HOW TO USE THIS INDEX The Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health consists of 23 chapters and an Appendix. Each includes a detailed table of contents to lead the reader to the information sought and to give a quick overview of content. The index reflects the contents of all 23 chapters and the Appendix. It was attempted to use the natural language of the Report whenever possible. but to achieve consistency in the terminology. some concepts had to be reworded. Major concepts are expressed in primary terms (in bold, all upper case letters), which are modified by the secondary terms (indented. lower case. followed by page numbers), in order to convey the specific topic. In order to lead the reader to primary terms related to the one of interest. cross references follow many primary terms, e.g. ALLERGY (See also ALLERGY, TOBACCO; HYPERSENSITIVITY) If a certain concept could have appeared as more than one primary term, the reader is referred to the primary term actually used in the following manner: Areca nut See BETEL NUT Secondary terms are followed by the pagination. The latter consists of one bold figure, referring to the Report chapter, a colon, followed by the page number(s). The following examples illustrate this: chapter t ADOLESCENTS antismoking education, {17}: [6 pm page(s) attitudes toward smoking, 17:5-6, 17:8-10 17:6 (This entry refers to Chapter 17, page 6.) 17:9-12, 18:7, A:6-9 (This entry refers to Chapter 17, pages 9-12; Chapter 18. page 7; and Appendix, pages 6-9.) INDEX ABORTION in female tobacco workers, 8:9 maternal smoking and, 8:9, 8:30-32 relative risk for smokers vs. non- smokers, 8:31-32 research needs, 8:77 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:30-32 smoking and wanted vs. unwanted pregnancy and, 8:30-32 ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE gestational age and risk in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers, 8:44, 8:46 maternal smoking and, 8:39 smoking and stillbirth, 8:39 smoking levels and, 8:39 smoking levels and perinatal mortali- ty, 8:40 ABSENTEEISM effect of smoking, 3:8, 3:10 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:12-18 smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smok- ers, 3:8, 3:12-14 ABSORPTION nicotine, 14:85 toxic elements in respiratory tract, 14:98 ABSTINENCE males vs. females, 15:28 smoking habit and, 15:26 Abstinence syndrome See TOBACCO WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT smoking and, 17:16, 20:8 Teenage Self Test scores and, 20:22 ACCIDENTS smoking on the job and, 7:15 ACROLEIN eye and nose irritation and, 11:26 humectants and, 14:63 levels, effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:25 Adenoma See NEOPLASMS ADDICTION (See also HABITUATION) cessation of smoking and, 18:22 identification of addicted smokers, 18:13 laboratory models, 16:12 to nicotine, 16:7-9, 18:12 smoking vs. drug addiction, 16:10-11 ADOLESCENTS (See also TEENAGERS) antismoking education, 17:6, 17:17-22, 20:5-26, 21:25 attitudes toward smoking, 17:5-6, 17:8-10 cessation of smoking, 18:19 drug abuse and smoking, 17:23, 18:14 effect of school smoking policies, 23:8-12 illegality of tobacco use, 23:7 influence of role models, 21:11-14 recommendations for prevention of smoking, 17:22-25 smoking habit, 17:7-8, 18:16, 23:9 smoking habit in males vs. females in the United States, 19:21 social factors in smoking initiation, 17:12-17 Adrenaline See CATECHOLAMINES ADULT EDUCATION Adult Basic Education, 21:7, 21:9 Adult Performance Level Program, 21:7-9 antismoking education, 21:10-11, 21:22-26 participation statistics, 21:5-6 ADULTS cigarette consumption patterns in the United States, A:23 increase of cigarette consumption over time, A:17 patterns of smoking prevalence, A:li, A:12-14 self-reported smoking characteristics, A:21-22 smoking prevalence by educational level, A:14-16 smoking prevalence by family in- come, A:14-16 smoking surveys in the United States, A:8-10, A:18 ADVERTISING antismoking information, 19:9, 21:15 effect on smoking rates, 18:22-23, 21:23 effect on youth, 17:5-6, 17:15, 17:22, 20:6-7 Federal Communications Commission rules, A:7 lung disease campaign, 21:10 restrictions in Denmark, 18:22, 22:6 revenues from tobacco interests, 21:18 ADVERTISING BAN effect on consumption in Great Brit- ain, 18:22-23 effect on consumption in Ireland, 18:22 effect on consumption in Italy, 18:22 effect on consumption in New Zea- land, 18:22 effect on consumption in the United States, 18:23 effect on per capita consumption, A:8 ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SURGEON GENERAL ON SMOK- ING AND HEALTH summary of 1964 Report, 1:7-9 summary of 1979 Report, 1:10-35 AFLATOXIN B; as tobacco contaminant, 14:22 AGE initiation of smoking and, 17:8-9 motivation for smoking and, 18:11 recidivism and, 19:31 AGE GROUPS absenteeism and, 3:18 bed disability and, 3:12 cessation of smoking and, 3:18 heart conditions and, 3:19 mortality ratio, 2:17 mortality ratio, mortality rates and excess deaths in the United States, 2:11 percent distribution of cigar, ciga- rette and pipe smokers in the United States, 13:9 AGING (See also TOBACCO AGING) atherosclerosis in smokers vs. non- smokers and, 4:12, 4:14 effect on antipyrine pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:29-30 Agricultural chemicals See PESTICIDES AIR POLLUTION bronchopulmonary diseases and, 1:19 chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:36 in lung neoplasm etiology, 5:25-27 lung pathology in smokers vs. non- smokers and, 6:36-37 smoking and chronic obstructive lung disease and, 6:37-38 smoking and respiratory symptoms and, 6:37 AIRPLANES effect of smoking on nonsmokers, 11:26 ALBANY CIVIL SERVANT STUDY angina pectoris, 4:46 sudden cardiac death, 4:43 ALCOHOL and benzo(a)pyrene in esophageal neoplasm induction in animals, 5:44 content of cigarette smoke, 14:42 pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:39 ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION beer, and motivation for smoking, 18:11 cessation of smoking and, 18:20 effect on esophagus, 13:25 interactive effect with smoking on atherosclerosis, 4:18, 4:15 smoking, coffee drinking and peptic ulcer and, 9:6 smoking and laryngeal neoplasms and, 5:32, 5:34 smoking and oral neoplasms and, 5:40-41 smoking in esophageal neoplasm eti- ology and, 5:43-44 smoking rate and, 16:13, 18:14 ALDEHYDES (See also ACROLEIN) content of cigarette smoke, 14:42 humectants and, 14:63 ALKALOID CONTENT (See also NICOTINE CONTENT) in cigar vs. cigarette smoke conden- sate, 13:11 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:108 ALKALOIDS, TOBACCO (See also COTININE; NICOTINE; NORNICOTINE) pharmacological activity, 14:93 relative molar potency in cigarette smoke, 14:96 structural formulae, 14:46 ALKANE CONTENT in cigarette smoke, 14:45 ALKENES in cigarette smoke, 14:48 ALLERGIC RHINITIS passive smoking and, 10:21 smoking and, 10:20 ALLERGY (See also ALLERGY, TOBACCO; HYPERSENSITIVITY) childhood respiratory infections and, 10:12 clinical manifestations, 10:20 definition, 10:8-9 diagnosis, 10:5 - effect of tobacco smoke exposure, 10:14 involuntary smoking and, 11:31 nicotine in induction of, 10:22 predisposition, and broncho-constric- tion and chest infections, 10:22 skin test reactions to tobacco leaf extracts in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 10:13 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:23-24 thromboangiitis obliterans and, 4:60 tobacco and tobacco smoke in etiolo- gy of, 10:5, 10:28-24 tobacco smoke as secondary factor, 10:8 ALLERGY, TOBACCO asthma and, 10:21 basic mechanisms, 10:5 cardiovascular diseases and, 10:22-23 diagnosis, 10:24 diagnostic criteria, 10:6-7 epidemiology, 10:12-14 tests, 10:6 treatment and prevention, 10:24 Alveolar macrophages See MACROPHAGES, ALVEOLAR AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STAN- DARD smoking in enclosed spaces and, 11:21 AMBLYOPIA, TOBACCO etiology, 12:66 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCA- TION, AND RECREATION recommendations for school pro- grams, 17:15 statement on school smoking policies, 23:8-9, 23:13-14 training of health educators, 23:32 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY campaign against hospital cigarette sales, 22:20 group cessation program, 19:10 study of physicians’ smoking habits, 22:11 survey of teachers’ smoking habits and attitudes, 17:15, 21:13 withdrawal clinics, 21:16 youth antismoking programs, 20:22 youth smoking studies, 17:8, 18:15, 21:11-12 AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION schoo] programs on oral health, 20:23 AMERICAN HEALTH FOUNDATION cessation program, 21:16 “Know Your Body” program, 21:20 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION adolescent antismoking demonstration projects, 20:22 withdrawal clinics, 21:16 AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION antismoking curriculum models, 20:22-23 withdrawal clinics, 21:16 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION antismoking advice to patients, 22:16 AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL AS- SOCIATION recommendation against cigarette sales, 22:9 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSO. CIATION members’ smoking attitudes, 22:7, 22:15 AMERICAN SCHOOL HEALTH AS- SOCIATION state school health programs survey, 23:5-23-7 AMINES bladder neoplasms and, 14:47 content in cigarette smoke, 14:41, 14:47 content in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 12:74 AMMONIA CONTENT in cigar smoke, 14:39 in cigarette smoke, 14:39 in sidestream smoke, 14:41 Amount smoked See SMOKING LEVELS; CIGA- RETTE CONSUMPTION ANALYTICAL METHODS fiber optic probe system, 14:9 Thermal Energy Analyzer, 14:9 ANGINA PECTORIS (See also CORONARY HEART DISEASE) clinical features and prognosis, 4:46 effect of carbon monoxide and nico- tine, 4:47 effect of involuntary smoking, 11:30- 31 effect of low level carbon monoxide exposure, 11:30, 11:34 effect of nicotine, 4:39 effect of smoking, 4:47 morbidity ratio, effect of smoking levels, 4:48 morbidity ratio in smokers vs. non- smokers, 4:48 research needs, 4:47, 4:49 ANIMAL MODELS atherosclerosis, 4:9, 4:16-18 cerebrovascular disease, 4:49-50 esophageal neoplasms, 5:44 laryngeal neoplasms, 5:34-35 lung neoplasms, 29:31 myocardial infarction, 4:20, 4:40 oral neoplasms, 41-42 pancreatic neoplasms, 5:51-53 peripheral vascular disease, 4:53 sudden cardiac death, 4:48 tobacco induced carcinogenesis, 5:53- 54 tobacco induced carcinogenesis, sum- mary of methods, 5:29-30 ANNOYANCE effect of involuntary smoking in nonsmokers, 11:25 smoking in public transportation and, 11:34 ANOXIA maternal smoking and infant mortal- ity, 8:47 ANTEPARTUM HEMORRHAGE maternal smoking and, 8:39 ANTICOAGULANTS effect of smoking on metabolism, 12:54-55 ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS effect of cigarette smoke in mice, 12:59 response to viral vaccines in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:58-59 ANTIPYRINE clearance in lung neoplasm patients, 12:31 pharmacokinetics in sMokers vs. non- smokers, 12:29-31 ANTIGENS identification in tobacco leaf and smoke, 10:11 tobacco proteins, 10:11 ANTISMOKING CAMPAIGNS (See also CESSATION OF SMOK- ING; PREVENTION OF SMOK- ING) absenteeism and, 3:8 in asbestos plants, 7:12 in coal miners, 7:15 education in Winnipeg schools, 20:18 education of youth in Great Britain, 20:10 effect on per capita consumption, AT effect on youth, 17:17-18 effectiveness, 18:23, 19:9-10 German youth, 20:8-9 hospital smoking policy guidelines in Canada, 22:20-21 hospital smoking policy guidelines in Great Britain, 22:20 hospital smoking policy guidelines in Scotland, 22:21 in occupational settings, 7:18-19 Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 23:12-13 youth to youth programs, 20:9 ANTISMOKING MATERIALS posters, 19:9 in school programs, 20:8, 20:7-15, 20:17 ANTISOCIAL TENDENCIES smoking habit and, 18:9 ANTITOBACCO CHEWING GUM in smoking reduction, 19:17 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY bronchopulmonary diseases and, 1:19 in emphysema etiology, 6:33-34 risk for chronic obstructive lung dis- ease, 6:33-34 ANXIETY (See also STRESS; NEUROTICISM) in deprived smokers, 16:7-8 reduction by smoking, 16:11 smoking habits in medical students and, 18:8 AORTIC ANEURYSM clinical and histopathological fea- tures, 4:55 coronary heart disease and, 4:55 mortality ratios, effect of smoking levels, 4:55 research needs, 4:56 smoking in etiology of, 4:56 Areca chewing See BETEL CHEWING; TOBACCO CHEWING Areca nut See BETEL NUT AROMATIC AMINES (See also HETEROCYCLIC COM- POUNDS; NAPHTHYLAMINES) bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 occupational hazards, 7:16 smoking and occupational risk of bladder neoplasms, 7:16 AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (See also BENZANTHRACENES, BENZO(a)PYRENE; METHYL- CHOLANTHRENE) aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in fetus after maternal exposure in rats, 8:66 benzo(a)pyrene as indicator of carci- nogenic potential of cigarette smoke, 14:109-110 in cigarette smoke, 14:41-42, 14:51, 14:54 in cigarette vs. cigar vs. pipe smoke, 13:11-12 as cocarcinogens, 14:52 effect of increased tobacco combusti- bility on reduction, 14:111 effect on caffeine pharmacokinetics in rats, 12:32-33 effect on cytochrome P,;-450 induc- tien, 12:7-8 effect on cytochrome P,-450 synthe- sis, 12:16-20 effect on drug metabolism, 12:7-9 effect on enzyme activity, 12:7-9 effect on enzyme activity in micro- somes, 12:76 effect on liver function, 12:7-8 incomplete combustion and, 14:49 maternal-fetal exchange in animals, 8:66 reduction in particulate phase ciga- rette smoke, 14:109 structural formulae, 14:53 AROUSAL effect of nicotine, 15:11 ARSENIC CONTENT in mainstream cigarette smoke, 14:59 ARTERIES effect of carbon monoxide and nico- tine in animals, 4:56 effect of smoking on atherosclerosis in distal aorta and iliac arteries, 4:53 hyaline thickening in myocardium in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:16 ARTERIOLES effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 4:18 hyaline thickening in myocardium in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:16 Arteriosclerosis See ATHEROSCLEROSIS ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS bladder neoplasms and, 5:47 ARYL HYDROCARBON HYDROXYL- ASE (See also ENZYMES) activity, 12:7-9 effect of benzo(a)pyrene or cigarette smoke on activity in rats, 12:29 effect of cessation of smoking on activity, 12:41 effect of cigarette smoke on activity in liver vs. lung, 12:76 effect of smoking on activity, 5:57 fetal, activity after maternal aromat- ic hydrocarbon exposure in rats, 8:66 inducibility in laryngeal and lung neoplasm patients, 5:57 role in antipyrine pharmacokinetics, 12:30-31 role in drug metabolism, 12:7-9 ASBESTOS occupational hazards, 7:11-13 smoking and laryngeal neoplasms and, 5:34 and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:28 ASBESTOSIS (See also OCCUPATIONAL DIS- EASES) smoking and, 7:11-18 Ascorbic acid See VITAMIN C ASPHYXIA in infants of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 8:69 ASPIRIN consumption in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 18:13 ASTHMA (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES) effect of smoking in patients, 10:22 passive smoking and, 10:21 tobacco allergy and, 10:21 in tobacco workers, 10:21 ATHEROSCLEROSIS alcohol consumption and smoking and, 4:15 carbon monoxide and, 4:18 in cardiovascular disease etiology, 4:8 in coronary heart disease etiology, 4:7 effect of aleohol consumption and smoking levels, 4:13 effect of carbon monoxide in choles- terol fed animals, 4:17 effect of smoking levels, 4:8-16 experimental induction in animals, 4:9, 4:16-18 histology and pathogenesis, 4:7-10 in myocardial infarct etiology, 4:19- 20 nicotine and, 14:79 research needs, 4:18 risk factors, 4:8-9 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:10-16 somatic cell mutation theory of pathogenesis, 4:10 thromboangiitis obliterans and, 4:60 ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE smoking and, 20:8 ATTITUDES (See also BEHAVIOR) cessation of smoking and, 18:22 drug abuse, 18:10 parents, 17:13-14 teachers, 20:28, 21:12-13 youth, 17:5-6, 17:8, 17:10, 17:17, 17:28, 20:6, 20-13-14, 20:17-18, 20:21, 20:23, 21:11-12 AVERSIVE THERAPY in cessation of smoking, 16:15-16 covert sensitization, 19:28 electric shock, 19:23 medical risks, 19:25-26 in multicomponent treatments, 19:19, 19:27, 19:30 rapid smoking, 19:24-26 satiation, 19:25-26 Schick Smoking Control Centers, 21:16 Aza-arenes See HETEROCYCLIC COM- POUNDS BEHAVIOR (See also ATTITUDES; MOTIVA- TION; PERSONALITY) effect of maternal smoking on chil- dren, 1:21 effect on pharmacokinetics, 12:40-41 smoking habit and, summary of find- ings, 1:32-33 BEHAVIOR, ANIMAL effect of nicotine, 15:16 effect of nicotine in monkeys, 15:12 effect of nicotine in rats, 15:11, 15:18 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION (See also AVERSIVE THERAPY; STIMULUS CONTROL