Foreword Smoking kills an estimated 434,000 Americans each year, most of whom began smoking during their adolescence. The key to reducing this enormous death toll and the health consequences that accompany tobacco use, according to public health officials, is preventing young people from starting to use tobacco. Very few people begin to use tobacco as adults; almost all first use has occurred by the time people graduate from high school. By the age of 18, one in three persons is using tobacco. The earlier young people begin using tobacco, the more heavily they are likey to use it as adults, and the longer potential time they have to be users. Both the duration and the amount of tobacco use are related to eventual chronic health problems. This publication is adapted from Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the Surgeon Gener- al released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 1994. The excerpts presented here provide important information for educators about the vulnerable ages of 10 through 18 when most users start smoking, chewing, or dipping and become addicted to tobacco. It underscores the seriousness of tobacco use and the relationship of tobacco use to other adolescent problem behaviors. We appreciate the cooperation of the Office of the Surgeon General in making this report available for distribution by the Department of Education. Copies of the complete document are available for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, S/N 017-001-00491-0. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: References CONTENTS Introduction .....-.----2+40- ee ee eee Health Consequences of Tobacco Use by Young People ...... ‘Epidemiology of Tobacco Use Among Young People in the United States 2... et ee es Psychosocial Risk Factors for Initiating Tobacco Use ........ Efforts to Prevent Tobacco Use Among Young People ....... Pe ee ee 11 39 89 115 183 Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Chapter 1 Introduction Previous Surgeon General's reports on tobacco use and health have largely focused on the epidemiologic, clinical, biologic, and pharmacologic aspects of adult use of tobacco products. This report on Preventing Tobacco Lse Among Young People provides a more detailed look at adolescence, the time of life when most tobacco users begin, develop, and establish their behavior. Because regular use soon results in addiction to nicotine, this behavior may persist through adulthood, significantly increasing, through the extended years of use, the risk of long-term, severe health consequences. Despite three decades of explicit health warnings, large numbers of young people continue to take up tobacco; currently, over three million adolescents smoke cigarettes, and over one million adolescent males cur- rently use smokeless tobacco. Clearly, effective interven- tions are needed to prevent more young people from trying tobacco. To achieve significant long-term reduc- tions in tobacco use and tobacco-related deaths in the United States, we must examine the nature and scope of adolescent tobacco use, consider the social, psychologi- cal, and marketing factors that influence young people in their decision to use tobacco products, and evaluate cur- rent efforts to prevent young people from becoming users. This report addresses the crucial problems of adolescent tobacco use. Development of the Report This report of the Surgeon General was prepared by the Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as part of the department’s responsibility, under Public Law 91-222 and Public Law 99-252, to report current information on the health effects of cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use to the United States Congress. This report is the first to focus on the problem of tobacco use among young people. Given the continuing onset of use in adolescence and the growing evidence of health consequences associated with early use, the report was seen as both needed and timely. The current report has been produced through the efforts of experts in the medical, pharmacologic, epidemiologic, developmental, economic, behavioral, legal, and public health aspects of smoking and smoke- less tobacco use among young people. Initial manu- scripts for the report were prepared by 28 scientists who were selected for their expertise in specific content areas. This material was consolidated into chapters, each of which underwent peer review. The entire document was reviewed by a number of experts in the field, as wellas by institutes and agencies within the U.S. Public Health Service. The final draft of the report was reviewed by the Assistant Secretary for Health and by the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services. Several concerns guided the development of this report. The first, which is addressed in Chapter 2, is whether tobacco use is associated with health conse- quences during the period of adolescence (broadly de- fined as ages 10 through 18, although research cited in this report varies somewhat in the ages considered ado- lescent). The long-term health consequences—that is, those that emerge in adulthood—have been the subject of extensive review and are widely acknowledged in the scientific and public literature. The chapter thus focuses on the serious health consequences, as well as the in- creased risk factors for subsequent health consequences, that are evident early in life among young smokers and smokeless tobacco users. Chapter 3 examines the epidemiologic patterns of tobacco use among the young. National data on trends in adolescent use are analyzed to determine the extent of the current problem, as well as to note changes in patterns of initiation and use. The factors that influence adolescents in their decision to use tobacco are examined in Chapter 4, which considers psychosocial risk factors, and Chapter 5, which examines the influence of tobacco advertising and promotion. The final concern, the focus of Chapter 6, was to assess what has been done—from the individual level to the legislative level— to prevent tobacco use among young people. Major Conclusions 1. Nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation; this finding suggests that if ado- lescents can be kept tobacco-free, most will never start using tobacco. 2. Most adolescent smokers are addicted to nicotine and report that they want to quit but are unable to do so; they experience relapse rates and withdrawal symptoms similar to those reported by adults. 3. Tobacco is often the first drug used by those young people who use alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. Introduction 5 4. Adolescents with lower levels of school achieve- ment, with fewer skills to resist pervasive influences to use tobacco, with friends who use tobacco, and with lower self-images are more likely than their peers to use tobacco. 5. Cigarette advertising appears to increase young people’s risk of smoking by affecting their Summary Surgeon General's Repot perceptions of the pervasiveness, image, and fur tion of smoking. 