in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:38 peptic ulcer in smokers, 2:41, 9:10 peptic ulcer in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 9:17 respiratory tract infections in smok- ers, 2:4] risk from pregnancy and childbirth vs, oral contraceptive use, 12:52 smoking and lung neoplasms and as- bestos exposure, 7:11 MORTALITY RATES age groups in the United States, 2:11 cerebrovascular disease in male vs. female smokers, 4:51 circulatory diseases, effect of oral contraceptives and smoking, 12:51 coronary heart disease in ex-smokers, 4:38 definition, 2:10-11 effect of cigar and pipe smoking, summary of findings, 1:27 effect of less hazardous cigarettes, 2:25 lung neoplasms and smoking, summa- ry of findings, 1:16 lung neoplasms, effect of smoking, §:9-11 lung neoplasms in cigar and pipe smokers, 5:23 lung neoplasms in women, 5:16-18, 5:20 lung neoplasms, trends in Great Brit- ain and the United States, 5:10— ll myocardial infarct in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:35-36 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 2:15 thrombosis in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 4:59 MORTALITY RATIO age groups in the United States, 2:11, 2:17-18 age groups worldwide, 2:17-18 aortic aneurysm, effect of smoking levels, 4:55 bladder neoplasms in smokers, 5:45— 46 cardiovascular diseases in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:33- 34 cardiovascular diseases in smokers, 2:39 cardiovascular diseases in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Japan, 4:21, 4:34— 35 cause-specific, effect of smoking, 2:37-41 cerebrovascular disease in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:33 cerebrovascular disease in male vs. female smokers, 4:51 chronic obstructive lung disease, 6:10 chronic obstructive lung disease in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smok- ers, 13:35 cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 2:30, 2:35-36 cigarette vs. cigar vs. pipe vs. mixed smokers, 13:14 coronary heart disease in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:33- 34 coronary heart disease in smokers, 2:39 coronary heart disease in ex-smokers, 4:34-35 coronary heart disease in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:22-26, 4:36-37 definition, 2:10 effect of age began smoking, 2:19-22 effect of cigar and pipe smoking, 1:11-12 effect of combined tobacco product use, 2:39 effect of inhalation, 2:22-24 effect of inhalation, smoking dura- tion and smoking levels in wom- en, 2:26-27 effect of less hazardous cigarettes, 1:11, 2:23-25 effect of reasons for quitting in ex- smokers, 2:27-29 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:10-12 effect of smoking duration, 2:17-19 effect of smoking duration in cigar smokers, 2:37 effect of smoking duration in ex- smokers, 2:28-29 effect of smoking duration in pipe smokers, 2:38 effect of smoking levels, 2:15-18, 2:22 effect of smoking levels in cigar smokers, 13:15-17, 2:36-37 effect of smoking levels in ex-smok- ers, 2:28-29 effect of smoking levels in pipe smokers, 2:36-38, 13:15-17 esophageal neoplasms in cigar and pipe smokers, 5:43 esophageal neoplasms in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:25 esophageal neoplasms in smokers, 5:42-43 ex-smokers, 2:35 kidney neoplasms in smokers, 5:48-49 laryngeal neoplasms in cigar vs. cig- arette vs. pipe smokers, 13:24 laryngeal neoplasms in smokers, 5:32-33 lung neoplasms, effect of age began smoking, 5:13-14 lung. neoplasms, effect of cessation of smoking, 5:24-26 lung neoplasms, effect of inhalation, 5:14-15 lung neoplasms, effect of low tar and nicotine cigarettes, 5:15-17 lung neoplasms, effect of smoking levels, 5:13 lung neoplasms in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:26-28 lung neoplasms in smokers vs. non- smokers, 5:11-12 lung neoplasms in smoking women, 5:20-22 neoplasms, effect of cigar and pipe smoking, 13:20 neoplasms in smokers, 2:38 oral neoplasms in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:21-23 oral neoplasms in smokers, 5:39-40 pancreatic neoplasms in smokers, 5:50-52 pharyngeal neoplasms in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:23 in smoking twins, 2:42 sudden cardiac death, effect of smoking levels, 4:43 MORTALITY RISK infant, and gestational age in smok- ing vs. nonsmoking mothers, 8:43, 8:45 infant, effect of maternal smoking, age, parity, and education, 8:33 infant, effect of maternal smoking, age, parity, and social class, 8:31 infant, synergism of maternal smok- ing and other risk factors, 8:35 infants of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:34 MOTIVATION (See also BEHAVIOR) cessation of smoking and, 18:19-20 emotional influences in smoking be- havior, 16:6 maintenance of smoking and, 18:10- 18, 18:15-17 smoking habit in developing coun- tries and, 18:24 smoking habit in the Solomon Islands and, 18:24 MOUTH nicotine absorption, 14:85 MOLTH MUCOSA (See also LEUKOPLAKIA) effect of snuff in women, 13:39-40 MOUTH NEOPLASMS (See also LEUKOPLAKIA; LIP NEOPLASMS; TONGUE NEO- PLASMS) alcohol consumption and smoking and, 5:40-41 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:27 MUCOCILIARY SYSTEM (See also CILIARY ACTIVITY; CILIATOXICITY) effect of cigarette smoke, 6:32-33, 10:15 MULTICOMPONENT TREATMENT (See also CESSATION OF SMOK- ING) in cessation of smoking, 16:16-17, 16:19 evaluation, 19:36 modification of smoking behavior, 19:27-28 self-administered, 19:29 MULTIPLE RISK FACTOR INTER- VENTION TRIAL effect on cessation of smoking, 19:15 MUTAGENS in atherosclerosis etiology, 4:10 MYOCARDIAL INFARCT (See also CORONARY HEART DISEASE) animal models, 4:20 atherosclerosis in etiology of, 4:19-20 cessation of smoking after, 19:14 effect of oral contraceptives and smoking on risk, 4:60 effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:77 effect of smoking on risk of recur- rence or death, 4:37-38 estrogens and smoking and, 12:52 ex-smokers, 4:21 ischemia and, 4:19-20, 4:39-40 morbidity ratios in ex-smokers, 4:34 morbidity ratios in smokers vs. non- smokers, 4:27-33 oral contraceptives and smoking and, 4:35, 12:51-52 pathogenesis, 4:18-20 research needs, 4:40-41 risk factors, 4:20-21 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:35-36 smoking in etiology of, 4:21, 4:38-40 smoking vs. nonsmoking women, 12:52 sudden cardiac death and, 4:48 MYOCARDIUM effect of hypoxia and ischemia, 4:19- 20 NAPHTHALENE in cigarette smoke, 14:51 tobacco pyrolysis and, 14:49 NAPHTHYLAMINES (See also AROMATIC AMINES) pancreatic neoplasms and, 5:51 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEC- ONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS statement on school smoking policies, 23:8, 23:11, 23:13 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE funding of “Know Your Body” Pro- gram, 21:20 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS, 3:5 findings of National Health Inter- view Survey, 1:12-13 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 3:11-12 Health