TREAT- MENT; CONTINGENCY CON- TRACTING; MULTICOMPONENT TREATMENT) in cessation of smoking, 16:15-18, 19:19-29 BENZANTHRACENES (See also AROMATIC HYDROCAR- BONS) in oral neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:42 BENZENE threshold limit values, 14:51 tobacco pyrolysis and, 14:49 BENZO(a)PYRENE (See also AROMATIC HYDROCAR- BONS) as aromatic hydrocarbon indicator in cigarette smoke, 14:109-110 effect on caffeine pharmacokinetics in rats, 12:32-33 effect on fetus, research needs, 8:81 effect on maternal and fetal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in rats, 8:66 effect on phenacetin pharmacokinet- ics in rats, 12:59 effect on warfarin pharmacokinetics in rats, 12:38 and ethanol in esophageal neoplasm induction in animals, 5:44 in laryngeal neoplasm induction in hamsters, 5:34-35 in lung neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:30 maternal-fetal exchange in animals, 8:66 neoplasms in progeny after maternal exposure in mice, 8:67 in oral neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:42 reduction methods, 14:114 structural formula, 14:53 BENZO(a)PYRENE CONTENT in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smoke, 13:11-12 in cigarette smoke condensate, 14:112 effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:24 BERKELEY CHILD HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, 8:14 Berkeley Project See SCHOOL HEALTH CURRICU- LUM PROJECT BETA-ADRENERGIC BLOCKING AGENTS interactive effect with cigarette smoke on airways, 12:54 interactive effect with cigarette smoke on cardiovascular system, 12:53-54 BETA-NAPHTHYLAMINE occupational hazards, 7:16 BETEL CHEWING (See also TOBACCO CHEWING) leukoplakia and, 5:41 in oral neoplasm etiology, 13:40-41 BETEL NUT use in chewing tobacco, 13:39 BICARBONATE LEVELS in infants of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 8:69 BILIRUBIN LEVELS effect of maternal smoking on neo- nate, 12:34 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:34 BIOASSAY ciliatoxie agents and, 14:105 in determining biological effects of tobacco leaf characteristics, 14:23, 14:25 in determining physiological response to cigarette smoke, 14:73 relationship of tobacco leaf charac- teristics, smoke constituents and biological response, 14-22-23 BIRTH WEIGHT (See also FETAL GROWTH) effect of carbon monoxide exposure in pregnant rats, 8:60, 14:79 effect of impaired protein metabo- lism in smoking mothers, 12:65- 66 effect of maternal injection of nico- tine in animals, 8:53 effect of maternal smoking, 8:9, 8:11-18, 8:17, 8:20-21 effect of maternal smoking, research needs, 8:78 effect of maternal smoking, summa- ry of findings, 1:21 effect of maternal smoking and bio- logic and socioeconomic factors, 8:14-15 effect of maternal smoking and ges- tational age, 8:19-20 effect of maternal smoking and weight gain, 8:25 effect of tobacco smoke in animals, 8:52 infant mortality in smokers vs. non- smokers and, 8:29 infants of future smokers, smokers, nonsmokers, and ex-smokers, 8:26-27 BLADDER NEOPLASMS amines and, 14:47 artificial sweeteners and, 5:47 correlation with pancreatic neo- plasms, 5:47 male vs. female smokers, 5:45-47 mortality ratio in smokers, 5:45-46 risk in ex-smokers, 5:46 smoking and occupational exposure and, 5:47 smoking and occupational exposure to aromatic amines and, 7:16 smoking and radiation and, 12:90 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:17 smoking in coal gas workers and, 7:16 smoking in etiology of, 5:45-47 BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS albumin, creatinine and uric acid lev- els in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:40, 12:84 effect of cessation of smoking, 12:87 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:26 BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEVELS in atherosclerosis induction in ani- mals, 4:9 in cigarette vs. cigar vs. pipe smok- ers, 4:61, 13:34 coronary heart disease and, 4:61-62 effect of carbon monoxide in ani- mals, 4:17, 61 effect of smoking levels, 4:62 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:61-62 in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex- smokers, 12:83-84 BLOOD CIRCULATION (See also HEMODYNAMICS) effect of smoking, 4:54 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:19-20 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:12-18 BLOOD COAGULATION effect of tobacco proteins, 4:60 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:84-85 smoking and thrombosis and, 4:59 BLOOD GLUCOSE levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:84 BLOOD LIPIDS effect of tobacco smoke and constitu- ents on levels in animals, 4:61 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:65 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smokers, 12:83-84 BLOOD PLATELETS effect of smoking, 12:84-85 BLOOD PRESSURE (See also HYPERTENSION) effect of cigar smoking, 13:34 effect of cigarette smoke vs. nico- tine, 14:87 effect of involuntary smoking in children, 11:27 effect of nicotine, 4:58, 14:79 effect of nicotine and oxprenolol, 12:54 effect of nicotine and propranolol, 12:53 effect of nicotine vs. cotinine, 14:91 effect of pipe smoking, 13:34 effect of propranolol in smokers, 12:37 effect of smoke inhalation in cats, 14:77 effect of smoking, 12:15-16 effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:27 ex-smokers, 4:57 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:57 BLOOD PROTEINS levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:84 BODY HEIGHT » children, effect of maternal smoking, 8:21-23 infants, effect of maternal smoking, 8:19-21 BODY WEIGHT (See also OBESITY) blood pressure in smokers vs. ex- smokers and, 4:57 children, effect of maternal smoking, 8:21-23 effect of cessation of smoking, 15:21 effect of smoking during pregnancy, 8:24 effect of tobacco smoke in pregnant animals, 8:53 BORON TRIFLUORIDE smoking and occupational exposure, LT BOSTON COLLABORATIVE DRUG SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM clinical drug effects in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:35-37 BRAIN effect of nicotine, 15:8 BREAST FEEDING (See also LACTATION) maternal smoking and, 8:51 maternal smoking and, research needs, 8:78-79 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:48 tobacco factory workers and, 8:48 BREATH carbon monoxide content as measure of tobacco usage, 15:30 BRITISH PERINATAL MORTALITY STUDY 8-29, 8:42 Bronchial clearance See TRACHEOBRONCHIAL CLEARANCE BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS (See also LUNG NEOPLASMS) pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:28-29 BRONCHITIS (See also BRONCHOPULMONARY DISEASES; CHRONIC OBSTRUC- TIVE LUNG DISEASE; OB- STRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES) in coal miners , 13:35 effect of smoking on mortality, 2:41 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:34-35 prevalence in the United States, 6:19 small airways function and, 6:18 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:39 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:18 smoking in etiology of, 3:5 smoking in gold miners and, 7:15 BRONCHOPULMONARY DISEASES (See also BRONCHITIS; CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASE; OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DIS- EASES) air pollution and occupational expo- sure and, 1:19 antitrypsin deficiency and, 1:19 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:28 heredity and, 1:19 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:18--19 BUSES effect of involuntary smoking on nonsmokers, 11:26 BUSINESSMEN cessation of smoking, 22:19 BYSSINOSIS (See also OCCUPATIONAL DIS- EASES) smoking in cotton workers and, 7:9 CADMIUM (See also METALS) content in mainstream cigarette smoke, 14:60 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:73 occupational hazards, 7:15 CAFFEINE consumption and cessation of smok- ing, 18:20 consumption and smoking as factors in heart disease, 18:14 consumption in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 18:13, 18:15 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on pharmacokinetics in rats, 12:32- 33 effect of benzo(a)pyrene on clearance in rats, 12:32-33 CALCIUM (See also METALS) blood levels in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:84 CANADIAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIA- TION hospital smoking policy recommenda- tions, 22:20 CANADIAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSO- CIATION members’ smoking attitudes, 22:7, 22:15 Cancer See