6. Communitywide efforts that include tobacco tax creases, enforcement of minors’ access laws, yout oriented mass media campaigns, and school-bas tobacco-use prevention programs are successful - reducing adolescent use of tobacco. Introduction The health effects of cigarette smoking have been the subject of intensive investigation since the 1950s. Ciga- rette smoking is still considered the chief preventable cause of premature disease and death in the United States. As was documented extensively in previous Sur- geon General's reports, cigarette smoking has been caus- ally linked to lung cancer and other fatal malignancies, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, chronic ob- structive pulmonary disease, and other conditions that constitute a wide array of serious health consequences (USDHHS 1989). More recent studies have concluded that passive (or involuntary) smoking can cause disease, including lung cancer, in healthy nonsmokers. In 1986, an advisory committee appointed by the Surgeon Gen- eral released a special report on the health consequences of smokeless tobacco, concluding that smokeless tobacco use can cause cancer and can lead to nicotine addiction (USDHHS 1986). In the 1988 report, nicotine was desig- nated a highly addictive substance, comparable in its physiological and psychological properties to other ad- dictive substances of abuse (USDHHS 1988). Considerable evidence indicates that the health problems associated with smoking are a function of the duration (years) and the intensity (amount) of use. The younger one begins to smoke, the more likely one is to be a current smoker as an adult. Earlier onset of cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use provides more life- years to use tobacco and thereby increases the potential duration of use and the risk of a range of more serious health consequences. Earlier onset is also associated with heavier use; those who begin to use tobacco as younger adolescents are among the heaviest users in adolescence and adulthood. Heavier users are more likely to experience tobacco-related health problems and are the least likely to quit smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco. Preventing tobacco use among young people is therefore likely to affect both duration and 6 Introduction intensity of total use of tobacco, potentially reducing long-term health consequences significantly. Health Consequences of Tobacco Use Among Young People Active smoking by young people is associated with significant health problems during childhood and adolescence and with increased risk factors for health problems in adulthood. Cigarette smoking during adolescence appears to reduce the rate of lung growth and the level of maximum lung function that can be achieved. Young smokers are likely to be less physically fit than young nonsmokers; fitness levels are inversely related to the duration and the intensity of smoking. Adolescent smokers report that they are significantly more likely than their nonsmoking peers to experience shortness of breath, coughing spells, phlegm production, wheezing, and overall dimin- ished physical health. Cigarette smoking during child- hood and adolescence poses a clear risk for respiratory symptoms and problems during adolescence; these health problems are risk factors for other chronic con: ditions in adulthood, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause 0 death among adults in the United States. Atheroscle rosis, however, may begin in childhood and becom« clinically significant by young adulthood. Cigarett smoking has been shown to be a primary risk facto for coronary heart disease, arteriosclerotic periphera vascular disease, and stroke. Smoking by childre: and adolescents is associated with an increased risk o early atherosclerotic lesions and increased risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. These risk factors includ increased levels of low-density lipoprotein cholestero! increased very-low-density lipoprotein cholestero increased triglycerides, and reduced levels a Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. If sustained into adulthood, these patterns significantly increase the risk for early development of cardiovascular disease. Smokeless tobacco use is associated with health consequences that range from halitosis to severe health roblems such as various forms of oral cancer. Use of smokeless tobacco by young people is associated with early indicators of adult health consequences, including periodontal degeneration, soft tissue lesions, and general systemic alterations. Previous reports have documented that smokeless tobacco use is as addictive for young people as it is for adults. Another concern is that smoke- less tobacco users are more likely than nonusers to be- come cigarette smokers. Among addictive behaviors suchas the use of alco- hol and other drugs, cigarette smoking is most likely to become established during adolescence. Young people who begin to smoke at an earlier age are more likely than later starters to develop long-term nicotine addiction. Most young people who smoke regularly are already addicted to nicotine, and they experience this addiction in a manner and severity similar to what adult smokers experience. Most adolescent smokers report that they would like to quit smoking and that they have made numerous, usually unsuccessful attempts to quit. Many adolescents say that they intend to quit in the future and yet prove unable to doso. Those who try to quit smoking report withdrawal symptoms similar to those reported by adults. Adolescents are difficult to recruit for formal cessation programs, and when enrolled, are difficult to retain in the programs. Success rates in adolescent cessa- tion programs tend to be quite low, both in absolute terms and relative to control conditions. Tobacco use is associated with a range of problem behaviors during adolescence. Smokeless tobacco or cigarettes are generally the first drug used by young people in a sequence that can include tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs. This pattern does not imply that tobacco use causes other drug use, but rather that other drug use rarely occurs before the use of tobacco. Still, there are a number of biological, behavioral, and social mechanisms by which the use of one drug may facilitate the use of other drugs, and adolescent tobacco users are substantially more likely to use alcohol and illegal drugs than are nonusers. Cigarette smokers are also more likely to get into fights, carry weapons, attempt suicide, and engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. These problem behaviors can be considered a syndrome, since involvement in one behavior increases the risk for in- volvement in others. Delaying or preventing the use of tobacco may have implications for delaying or prevent- ing these other behaviors as well. The Epidemiology of Tobacco Use Among Young People . Overall, about one-third of high-school-aged ado- lescents in the United States smoke or use smokeless tobacco. Smoking prevalence among U.S. adolescents declined sharply in the 1970s, but this decline slowed significantly in the 1980s, particularly among white males. Although female adolescents during the 1980s were more likely than male adolescents to smoke, female and male adolescents are now equally likely to smoke. Male ado- lescents are substantially more likely than females to use smokeless. tobacco products; about 20 percent of high school males report current use, whereas only about 1 percent of females do. White adolescents are more likely to smoke and to use smokeless tobacco than are black and Hispanic adolescents. Sociodemographic, environmental, behavioral, and personal factors can encourage the onset of tobacco use among adolescents. Young people from families with lower socioeconomic status, including those adolescents living in single-parent homes, are at increased risk of initiating smoking. Among environmental factors, peer influence seems to be particularly potent in the early stages of tobacco use; the first tries of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco occur most often with peers, and