Interview Survey, 3:8-18 NATIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE FOR SMOKING AND HEALTH definition of smokers and nonsmok- ers, 23:24 establishment of San Diego Commu- nity Laboratory, 20:14 Health Consequences of Smoking re- ports, 1:9-10 smoking prevalence in adults by edu- cational level, A:14-16 smoking prevalence in adults by family income, A:14-16 survey of adolescent. smoking, 17:7-8 survey of adult tobacco use, 18:19, 22:6 survey of cigar and pipe smoking in the United States, 13:8-9 survey of smoking attitudes of health professionals, 22:7 survey of smoking habits of health professionals, 22:12-18 survey of tar and nicotine levels of cigarette brands, 3:11 survey of teenage smoking, A:14 training of health educators, 23:32 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH respiratory disease study, 17:15 NATIONAL INTERAGENCY COUN- CIL ON SMOKING AND HEALTH funding of youth antismoking projects, 20:24 research guidelines, 19:5-8, 21:16-17 NATIONAL PARENT-TEACHER AS. SOCIATION health education programs, 21:21, 21:25 NEONATAL MORTALITY (See also INFANT MORTALITY; MORTALITY RISK; PERINATAL MORTALITY) effect of maternal smoking and ges- tational age, 8:43 effect of maternal smoking and oth- er factors, 8:41 etiology of perinatal death in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 8:37 maternal smoking and, research needs, 8:76 maternal smoking levels and, 8:39-40 NEOPLASMS (See also CARCINOGENESIS; LEUKEMIA; MESOTHELIOMA) aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induci- bility and smoking and, 5:57 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:27-28 effect of smoking on mortality ratio, 2:38 induced by polonium-210 in Syrian hamsters, 14:61 induced by tobacco smoke in animals, 1:17 mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:20 nitrosamines in etiology of, 12:74 in progeny after maternal exposure to benzo(a)pyrene in mice, 8:67 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:15-17 smoking and asbestos exposure and, 7:11-18 smoking in etiology of, historical per- spective, 5:9 Neoplasms, bronchial See BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, esophageal See ESOPHAGEAL NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, laryngeal See LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, lip See LIP NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, lung See LUNG NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, mouth See MOUTH NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, pancreatic See PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, pharyngeal See PHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, oral See ORAL NEOPLASMS Neoplasms, tongue See TONGUE NEOPLASMS NEUROTICISM (See also ANXIETY; STRESS) cessation of smoking and, 18:17-18 maintenance of smoking and, 18:7-9 smoking characteristics and, 18:13 NICKEL (See also METALS) levels in tobacco smoke, 14:59 and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:28 NICOTINE (See also ALKALOIDS, TOBACCO) absorption by involuntary smoking, 11:24 addiction, 16:7-9, 18:12 in allergy induction, 10:22 in amniotic fluid after maternal in- jection in animals, 8:54 in atherosclerosis induction in ani- mals, 4:16 cardiovascular diseases and, 14:79 carotid blood levels after oral admin- istration, 14:86 central nervous system receptor sites, 16:18-19 dependence and, 14:97 effect of cigar smoke inhalation on absorption, 13:16-17 effect of fetal injection in utero in animals, 8:55 effect of maternal injection on fetus in animals, 8:54-57 effect of maternal injection on nurs- ing kittens, 8:49 effect of maternal injection on off- spring in rats, 8:10—11 effect of maternal injection on psy- chomotor function in newborn animals, 8:57 effect of self-administration on smoking habit, 15:12 effect of smoking characteristics on absorption, 14:87 effect on angina pectoris, 4:39 effect on antidiuretic hormone secre- tion, 12:37, 12:54 effect on arousal, 15:11 effect on arteries in rabbits, 4:56 effect on behavior in monkeys, 15:12 effect on behavior in rats, 15:11, 15:18 effect on birth weight in animals, 8:53 effect on blood lipid levels in ani- mals, 4:61 effect on blood pressure and heart rate, 4:58, 14:87, 14:91 effect on cardiovascular system, 12:52-54, 14:89 effect on cardiovascular system in animals, 8:55-56 effect on cardiovascular system in animals with myocardial infarct, 4:45 effect on catecholamines in rats, 14:88 effect on central nervous system, 14:89 effect on cerebrovascular circulation, 4:50 effect on corticosteroid secretion, 12:40 effect on drug assays, 12:34 effect on enzyme activity, 12:27-28, 14:87 effect on enzyme activity in rat in- testines, 12:76 effect on exercise induced angina pectoris, 4:47 effect on fetal and newborn central nervous system, 8:57 effect on fetal and newborn central nervous system in animals, 8:56 effect on fetus, research needs, 8:79 effect on fetus and breastfed infants of smoking mothers, 8:51 effect on free fatty acids, 12:40, 14:90 effect on gastric secretion in cats, 9:12-18 effect on gastric secretion in man, 9:13-14 effect on heart function in animals with coronary heart disease, 4:40 effect on hormones in monkeys, 15:20 effect on immunoglobulins, 6:31 effect on ischemia, 4:39 effect on lactation in cats, 8:49 effect on lactation in cows, 8:49 effect on lactation in rats, 8:49 effect on lung function, 14:90 effect on lymphocytes in mice, 10:19 effect on nitrosamine biosynthesis, 12:75 effect on pancreatic secretion in dogs, 5:53, 9:14-15 effect on patellar reflex, 14:92 effect on pharmacokinetics, 12:27-28 effect on psychomotor performance, 16:8 effect on pregnant rats, 8:10-11 effect on serum secretin levels, 9:14— 15 effect on smoking habit, 15:7-8 effect on smoking habit, summary of findings, 1:30-32 effect on tolerance in rats, 15:16 effect on vitamin C levels in ani- mals, 12:66 in establishing smoking habit, 15:5 excretion under stress, 16:8 induction of hyperglycemia in cats, 14:90 induction of peptic ulcer in cats, 9:12-13 induction of peptic ulcer in rats, 9:12 interactive effect with oxprenolol on blood pressure, 12:54 interactive effect with propranolol on cardiovascular system, 12:53 internal regulation in smokers, 16:13-— 14 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:14 maternal-fetal exchange in animals, 8:54 metabolism in maternal and fetal liv- er in animals, 8:55 metabolism in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 15:9 methods of absorption, 14:85 myocardial infarct and, 4:20 pancreatic neoplasms and, 5:53 pharmacology in cessation of smok- ing, 14:94, 14:97 protonation and, 14:108 as reinforcer, 16:12, 16:18 relative molar potency in cigarette smoke, 14:96 role as hapten, 10:11 role in alteration of drug metabo- lism, 12:40 sales weighted average delivery in American cigarettes, 14-111 smoke dosimetry and, 14:75 structural formula, 14:46 summary of physiological effects, 1:30-31 NICOTINE CONTENT (See also ALKALOID CONTENT) in blood, effect