NEOPLASMS CANNABIS (See also DRUG ABUSE; MARI- JUANA ) effect on enzyme activity in animals and man, 12:42-43 CARBARYL smoking and occupational exposure, V7 CARBOHYDRATES effect of smoking on metabolism, 12:65 CARBON DIOXIDE assimilation, and tobacco leaf quality, 14:15 cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 CARBON DISULFIDE cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 CARBON MONOXIDE absorption, 14:98 animal model for hyperkinesis, 8:65 in aortic aneurysm etiology, 4:56 atherosclerosis and, 4:18 calculation of buildup in enclosed spaces, 11:22 effect of low level exposure on angi- na pectoris patients, 11:30, 11:34 effect of low level exposure on chronic obstructive lung disease patients, 11:31 effect of low level exposure on coro- nary patients, 11:30 effect of maternal exposure on fetal growth in rats, 8:60 effect on arteries in animals, 4:56 effect on blood cholesterol levels in animals, 4:17, 4:61 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels in dogs and monkeys, 14:80 effect on cardiovascular system in guinea pigs, 14:79 effect on cardiovascular system in monkeys, 14:80 effect on cerebrovascular circulation, 4:50 effect on exercise induced angina pectoris, 4:47 effect on fertility and pregnancy outcome in rats, 8:60 effect on fetal growth in animals, 8:52 effect on fetus, research needs, 8:80 effect on heart in monkeys with myocardial infarction, 4:40 effect on hemoglobin levels and red cell mass, 12:82-88 effect on intermittent claudication, 4:54 effect on ischemia, 4:39 effect on lung function and cardio- vascular system, 11:27-8 effect on maternal and fetal carbox- yhemoglobin levels, 8:71-72 effect on maternal and fetal oxygen tension, 8:61, 8:72 effect on maternal and fetal oxy- hemoglobin saturation curves, 8:62, 8:72 effect. on mother and fetus after maternal exposure in monkeys, 8:65 effect on newborn animals, 8:65 effect on pregnant mother and fetus in animals, 8:57 effect on psychomotor performance, 11:28, 11:34 effect on tissue oxygenation, 8:61 effect on smoking habit, 15:6 hypoxia of sheep fetus and, 8:63-65 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:15 maternal-fetal exchange in sheep, 8:59 maternal-fetal exchange in sheep and dogs, 8:58 metabolism in maintenance of smok- ing habit, 15:17 monitoring in cessation studies, 19:7, 19:20 myocardial infarct and, 4:20 occupational hazards, 7:8 reduction methods, 14:114 smoke dosimetry and, 14:75 smoking and ambient air quality standard, 11:21 in sudden cardiac death induction in cholesterol-fed monkeys, 4:45 CARBON MONOXIDE LEVELS (See also CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN LEVELS) in breath, and carboxyhemoglobin levels in blood, 15:30 in cigar smoke, 14:38 in cigar vs. cigarette smoke, 12:12 in cigar vs. pipe smoke, 14:104 in cigarette smoke, 14:38 effect of filters, 14:105 effect of smoking in airplanes and buses, 11:26 effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:15, 11:33-34 in main- and sidestream smoke, 11:15 reduction in cigarette smoke, 14:104 in tobacco smoke, and health charac- teristics, 3:11 in various tobacco products, 11:15 CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN LEVELS (See also CARBON MONOXIDE LEVELS) angina pectoris, intermittent claudi- cation and myocardial infarction and, 4:54 carbon monoxide occupational expo- sure in smokers vs. nonsmokers and, 7:8 cigarette smoke inhalation and, 2:21 in determination of inhalation levels in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:18 effect of carbon monoxide in dogs and monkeys, 14:80 effect of involuntary smoking, 11:21, 11:28 effect on driving ability, 11:28-29 effect on fetal blood flow, 8:72-73 effect on fetal mortality in sheep, 8:62-63 effect on maternal and fetal oxygen tension, 8:61-64, 8:72-73 as indicator of carbon monoxide in blood, 3:12 in infants of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 8:69 maternal, effect of smoke inhalation in pregnant sheep, 8:53 maternal, effect on placental oxygen consumption, 8:68-69 maternal and fetal, effect of carbon monoxide, 8:70-72 maternal and fetal, effect of mater- nal smoking, 8:70 maternal and fetal, in monkeys, 8:65 maternal and fetal, in nonsmokers, 8:70 maternal and fetal, in rabbits, 8:60 maternal and fetal, in sheep, 8:58-59, 8:61 maternal and fetal, oxyhemoglobin saturation curves and, 8:62-63 in measuring tobacco usage, 15:29 in methylene chloride workers, 7:8-9 monitoring in smoking cessation, 19:7 in nonsmokers, 11:23 in nonsmoking blood donors, 11:23 as smoke inhalation indicator, 14:75 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS levels in tobacco varieties, 14:57 CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN in colonic neoplasm diagnosis, 12:59- 62 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:61-62 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smokers, 12:86 in lung neoplasm diagnosis, 12:61 CARCINOGENESIS (See also NEOPLASMS) catechols and, 14:106 cigarette tar and beta radiation in mice, 7:10 effect of polyaromatic hycrocarbon reduction, 14:109 interaction of carcinogens, cocarcino- gens and tumor promoters, 5:54- 55 isoprenoids in, 14:49 mechanisms, 5:53-58 multi-stage model, 5:58 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in, 14:51-52 role of enzyme activity, 5:55, 57 tobacco in animals, 5:53-54 tobacco in animals, summary of methods, 5:54-55 tobacco tars in animals, 13:31-32 CARCINOGENS (See also COCARCINOGENS; TU- MOR PROMOTERS) cigar and pipe tobacco condensates, 1:28 in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe tars, 13:30-32 cigarette smoke constituents, 1:30 metals in tobacco, 14:59-60 in tobacco smoke gas phase, 5:54-55 tobacco smoke PAH structural for- mulae, 14:53 in tobacco smoke particulate phase, 5:54-56, 14:65 CARDIOVASCULAR CURRICULUM EDUCATION PROJECT programmed instruction, 23:19, 23:21- 22 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES (See also CORONARY HEART DISEASE; CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES; ISCHEMIA; MYO- CARDIAL INFARCT) atherosclerosis in etiology of, 4:8 cessation of smoking as preventive medicine, 4:66 cessation of smoking in patients, 22:18, 22:17 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:28 cigar smoking in etiology of, 13:32~ 34 effect of involuntary smoking, 11:29- 30 effect of oral contraceptives and smoking on risk, 4:60-61 effect of smoking on mortality ratio, 2:39 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:33-34 mortality ratio in smokers vs. non- smokers in Japan, 4:21, 4:34-35 nicotine and, 14:79 pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:32-34 research needs, 4:64-66 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:13-15 smoking and carbon monoxide occu- pational exposure and, 7:8 sudden cardiac death, 4:42-43 tobacco smoke constituents and, 4:62-63 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (See also ARTERIES; ARTERI- OLES; HEART) allergic response to tobacco, 10:22-23 effect of carbon monoxide exposure, 11:27-28 effect of carbon monoxide in guinea pigs, 14:79 effect of carbon monoxide in mon- keys, 14:80 effect of cessation of smoking, 15:20-21, 15:28 effect of nicotine, 12:52-54, 14:89 effect of nicotine in animals with coronary heart disease, 4:40 effect of nicotine or tobacco smoke in animals with myocardial in- farct, 4:45 effect of propranolol and nicotine, 12:53 effect of propranolol in smokers, 12:37 effect of rapid smoking, 19-25-26 effect of smoke inhalation, 14:74-75 effect of smoking, 15:12-13, 15:19 maternal and fetal, effect of nicotine injection in animals, 8:55-56 CASING MATERIALS effect on smoke constituents, 14-28 CATECHOLAMINES effect of nicotine in rats, 14:88 effect of nicotine on levels, 14:78, 14:89 effect of smoking on plasma levels, 14:88 fatty acids and, 14:90 hyperglycemia and, 14:90 smoking habit and, 15:8 CATECHOLS in mainstream cigarette smoke, 14:54 reduction in gas phase cigarette smoke, 14:106 in sidestream cigarette smoke, 14:54 structural formulae, 14:56 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM effect of carbon monoxide and nico- tine on blood circulation, 4:50 effect of cessation of smoking, 15:21 effect of cigarette smoke, 15:11 effect of nicotine, 14:89 effect of smoking, 15:18-19 fetal and neonatal, effect of mater- nal nicotine injection in animals, 8:56-57 CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES (See also CARDIOVASCULAR DIS- EASES) animal models, 4:49-50 cigar smoking in etiology of, 13:32- 33 clinical diagnostic classification, 