the peer group may subsequently provide expectations, re- inforcement, and cues for experimentation. Parental tobacco use does not appear to be as compelling a risk factor as peer use; on the other hand, parents may exert a positive influence by disapproving of smoking, being involved in children’s free time, discussing health mat- ters with children, and encouraging children’s academic achievement and school involvement. How adolescents perceive their social environment may be a stronger influence on behavior than the actual environment. For example, adolescents consistently over- estimate the number of young people and adults who smoke. Those with the highest overestimates are more likely to become smokers than are those with more accu- rate perceptions. Similarly, those who perceive that ciga- rettes are easily accessible and generally available are more likely to begin smoking than are those who per- ceive more difficulty in obtaining cigarettes. Behavioral factors figure heavily during adoles- cence, a period of multiple transitions to physical matu- ration, to a coherent sense of self, and to emotional independence. Adolescents are thus particularly vulner- able to a range of hazardous behaviors and activities, including tobacco use, that may seem to assist in these transitions. Young people who report that smoking serves positive functions or is potentially useful are at increased risk for smoking. These functions are associated with Introduction 7 bonding with peers, being independent and mature, and having a positive social image. Since reports from adolescents who begin to smoke indicate that they have lower self-esteem and lower self-images than their non- smoking peers, smoking can become a self-enhancement mechanism. Similarly, not having the confidence to be able to resist peer offers of tobacco seems to be an impor- tant risk factor for initiation. Intentions to use tobacco and actual experimentation also strongly predict subse- quent regular use. The positive functions that many young people attribute to smoking are the same functions advanced in most cigarette advertising. Young people are a strategi- cally important market for the tobacco industry. Since most smokers try their first cigarette before age 18, young people are the chief source of new consumers for the tobacco industry, which each year must replace the many ‘consumers who quit smoking and the many who die from smoking-related diseases. Despite restrictions on tobacco marketing, children and adolescents continue to be exposed to cigarette advertising and promotional ac- tivities, and young people report considerable familiar- ity with many cigarette advertisements. In the past, this exposure was accomplished by radio and television pro- grams sponsored by the cigarette industry. Barred since 1971 from using broadcast media, the tobacco industry increasingly relies on promotional activities, including sponsorship of sports events and public entertainment, outdoor billboards, point-of-purchase displays, and the distribution of specialty items that appeal to the young. Cigarette advertisements in the print media persist; these messages have become increasingly less informational, replacing words with images to portray the attractive- ness and function of smoking. Cigarette advertising fre- quently uses human models or human-like cartoon characters to display images of youthful activities, inde- pendence, healthfulness, and adventure-seeking. In pre- senting attractive images of smokers, cigarette advertisements appear to stimulate some adolescents who have relatively low self-images to adopt smoking as a way to improve their own self-image. Cigarette adver- tising also appears to affect adolescents’ perceptions of the pervasiveness of smoking, images of smokers, and the function of smoking. Since these perceptions are psychosocial risk factors for the initiation of smoking, cigarette advertising appears to increase young people’s risk of smoking. Efforts to Prevent the Onset of Tobacco Use Most of the U.S. public strongly favors policies that might prevent tobacco use among young people. These policies include mandated tobacco education in schools, acomplete ban on smoking by anyone on school grounds, 8 Introduction Surgeon General's Report further restrictions on tobacco advertising and promo- tional activities, stronger prohibitions on the sale of to- bacco products to minors, and increases in earmarked taxes on tobacco products. Interventions to prevent ini- tiation among young people—even actions that involve restrictions on adult smoking or increased taxes—have received strong support among smoking and nonsmok- ing adults. Numerous research studies over the past 15 years suggest that organized interventions can help prevent the onset of smoking and smokeless tobacco use. School- based smoking-prevention programs, based on a model - of identifying social influences on smoking and provid- ing skills to resist those influences, have demonstrated consistent and significant reductions in adolescent smok- ing prevalence; these program effects have lasted one to - three years. Programs to prevent smokeless tobacco use ~ have used a similar model to achieve modest reductions in initiation of use. The effectiveness of these school-— based programs appears to be enhanced and sustained, at least until high school graduation, by adding coordi- nated communitywide programs that involve parents, youth-oriented mass media and counteradvertising, com- munity organizations, or other elements of adolescents’ social environments. A crucial element of prevention is access: adoles- cents should not be able to purchase tobacco products in their communities. Active enforcement of age-at-sale — policies by public officials and community members ap- pears necessary to prevent minors’ access to tobacco. Communities that have adopted tighter restrictions have achieved reductions in purchases by minors. At the state and national levels, price increases have significantly reduced cigarette smoking; the young have been at least as responsive as adults to these price changes. Maintain- ing higher real prices of cigarettes provides a barrier to adolescent tobacco use but depends on further tax in- creases to offset the effects of inflation. The results of this review thus suggest that a coordinated, multicomponent campaign involving policy changes, taxation, mass me- dia, and behavioral education can effectively reduce the onset of tobacco use among adolescents. Summary Smoking and smokeless tobacco use are almost always initiated and established in adolescence. Besides its long-term effects on adults, tobacco use produces specific health problems for adolescents. Since nicotine addiction also occurs during adolescence, adolescent to- bacco users are likely to become adult tobacco users. Smoking and smokeless tobacco use are associated with other problem behaviors and occur early in the sequence -of these behaviors. The outcomes of adolescent smoking Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People and smokeless tobacco use continue to be of great public health importance, since one out of three U.S. adoles- cents uses tobacco by age 18. The social environment of adolescents, including the functions, meanings, and im- ages of smoking that are conveyed through cigarette advertising, sets the stage for adolescents to begin using tobacco. As tobacco products are available and as peers begin to try them, these factors become personalized and References relevant, and tobacco use may begin. This process most affects adolescents who, compared with their peers, have lower self-esteem and self-images, are less involved with school and academic achievement, have fewer skills to resist the offers of peers, and come from homes with lower socioeconomic status. Tobacco-use prevention programs that target the larger social environment of adolescents are both efficacious and warranted. US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. The health consequences of using smokeless tobacco. A report of the advisory committee to the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, National Institutes of Health. NIH Publication No. 86-2874, 1986. US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. The health consequences of smoking: nicotine addiction. A report of the Surgeon General, 1988. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Health Promotion and Education, Office on Smoking and Health. DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 88-8406, 1988. US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.AND HUMAN SERVICES. Reducing the health consequences of smoking: 25 years of progress. A report of the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 89-8411, 1989. Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Chapter 2: The Health Consequences of Tobacco Use by Young People Introduction The health consequences of tobacco use among adults have been reviewed extensively in previous Surgeon General’s reports (Public Health Service [PHS] 1964; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS] 1986b, 1989). Among young people, the short-term health consequences of smoking include respiratory and nonrespiratory effects, addiction to a toxic substance (nicotine), and the associated risk of other drug use. Long-term health consequences of adolescent smoking may be seen in the association between early onset of tobacco use and future (adult) smoking, with concomitant health consequences. Passive (also called “involuntary”) smoking during adolescence is also asso- ciated with harmful respiratory and nonrespiratory effects. Lastly, the use of smokeless tobacco poses seri- ous health consequences to young people. Health Consequences of Smoking Among Young People Introduction The health effects of cigarette smoking have been the subject of intensive investigation since the 1950s. Extensive evidence, documented in numerous reports of the Surgeon General, has causally linked cigarette smoking to a wide array of health outcomes that extend from annoying symptoms to fatal malignancies (USDHHS 1989). Until recently, this research was largely directed at the effects of smoking on adults. As is discussed in Chapter 3 (see “Age or Grade When Smok- ing Begins”), the onset and development of cigarette use occur primarily during adolescence (USDHHS 1989); the health consequences of smoking among young people thus have great public health significance. In recent years, investigations of the health effects in school- age youth have reported sufficient data to support conclusions about adverse effects of smoking during childhood and adolescence. Most of the evidence reviewed here is gathered from epidemiologic studies of young people ranging from 10 through 20 years old. Selected studies that relate to older age groups, yet are relevant to young people, are also included. Emphasis is placed on the res- piratory effects of smoking, for which the evidence is abundant. Data on smoking and cardiovascular risk factors and atherogenesis are also addressed, as are the adult health implications of starting to smoke during childhood. Overview of the Toxicology of Tobacco Smoke Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds generated by the combustion of tobacco and additives. Current knowledge about the physicochemical nature of tobacco smoke is well de- scribed in earlier Surgeon General’s reports (PHS 1964; USDHHS 1981, 1989). Thousands of individual com- pounds have been isolated in cigarette smoke, including pharmacologically active agents (e.g., nicotine), toxic agents (e.g., carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and acrolein), and mutagens and carcinogens (e.g., polycy- clic aromatic hydrocarbons). Cigarette smoke is further classified as mainstream smoke (MS), the smoke drawn through the mouthpiece of the cigarette, and sidestream smoke (SS), the smoke given off by smoldering tobacco between puffs and the smoke diffusing through the cigarette paper and escap- ing from the burning cone during puffing. Because of the differing combustion conditions under which MS and SS are generated, their chemical compositions differ; in par- ticular, undiluted SS tends to have higher concentrations of many toxic and tumorigenic agents (USDHHS 1986a, 1989). The quantitative yields of tar (the material depos- ited ina filter as MS is being drawn), nicotine, and carbon monoxide from cigarettes can be assessed by using a smoking machine standardized to a particular pattern of puffing (USDHHS 1989). Passive smoking refers to nonsmokers’ inhalation of tobacco smoke. The term “environmental tobacco smoke” (ETS) is now widely used to refer to the mixture of predominantly SS and exhaled MS that is inhaled by the passive smoker. Passive smoking was the subject of the 1986 Surgeon General's report (USDHHS 1986a); that report reviews in detail the components of ETS, as did a contemporaneously prepared report of the N ational Re- search Council (1986). In 1991, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommended that ETS be regarded as a potential occupational carcinogen and Health Consequences 11 that exposures to ETS be reduced to the lowest feasible concentration (USDHHS 1991b). A recent monograph by Guerin, Jenkins,.and Tomkins (1992) updates and extends these earlier reviews. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) also recently reviewed the evidence on involuntary smoking and respiratory health (USEPA 1992). These and other health consequences of passive smoking are discussed later in this chapter. Many of the components of SS and MS have been identified in ETS. On the other hand, ETS is an inherently dynamic mixture that changes in physical and chemical characteristics as it ages and reacts with other pollutants in indoor air and with surfaces (USDHHS 1986a; Guerin, Jenkins, Tomkins 1992). The 1986 Surgeon General’s report concluded, however, that ETS was sufficiently close to MS and SS to permit generalization of the evi- dence on the health consequences of active smoking to passive smoking (USDHHS 1986a). , The human body is most susceptible to these health consequences along cigarette smoke’s path of ingress through the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract in- cludes the upper airway (nose, oropharynx, and larynx) and the lung (airways and the parenchyma). The air- ways are lined by an epithelium that varies in form and function at different levels of the respiratory tract. The parenchyma includes the alveoli pulmonis (the delicate gas-exchanging surface of the lung) and the interstitium (the location of the blood and lymphatic vessels and of the lung’s supporting connective tissue). The effects of active’ cigarette smoking on these structures of the lung and on many physiological func- tions of the lung have been extensively studied (USDHHS 1984, 1990; Bates 1989). Changes in lung physiology attributable to smoking include the weakening of an individual’s defenses against infectious organisms and inhaled particles and gases, changes in the numbers and types of cells present within the lung, and the activation of potentially damaging proteolytic enzymes and the inactivation of the proteins that inhibit them. Many of these effects of smoking have been demonstrated in young adult smokers who have served as volunteer research subjects (USDHHS 1984). The effects of smoking on lung structure and func- tion have been demonstrated repeatedly in young adult smokers (USDHHS 1984; Bates 1989).. Studies using spirometry, tests of small airway function, and lung vol- ume measurements have shown a higher frequency of abnormalities in smokers than nonsmokers (USDHHS 1984; Bates 1989). Effects of smoking on lung structure, particularly the small airways, have been found in smok- ers in their mid-twenties. Niewoehner, Kleinerman, and Unless otherwise indicated, "smoking" will hence refer to active smoking. 