of smoking cigarettes vs. little cigars, 14:87 in blood after oral administration, 14:86 in cigar vs. cigarette smoke, 13:11 in cigarette smoke, 14:45 in cigarettes, health characteristics and, 3:11 in cigarettes vs. little cigars, 14:44- 45 in cow’s milk after intramuscular in- jection, 8:49 decrease in modern cigarettes, A:19- 20 effect on mortality, 2:22 filters and, 14:104 in milk of lactating smoking vs. non- smoking mothers, 8:50-51 as smoke inhalation indicator, 14:75 in urine and plasma of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 11:24 / in urine as measure of tobacco us- age, 15:29 in urine of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:29 NICOTINE CHEWING GUM in cessation of smoking, 19:16-17 in reduction of smoking, 16:8 NICOTINE-IN-SALIVA TEST correlation with self-reported smok- ing, 17:24 NICOTINE METABOLISM (See also METABOLISM) degree of protonation in relation to pH, 14:86 distribution and clearance in rats, 14:79 effect of urinary pH on excretion, 14:92-93 enzymes and, 14:87 pathway, 14:93 rate of absorption, 14:92 NICOTINE METABOLITES (See also COTININE; NORNICO- . TINE) in cigarette smoke, 14:93-94 effect of urinary pH on excretion, 14:92 NICOTINE REDUCTION in cigarettes in the United States, 14:44 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:15-16 methods, 14:114 in particulate phase of cigarette smoke, 14:108 : NICOTINE TOXICITY atherosclerosis and, 14:79 effect on heart, 14:78 effect on smoke inhalation dosimetry, 14:75 hypertension and, 14:79 NITRIC OXIDE in blood of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 14:80 effect on enzyme activity in rats, 14:81 NITRILES levels in cigarette smoke, 14:40 NITROGEN COMPOUNDS in cigarette smoke, 14:41 in soil, effect on tobacco leaf quality, 14:15-16 NITROGEN DIOXIDE ; effect on antibody response to bacte- rial vaccines in mice, 12:59 effect on respiratory tract in rats, 14:81 , NITROGEN OXIDES absorption, 14:99 cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 content in mainstream cigarette smoke, 14:39 _ NITROSAMINE CONTENT in cigarette smoke, 14:39, 14:45 effect of curing and fermentation, 14:45 effect of homogenized leaf curing, effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:25 reduction in gas phase cigarette smoke, 14:107 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:112 in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 12:74 NITROSAMINES — (See also DIMETHYLNITROSA- | MINE) agricultural practices and, 14:107 biosynthesis in’ smokers, 12:74-75 bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 in chewing tobacco, 14:45 effect of maternal injection on tra- cheal neoplasms in hamster off- spring, 8:50 effect of nicotine on biosynthesis, 12:75 in esophageal neoplasm induction in animals, 5:44 in lung neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:30 in neoplasm etiology, 12:74 in pancreatic neoplasm induction in hamsters, 5:51-53 precursors, 14:41 quantification by thermal energy an- alyzer, 14:11 in respiratory tract neoplasm induc- tion in animals, 5:30 structural formulae, 14:46 NONSMOKERS (See also SMOKERS VS. NON- SMOKERS) absorption of tobacco smoke constitu- ents, 11:6 annoyance caused by tobacco smoke, 11:25 annual probability of dying, 2:30-34 effect of involuntary smoking, 11:5, 11:15, 11:28 effect of involuntary smoking on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 11:21, 11:23 effect of tobacco smoke, 11:25 median carboxyhemoglobin levels by location, 11:23 nicotine absorption by involuntary smoking, 11:24 perception of health status, 3:14-15 rights, 16:19-20, 21:14, 21:18 typology, 18:13 NORNICOTINE (See also NICOTINE METABO- LITES) relative molar potency in cigarette smoke, 14:96 structural formula, 14:46 NORTRIPTYLINE plasma concentrations in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:39 NOSE IRRITATION effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:26 NURSES role in cessation decision, 21:12, 21:14, 22:17 smoking habits, 22:12-14 NURSING HOMES smoking policies, 22:20 OBESITY (See also BODY WEIGHT) cessation of smoking and, 12:67 OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES (See also BRONCHITIS; BRON- CHOPULMONARY DISEASES; CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASE; EMPHYSEMA) smoking in cotton workers and, 7:9- 10 smoking in fire fighters and, 7:10-11 smoking in miners and, 7:9 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES (See also ASBESTOSIS; BYSSINO- SIS; NEOPLASMS; POLYMER FUME FEVER) asbestosis, 7:11-13 byssinosis, 7:9 “Monday morning fever”, 7:9 polymer fume fever, 7:5-6 OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE bfonchopulmonary diseases and, 1:19, 6:36, 7:13 interactive effect with smoking, sum- mary of findings, 1:19-20 smoking and bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 smoking and pancreatic neoplasms and, 5:47 and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:27-29 smoking levels and health risk, 7:17 OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS alpha irradiation from radon, 7:14 aromatic amines, 7:16 asbestos, 7:11-13 beta radiation, 7:10 carbon monoxide, 7:8 chlorine, 7:10 chloromethyl ether, 7:15-16 dust, coal, 7:9 dust, cotton, 7:9 dust, gold, 7:15 effect of smoking and recommenda- tions for research, 7:19 hydrogen cyanide, 7:7-8 rubber, 7:13 OCCUPATIONS asbestos workers, 5:28, 7:11-13 battery factory workers, 7:15 benzene workers, 14:51 blast furnace workers, 7:8 blue- and white-collar workers, 7:17 bronchitis in smokers vs. nonsmokers and, 6:39 chemists, 5:51 chlorine workers, 7:10 chloromethyl ether workers, 5:29, 7:15-16 coal gas workers, 7:16 coal miners, 13:35 cotton workers, 7:9 electroplaters, 7:7 fire fighters, 7:10-11 gold miners, 7:15 industrial workers, 22:16-17, 22:19 insulation workers, 7:11 methylene chloride workers, 7:8-9 miners, 7:9 nickel workers, 5:28 rubber workers, 7:13 smoking prevalence rates and, 18:16, A:16 steelworkers, 7:8 telephone workers, 6:37 tobacco workers, female, 8:9 uranium miners, 5:28, 7:14, 12:90 OFFICE ON SMOKING AND HEALTH information dissemination function, 23:27-28 Olefins See ALKENES ONTARIO PERINATAL MORTALITY STUDY, 8:33-35, 8:37, 8:39-42, 8:45 ORAL NEOPLASMS, 5:39-42 (See also LEUKOPLAKIA; LIP NEOPLASMS; MOUTH NEO- PLASMS; TONGUE NEOPLASMS) alcohol consumption and smoking and, 5:40-41 animal models, 5:41-42 betel chewing in etiology of, 13:40- 41 cigar and pipe smoking and, 5:39 induced by benzo(a)pyrene in ham- sters, 5:42 induced by dimethyl benzanthracene in hamsters, 5:42 induced by methylcholanthrene in hamsters, 5:42 mortality ratio in cigarette vs. cigar vs. pipe smokers, 13:21-23 mortality ratio in smokers, 5:39-40 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:17 smoking in etiology of, 5:39-42 snuff in etiology of, 13:39-40 tobacco chewing and, 5:39-40 tobacco chewing in etiology of, 13:40-41 ORALITY smoking habit and, 18:9 ORGANOTIN smoking and occupational exposure, V1 OSTEOPOROSIS smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:67 