109 35 HY 0) |---- 2-22 nee eee ee ee ee ee ene eee eed Z Z a 5 |e - == 2-2 eee ee nnn enn ee ee ee ee ee eed OQ ~ a 9 ! \ ] ] L ! | l l L l | 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 YEARS —_ <12 yr 12 yr * 13-15 yr >16 yr Education Education Education 7 Education FIGURE 5.—Percentage of ever smokers who never tried to quit, by education, United States, 1974-87 SOURCE: NHISs 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1987; OSH, unpublished data. 09 & 40 30 20 | —_ Qo PERCENTAGE o 1978 1979 1980 1987 YEAR Mm OC<12 yr 12 yr 13-15 yr Mm > 16 yr Education Education Education Education FIGURE 6.—Percentage of persons smoking at 12 months prior to the survey interview who quit for at least | day during those 12 months, United States, 1978-80, 1987, by education SOURCE. NHISS 1978 1979 1980 1987: OSEL. unpublished data. t09 PERCENTAGE 0 1 bof a a dt | tg oe | 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 YEAR <12 yr 12 yr x 13-15 yr 2 16yr Education © Education Education = Educanon FIGURE 7.—Percentage of ever smokers who had been abstinent for less than 1 year, United States, 1966-87, by education SOURCE: NHISs 1966, 1970, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987; OSH, unpublished data. 1990 09 yD pene nn cee cee een cece eee eee ene ee een neem eee aren cera nee ene en arene nanan ennwnmananneenseeenennanuanenneees es 2 e Zz ty eo LI pope Pop 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 YEAR S 12 12 yr 13-15 yr > 216 yr Education Education = Education Education FIGURE 8.—Percentage of ever smokers who had been abstinent for 1—4 years, United States, 1966-87, by education SOURCE: NHISs 1966, 1970, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987: OSH, unpublished data. S09 50 w g e Zz za] O eZ SB git bi py tp 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 YEARS <12 yr 12 yr * 13-15 yr 216 yr Education + Education Education = Education FIGURE 9.—Percentage of ever smokers who had been abstinent for 5 years or more, United States, 1966-87, by education SOURCE: NHISs 1966, 1970, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987; OSH, unpublished data. 1990 Percentage of Those Smoking at 12 Months Prior to a Survey Interview Who Quit for at Least 1 Day During Those 12 Months The percentage of those smoking at [2 months prior to a survey interview who stopped for at least | day during those |2 months is a measure of quitting activity—that is, quitting attempts—independent of the success of those attempts. Trend data show that this percentage was slightly higher in 1987 than in the 3 earlier years (1978, 1979, and 1980) in all educational strata (Figure 6). Data show an effect of all demographic variables (gender, race, education, and age) on quitting for at least | day (Table 5). Females are significantly more tikely to be in this category than are males. Blacks, more than whites, are more likely to have been abstinent for | day or more. Although the effect of education is not statistically significant, the data suggest a positive trend. Overall, the likelihood of being abstinent for at least | day tends to be higher in the more highly educated groups (Figure 6), especially in 1987, Finally, there is a J-shaped relationship between quitting for at least I day and age. The proportion in this category is highest in the two younger age groups, lowest in the 45--64-year-old group. and intermediate in the oldest age group. Percentage of Ever Smokers Who Had Been Abstinent for Less Than 1 Year The data in Figure 7 show trends. analyzed according to education, in the proportion of ever smokers who. at the time of the survey, had been abstinent for less than 1 year. In general, no stable trend over the years or absolute change in this proportion from 1965 to 1987 is seen. This lack of a consistent pattern is also evident when the data are classified by gender, race, and age. In every subgroup, the proportion of ever smokers who had been abstinent for less than | year in 1985 increased: the reason for this increase is unclear. Data from the 1988 NHIS, which were not available when this Report was prepared, should help clarify recent trends in this measure of quitting. The data show effects of most of the demographic variables on the tikelihood of being in this category (Table 5). In general, the two younger age groups are more likely than the two older age groups to have been abstinent for less than | year. A higher proportion of whites than blacks have been abstinent for less than | year. However, given that the trend in this proportion has been generally stable for whites and increasing for blacks, the gap between the races has closed with time. The level of education is positively associated with the likelihood of being in this category. Those with the least education (<12 years) are slightly less likely to be recent quitters compared with other education groups. There is no difference between the sexes in the likelihood of being in this category. Percentage of Ever Smokers Who Had Been Abstinent for | to 4 Years Figure 8 presents data on trends in the proportion of ever smokers, who at the