12. Health Consequences Surgeon General's Report Rice (1974) examined peripheral airways of 20 nonsmok- ers and 19 smokers who had died from nonrespiratory causes at an average age of 25. A characteristic lesion, termed “respiratory bronchiolitis,” was found in all 19 of the smokers but in only 5 of the nonsmokers. The affected small airways of the smokers demonstrated an inflammatory process consisting of aggregates of pigment-containing macrophages with edema, fibrosis, and epithelial hyperplasia in adjacent bronchioles and alveoli. These observations on the effects of smoking in young people are consistent with current concepts of pathogenesis and natural history in adult smokers (USDHHS 1984, 1990). Severe chronic airflow obstruc- tion, sufficient to result in a clinical diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), follows sustained smoking and lung injury with progressive loss of respi. ratory function through adulthood. In smokers whc develop COPD, decline of lung function at a rate wel beyond that associated with aging alone eventually lead: to impairment. Changes in lung function can be demon strated in young adult smokers; these losses are consis tent with the histopathologic evidence that the smal airways of young smokers are damaged (U! SDHHS 1984) Epidemiologic Evidence of Respiratory Effects Respiratory Symptoms The cardinal symptoms of respiratory tract injur and disease are cough, sputum production, wheezing and dyspnea (or shortness of breath). In epidemiologi studies of respiratory diseases, symptoms are usualk discovered through responses to a standardized ques tionnaire (Samet 1978). In adults, the occurrence of coug! and phlegm is causally associated with cigarette smok ing; the frequency of the symptoms rises with the num ber of cigarettes smoked per day (USDHHS 1984). I some studies, wheezing is also more frequent in adu smokers than in adults who have never smoke (Schenker, Samet, Speizer 1982). The frequency ¢ dyspnea rises as the extent of smoking-related impait ment of lung function increases (Samet 1978). Questionnaire-based epidemiologic studies of chi dren and adolescents document that smoking is also cause of respiratory symptoms in preteen and teenag regular smokers (those who smoke at least weekly Studies conducted from the 1960s through the 198 involving thousands of children provide consistent ev dence that smoking is associated with the occurrence | cough and phlegm (Table 1; see Table 31 in Chapter 3 fe additional data). In several studies, smoking also i creased the frequency of wheezing and dyspnea. The: associations have been found in studies conducted in tt Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Scandinavia and at levels of smoking as low as one cigarette per week. In one of the first studies on smoking and respira- tory symptoms in children, Holland and Elliott (1968) administered a questionnaire concerning respiratory symptoms and cigarette smoking to all children in schools in four areas of southeast England. Smoking education was then provided to half of the schools, and the questionnaire was readministered one year later. Although the intervention had no effect on the preva- lence of smoking, the study documented that smoking in childhood was associated with cough and phlegm and that these symptoms were reduced in those who had stopped smoking. Many later studies continued to show that smok- ing increased the frequency of respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. In the United States, research with high school students (Addington et al. 1970; Seely, Zuskin, Bouhuys 1971; Rush 1974) and college students (Peters and Ferris 1967) provided early evidence of ad- verse effects of smoking on young smokers. Large stud- ies of schoolchildren (including preteens) in the United Kingdom showed that symptom rates were increased by smoking. Bewley, Halil, and Snaith (1973) reported that the frequency of cough was increased in boys and girls no older than 11.5 years who reported smoking at least one cigarette per week. Other studies in the United Kingdom and the United States found further evidence of the effects of smoking on symptom frequency in chil- dren of similar ages (Bewley and Bland 1976; Charlton 1984; see Table 31 in Chapter 3). The health effects of smoking among adolescents may be confounded by a history of passive smoking if the parents of an adolescent smoker also smoke. How- ever, in a study of 5,835 secondary schoolchildren in Derbyshire (United Kingdom), students who smoked at least one cigarette per week persisted in having an in- creased risk for cough and dyspnea even after parental smoking was taken into account (Bland et al. 1978). Control for other potential confounding or mediat- ing factors varies among the investigations. Residence location, a surrogate for exposure to ambient air pollu- tion, was considered in several of the studies (Bewley, Halil, Snaith 1973; Bewley and Bland 1976), and a study of 20-year-olds (Colley, Douglas, Reid 1973) controlled for socioeconomic status. Lung Function Numerous cross-sectional studies of adults have shown that cigarette smokers have a lower level of lung function, as assessed by tests of lung mechanics and gas exchange, than persons who have never smoked (USDHHS 1984; Bates 1989). Longitudinal studies show that smoking speeds the age-related decline of lung func- tion. The most abundant evidence describes changes in lung function as assessed by spirometry, or the measure of the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs. One measure of scientific and clinical interest obtained through spirometry is the forced expiratory volume in one se- cond (FEV,), the volume of air blown out during the first second of the forced vital capacity maneuver. FEV, increases with lung growth and development dur- ing childhood, and rises even more steeply with the growth spurt of adolescence (Tager et al. 1988; Sherrill et al. 1992). In persons who have never smoked, FEV, begins to decline from a maximum at some time during the third or fourth decades of life (Beck, Doyle, Schachter 1982; Tager et al. 1988). In smokers, the age- related decline commences at a younger age and pro- ceeds at a steeper average rate (Beck, Doyle, Schachter 1982; USDHHS 1984; Tager et al. 1988). When people stop smoking, their average decline gradually returns to the rate observed in those who never smoked (USDHHS 1990). Cross-sectional and longitudinal data show that smoking also adversely affects lung function in children and adolescents (Table 2). The evidence comes princi- pally from spirometry studies of high school students, although one of the first studies to show reduced lung function in young people involved college seniors (Pe- ters and Ferris 1967). In these studies, impaired lung function has been primarily indicated through reduced flow rates after 50 percent or more