OXPRENOLOL interactive effect with nicotine on blood pressure, 12:54 OXYGEN TENSION effect of maternal and fetal carbox- yhemoglobin levels, 8:64 OXYGEN TRANSPORT effect of carbon monoxide in mother and fetus, 8:61 OXYHEMOGLOBIN SATURATION CURVES maternal and fetal, effect of carbon monoxide levels in blood, 8:62-63, 8:72 PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS animal models, 5:51-53 correlation with bladder neoplasms, 5:47 diet and, 5:51 effect of smoking levels on mortality and risk ratios, 5:50, 5:52 effect of smoking and occupational exposure, 7:17 induced by nitrosamines in hamsters, 5:51-53 mortality and risk ratios in male vs. female smokers, 5:50-52 naphthylamines and, 5:51 nicotine and, 5:53 occupational exposure and, 5:51 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:17 PANCREATIC SECRETION effect of nicotine in animals and man, 9:14-15 effect of nicotine in dogs, 5:53 effect of smoking, 9:14-15 Paper, cigarette See CIGARETTE PAPER Parental smoking See SMOKING, PARENTAL PARKINSONISM smoking and, 2:41 PARTICULATE PHASE, CIGARETTE SMOKE (See also TARS, TOBACCO; TO- TAL PARTICULATE MATTER) aromatic hydrocarbons reduction, 14:109 component levels, 15:6 definition, 14:35, 14:38 determination of tar levels, 14:43 levels of toxic compounds, 14:64-65 levels of metals, 14:59 nicotine reduction, 14:108 nitrosamines reduction, 14:112 ratio of constituents in main- vs. sidestream smoke, 11:6 polonium-210 reduction, 14:113 tar reduction methods, 14:110 toxicity reduction, 14:108 toxicity reduction methods, 14:114 Passive smoking See INVOLUNTARY SMOKING Peak expiratory flow measurements See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS PEER GROUPS influence on cessation of smoking, 18:21 influence on drug abuse in adoles- cents, 18:14 influence on initiation of smoking, 16:5 influence on smoking habit in adoles- cents, 17:10, 17:14, 21:13-14 youth-to-youth antismoking programs, 20:9 PENTAZOCINE dosage requirements in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:36 Peptic ulcer See ULCER, PEPTIC PERINATAL MORTALITY (See also INFANT MORTALITY; MORTALITY RISK; NEONATAL MORTALITY) effect of maternal smoking, summa- ry of findings, 1:22 gestational age and risk in smoking vs, nonsmoking mothers, 8:43 maternal smoking in etiology of, 12:67 maternal smoking levels and, 8:39-40 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE animal models, 4:53 clinical and pathological features, 4:52 research needs, 4:54 risk factors, 4:52 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:14-15 smoking and, 4:53-54 smoking vs. nonsmoking diabetics, 4:53 PERSONALITY (See also BEHAVIOR) cessation of smoking and, 18:17-18, 18:21-22 effect on pharmacokinetics, 12:40—41 effect on success rates for cessation of smoking, 15:24 maintenance of smoking and, 18:5-10 maternal smoking and, 8:26 and recidivism, 19:31 and smoking habits in adolescents, 17:16 PESTICIDE RESIDUES hydrazine formation, 14:41 reduction in tobacco, 14:61 structural formulae, 14:62 in tobacco leaf, 14:18 in tobacco smoke, 12:75 toxic effects in smokers, 12:75 pH cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smoke, 13:15-16 PHAGOCYTOSIS (See also MACROPHAGES, AL- VEOLAR) effect of tobacco smoke, 6:30-31 role in lung neoplasm etiology, 5:31 PHARMACISTS antismoking advice to customers, 22:17 as role models, 22:8-9 smoking habits, 22:12 PHARMACODYNAMICS (See also DRUG METABOLISM; PHARMACOLOGY) absence of smoking effect, 12:37-39 clinical importance of smoking histo- ry in drug monitoring, 12:41-42 dexamethasone, effect of smoking, 12:37 diazepam, effect of smoking, 12:38 effect of smoking, 12:27-44 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:25-26 furosemide, effect of smoking, 12:37 propranolol, effect of smoking, 12:37 research needs, 12:44 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:36-37 PHARMACOKINETICS (See also DRUG METABOLISM; PHARMACOLOGY) absence of smoking effect, 12:37-39 antipyrine, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:29-31 caffeine, effect of aromatic hydrocar- bons in rats, 12:32-33 clinical importance of smoking histo- ry in drug monitoring, 12:41-42 effect of behavior and personality, 12:40-41 effect of marijuana, 12:42-43 effect of smoking, 12:27-44 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:25-26 ethanol, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:39 glutethimide, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:33 imipramine, effect of smoking, 12:33 meperidine, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:39 nortriptyline, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:39 pentazocine, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:36 phenacetin, effect of cigarette smoke in rats, 12:28-29 phenacetin, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:28-29 phenytoin, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:38 research needs, 12:44 theophylline, effect of methyicholan- threne in rats, 12:32 theophylline, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:31-32 warfarin, effect of benzo(a)pyrene in rats, 12:38 warfarin, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:38 PHARMACOLOGY (See aloo PHARMACODYNAMICS; PHARMACOKINETICS) carbon monoxide in establishing smoking habit, 15:7 cigarette smoke, 14:85, 14:94, 14:97- 99 dependence and tolerance in mainte- nance of smoking habit, 15:14 nicotine in establishing smoking hab- it, 15:5, 15:7-8 tar in establishing smoking habit, 15:7 tobacco alkaloids, 14:94 PHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) alcohol consumption and smoking and, 5:40-41 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:22-23 PHENACETIN effect of cigarette smoke on pharma- cokinetics in rats, 12:28-29 effect of methylcholanthrene on pharmacokinetics in rats, 12:28- 29 pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:28-29 PHENOLS in cigarette smoke condensate, 14:52 effect of filters, 14:54 effect on ciliary activity, 14:81 levels in cigar vs. cigarette smoke, 13:11-12 levels in smoke of filtered vs. nonfil- tered cigarettes, 14:57 reduction of levels in gas phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:106 structural formulae, 14:56 PHENYLBUTAZONE effect of smoking on pharmacokinet- ies, 12:33 PHENYTOIN pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:38 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (See also EXERCISE) effect on coronary heart disease inci- dence in smokers, 4:38 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT effect of maternal smoking on chil- dren, 1:21 PHYSICIAN VISITS smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smok- ers, 3:15, 3:17 PHYSICIANS as health educators, 22:15-16 role in cessation decision, 19:12-14, 21:11-12, 21:14, 22:19, 22-22 as role models, 22:6-8 in school antismoking programs, 20:9-10 smoking habits, 21:12, 22:9-14 Pipe See SMOKE, PIPE; SMOKERS, PIPE; SMOKING, PIPE; TOBAC- CO, PIPE PLACENTA aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity after maternal exposure to ben- zo{a)pyrene in rats, 8-66 effect of maternal smoking, 8:69 effect of maternal smoking, research needs, 8:78 PLACENTA PREVIA gestational age and risk in smoking vs, nonsmoking mothers, 8:44, 8:46 maternal smoking levels and, 8:39 maternal smoking levels and perina- tal mortality, 8:40 PLACENTAL RATIO effect of maternal smoking, 8:14-18 effect of oxygen availability, 8:17 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:15-16, 8:18 POLONIUM-210 cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 levels in cigarette smoke, 14:60 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:74-75 neoplasm induction in Syrian ham- sters, 14:61 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:113 in tissues of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 14:60-61 as tobacco contaminant, 14:20-21 POLYCYTHEMIA smoking in etiology of, 12:83 POLYMER FUME FEVER (See also OCCUPATIONAL DIS- EASES) smoking and, 7:5-6 PREECLAMPSIA maternal smoking and, research needs, 8:77 maternal smoking levels and, 8:42 PREGNANCY (See also PRETERM DELIVERY) accidental hemorrhage in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:39 cessation of smoking during, 22:16, 22:18, 22:23 complications, research needs, 8:76~77 smoking and abruptio placentae and placenta previa, 8:39 smoking and bleeding, 8:39 smoking and premature membrane rupture, 8:39 gestational age and premature mem- brane rupture in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:44, 8-46 smoking levels and abruptio placen- tae, bleeding, placenta previa and premature membrane rupture, 8- 39-41 smoking levels and perinatal mortali- ty, 8:40 PRETERM DELIVERY effect of maternal smoking levels, 8:43 and infant mortality risk in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers, 8:42 maternal smoking and, 1:22 in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers, 8:42 PREVENTION OF SMOKING (See also ANTISMOKING CAM- PAIGNS; CESSATION OF SMOK- ING) communication models, 17:11-12 recommendations for the future, 17:22-25 summary of methodologies and pro- grams, 1:33-34 Swedish 25-year program, 17:21-22 youth programs, 17:6, 17:17-22 PROPOXYPHENE clinical.effect in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:36-37 PROPRANOLOL interactive effect with cigarette smoke on airways, 12:54 interactive effect with nicotine on cardiovascular system, 12:53 interactive effect with smoking on cardiovascular system, 12:37 PROSTAGLANDINS effect of cigarette smoke on metabo- lism in lungs in rabbits, 12:39 PROTEINS effect of smoking on metabolism, 12:65-66 synthesis, role in enzyme induction, 12:21-22 PROTONATION nicotine in relation to pH, 14:86 nicotine reduction and, 14:108 PSYCHOMOTOR PERFORMANCE effect of carbon monoxide, 11:28, 11:34 nicotine deficit and, 16:8 PUBLIC HEALTH CIGARETTE SMOKING ACT, A:7 Pulmonary alveolar macrophages See MACROPHAGES, ALVEOLAR Pulmonary clearance See CILIARY ACTIVITY; LUNG FUNCTION Pulmonary function See LUNG FUNCTION PYLORIC PRESSURE effect of smoking, 9:16 RADIATION alpha exposure from radon as occu- pational hazard, 7:14 beta exposure as occupational hazard, 7:10 bladder neoplasms and smoking and, 12:90 and cigarette tars in neoplasm induc- tion in mice, 7:10 laryngeal neoplasms and smoking and, 12:90 and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:28 synergistic effect with smoking on respiratory tract, 12:90 RADIOELEMENTS levels in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 14:60 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:113 as tobacco contaminants, 14:20-21 RADIUM-226 levels in cigarette smoke, 14:60 as tobacco contaminant, 14:20-21 Rapid smoking See AVERSIVE THERAPY RECIDIVISM carboxyhemoglobin levels as measure of, 15:29-30 cognitive and physiological factors, 16:18 post-treatment followup, 19:8 prevention, 19:30-31, 19:35 rates in cessation programs, 21:15-17 withdrawal state and, 16:18 Reconstituted tobacco sheet See TOBACCO SHEET REFLEXES effect of nicotine, 14:92 Relative molar potency See MOLAR POTENCY RELIGION church attendance and motivation for smoking, 18:11 effects of beliefs on tobacco con- sumption, 18:24 RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS (See also LUNG FUNCTION) in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 6:14-16 RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS in cigar and pipe smokers vs. non- smokers, 13:34 in childhood and adult respiratory tract disease, 6:38-39 in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smok- ers, 13:36-37 effect of air pollution in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:37 effect of smoking, 6:7 effect of smoking in children, 6:11- 12 rate of decline of FEV in smokers vs. nonsmokers and, 6:22 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:20 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:18-19 smoking and sex ratio, 6:20 smoking levels and, 6:20 in smoking vs. nonsmoking twins, 6:35 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (See also LUNGS; TRACHEA) effect of cessation of smoking, 15:21 effect of inhalation in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:15-16 effect of nitrogen dioxide in rats, 14:81 effect of rapid smoking, 19:26 synergistic effect of uranium and smoking, 12:90 RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES (See also LUNG DISEASES) cessation of smoking in patients, 12:18-19 effect of involuntary smoking in children, 11:32 effect of parental smoking on inci- dence in children, 11:38-34 effect of smoking and history of childhood respiratory symptoms, 6:38-39 mass media preventive campaign, 21:10 smoking and, 6:7 smoking history of young adults and, 6:12 smoking in children and, 6:11-12 RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS allergic predisposition and smoking, 10:22 effect of parental smoking on inci- dence in children, 10:12, 11:32 effect of passive smoking in infants, 8:45 effect of smoking on mortality, 2:41 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:20 smoking levels and, 6:30 RESPIRATORY TRACT MUCOSA effect of smoking, 10:14 RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS (See also LARYNGEAL NEO- PLASMS; LUNG NEOPLASMS; PHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS; TRACHEAL NEOPLASMS) smoking in uranium miners and, 7:14 RNA effect of methylcholanthrene on me- tabolism, 12:21-22 role in enzyme induction, 12:21-22 ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUN- DATION Health Activities Project, 21:20 ROLE MODELS (See also PARENTAL SMOKING; PEER GROUPS; SIBLING SMOK- ING; TEACHERS; HEALTH PRO- FESSIONALS) in cessation of smoking, 18:21, 22:6-9 influence on smoking in adolescents, 17:11, 20:6, 21:11-14, 23:35 RUBBER occupational hazards, 7:13 SALIVA nicotine and thiocyanates in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:30 SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY LABORA- TORY program description, 20:14—15, 21:25 SASKATOON SMOKING STUDY description 20-11-12, 23:25 SATURATED