4:49 effect of smoking on risk, 4:50-52 mortality rates and ratios in male vs. female smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 4:51 pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:32-38 research needs, 4:52 risk factors, 4:49 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:14-15 smoking in etiology of, 4:50 CESSATION OF SMOKING (See also ANTISMOKING CAM- PAIGNS; PREVENTION OF SMOKING; WITHDRAWAL CLIN- ICS) adult programs, 21:14-15, 21:22-26 age groups and sex ratio and, 3:18 antismoking campaigns and, 19:9-10 behavioral interventions, 16:14-18, 19:19-29 businessmen, 22:19 cardiovascular diseases and, summary of findings, 1:14-15 college students, 22:18 coronary heart disease prevention programs, 19:14-16, 19:34, 21:24- 25 counseling, 19:12-14 degree of deprivation and, 15:27 drug therapy, 19:16-17 early behavioral effects, 15:22 early physiological effects, 15:20-22 effect on bladder neoplasm risk, 5:45 effect on blood chemical analysis, 12:87 effect on blood circulation, 4:54 effect on calcium and iodine levels in blood, 12:84 effect on carcinoembryonic antigen levels, 12:86 effect on coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality ratios, 4:28-31, 4:34-35, 4-38 effect on enzyme activity, 12:41 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:34, 5:37-38 effect on lung function, 6:22-23 effect on lung neoplasm risk and mortality ratio, 5:24-26 effect on morbidity, summary of findings, 1:12-13 effect on mortality, 2:26-30 effect on mortality ratio, summary of findings, 1:11 evaluation of programs, 1:32-33 hypnosis, 19:17-18 laryngeal neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16-17 long term physiological effects, 15:22-24 lung neoplasms and, summary of findings, 1:16 medical students, 22:18 methods, 19:16-380 motivation, 18:19-20 myocardial infarct patients, 19:14 nicotine pharmacology and, 14:94, 14:97 obesity and, 12:67 patients with respiratory or cardio- vascular diseases, 22:18 personality and, 18:17-18, 18:21-22 personality of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, vs. ex-smokers and, 15:24 physician’s advice and, 3:15-18, 21:11 pregnant women, 22:16, 22:18, 22:23 as preventive medicine for cardiovas- cular diseases, 4:66 program in Sweden, 19:15 recidvism, 15:22-23 research design, 16:17, 19:5-9, 19:32- 36 self-motivated, 19:33, 19:35, 21:15 smoker’s reporting and, 15:31 Smoking Withdrawal Study Center (Toronto), 19:11 tobacco withdrawal syndrome time course, 15:26 and weight gain, 19:31 withdrawal clinics in Great Britain, 19:15 Chewing gum See NICOTINE CHEWING GUM; ANTITOBACCO CHEWING GUM CHILDREN (See also INFANTS) attitudes toward smoking, 17:5-6 effect of involuntary smoking on al- lergies, 10:14 effect of involuntary smoking on heart rate and blood pressure, 11:27 effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy, 8:21-23 effect of parental smoking, 11:31 effect of parental smoking on respi- ratory disease prevalence, 11:32, 11:34 Health Activities Project, 21:20 smoking and respiratory tract dis- eases, 6:11 CHLORINE occupational hazards, 7:10 CHLOROMETHYL ETHERS occupational hazards, 7:15-16 and smoking in lung neoplasm etiolo- gy, 5:29 Cholesterol See BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEV. ELS CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DIS- EASE (See also BRONCHITIS; BRON- CHOPULMONARY DISEASES; EMPHYSEMA; OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES; RESPIRA- TORY TRACT DISEASES) air pollution and, 6:36 cigar smoking in etiology of, 13:34- 38 effect of low level carbon monoxide exposure, 11:31 effect of smoking on mortality, 2:41 mortality, 6:10 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:34-35 nitrogen oxide absorption and, 14:99 pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:34-38 smal] airways function and, 6:11~12 small airways function and respira- tory symptoms and, 6:13, 6:18 smoking and air pollution and, 6:37 smoking and antitrypsin deficiency and, 6:34 smoking and heredity and, 6:35-36 smoking and occupational exposure to dust and, 6:36 smoking and socioeconomic status and, 6:38 smoking as risk factor, research rec- ommendations, 6:41-42 smoking history and, 6:10 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease See CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASE Cigar smoke See SMOKE, CIGAR CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION (See also SMOKING LEVELS) annual per capita, United States 1925-1950, A:5 annual per capita, United States 1950-1978, A:5 annual per capita, United States 1963-1977, A:7 changes from 1968-1977, A:6 effect of composition, A:18-19 FTC, DOA, and Maxwell Report sta- tistics, A:6 historical trends in the United States, 1:5 increase in adults over time, A:17 low-tar brands, A:20-21 reasons for increase, A:17 in the United States, A:22-23, 14:13 CIGARETTE MANUFACTURING effect on carcinogenicity, 14:29-30 effect on cigarette smoke constitu- ents, 14:28-30 levels in the United States, 14:11 role in smoke constituent delivery, 14:9 tobacco types in the United States and, 14:13 CIGARETTE PAPER effect on carbon monoxide levels, 14:104 effect on smoke constituents, 14:29 effect on temperature profile, 14:35 Cigarette smoke See SMOKE, CIGARETTE Cigarette smoke, gas phase See GAS PHASE, CIGARETTE SMOKE Cigarette smoke, particulate phase See PARTICULATE PHASE, CIG- ARETTE SMOKE; TARS, CIGA- RETTE Cigarette smoking See SMOKING Cigarette tars See TARS, CIGARETTE CIGARETTES (See also SMOKE, CIGARETTE; SMOKERS; SMOKING, CIGA- RETTE; TOBACCO, CIGARETTE) effect of design on ciliatoxicity, 14:105 effect of nicotine and tar content on mortality, 2:22 effect of static burning temperature on smoke formation, 14:36 experimental, carcinogenicity, 14:29- 30 manufacturing levels, 14:11 nicotine reduction, 14:44 phenol levels in filtered vs. nonfil- tered, 14:57 pyrolysis reactions, 14:9 sales weighted average tar content 1954-1977, A:19 tar reduction, 14:43 temperature profiles, 14:35-36 United States Government definition, 13:10 CIGARETTES, FILTER consumption patterns, A:23 increase in consumption, A:19 CIGARETTES, HIGH-NICOTINE anxiety levels and, 16:7-8 effect on self-regulation of smoking, 16:19 CIGARETTES, LESS HAZARDOUS effect on coronary heart disease mortality rates, 4:38 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:34-36 effect on lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:15-17 effect on lung neoplasm risk, 5:16, 5:18-19 effect on mortality ratio, 1:11 effect on mortality ratio in males vs. females, 2:23-25 isoprenoids and, 14:49 nicotine reduction and, 14:108 research and development, 1:31 research recommendations, 14:120 tar reduction and, 14:108 CIGARETTES, LOW-NICOTINE anxiety levels and, 16:7-8 consumption trends, 16:16-17, 19:29 degree of deprivation and, 15:27 dependence and, 14:98 effect on mortality ratio, 2:23 effect on self-regulation of smoking, 16:19 promotion in hospital setting, 22:22 smoker preference, 15:8 CIGARETTES, LOW-TAR (See also CIGARETTES, LESS HAZARDOUS) consumption patterns, A:20-21 market share 1967-1978, A:20-21 trends in tar and nicotine content, A:23-24 CIGARETTES, NON-NICOTINE as reinforcers, 16:8-9 CIGARETTES, NONTOBACCO effect on ciliary activity in proto- zoans, 6:32 patellar reflexes and, 14:92 CIGARS (See also SMOKE, CIGAR; SMOK- ERS, CIGAR; SMOKING, CIGAR; TOBACCO, CIGAR) consumption in the United States, 14:18 effect of manufacturing process, 14:30 smoking characteristics of ex-ciga- rette smokers, 19:29 tar levels, 14:44 United States Government definitio 13:10 CIGARS, LITTLE effect of filters on nitrogen oxide content, 14:39 nicotine levels, 14:44, 14:87 tar levels, 14:44 CILIARY ACTIVITY (See also MUCOCILIARY SYSTEM) effect of cigarette smoke, 6:32 effect of phenol, 14:81 effect of smoke from nontobacco cig- arettes in protozoans, 6:33 effect of smoking, 10:14-15 effect of tobacco smoke, 6:32 gas phase cigarette smoke and, 14:105 CILIATOXICITY agent reduction methods, 14:114 cigar smoke, 13:36-37 cigarette design and, 14:105 effect of carbon filters, 14:107 effect of charcoal filtration, 14:105 gas phase, cigarette smoke, 14:106 gas phase, tobacco smoke, 5:54-55 reduction in gas phase, cigarette smoke, 14:104—105 COAL dust, occupational hazards, 7:9 COCARCINOGENS : (See also CARCINOGENS; TUMOR PROMOTERS) asbestos and cigarette smoke, 5:28 eatechols and cigarette smoke, 14:106 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, 14:52 role in carcinogenesis, 5:54 in tobacco smoke particulate phase, 5:54-55 