of the vital capacity has been exhaled. This effort-independent, latter portion of the flow-volume loop is sensitive to abnormalities of the lung’s small airways and the lung parenchyma (Bates 1989). Several studies have also found that smokers have a reduced peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) (Table 2). This effort-dependent portion of the flow-volume loop is more sensitive to abnormal function of the lung’s larger airways than of its small airways (Bates 1989). Among the first researchers to study smoking among younger people were Peters and Ferris (1967), who obtained spirometric and peak-flow data from 124 Harvard College seniors. Smokers had lower (although not signifi- cantly) FEV, than persons who had never smoked. Spiro- metric flow rates and PEFR were significantly lower in the smokers. In an early study involving high school students, Seely, Zuskin, and Bouhuys (1971) found evidence of abnor- mal function of the small airways in both boys and girls who smoked. Subsequent cross-sectional studies of teenagers have tended to confirm that smokers have reduced lung function, as assessed by spirometry or PEFR measurement. More recent, longitudinal data show that smoking reduces the rate of lung growth, as would be anticipated Health Consequences 13 Surgeon General's Report Table1. Published studies of the effects of smoking on respiratory symptoms among young people, various countries, 1965-1983 Reference* Location/year Study population Massachusetts, 1965 124 Harvard College seniors Peters and Ferris 1967 Addington et al. 1970 Oklahoma’ England, 1971 “ndiaba Do dey ie Bewley, Halil, Snaith 1973 8,682 schoolchildren aged 10 and 11 years 12,595 high school students aged Rush 1974 New York, 1968 13-18 years *Listed chronologically by publication date. SYear not provided. 14. Health Consequences Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Prevalence (%) by smoking status Symptoms Never smoker Smoker* Phlegm 2 3 months/yr 2.4 26.54 Breathlessness 2.4 20.5+ Wheezing (apart from colds) 7.3 31.3# Colds go to chest 4.9 31.3¢ f ough Never smoker Smoker’ Daily cough 2 3 months 4 10 Daily phlegm 2 3 months 3 9 Dyspnea when hurrying 16 30 Chest cold for 1 week 22 30 Wheezing or asthma 12 13 Never smoker Smoker* Morning cough Boys 5.4 18.2 Girls 5.9 19.8 Cough 3 months Boys 3.8 15.4 3.5 12.1 Nonsmoker Ex-smoker Smoker Number of cigarettes smoked per day Cough 2 3 months/yr" $1-9 10-14 215 Boys 2.9 45 9.2 16.2 29.0 Girls 4.4 6.0 12.0 23.1 35.9 ‘At least one cigarette daily for the past year. tp < 0.01. “Smoking at least one cigarette weekly. Percentages combine data reported separately in authors’ Table 4 for urban and rural children. For white children only. Health Consequences 15 Surgeon General's Repor Table 1. Continued Reference Location/year Study population Maori and European high school Stanhope and Prior 1975 New Zealand, 1972 , ars es ag TES Spy egy tee eet oe oH Bewley and Bland 1976 a England, 19 “he Le fon de ee UL oe ilo England, 1974 5,835 schoolchildren; first-year Bland et al. 1978 level in secondary school wr phe re tts, 1975, Massachuse 2 TOAD ates Kujala 1981 Finland, 1976 Charlton 1984 Adams et al. 1984 Rimpela and Rimpela 1985. iad Ibo ely Sek ime 1 Pe Oechsili, Seltzer, California, 1977-1979 1,445 children in a cohort van den Berg 1987 study “Smoking at least one cigarette weekly. Percentages combine data reported separately in authors’ Table V for urban and rural children. RR = Relative risk for children smoking > one cigarette weekly versus children who had never smoked, adjusted for parental smoking. #Smoking at least one cigarette weekly. 16 Health Consequences preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Symptoms Prevalence (%) by smoking status General finding: Cough grade, phlegm grade, and loose cough sign significantly associated with smoking. ee ¢ ote. Never smoke Morning cough : vg tee Boys ~~: Girls © fs Cough 3 months Boys ao Girls. Never smoker Smoker RRS Morning cough Boys 3.1 19.2 5.9 Girls 1.8 13.5 6.8 Cough day or night Boys 20.4 46.5 2.4 Girls 18.5 47.3 2.6 Breathlessness Boys 11.8 34.9 2.9 Girls 16.5 39.2 2.3 difference not significant. Nonsmoker“ Ex-smokert! Smoker*** Cough ail day 1 2 8 Phlegm all day 1 1 7 Wheezing 5 13 22 Morning phlegm Morning cough Phlegm day or night Cough day or night age, General findings: Starting smoking associated with bronchitis and pneumonia. *RR = Relative risk for children smoking at least one cigarette weekly versus children who had never smoked. “Nonsmoker = Never smoking and smoking not more than one cigarette daily for < one year. NEx-smoker = Smoking one month or more before date of the interview. “Smoker = Smoking > 1g of tobacco daily; one cigarette was estimated to contain 1g of tobacco. Smoking daily, cigarettes < 10mg of tar. "Smoking daily, cigarettes 10-18mg of tar. Health Consequences 17 Surgeon General's Repor Table2. Published studies of the effects of smoking on lung function among young people, various countries, 1965-1981 , ; Study Reference* Location/year population Findings' Comment Peters and Ferris | Massachusetts, 124 Harvard ’ Significant reduction Age distribution 1967 1965 College seniors in spirometric flow not given, non- klahomat? Addington et al. 1970 ~..: spt 195 male and 170 Seely, Zuskin, Connecticut? Bouhuys 1971 female high school students aged 15-19 years vik SSNs: if Pte tick Comstock and Nationwide, 3,409 U.S. Navy Rust 1973 1970-1971 recruits, median age = 19 years PEFR lower in rates when compar- ing NS with persons smoking a pack a day for four years during college; dose response with amount smoked. From MEFV curves, V,, and V,.. signifi- cantly reduced in boys smoking > 15 cigs/day and girls smoking > 10 cigs/day, when compared with NS. smokers (99.5% predicted) than in nonsmokers (100.7% predicted). of spirometric data. * significant reduc- tion for FEV,. mI oF Age distribution - not given; no -<-". adjustment for <2. height in analysis fee RRR. - Age distribution not given, non- significant reduc- tion for FEV,. No definition of smoker, nonsmoker; tests of statistical significance not provided. — *Listed chronologically by publication date. *NS = never smoker; FEV, = forced expiratory volume in one second; VC = vital capacity; MEFV = maximal expiratory flov volume; V,, = flow rate at 50% of vital capacity; V,, = flow rate after exhalation of 75% of vital capacity; FVC = forced vital capacity; PEFR = peak expiratory flow rate; FEF,, ., = forced expiratory flow from 25% to 75% of FVC. Year not provided. 18 Health Consequences Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Table 2. Continued Study Reference Location/year population Findings* Comment Backhouse 1975 United 195 boys ata PEFR on arrival None Kingdom? detention center, dropped significantly mean age = 18 years with daily smoking _ Collier 1979 Australia, 1971-1980 Woolcock et al. 1979 10,898 school children, mean ages = 8.9 years for primary school and 12.6 years for high school groups amount; significant improvement during 8-week stay while unable to smoke ery No overall effect of smoking on spiromet- ric values in 1974 data; decreased lung growth in smoking boys who had had bronchitis before age See text for review of longitudinal findings. Kujala 1981 Finland, 1976 1,075 male military recruits, mean age = 20 years Significantly reduced FEV, and spirometric flows when comparing NS with smokers at interview. 