FATS in atherosclerosis induction in ani- mals, 4:9 SCHICK SMOKING CONTROL CEN- TERS cessation program, 21:16 SCHOOL HEALTH CURRICULUM PROJECT community agency involvement, 23:15 curriculum development approach, 23:19 description, 20:18-22 evaluation, 17:19-20, 20:25 parental involvement, 21:19 teacher training, 23:21-28, 23:32 SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION STUDY antismoking education component, 23:18 SCHOOL PROGRAMS (See also names of individual pro- grams) antismoking education, 20:5-22 colleges, 21:9-11 curriculum theory, 23:16-22 effect on students’ smoking habits, 17:15 evaluation, 17:18-21, 20:24-25, 23:23- 25 influence on parents, 21:19-21 recommendations for the future, 23:36-39 smoking policies, 23:8-15 state health education laws, 23:5-7 teaching methods, 23:25-27 SECRETIN RELEASE effect of nicotine, 9:14-15 effect of smoking, 9:15-16 SELF-REPORTS (See also VERBAL REPORT ) carboxyhemoglobin levels as indicator of accuracy, 3:12 validity, 17:24, 19:6-7, 19:38, 21:23 SENSORY DEPRIVATION cessation of smoking and, 19:18-19 SERUM IMMUNOGLOBULIN LEV- ELS effect of smoking, 10:18 SERUM PRECIPITINS in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 10:11 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 5-Day Plan (cessation program), 19:10, 21:15-16 SEX RATIO absenteeism and, 3:8, 3:18 adolescent smoking, 17:7, 17:13, 18:16, 21:25 bed disability in smokers vs. non- smokers, 3:12 bladder neoplasms in smokers, 5:45— 47 cessation of smoking and, 3:18, 18:21 cessation of smoking and alcohol con- sumption, 18:20 cessation of smoking and personality, 18:17-18 chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:7 consumption of cigarettes, cigars, snuff, pipe and chewing tobacco in the United States, 14-13 coronary heart disease morbidity ra- tios in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smokers, 4:28-30 coronary heart disease mortality ra- tios in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:24 effect of less hazardous cigarettes on mortality, 2:24-25 heart conditions and, 3:19 high density lipoprotein levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:61-62 laryngeal neoplasm risk in smokers and ex-smokers, 5:38, 5:35-38 lung function, 6:21-22 lung function in ex-smokers, 6:23 lung neoplasm mortality ratio in low tar and nicotine cigarette smok- ers, 5:16-17 lung neoplasm mortality ratio in smokers, 5:11-12 lung neoplasm risk in filtered vs. un- filtered cigarette smokers, 5:16, 5:18-19 pancreatic neoplasm mortality and risk ratios in smokers, 5:50-52 prevalence of acute conditions in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3:9 prevalence of chronic conditions in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3:7 prevalence of chronic obstructive pul- monary disease, 6:20 recidivism and, 19:31 smoking and respiratory symptoms, 6:20 smoking and respiratory symptoms in children, 6:11-12 smoking characteristics, 5:21, 5:23 smoking habit and neuroticism, 18:8 smoking habit and socioeconomic sta- tus, 18:16 smoking habit in the United States, 5:19-21 smoking in blue- and white-collar workers, 7:17 smoking levels and lung pathology, 6:27 snuff users in the United States, 13:10 Teenage Self Test scores, 20:22 tobacco chewers in the United States, 13:10 SIBLING SMOKING adolescents, 17:14 maintenance of smoking and, 18:15 Sidestream smoke See SMOKE, CIGARETTE SIDE- STREAM; SMOKE STREAMS SLEEP deprived vs. nondeprived smokers, 15:11 SMALL AIRWAYS FUNCTION (See also RESPIRATORY FUNC- TION TESTS) chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:11 effect of smoking levels, 6:138-19 pathological lesions of small airways and, 6:18-19 sereening methods for individuals at high risk for chronic obstructive lung disease, 6:12 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:13 in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 6:14-16 SMOKE, CIGAR (See also SMOKERS, CIGAR; SMOKING, CIGAR; TOBACCO, CI- GAR) ammonia content, 14:39 aromatic hydrocarbon content, 13:11- 12 carbon monoxide content, 13:12, 14:38, 14:104 chemical analysis, 13:11-18 ciliatoxicity, 13:36-37 effect of inhalation on respiratory tract, 13:15-16 pH, 13:15-16 phenol content, 13:12 SMOKE, CIGARETTE (See also SMOKERS; SMOKING; TOBACCO, CIGARETTE) alcohol content, 14:42 alkene content, 14:48 aldehyde content, 14:42 amine content, 14:41 aromatic hydrocarbon content, 14:41- 42 benzene compound content, 14:49 carcinogenic PAH activity, 14:54 chemical composition percent distri- bution, 14:35 constituents, and biological response, 14:26 constituents, research recommenda- tions, 14:120 effect of cigarette manufacturing on constituents, 14:28-30 effect of constituents on enzyme ac- tivity, 12:7 effect of static burning temperature, 14:36 effect on antibody response in mice, 12:59 effect on central nervous system, 15:11 effect on immunoglobulins, 6:31-32 effect on lung function, 14:90 effect on macrophages, 6:29-30 effect on mucociliary system, 6:32-33 effect on phagocytic activity of al- veolar macrophages, 10:17 effect on phenacetin pharmacokinet- ics in rats, 12:28-29 effect on prostaglandin F-2a metabo- lism in lungs in rabbits, 12:39 effect on systemic humoral immunity in mice, 10:18 free fatty acid levels, 14:55 heterocyclic compounds, 14:52, 14,57 hydrazine levels, 14:41 ketone levels, 14:42 naphthalene levels, 14:51 nickel levels, 14:59 nicotine levels, effect on blood pres- sure, 14:87 nicotine metabolites, 14:93-94 nitrile levels, 14:40 nitrogen compound levels, 14:41 nitrosamine precursors, 14:41 nonvolatile nitrosamine levels, 14:45 pharmacology, 14:85, 15:5 phenol levels, 14:57 physical and chemical nature, 14:35 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon in- dicators, 14:111 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, 14:51 radioelements, 14:60 reaction mechanisms, 14:9 reduction of toxicity, 14:104, 14:108 relative molar potency of alkaloids, 14:96 retention in buccal cavity and respi- ratory tract, 12:7 standard smoking conditions for analysis, 14:35 structural formulae of pesticide resi- dues, 14:62 sulfur compounds levels, 14:40 summary of gas and particulate phase constitutents, 1:29-30 summary of toxic and carcinogenic constituents, 1:30 toxicity reduction methods, 14:114 weakly acidic heterocyclic compounds structural formulae, 14:56 SMOKE, CIGARETTE MAINSTREAM (See also SMOKE STREAMS) alkane content, 14:48 amine content, 14:47 ammonia content, 14:39 arsenic content, 14:59 cadmium content, 14:60 catechol content, 14:53 chemical composition, 14:35 ciliatoxicity and, 14:105 cyanide content, 14:39-40 humectant content, 14:68 nicotine content, 14:45 nitrogen oxide content, 14:39 phenol content, effect of filters, 14:106 tar content determination, 14:48 temperature profile, 14:36 SMOKE, CIGARETTE SIDESTREAM (See also SMOKE STREAMS) alkane content, 14:48 amine content, 14:39, 14:41, 14:47 catechol content, 14:54 chemical composition, 14:38 nicotine content, 14:45 tar content, 14:44 temperature profile, 