time of the survey had been abstinent from | to 4 years, are stratified by education. While no consistent patterns appear across time, the data show that education is positively associated with being abstinent for | to 4 years. Those with the highest education level 606 (16+ years) are the most likely to have quit | to 4 years earlier, and those with the lowest educational level (<12 years) are the least likely. The data also show that for 1965-1978, the proportion of males who had been abstinent for | to 4 years is slightly higher than that for females (although across the entire time period 1965-87, there is no difference in the proportions between the sexes). Given that the proportion off cigarettes for | to 4 years has been increasing significantly tor females and remained stable for males with time, the gap between the genders has closed (Table 5). Whites are more likely than blacks to have been abstinent for | to 4 years. The data do not show any consistent patterns with respect to age. Across time. on average, the proportion of those in the 45—64-year age group in this category 1s slightly lower than in the other age groups. Percentage of Ever Smokers Who Had Been Abstinent for at Least 5 Years Data on the proportion of ever smokers who, at the time of the survey. had been abstinent for 5 years or more show positive trends with time for the overall population and for every population subgroup (trends across education shown in Figure 9). Overall, the proportion of ever smokers in this category has more than doubled from 12.4 percent in 1965 to 29.8 percent in 1987. Data from the 1955 Current Population Survey (the first large survey of tobacco use conducted among a probability sample of the U.S. population) indicate that 5.0 percent of those who ever smoked cigarettes were abstinent for at least 4.5 years in 1955 (Haenszel, Shimkin, Miller 1956). The data also show strong effects of all four demographic variables on the likelihood of being abstinent for at least 5 years. Figure 9 shows that those with the most education (16+ years) are the most likely to have been abstinent for 5 years or more than those in the other categories. On average, over time, the data show that increasing education is associated with increasing likelihood of being in this category (Table 5). Also seen in the data are a gender effect (males are more likely than females to have been abstinent for 5+ years), a race effect (whites are more likely than blacks to be in this category). and a strong effect of age (increasing age is associated with increasing likelihood of being abstinent for at least 5 years). The age effect is due, at least in part. to the fact that older persons have had a longer opportunity to quit and maintain long-term abstinence compared with younger persons. The gaps between the races and across age groups (and to a lesser extent, across education) have been increasing with time. Interpretation of Continuum Findings In the period spanned by these data, a slightly increasing proportion of smokers are attempting to quit and are maintaining abstinence. Slightly less than a third of the people who were smoking at 12 months before the 1987 survey quit smoking for at least 1 day during those 12 months. Trends categorized by sociodemographic subgroups show that females. blacks, younger persons, and more highly educated persons are more likely than the appropriate comparison groups to have quit for at least 1 day during the last year. 607 One way to determine whether these quit attempts have been successful is to examine trends in the proportion of ever smokers who have been abstinent for | to 4 years. Although blacks are more likely than whites to have quit for | day or more, whites are more likely to have successfully maintained abstinence for | to 4 years. Younger smokers are more likely to have quit for | day or more than older smokers; however, there are only small absolute differences across age groups in the percentage who have been abstinent for 1 to 4 years. The positive trend across educational categories with respect to quitting for | day or more parallels important differences seen in the likelihood of being abstinent for | to 4 years. Those with the lowest level of education were the least likely to make an attempt to quit and the least likely to maintain long-term abstinence. Those with the highest level of education were the most likely to have made a quit attempt and the most likely to maintain long-term abstinence. Finally. although females were more likely than males to have quit for at least | day, there were no gender differences in abstinence for | to 4 years. The data on the increasing proportion of ever smokers who have been off cigarettes for at least 5 years show that more ever smokers are entering this category by successfully quitting and abstaining than are exiting by death or relapse. Overall, this proportion has increased 242 percent between 1965 and 1987. Consistent with other data showing that males began quitting earlier than females (Fiore et al. 1989), proportionately more males than females are in this category. Similarly, whites