19 Health Consequences from the findings from cross-sectional studies. Beck, Doyle, and Schachter (1982) examined white residents of Lebanon, Connecticut, in 1972 and 1978. Among male and female subjects aged 15 through 24 in 1972, smoking had reduced the increment of FEV, during the six-year follow-up interval. Ina 10-year study in Sydney, Australia, Woolcock et al. (1984) periodically measured lung function in an initial cohort of 11,497 schoolchildren. Two groups of children were included: a younger cohort that was 8.9 years of age on average at enrollment and an older cohort aged 12.6 years on average at enrollment. The investigators followed up the cohort annually, measur- ing respiratory function and assessing symptoms, ill- nesses, and smoking. A small number of children were studied more intensively with the single-breath nitro- gen test. The effect of smoking was examined only in the older cohort. Cross-sectional assessment of these data showed that at 50 percent of vital capacity, smok- ers tended to have lower maximal expiratory flow than nonsmokers. For example, adolescents who smoked at least 10 cigarettes per week had about a 5 percent lower expiratory flow rate than nonsmokers. The investiga- tors concluded that abnormalities attributable to smok- ing were found in adolescents as young as age 14 and as soon as one year after beginning to smoke at least 10 cigarettes per week. They also concluded that smoking was more harmful for children and adolescents who had a history of respiratory illness, particularly asthma. A cohort study of children in East Boston, Massa- chusetts, has been informative on the effects of passive and active smoking on lung function (Tager et al. 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988). In 1974, the study enrolled a cohort of children aged five through nine who were sampled from schools in East Boston. The families of these children were then invited to participate in the initial survey and in periodic follow-up examinations that included a respiratory questionnaire and spirometry. Several relevant longitudinal analyses of the East Boston data have been reported (Tager et al. 1985, 1987, 1988). Using data from the first seven follow-up ex- aminations, Tager et al. (1985) described the effect of smoking on the growth rates of FEV, and on forced expiratory flow (FEF) from 25 to 75 percent of forced vital capacity (FEF.,, ,.) in a group of 669 subjects aged 5 through 19 years at enrollment. Using a Markov-type autoregressive model, researchers found significant ef- fects of smoking on both measures of lung function. The model predicted that a child’s smoking, beginning at age 15 and continuing through age 20, would reduce FEV, to 92 percent of the expected value and FEF,, ,. to 90 percent of the expected value. A subsequent analysis 20 Health Consequences Surgeon General's Report using a nonparametric curve-smoothing method on these same data showed that male smokers had a smaller increase of FEV, at the end of the growth phase (a suggestion of a lower maximum lung function) than males who had not smoked; those who continued to smoke into early adulthood also showed no evidence of the plateau observed in never smokers before lung func- tion began to decline. Similar findings were reported for females. Relevant information is also available from a com- munity population study in Tucson, Arizona (Lebowitz and Holberg 1988). The Tucson cohort was derived from a population sample of 325 non-Hispanic white residents, originally sampled in 1972 when they were an average age of 8.8 years. Like the East Boston study, the Tucson study was directed primarily at passive smoking but also gathered information on active smok- ing by measuring FEV, and FEF.,, ... The Tucson study found effects of comparable magnitude with those ob- served in the East Boston study. Although these effects did not reach statistical significance in the Tucson data, they were in the same direction as those from East Boston, and the sample population was only half the size. Sherrill et al. (1992) examined the longitudinal effects of active and passive smoking on lung function in a cohort of New Zealand children observed from ages 9 through 15. Active smoking did not have statis- tically significant effects on FEV,, vital capacity, or FEV, /vital capacity (percent), but the numbers of regu- lar smokers were small. By age 15, 43 percent reported occasional smoking (during the last year but not every day), but only 10 percent were daily smokers (smok- ing any number of cigarettes on a daily basis). Jaakkola et al. (1991) carried out an eight-year longitudinal study of lung function ina cohort of young adults aged 15 through 40 at enrollment. Of 1,044 enrolled, 391 were subsequently followed. Smoking was found to havea significant effect on change in FEV, during the study period, but the results were not re- ported by age interval. Respiratory Morbidity In adults, smoking is associated with increased morbidity, as indexed by such measures as use of out- patient medical services and absenteeism from work, and with increased respiratory morbidity, as indexed by frequency or severity of respiratory infections (USDHHS 1990). Because smoking has been shown to alter immune and inflammatory responses (U.S. De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare [USDHEW] 1979b), these effects on an individual's defenses could preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People plausibly lead to increased frequency and severity of respiratory infections in smokers. Studies involving a wide age range of young le indicate that smoking increases respiratory mor- bidity (Table 3). A number of these studies compared medical care by smokers and nonsmokers in settings where all medical care was obtained at a single clinic. In one of the earliest studies, Haynes, Krstulovic, and Bell (1966) examined the numbers of diagnoses for respira- torv tract illnesses among male students (aged 14-19 years) at a preparatory school. Nearly half of the stu- dents were smokers. All respiratory illnesses were more common in the smokers; the increase was greatest for the illnesses considered “severe.” The findings of studies involving student nurses (Parnell, Anderson, Kinnis 1966) and military cadets (Finklea et al. 1971) were similar. A series of studies have included military recruits as subjects (Table 3); their ages ranged from 18 through 22. In the study of Pollard et al. (1975), the rates of respiratory diagnoses were not significantly different between smokers and nonsmokers. In the more recent study of military recruits by Blake, Abell, and Stanley (1988), self-report of smoking was associated with in- creased risk for diagnosis of an upper respiratory tract infection during a 13-week basic training period. Kark and Lebiush (1981) and Kark, Lebiush, and Rannon (1982) examined attack rates for influenza and influ- enza-like illnesses in Israeli military recruits and found that smoking was associated with an increased attack rate in both male and female recruits. Recently, in a study that examined’ adolescents and young adults who had sickle cell anemia, Young et al. (1992) found a strong relationship between cigarette smoking and acute chest syndrome. In sickle cell ane- mia patients, acute chest syndrome is characterized by fever, cough, chest pain, leukocytosis, and pulmonary infiltrates in the chest radiograph. All smokers in this study had a history of acute chest syndrome, whereas 65 percent of the nonsmokers did. Smoking also ap- peared to increase the frequency of sequelae of sickle cell lung disease. A study in the United Kingdom (Charlton and Blair 1989) associated smoking with increased absen- teeism from school among 2,885 children aged 12 and 13 years. Children who on