14:36 Smoke exposure See SMOKE INHALATION SMOKE CONDENSATES (See also SMOKE, TOBACCO; TARS, TOBACCO) benzo(a)pyrene content, 14:112 carcinogenicity, 13:30-32 carcinogenicity of experimental ciga- rettes in mice, 14:30 cigar, alkaloid content, 13:11 cigar, aromatic hydrocarbon content, 13:11-12 cigar, nicotine content, 13:12 cigar, phenol content, 13:11-12 effect of cigarette manufacturing on composition, 14:28-30 effect on antiprotease activity in vi- tro, 6:28 effect on elastase release from lungs in rats, 6:29 effect on enzyme release from poly- morphonuclear leukocytes, 6:28 phenol content, 14:52 role of cigarette manufacturers in control of constituents, 14:9 SMOKE INHALATION (See also SMOKING) effect of cigar and pipe smoke pH, 13:15-16 effect of switching tobacco products on patterns, 13:18-19 effect on arterioles in dogs, 4:18 effect on blood pressure in cats, 14:77 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:18 effect on cigarette smoke retention in buceal cavity, 12:7 effect on coronary heart disease mortality ratios, 4:37 effect on enzymes in dogs, 14:78 effect on exercise tolerance in rats, 14:77 effect on hemodynamics in dogs, , 14:76 effect on leukocyte count, 8:82 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:14-15 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio in women, 5:21-22 effect on lungs in dogs, 14:76 effect on lungs in monkeys, 14:76 effect on mortality, 2:20-21 effect on mortality in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:18 effect on mortality ratio, 2:22-24 effect on mortality ratio in women, 2:26-27 effect on myocardial infarct morbidi- ty and mortality, 4:35 effect on nicotine absorption in cigar smokers, 13:16-17 effect on pregnant rats, 8:10-11 effect on respiratory system in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:15-16 effect on tolerance in dogs, 15:16 exercise in dogs and, 14:78 exposure methodology, 14:73-74 in laryngeal neoplasm induction in hamsters, 5:34 males vs. females, 5:21, 5:23 maternal, effect on mother and fetus in sheep, 8:53 maternal, effect on offspring in rats, 8:10-11 in myocardial infarct induction in dogs, 14:77 patterns in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers in Great Britain, 13:18-19 patterns in the United States, 2:33 SMOKE, PIPE (See also SMOKERS, PIPE; SMOKING, PIPE; TOBACCO, PIPE) aromatic hydrocarbon content, 13:1]- 12 pH, 13:15-16 SMOKE STREAMS (See also SMOKE, CIGARETTE MAINSTREAM; SMOKE, CIGA- RETTE SIDESTREAM) carbon monoxide content, 11:15 involuntary smoking and, 11:5 ratio of constituents in main- vs. sidestream smoke, 11:6 SMOKE WATCHERS cessation program, 21:16 SMOKENDERS cessation program, 21:16 followup evaluation, 19:11 SMOKE, TOBACCO ( See aloo SMOKE, CIGAR; SMOKE, CIGARETTE; SMOKE, PIPE; SMOKING) absorption of constituents by non- smokers, 11:6, 11:15 in allergy etiology, 10:23-24 amine and nitrosamine content, 12:74 amine content, 14:47 antigens, identification of, 10:11 carcinogens, ciliatoxie agents and tu- mor promoters in gas phase, 5:54-55 carcinogens, cocarcinogens and tumor promoters in particulate phase, 5:54-57 constituents, correlation with tobacco leaf characteristics, 14:24 effect of exposure in allergic chil- dren and adults, 10:14, 10:21 effect of leaf components, 14:11 effect on alveolar macrophages, 6:30- 31, 10:15-16 effect on blood lipid levels in ani- mals, 4:61 effect on cardiovascular system in animals with myocardial infarct, 4:45 effect on cellular and humoral im- munity, 6:30-31 effect on ciliary function, 10:14-15 effect on enzyme activity, 12:27-28, 12:75-76 effect on enzyme systems, 10:16 effect on fetal weight and birth weight in animals, 8:52 effect on fetal weight and maternal food intake in rats, 8:52-53 effect on fetus, research needs, 8:79 effect on immune system, 10:5, 10:17 effect on lymphocytes in mice, 10:19 effect on metabolism of food constit- uents and additives, 12:75-76 effect on nonsmokers, 11:25 effect on pre-existing allergies, 10:13 effect on pregnant animals, 8:52 effect on rat fetus, 8:53 effect on tracheobronchial clearance in dogs, 10:15 eye irritation and, 10:21 heterocyclic compound carcinogens structural formulae, 14:55 measurement of constituents in enc- losed spaces, 11:7-14 measurement of constituents under natural conditions, 11:16-20 metal levels, 14:58-59 in neoplasm induction in animals, 1:17 nickel levels, 14:59 pesticide residues, 12:75 radioelement levels, 14:60 skin test reactions, 10:13 SMOKERS (See also SMOKERS, CIGAR; SMOKERS, PIPE) B and T cell count and ratio, 10:19 granular leukocyte levels, 10:20 SMOKERS, CIGAR (See also SMOKE, CIGAR; SMOK- ING, CIGAR; TOBACCO, CIGAR) blood cholesterol levels, 4:61 bronchitis and emphysema mortality, 13:34 cardiovascular disease mortality ratio, 13:33 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality ratio, 13:35 coronary heart disease mortality ra- tio, 4:22-23 effect of inhalation on mortality, 13:18 esophageal neoplasm mortality, 13:24-25 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:43 inhalation patterns in Great Britain, 13:18 leukocyte count, 12:81 lung neoplasm mortality rates, 5:23 lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 13:26- 28 mortality, 13:13-14 myocardial infarct morbidity and mortality, 4:35 oral neoplasm mortality ratio, 13:21 relative risk ratio for lip neoplasms, 13:22 relative risk ratio for lung neo- plasms, 13:29-30 respiratory symptoms, 13:34 thrombosis mortality rates, 4:59 in the United States, 13:9 SMOKERS, PIPE (See also SMOKE, PIPE; SMOK- ING, PIPE; TOBACCO, PIPE) blood cholesterol levels, 4:61 bronchitis and emphysema mortality, 13:34 cardiovascular disease mortality ratio, 13:33 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality ratio, 13:35 coronary heart disease mortality ra- tio, 4:22-23 effect of inhalation on mortality, 13:18 effect of inhalation on respiratory tract, 13:15-16 esophageal neoplasm mortality, 13:24-25 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:43 inhalation patterns in Great Britain, 13:18 leukocyte count, 12:81 lung neoplasm mortality rates, 5:23 lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 13:26- 28 mortality, 13:13-14 myocardial infarct morbidity and mortality, 4:35 oral neoplasm mortality ratio, 13:21 relative risk ratio for lip neoplasms, 13:22 relative risk ratio for lung neo- plasms, 13:29-30 respiratory symptoms, 13:34 thrombosis mortality rates, 4:59 in the United States, 13:9 SMOKERS VS. NONSMOKERS (See also NONSMOKERS) abruptio placentae, placenta previa, and bleeding during pregnancy, 8:39 absenteeism, 3:8, 3:10, 3:18 accidental hemorrhage in pregnancy, 8:39 activity limitation, 3:138-14 acute conditions, 3:6 air pollution and chronic obstructive lung disease, 6:36 air pollution and lung pathology, 6:36 alcohol consumption and drug use, 12:41 alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency and emphysema, 6:34 alveolar macrophage migration, 6:31 angina pectoris morbidity ratios, 4:48 annual probability