began quitting earlier, and are therefore, more likely than blacks to have stopped smoking for 5 years or more. There is also evidence that those with the highest level of education have been abstinent for a longer period than those with less education. Finally, older people were more likely to have been abstinent for at least 5 years. This positive relationship reflects the accumulation of successful quitters with age and, probably to some extent, the benefits of cessation on survival. OTHER MEASURES RELATED TO SMOKING CESSATION Intention to Smoke in 5 Years Intention to smoke or quit is a predictor of future smoking behavior (Collins, Emont, Zywiak, in press: Cummings et al. 1988; Pierce, Dwyer et al. 1987; Pederson, Basker- ville, Wanklin 1982). Current and former smokers responding to the five OSH-spon- sored surveys of tobacco. use were asked to assess the likelihood that they would be smoking in 5 years. There is litte change in the responses of former smokers since 1964. In each survey year, fewer than 3.2 percent of all former smokers responded that they would be smoking again in 5 years. Thus, former smokers overestimate the likelihood that they will remain abstinent. (See the previous Section, Long-Term Abstinence and Relapse.) In Table 6, the predicted likelihood of future smoking behavior among current smokers is presented for each survey year by gender. The sharp dropoffs that occurred between 1966 and 1970 may have occurred as a result of the widespread television broadcast of antismoking public service announcements (PSAs) from 1968 to 1970 608 TABLE 6.—Percentage of those intending to smoke in 5 years, by gender, AUTSs, United States, 1964-86, current smokers aged 21 and older Definitely will be smoking Probably will be smoking Total (definitely + probably) Year Male Female Male Female Male Female 1964 25.2 20.1 50.6 54.4 75.8 74.5 1966 22.3 15.6 53.7 55.4 76.0 71.0 1970 10.9 10.2 39.) 41.1 $0.0 51.3 1975 1L.7 12.0 44.2 45.9 55.9 57.9 1986 7.3 6.4 35.2 38.8 42.6 45.3 NOTE: AUTS=Adult Use of Tobacco Survey. SOURCE: AUTSs 1964, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1986. under the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine (US DHHS 1989a). Longitudinal data collected between 1964 and 1975 supported the hypothesis that the Fairness Doctrine PSAs influenced smokers’ attitudes about quitting (Horn 1979). The percentage of smokers who “thought seriously about giving up smoking” increased from 56 percent before the PSAs to about 85 percent at the end of. and 5 years after, the PSAs. The proportion of smokers who tried to quit and the overall cessation rate also increased over the same timeframe. The slight increases in intention to smoke from 1970 to 1975 might reflect a decay effect after the removal of the antismoking commercials. The reduction between 1975 and 1986 could reflect an increase in antismoking activity, such as the growth of the nonsmokers’ rights movement (US DHHS 1989a). Receipt of Advice to Quit from a Doctor Advice to quit smoking by a doctor increases patient cessation rates (Glynn, Manley, Pechacek, 1990; Kottke et al. 1988; Schwartz 1987; US Preventive Services Task Force 1989). Data from Table 7 show that the percentage of current smokers who report having ever been advised by a doctor to stop smoking increased steadily for both genders between 1964 and 1987. Male current smokers were 3.1 times more likely to report having received advice from a doctor to stop smoking in 1987 than in 1964; female current smokers were 3.2 times more likely to have reported receipt of such advice in 1987 than in 1964. The data for former smokers, while less consistent, also show increases with time. Male former smokers were 1.5 times more likely to report having received advice from a doctor to stop smoking in 1987 than in 1964. Female former smokers were 2.1 times more likely to report having received such advice in 1987 than in 1964. In summary, large increases in the percentages of current and former smokers who reported having received advice to quit occurred between 1976 and 1987. 609 TABLE 7.—Percentage who report having ever received advice to quit froma doctor, by smoking status and gender, United States, 1964-87, adults aged 21 and older Current smokers Former smokers Surves Male Female Male Female AUTS 1964 18.0 16.6 22.3 15.9 AUTS 1966 16.9 [8.8 27.8 21.8 ALTS 1970 21.8 25.0 20.0 20.1 NHIS 1974 25.2 27.8 22.6 18.9 AUTS 1975 26.2 28.2 24,2 23,7 NHIS 1976 26.8 30.2 24.4 19,3 AUTS 1986 40.0 53.1 26.4 27.8 NHIS 1987 46.6 53.8 33.6 32.8 NOTE: AUTS=Adult Use of Tobacco Survey: NHIS=National Health Interview Survey. CONCLUSIONS 1. By 1987. more than 38 million Americans had quit smoking cigarettes, nearly half of all living adults who ever smoked. tw The percentage of ever cigarette smokers who are former cigarette smokers (quit ratio) has increased from 29.6 percent in 1965 to 44.8 percent in 1987 at an average rate of 0.68 percentage points per year. The quit ratio has increased among men and women, among blacks and whites, and among all age and education subgroups. Between 1966 and 1987, the rate of increase in the quit ratio among college graduates was twice the rate among high school dropouts. 