uranium and cigarette smoke, 5:28 Coffee : See CAFFEINE COLLABORATIVE PERINATAL PROJECT OF THE NINCDS, 8:30, 8:45 COLONIC NEOPLASMS carcinoembryonic antigen test in di- — agnosis of, 12:59-62 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS antismoking education, 23:14-15 D-day project (Monticello, Minneso- ta), 21:25 CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS effect of carbon monoxide exposure in pregnant rats, 8:60-61 effect of maternal’ nicotine injection in mice, 8:54 CONTINGENCY CONTRACTING aversive therapy and, 19:30 modification of smoking behavior, 19:21-22, 19:28-29 stimulus control treatment and, 16:16 CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL cardiovascular diseases and smoking and, summary of findings, 1:14 effect on high density lipoprotein levels, 4:62 interactive effect with smoking on cardiovascular disease risk, 4:50, 4:60-61 interactive effect with smoking on myocardial infarct risk, 4:35 interactive effect with smoking on subarachnoid hemorrhage risk, 4:60-61 , , mortality risk compared with preg- nancy and childbirth, 12:52 myocardial infarct and smoking and, 12:51-§2 stroke and smoking and, 12:51 thromboembolism and smoking and, 4:59, 12:51 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SER- VICE dissemination of health information, 21:22 CORONARY HEART DISEASE (See also ANGINA PECTORIS; ATHEROSCLEROSIS; ISCHEMIA; MYOCARDIAL INFARCT; . SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH; THROMBOSIS) aortic aneurysm and, 4:55 atherosclerosis in etiology of, 4:7 cigar smoking in etiology of, 13:32-. 33 effect of age, smoking duration and smoking levels on annual proba- bility of death, 4:35 effect of low level carbon monoxide exposure, 11:30 effect of physical activity in smok- ers, 4:38 - heredity and, 4:66 high density lipoprotein levels and, 4:61-62 . morbidity and mortality rates and ratios in ex-smokers, 4:28-31, 4:34-35, 4-38 morbidity and mortality ratios in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:22-23, 4:36-37 mortality ratio in smokers, 2:39 nicotine and, 14:89 pipe smoking in etiology of, 13:32-38 risk factors, 4:21, 4:36 smoking and, 4:21 smoking and hypertension and, 4:58 sudden cardiac death and, 4:41-43 CORONARY PREVENTION PRO- GRAMS effect on cessation of smoking, 19:14-16, 19:34, 21:24-25 North Karelia Project, 19:15 workplace detection program, 22:16— 17, 22:19 Cost See ECONOMICS COTININE (See also ALKALOIDS, TOBACCO; NICOTINE METABOLITES) in amniotic fluid after maternal in- jection in animals, 8:54 effect on blood pressure and heart rate, 14:91 levels in measuring tobacco usage, 15:30 metabolism, 14:94 relative molar potency in cigarette smoke, 14:96 as smoke inhalation indicator, 14:75 structural formula, 14:46 COTTON dust, occupational hazards, 7:9 COUGH effect of chloromethyl ether exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 7:16 Curing See TOBACCO CURING CYANIDES (See also HYDROGEN CYANIDE; THIOCYANATE LEVELS) absorption, 14:99 in cigarette smoke, 14:39-40 effect on hemoglobin levels and red cell mass, 12:83 Cyclopentanediones See HETEROCYCLIC COM- POUNDS CYTOCHROME 65 role in drug metabolism, 12:11, 12:18 CYTOCHROME P-450 role in drug metabolism, 12:7-8, 12:10-20 spectral properties, 12:18-20 storage and activity sites, 12:16 CYTOCHROME P.-450 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons, 12:7-8 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on synthesis, 12:17-20 spectral properties, 12:18-20 D-DAY PROJECT (MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA) community cessation program, 21:25 DDT in breast milk of smoking mothers, 8:51 as tobacco residue, 14:61 DENTISTS antismoking advice to patients, 21:11-12, 22:16-17 smoking habits, 22:12-14 DEPENDENCE effect of smoking characteristics, 14:97, 15:25 low-nicotine cigarettes and, 14:98 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15:17-18 nicotine and, 14:97 tobacco withdrawal syndrome and, 15:24-25 DEPRIVATION effect of gradual reduction, 15:27 low-nicotine cigarettes and, 15:27 DERMATITIS, CONTACT in tobacco workers, 10:23 DEXAMETHASONE effect of smoking on corticosteroid secretion, 12:37 DIABETES peripheral vascular disease in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers and, 4:53 DIBENZ(a, h)ANTHRACENE structural formula, 14:53 DIENES in cigarette smoke, 14:41 DIET in atherosclerosis induction in ani- mals, 4:9 pancreatic neoplasms and, 5:51 DIETHYLNITROSAMINE (See also NITROSAMINE CON- TENT; NITROSAMINES) effect of smoking on levels in enc- losed spaces, 11:25 in lung neoplasm induction in ham- sters, 5:30 DINITRO-ORTHO-CREOSOL smoking and occupational exposure, 7:7 DIURNAL VARIATIONS in smoking habit, 15:25-26 DOSIMETRY effect of carbon monoxide levels, 14:75 in smoke inhalation methodology, 14:74 DRIVING ABILITY effect of alcoho! and carbon monox- ide, 11:29 effect of carboxyhemoglobin levels, 11:28 DRUG ABUSE (See also CANNABIS; MARIJUA- NA) attitudes and smoking habit, 18:10 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 18:13-15 smoking in youth and, 17:23 DRUG METABOLISM (See also PHARMACODYNAMICS; PHARMACOKINETICS ) effect of aromatic hydrocarbons, 12:7-9 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:25-26 ethanol, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:39 mechanisms of enzyme induction, 12:20-22 role of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, 12:7-9 role of cytochrome bs, 12:11, 12:13 role of cytochrome P-450, 12:7-8, 12:10-20 role of microsomal electron transport system, 12:10-15 role of microsomal mixed function oxidase systems, 12:10-22 role of NADPH reductase, 12:10-15 warfarin, effect of smoking, 12:55 DRUG THERAPY smoking cessation and, 19:16-17 Duodenal ulcer See ULCER, PEPTIC DUODENOGASTRIC REFLUX effect of smoking, 9:16 DUST coal, obstructive airway diseases and, 7:9 cotton, byssinosis and, 7:9 cotton, “Monday morning fever” and, 7:9 cotton, obstructive airway diseases and, 7:9-10 gold, chronic bronchitis and, 7:15 rubber, occupational hazards, 7:13 ECONOMICS cigarette cost and cessation, 18:19 cigarette cost and consumption, 18:23-24 cigarette tax revenues, 21:18 EMPHYSEMA (See also BRONCHOPULMONARY DISEASES; CHRONIC OBSTRUC- TIVE LUNG DISEASE) antitrypsin deficiency in etiology of, 6:33-34 in coal] miners , 13:35 effect of smoking on mortality, 2:41 enzyme induction and, 6:28 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 3:34-35 prevalence in the United States, 6:20 small airways function and, 6:18 smoking and, 6:25 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:18-19 smoking in etiology of, 3:5 smoking in uranium miners and, 7:14 smoking levels and lung pathology, 6:24 Employee programs See WORKPLACE PROGRAMS ENVIRONMENT effect on mortality, 2:42 ENZYME ACTIVITY (See also ARYL HYDROCARBON HYDROXYLASE) in cotinine metabolism, 14:94 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons, 12:7-9 effect of cessation of smoking, 12:41 effect of cigarette smoke conden- sates, 6:29 effect of cigarette smoke constitu- ents, 12:7 effect of marijuana, 12:42-43 effect of methylcholanthrene, 12:21- 22 effect of nicotine, 12:27-28, 14:87 effect of nicotine in rat intestines, 12:76 effect of nitric oxide in rats, 14:81 effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:78 effect of smoking, 1:25-26, 5:57, 12:8-9 effect of tobacco smoke, 10:16, 12:27-28, 12:75-76 in emphysema etiology, 6:28 mechanism of induction in drug me- tabolism, 12:20-22 nicotine metabolism and, 14:87 role in carcinogenesis, 5:55, 5:57 role of RNA and protein synthesis, 12:21-22 ENZYMES (See also ARYL HYDROCARBON HYDROXYLASE) alkaline phosphatase, 12:76 aminoazo dye N-demethylase, 12:9 guanylate cyclase, 14:80-81 role of microsomal mixed function oxidase systems in drug metabo- lism, 12:10-22, 12-76 role of NADPH reductase in drug metabolism, 12:10-15 serum glutamic oxalacetic transami- nase, 12:84 EPIDEMIOLOGY American Cancer Society 9-State Study, 2:15 American Cancer Society 25-State Study, 2:12, 2:14 British Doctors Study, 2:12 California men in various occupa- tions, 2:15 Canada Veterans Study, 2:14-15 Japanese Study, 2:14 smoking related mortality studies, 2:13 Swedish Study, 2:15 United States Veterans Study, 2:14 ERYTHROCYTES smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:82-83 ESOPHAGEAL NEOPLASMS alechol consumption and smoking in etiology of, 5:43-44, 13:25-26 animal models, 5:44 induced by benzo(a)pyrene and etha- nol in animals, 5:44 induced by nitrosamines in animals, 5:44 mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:24-25 mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 5:43 mortality ratio in smokers, 5:42-43 relative risk ratio in cigar vs. ciga- rette vs. pipe smokers, 13:26 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:17 ESOPHAGUS effect of smoking, 5:44 effect of smoking and alcohol con- sumption, 13:25-26 ESTROGENS effect on heart attack risk in males, 4:61 myocardial infarct and smoking and, 12:52 Ethanol See ALCOHOL EX-SMOKERS absenteeism, 3:8, 3:13 activity limitation, 3:14 annual probability of dying, 2:30-34 bladder neoplasm risk, 5:46 blood chemical analysis, 12:87 blood circulation, 4:54 blood lipid levels, 12:83 blood pressure, 4:57 calcium and iodine levels in blood, 12:34 carcinoembryonic antigen levels, 12:86 chronic obstructive lung disease and mortality, 6:10-11 coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality rates and ratios, 4:28- 31, 4:34-35, 4-38 effect of smoking duration and smoking levels on mortality ratio, 2:28-29 heart conditions, 3:16-17, 3:19 hospitalization, 3:14~16 laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:34, 5:37-38 leukocyte count, 12:81 lung function, 6:23 lung function and sex ratio, 6:23 lung neoplasm mortality ratio, 5:24— 26 mortality, 2:26-30 mortality and years since quitting, 2:27-30, 2:25 mortality in cigar and pipe smokers, 13:8 mortality ratio and reasons for quit- ting, 2:27-29 myocardial infarct, 4:21 perception of health status, 3:14-15 personality and cessation of smoking 15-24 physician visits, 3:15, 3:17 respiratory tract diseases in young adults, 6:12 small airways function, 6:14-16 smoking levels and lung pathology, 6:24, 6:27 EXCESS DEATHS (See also MORTALITY) age groups in the United States, 2:11 definition, 2:11 EXERCISE (See also PHYSICAL ACTIVITY) effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:77-78 effect of smoke inhalation in rats, 14:77 EXTRAVERSION cessation of smoking and, 18:17-18 maintenance of smoking and, 18:5-7 EYE IRRITATION effect of smoking in enclosed spaces, 11:26 effect of tobacco smoke, 10:21 effect of ventilation rate, 11:26-27 FATTY ACIDS catecholamines and, 14:90 effect of nicotine, 14:90 effect of nicotine on levels in blood, 12:40 levels in cigarette smoke, 14:58 FEDERAL CIGARETTE LABELLING AND ADVERTISING ACT, A:7 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COM- MISSION Fairness Doctrine, 18:23 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION cigarette tar content and, 14:44 Females See WOMEN Feminism See WOMEN’S MOVEMENT FETAL GROWTH (See also BIRTH WEIGHT) effect of maternal exposure to car- bon monoxide, 8:60 effect of maternal smoking, 8:12, 8:17-19, 8:21 effect of maternal smoking, summa- ry of findings, 1:21 effect. of maternal smoking in ani- mals, research needs, 8:78 effect of tobacco smoke in animals, 8:52 maternal smoking and maternal weight gain and, 8:24-25 FETAL MORTALITY (See also MORTALITY; NEONA- TAL MORTALITY; PERINATAL MORTALITY) carboxyhemoglobin levels in sheep and, 8:62 effect of maternal smoking and ges- tational age, 8:43 effect of maternal smoking and oth- er factors, 8:41 research needs, 8:75 smoking, abruptio placentae, placenta previa and bleeding in pregnancy and, 8:40 FETUS (See also PLACENTA; PREGNAN- CY; PRETERM DELIVERY) effect of maternal smoking, 8:67-68 effect of oxygen availability, 8:17 FIBER OPTICS in tobacco analysis, 14:9 FIBROSIS smoking in asbestos workers and, 7:12 smoking levels and asbestos expo- sure, 7:13 Filter cigarettes See CIGARETTES, FILTER FILTERS . effect on carbon dioxide content, 14:38, 14:104-105 effect on catechol content in gas phase cigarette smoke, 14:106 effect on ciliatoxic agent content, 14:105, 14:107 effect on cyanide content, 14:40 effect on laryngeal neoplasm risk, 5:34-36 effect on lung neoplasm risk, 5:16, 5:18-19 effect on nitrogen oxide content, 14:39 effect on nitrosamine content, 14:39 effect on nitrosamine content in gas phase cigarette smoke, 14:107 effect on phenol content, 14:54, 14:57, 14:106 effect on polonium-210 content, 14:113 effect on smoke constituents, 14:29 effect on tar delivery, 14:44 effect on temperature profile, 14:35 summary of research and develop- ment, 1:31 FLAVORINGS in cigarette manufacturing, effect on smoke constituents, 14:28-19 FLUORIDES, INORGANIC smoking and occupational exposure, viv) FLUOROCARBON POLYMERS smoking and polymer fume fever, 7:6 FORMALDEHYDE smoking and occupational exposure, V7 4-H Programs See COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE FRAMINGHAM HEART STUDY angina pectoris, 4:46 high density lipoprotein levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:61-62 peripheral vascular disease, 4:53 sudden cardiac death, 4:48 FUROSEMIDE effect of smoking on diuretic action, 12:37, 12:54 FUTURE SMOKERS maternal, and infant birth weight, 8:26-27 maternal, and personality characteris- tics, 8:26 GAS PHASE, CIGARETTE SMOKE chemical composition, 14:38 ciliatoxie agent levels, 14:106 constituent levels, 15:6—7 constituents in main- vs. sidestream smoke, 11:6 definition, 14:35 effect of filters on ciliatoxicity, 14:107 reduction of carbon monoxide, 14:104 reduction of catechols, 14:106 reduction of ciliatoxic agents, 14:105 reduction of phenols, 14:106 reduction of nitrosamines, 14:107 reduction of toxicity, 14:104 toxie agent levels, 14:44 toxicity reduction methods, 14:114 GASTRIC SECRETION effect of nicotine, 9:18-14 effect of nicotine in cats, 9:12-13 effect of smoking in peptic ulcer pa- tients and the normal population, 9:13 Gastric ulcer See ULCER, PEPTIC GASTRITIS smoking in etiology of, 9:16 GEORGIA HEART ASSOCIATION hypertension education program, 21:21 GESTATION effect of maternal nicotine injection in rats, 8:54 smoking and duration of, 8:18 GESTATIONAL AGE effect of maternal smoking levels on birthweight, 8:20 maternal smoking and birthweight, 8:19 maternal smoking and risk for abruptio placentae, placenta pre- via, and premature membrane rupture, 8:44, 8:46 maternal smoking and risk for pre- term delivery, 8:44 GLUTETHIMIDE pharmacokinetics in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:33 GLYCERIN levels in cigarettes, 14:63 GLYCOLS levels in cigarettes, 14:63 GOLD dust, occupational hazards, 7:15 GROUP PROGRAMS American Cancer Society, 19:10 5-Day Pian, 19:10, 21:15-16 hypnosis and, 19:17-18 SmokEnders, 19:11, 21:16 Smoking Withdrawal Study Centre, 19:11 HABITUATION opponent process model, 16:9-11, 16-14-15 HEALTH ACTIVITIES PROJECT health education for children, 21:20 HEALTH AND NUTRITION EXAMI- NATION SURVEY, 3:11-12, 3:17 HEALTH EDUCATION (See also SCHOOL PROGRAMS; ADULT EDUCATION) evaluation of School Health Curricu- lum Project, 20:21 information dissemination, 23:27-28 nonschool antismoking programs for youth, 20:22-24 role of health professionals, 22:14-19 role of schools, 17:15 Saskatoon Smoking Study, 20:11-12, 23:25 summary of methodologies and pro- grams, 1:33-34 teacher certification requirements, 23:28-31 Teenage Self Test, 20:22 HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY, 3:3- 18 smoking prevalence data, A:13 smoking prevalence in white and black adults 1965-1976, A:15 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (See also PHYSICIANS; NURSES; PHARMACISTS; DENTISTS) cessation of smoking advice, 19:13- 14, 21:11-12 as health educators, 22:5-6, 22:14-19 as role models, 22:6-9 smoking habits, 22:9-14, 22:23 HEART (See also CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; HEART RATE; MYO- CARDIUM) conditions, in smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smokers, 3:16-17, 3:19 effect of nicotine, 14:78 effect of smoke inhalation and exer- cise in dogs, 14:78 effect of smoke inhalation in cats, 14:77 function, in animals with coronary heart disease, 4:40 Heart disease See CARDIOVASCULAR DIS- EASES; CORONARY HEART DIS- EASE HEART RATE effect of involuntary smoking in children, 11:27 effect of nicotine, 4:58 effect of nicotine vs. cotinine, 14:91 effect of smoking, 12:15-16 fetal, effect of maternal smoking, 8:10, 8:67 sudden cardiac death and ventricular fibrillation, 4:43 sudden cardiac death and ventricular premature beats, 4:42 HEMATOCRIT infants of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8:69 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:82-83 HEMODYNAMICS (See also BLOOD CIRCULATION) effect of smoke inhalation in dogs, 14:76 HEMOGLOBIN LEVELS (See also CARBON MONOXIDE; CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN LEV- ELS; ERYTHROCYTES) effect of carbon monoxide, 12:82-83 effect of cyanide, 