of dying, 2:30-34 antibody response to viral vaccines, 12:58-59 antipyrine pharmacokinetics, 12:29-31 anxiety levels, 16:7-8 Arthus skin test characteristics, 10:10 asphyxia in infants of, 8:69 atherosclerosis, 4:10-12, 4:14-16 B and T lymphocytes, 6:31 bed disability, 3:12 bicarbonate levels in infants of, 8:69 bilirubin levels, 12:34 birth weight of infants of, 8:11, 8:14-17, 8:20-21 bladder neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:45-46 blood calcium levels, 12:84 blood cholesterol levels, 4:61-62 blood circulation, 15:12-18 blood coagulation, 12:84-85 blood glucose levels, 12:84 blood lipid levels, 12:83-84 blood pressure, 4:57 blood protein levels, 12:84 breast feeding, 8:48 bronchitis in gold miners, 7:15 bronchitis prevalence by occupations, 6:39 carboxyhemoglobin levels and carbon monoxide occupational exposure, 43 carboxyhemoglobin levels in infants of, 8:69 carcinoembryonic antigen levels, 12:61-62, 12:86 cardiovascular disease mortality ra- tios in Japan, 4:21, 4:34-35 cerebrovascular disease mortality rates and ratios in males vs. fe- males, 4:51 chronic obstructive lung disease and mortality, 6:9-10 ciliary function, 10:15 clinical effects of propoxyphene, 12:36-37 clinical effects of selected drugs, 12:36-37 coronary heart disease morbidity ra- tios, 4:27-38, 4:36-37 coronary heart disease mortality ra- tios, 4:22-26, 4:36-37 definition, 23:24 drug use patterns, 18:13-15 duration of gestation, 8:18 effect of behavior and personality on pharmacokinetics, 12:40-41 elastase release from macrophages, 6:30 emphysema, 6:25-26 emphysema and lung pathology, 6:23-24 erythrocyte parameters, 12:82-83 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:42-43 ethanol pharmacokinetics, 12:39 etiology of fetal and neonatal death, 8:38 etiology of perinatal death, 8:36 etiology of stillbirth, 8:37 fibrosis in asbestos workers, 7:12 gastric secretion in, 9:13 gestational age and infant mortality, 8:48, 8:45 gestational age and risk for abruptio placentae, placenta previa and premature membrane rupture, 8 44, 8:46 gestational age and risk for preterm delivery, 8:44 gestational age at birth of infants of, 8:43 glutethimide pharmacokinetics, 12:33 growth and development of children of, 8:21-23 heart conditions, 3:16-17, 3:19 head circumference in infants of, 8:20-21 hematocrit in infants of, 8:69 high density lipoprotein levels in males vs. females, 4:61-62 histologic changes in esophagus, 5:44 hospitalization, 3:14-16 hyaline thickening in small arteries and arterioles in myocardium, 4:16 hypertension, 4:57 immunoglobulin containing cell counts in lobar bronchi, 10:17 immunoglobulin levels, 6:31-32 infant mortality, 8:27, 8:34 infant mortality risk, 8:31 infarct mortality risk in black vs. white mothers, 8:30 job accident rates, 7:15 kidney, liver, and lung weights, 12:9 , kidney neoplasm mortality and risk ratios, 5:48-49 lactation, 8:48 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratio, - 5:32-33 learning, 15:19 leukocyte count, 2:79-82 level of well-being, 3:18 long-term study of children of, 8:22- 23 lung diseases in rubber workers, 7:18 lung function, 6:21 lung function after cadmium expo- sure, 7:15 lung function in black vs. white vs. oriental men and women, 6:21 lung function in chlorine workers, 7:10 lung function in cotton workers, 7:9 lung function in miners, 7:9 lung neoplasm mortality and asbestos exposure, 7:11 lung neoplasm mortality in twins, 5:23 lung neoplasm mortality ratio in males vs. females, 5:11-12 lung neoplasm mortality ratio in women, 5:20-22 lung neoplasm risk in asbestos facto- ry workers, 7:11-12 lung neoplasm risk in insulation workers, 7:11 lung neoplasms in chloromethy] ether workers, 7:16 lung neoplasms in uranium miners, 7:14 lung pathology, 6:24-27 lung pathology in sudden death vic- tims, 6:18 macrophage count and ultrastructure, 10:16 macrophages in bronchopulmonary la- vage fluid, 6:29 maternal weight gain and fetal growth, 8:24-25 meperidine clearance, 12:39 mortality in twins, 2:42 mortality rates, 2:15 myocardial infarct in women, 12:52 myocardial infarct morbidity and mortality, 4:35-36 neonatal mortality, 8:40 nicotine and cotinine content in urine, 11:24 nicotine content in plasma, 11:24 nicotine content of breast milk in lactating mothers, 8:51 nicotine content of saliva, 15:30 nicotine levels in urine, 15:29 nicotine metabolism, 15:16, 15:9 nitric oxide levels, 14:80 nortriptyline pharmacokinetics, 12:39 obstructive airway diseases in miners, 7:9 oral neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:39- 40 osteoporosis, 12:67 pancreatic neoplasm mortality and risk ratios, 5:50-52 pentazocine dosage requirements, 12:36 peptic ulcer healing, 9:9-10 peptic ulcer indicence, 9:5-6 peptic ulcer mortality rates, 9:11 peptic ulcer prevalence, 6:7-8 peptic ulcer prevalence ratios in six countries, 9:8 peptic ulcer size and recurrence, 9:9 perception of health status, 3:14-15 perinatal mortality, 8:35, 8:40 perinatal mortality and maternal age, parity, and education, 8:33 perinatal mortality risk for infants of, 8:32 peripheral vascular disease in diabet- ies, 4:58 personality, 18:5-10 phagocytic activity of alveolar mac- rophages, 10:17 phenacetin pharmacokinetics, 12:28-29 phenytoin pharmacokinetics, 12:38 physician visits, 3:14, 3:17 placental changes, 8:69 placental ratios, 8:18 polonium-210 levels in tissues, 10:60- 61 preeclampsia and toxemia in preg- nancy, 8:42 pregnancy weight gain and fetal growth, 8:24 premature membrane rupture during pregnancy, 8:39 preterm delivery and infant mortali- ty risk, 8:42 prevalence of acute conditions, 3:9 prevalence of chronic conditions, 3:7 prognosis following vascular grafting, 4:53 protease activity of macrophages, 6:29 proteinuria after cadmium exposure, 7:15 rate of decline of FEV and respira- tory symptoms, 6:22 respiratory symptoms in twins, 6:35 respiratory tract diseases in young adults, 6:12 respiratory tract infections, 6:20 respiratory tract neoplasms in urani- um miners, 7:14 respiratory tract symptoms, 6:20 response to diagnostic tests, 12:79 risk of low birth weight in infants of, 8:13 serum albumin, uric acid, and creati- nine concentration, 12:40, 12:84 serum precipitins in, 10:11 skin test reactions to tobacco leaf extracts, 10:13 small airways function, 6:13-16 socioeconomic status and chronic ob- structive lung diseases, 6:38 spontaneous abortion, 8:30-32 stillbirth incidence, 8:36 sudden cardiac death, 4:43-44 sudden infant death syndrome in in- fants, 8:45 T cell counts, 10:19 theophylline pharmacokinetics, 12:31- 32 thiocyanate levels in saliva, 15:30 thiocyanates in plasma, 7:7 thiocyanates in urine, 7:7 thrombosis mortality rates, 4:59 tolerance to cigarette smoke, 15:16—- Ww trace metal levels, 12:73-74 tryptophan metabolism, 12:67 umbilical artery changes, 8:69 vitamin By levels in pregnancy, 8:73 vitamin C levels in breast milk of lactating mothers, 8:52 vitamin C levels in pregnancy, 8:74 vitamin C levels in serum, 12:34 warfarin metabolism, 12:55