3. About one-third of all former cigarette smokers who have maintained abstinence for at least 1 year may eventually relapse. As the duration of abstinence increases, relapse becomes less likely. 4. Quitting activity, as measured by the proportion of people smoking at 12 months before a survey who quit for at least | day during those 12 months, has increased slightly over time. Between 1978 and 1987, this proportion increased from 27.8 to 31.6 percent. an . Female smokers were more likely than male smokers to have quit smoking cigarettes for at least 1 day during the previous year. however, there were no gender differen- ces in the proportion abstinent for | to 4 years. Men were more likely than women to have been abstinent for 5 years or more. These findings do not take into account the use of tobacco products other than cigarettes. 610 10. . Black smokers were more likely than white smokers to have quit for at least 1 day during the previous year. Blacks, however, were less likely than whites to have been abstinent for } year or more. . Younger smokers (aged 20 to 44) were more likely than older smokers to have quit for at least | day during the previous year. . Smokers with less education tend to be less likely to have quit for at least | day during the previous year compared with those having more education. In addition, those with lower levels of education are less likely to have been abstinent for | year or more. In 1964, about three-fourths of all current smokers predicted that they would “definitely” or “probably” be smoking in 5 years. In 1986, fewer than half of all current smokers felt the same way. Moreover, while more than 20 percent of current smokers in 1964 predicted that they would “definitely” be smoking in 5 years, only about 7 percent of current smokers in 1986 so predicted. Current smokers in 1987 were more than three times as likely as current smokers in 1964 to report having received advice from a doctor to stop smoking. 611 References ANDA, R.F., WALLER. M.N., WOOTEN, K.G.. MAST, E.E., ESCOBEDO, L.G.. SANDER- SON, L.M., STATE BRFSS COORDINATORS. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance. 1988. In: CDC Surveillance Summaries, June 1990. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1990: 39(SS-2):1-21. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL. 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American Journal of Public Health 67(6):536-544, 1977. 616 AARP ACS AR AUTS BM BMI BP BPS BRFSS BUPA CASS CC CCDPHP CDC CHD Cl cig CNS co COHb COPD CPS CPS-I CPS-I CV CVD DBP DHEW DHHS DLcoSB DPA DSM-III-R FEV| FVC| HANES GLOSSARY American Association of Retired Persons American Cancer Society attributable risk Adult Use of Tobacco Survey bone mass body mass index blood pressure Baseline Prevalence Survey Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System British United Providence Association Coronary Artery Surgery Study closing capacity Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control coronary heart disease confidence interval cigarettes central nervous system carbon monoxide carbox yhemoglobin chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Center for Preventive Services Cancer Prevention Study I Cancer Prevention Study II closing volume cardiovascular disease diastolic blood pressure Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of Health and Human Services carbon monoxide diffusing capacity dual photon absorptiometry Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders t-sec forced expiratory volume l-sec forced vital capacity Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 617 HB.Ag HCN HDL-C HMO HR IARC LDL-C MI MMEF MRC MRFIT NCHS NCI NHANES-1 NHEFS NHIS NHLBI NNS OSH PBI PCA pDL PEF PHS POMS PPA ppd PSA REE RR SBP SCN ~ SD SES SGA SIDS SPA ST STD TLC TQ VC WHO WHR 618 hepatitis B surface antigen hydrogen cyanide high-density lipoprotein cholesterol health maintenance organization heart rate International Agency for Research on Cancer low-density lipoprotein cholesterol myocardial infarction mid-maximum expiratory flow Medical Research Council Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial National Center for Health Statistics National Cancer Institute National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I NHANES Epidemiologic Followup Study National Health Interview Survey National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Natality Survey Office on Smoking and Health penile brachial index percent cortical area predicted diffusing capacity peak expiratory flow Public Health Service Profile of Mood States phenylpropanolamine packs per day public service announcement resting energy expenditure relative risk systolic blood pressure thiocyanate standard deviation socioeconomic status small gestational age sudden infant death syndrome single photon absorptiometry smokeless tobacco sexually transmitted disease total lung capacity Fagerstrom Tolerance Scale vital capacity World Health Organization ratio of waist to hip circumference