12:88 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:82-83 HEREDITY atherosclerosis in animals and, 4:9 bronchopulmonary diseases and, 1:19 coronary heart disease and, 4:66 in establishing smoking habit, 15:9- 10 lung neoplasms and, 5:23 smoking and chronic obstructive lung disease risk, 6:35-36 smoking related mortality and, 2:41- 42 HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS (See also AROMATIC AMINES) in cigarette smoke, 14:52, 14:57 structural formulae of tobacco smoke carcinogens, 14:55 weakly acidic, structural formulae, 14:56 HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS coronary heart disease and, 4:61-62 effect of oral contraceptives on lev- els, 4:62 effect of smoking on levels in males vs. females, 4:61-62 levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:61-62 HOMOGENIZED LEAF CURING (See also TOBACCO CURING) effect on smoking quality, 14:19 effect on tobacco leaf components, 14:27-28 HORMONES antidiuretic, effect of nicotine on secretion, 12:37 corticosteroids, effect of smoking on secretion, 12:37, 12:40 effect of cessation of smoking, 15:23-24 effect of smoking, 15:20 in establishing smoking habit, 15:10 in maintenance of smoking habit, 15- 20 HOSPITAL ADMISSION RATES children, maternal smoking and, 11:33 smokers vs. nonsmokers vs. ex-smok- ers, 3:14-16 HOSPITALS smoking policies, 22:20-23 HUMECTANTS effect on smoke constituents, 14:29 levels in mainstream cigarette smoke, 14:68 HYDRAZINES levels in cigarette smoke, 14:41 HYDROGEN CYANIDE (See also CYANIDES) cardiovascular diseases and, 4:62 occupational hazards, 7:7-8 pharmacology, 7:8 HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by nicotine in cats, 14:90 HYPERKINESIS carbon monoxide in animal model, 8:65 maternal smoking and, 8:23 HYPEROXIA effect on atherosclerosis, 4:17 HYPERTENSION (See also BLOOD PRESSURE) biological control mechanisms, 4:56- 57 cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and, 4:57 myocardial infarct and, 4:20 nicotine and, 14:79 research needs, 4:58 school health education program, 21:21 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4:57 HYPERSENSITIVITY (See also ALLERGY) basic mechanisms, 10:15 classification, 10:9 HYPNOSIS in smoking cessation, 19:17, 19:26 HYPOXIA effect of carbon monoxide in sheep fetus, 8:63-65 effect on atherosclerosis, 4:17 effect on myocardium, 4:20 fetal, effect of maternal smoking, 8:17 fetal mortality and, research needs, 8:75 fetal response in sheep, 8:64 Illinois Antismoking Education Study See UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ANTISMOKING EDUCATION STUDY IMIPRAMINE effect of smoking on pharmacokinet- ics, 12:33 IMMUNE SYSTEM B and T lymphocytes in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 6:31 effect of cigarette smoke in rabbits, 10:18 effect of cigarette smoke on anti- body response in mice, 12:59 effect of cigarette smoke on humoral immunity in mice, 10:18 effect of smoking, 10:14-20 effect of smoking on lymphocytes, 10:17 effect of smoking, summary of find- ings, 1:18-19, 1:23-24, 1:26 effect. of smoking on cellular ele- ments, 10:20 effect of tobacco smoke, 6:30-31, 10:5 hyperresponsiveness in smokers, 10:20 response to viral vaccines in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:58-59 INFANT MORTALITY (See also MORTALITY RISK; NEONATAL MORTALITY; PERI- NATAL MORTALITY) birth weight in smoking vs. non- smoking mothers and, 8:29 black vs. white smoking mothers, 8:28, 8:30 British Perinatal Mortality Study, 8:29 Collaborative Perinatal Study of the NINCDS (1959-1966), 8:30 effect of maternal smoking, 8:10, 8:28, 8:32, 8:34-35 effect of maternal smoking, age, parity, and education, 8:29-31, 8:33 effect of maternal smoking and ges- tational age, 8:43 effect of maternal smoking and pre- term delivery, 8:42 etiology of perinatal death in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 8:36-38 maternal smoking levels and, 8:35, 8:39-40 Ontario Perinatal Mortality Study, 8:33-35 prospective and retrospective studies, 8:29 synergism of maternal smoking and other risk factors, 8:35 INFANTS (See also SMOKING, MATERNAL) breastfed, effect of maternal smok- ing, 8:51 effect of maternal smoking on birth weight, 8:12-13 effect of maternal smoking on body height, 8:19 INFECTIOUS DISEASES (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS) in smoking vs. nonsmoking pregnant women, 10:19 INFLUENZA (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS) incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 10:19 INITIATION OF SMOKING age and, 17:7 behavioral factors, 16:5--13 developmental and social psychology, 17:9-12 medical students, 22:18 psychoanalytic theory, 17:10-11 psychosocial factors in adolescence, 17:12-17 INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT (See also LEARNING) effect of maternal smoking on chil- dren, 1:21, 8:21-23 INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION effect of carbon monoxide, 4:54 smoking and, 4:53-54 INTERNATIONAL ATHEROSCLERO- SIS PROJECT atherosclerosis risk factors, 4:8 summary of epidemiological data, 4:7 INVOLUNTARY SMOKING absorption of nicotine by nonsmokers, 11:24 absorption of tobacco constituents by nonsmokers, 11:6 allergy and, 11:31 asthma and, 10:21 effect of psychological factors on physiologic response, 11:27 effect on angina pectoris patients, 11:30-31 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 11:21, 11:28 effect on cardiac patients, 11:29-30 effect on children with respiratory diseases, 11:32 effect on fetus and breastfed in- fants, 8:51 effect on heart rate and blood pres- sure in children, 11:27 effect on lung function in asthmatic patients, 10:22 effect on nonsmokers, 10:12 11-5, 11:15, 11:28 effect on respiratory tract infections in infants, 8:45 effect on skin temperature, 11:27 health effects, 21:17 health effects, summary of findings, 1:24-25 research goals, 11:35 Inspiratory reserve volume measure- ments See RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS IODINE blood levels in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 12:84 ISCHEMIA (See also CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES; CORONARY HEART DISEASE) effect of carbon monoxide and nico- tine, 4:39 effect on myocardium, 4:19-20 in myocardial infarct etiology, 4:19- 20, 4:39-40 sudden cardiac death and, 4:43 ISOPRENOIDS structural formulae, 14:50 in tobacco, 14:48-49 KETONES content in cigarette smoke, 14:42 formation from humectants, 14:63 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS, 5:47-49 mortality and risk ratios in smokers, 5:48-49 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:17 KIDNEYS organ weight in smokers vs. non- smokers, 12:9 KIWANIS CLUB youth-to-youth antismoking program, 20:15 KNOW YOUR BODY PROGRAM antismoking education component, 20:11 description, 21:20 LACTATION (See also BREAST FEEDING) effect of maternal smoking, 8:50 effect of maternal smoking, summa- ry of findings, 1:22 effect of nicotine in animals, 8:49 and maternal smoking, research needs, 8:78-79 in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers, 8:48 LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS (See also RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) animal models, 5:34-35 aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induci- bility and, 5:57 asbestos and smoking and, 5:34 cigar and pipe smoking and, summa- ry of findings, 1:27 effect of alcohol consumption and smoking on risk, 5:32, 5:34 effect of cessation of smoking on risk, 5:34, 5:37-38 effect of filters on risk, 5:34-36 effect of smoking duration on risk, 5:34 effect of smoking levels on risk, 5:33-36 induced by benzo(a)pyrene in ham- sters, 5:34-35 induced by cigarette smoke in ham- sters, 5:34-35 morbidity and mortality in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:24 mortality ratio in cigar vs. cigarette vs. pipe smokers, 13:24 mortality ratio in smokers, 5:32-33 radiation and smoking and, 12:90 smoking and, summary of findings, 1:16-17 LEAD (See also METALS) levels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12:73 smoking and occupational exposure, a7 LEAD-210 levels in cigarette smoke, 14:60 as tobacco contaminant, 14:20-21 LEARNING (See also INTELLECTUAL DE- VELOPMENT) effect of smoking, 15:18-19 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 15:19 LEGISLATION Federal adult education laws, 21:7 minors’ purchase and use of tobacco, 23:7-8 National Consumer Health Informa- tion Act of 1976, 21:10 ordinances restricting smoking in public places, 21:18