an initial questionnaire reported regular smoking were more likely than non- smokers to be absent when a follow-up questionnaire was administered four months later. The authors inter- preted these findings as showing a higher rate of minor ailments in children who smoked; however, the design could not exclude other plausible explanations (such as truancy) for the difference. In a survey of adolescents invited for an overall evaluation in three general prac- tices in the United Kingdom, smokers reported a higher prevalence of health problems than nonsmokers (25 percent vs. 16 percent, p = .06) (Townsend et al. 1991). Epidemiologic Evidence of Nonrespiratory Effects Cardiovascular Disease In adults, cigarette smoking is a cause of coronary heart disease, arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular dis- ease, and stroke (USDHHS 1989). Although these diseases rarely occur in children and adolescents, au- topsy studies of young male victims of combat during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts and community-based autopsy studies of adolescents and young adults have shown that atherosclerosis begins in childhood and may become clinically significant in young adulthood (McNamara etal. 1971; Enos, Holmes, Beyer 1986; Strong 1986). Several autopsy-study series link cigarette smok- ing to the occurrence and extent of atherosclerosis in young adults. Strong and Richards (1976) described the association of cigarette smoking with atherosclerosis in 1,320 men from the New Orleans area. In the youngest group (aged 25 to 34 years), the development of athero- sclerosis in the coronary arteries and the abdominal aorta was consistently greater with higher levels of smoking. More recently, an eight-community study by the Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) Research Group (1990) found associa- tions of smoking with atherosclerosis in 390 males aged 15 through 34 years who died of violent causes (e.g., accidents, homicides, suicides). In this study, lipids were measured in postmortem serum, and smoking was assessed by the level of serum thiocyanate. After controlling for lipid levels, age, and race, a multiple regression analysis revealed a significant association between smoking and atherosclerosis (i.e., having raised lesions greater than or equal to 5 percent of the intimal surface area) in the abdominal aorta. A multiple logistic analysis controlling for the same factors found that smoking was a significant predictor of atherosclerosis in both the abdominal aorta and the right coronary artery. The Bogalusa Heart Study is an epidemiologic study of cardiovascular disease risk factors encountered from birth through age 26. Among deceased subjects whose average age was 18 years, cigarette smoking was not associated with aortic fatty streaks or involvement of the coronary arteries with atherosclerosis (Newman et al. 1986; Freedman etal. 1988). However, in subjects who Health Consequences 21 Surgeon General's Report Table 3. Published studies of the effects of smoking on respiratory morbidity among young people, various countries, 1963-1987 Reference* _ Location/year Study population Haynes, Krstulovic, Bell 1966 New Jersey’ 191 male prep school students aged 14-19 years oe Boe eam gitg Lede REET Parnell, Anderson, Kinnis 1966 a Canada, 1963-1964 Finklea et al. 1971 South Carolina, 1968-1969 1,900 college students Israel, 1979 Female military recruits, mean age = 18.5 years arene ade ~ Pies dnt ene Blake, Abell, Stanley 1988 Georgia, 1982 1,230 Army recruits, most aged < 22 years Tee cae ne ESO NE RE TEN AEE EIT EF > Charlton and Blair 1989 sae Schwartz and Zeger 1990 California’ 100 student nurses *Listed chronologically by publication date. tYear not provided. 22 Health Consequences preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Health effect | Prevalence (%) by smoking status Nonsmoker Occasional smoker* Regular smoker® Annual illness rates*/ 10 students . 16.0 22.0 All respiratory 11.0 . Severe respiratory 1.4 3.6 5.4 All respiratory ©.) Upper respiratory . Lower respiratory Number of cigarettes smoked per day 0 <1 pack >I pack Incidence rate** (per 100 school years) Upper respiratory Outpatient 52.5 59.9 67.0 Hospital 7.6 12.0 10.2 Lower respiratory Outpatient 2.5 3.0 6.8 0.4 0.7 0.9 Hospital - Leb cho neath General Findings: Relative risk = 1.46 for upper respiratory infection for smokers versus nonsmokers. Illnesses cc ieamiaa | by visits to clinics. General Findings: Smoking associated with increased absence f and 3.09 for regular smokers (compared w with never smokers). ' General Findings: Smoking significantly associated with incidence of cough and phlegm. Current amount smoked significantly predicted duration of an episode of phlegm or chest discomfort. *Smoked at least 1 cigarette or pipe per week. *Respiratory-related (similar symptoms) visits to dispensary, with one week grouped. HBased on self-administered questionnaire. These categories were not defined. 4Tliness occurrence based on medical records and serology. “Smoked at least 1 cigarette or pipe per day. uiness rates based on infirmary visits during a school year. [ness incidence based on records of the health service. **Incidence rates based on self-administered questionnaire. Health Consequences 23 died after age 20, smoking appears to have been related to atherosclerosis (Berenson et al. 1992). Smoking among young people has been associated with serum lipid profiles in a pattern predictive of in- creased risk for cardiovascular diseases. In a published meta-analysis of studies on children who smoke, Craig et al. (1990) found that among 8- through 19-year-olds, smoking increased levels of low-density lipoprotein cho- lesterol by 4 percent, triglycerides by 12 percent, and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 12 percent. Levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were reduced by 9 percent. These changes were comparable to—and of larger magnitude than—those observed in smoking adults. Physical Fitness Even among young people trained as endurance runners, smoking appears to compromise physical - fitness in levels of both performance and endurance. Cigarette smoking reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and increases both heart rate and basal metabolic rate—changes that counter the benefits of physi- cal activity in a direct relation to the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes regularly smoked (Royal College of Physicians of London 1992). Ina study of 19- year-old army conscripts (N = 6,500), those who smoked ran a significantly shorter distance in 12 minutes and took significantly longer to sprint 80 meters than their nonsmoking counterparts (Marti et al. 1988). In the same study, the smokers among 4,100 joggers ina 16-kilometer’ race were consistently slower than the nonsmokers. Young adult smokers also have chronic, mild ad- verse cardiovascular physiologic changes, including di- minished exercise performance on standard treadmill testing and blunted heart rate response to exercise (Sidney et al. 1993). The left ventricular mass is increased in young adult smokers, and their resting heart rates are two to three beats per minute more rapid than nonsmok- ers’ (Gidding et al. 1992). Health Outcomes in Pregnancy Cigarettesmoking during pregnancy has been linked witha variety of adverse outcomes (USDHHS 1989, 1990). Early reports of the Surgeon General (USDHEW 1971, 1973, 1979a) concluded that smoking by a mother during pregnancy retards fetal growth and may cause fetal death late in pregnancy as well as infant mortality. The 1977- 1978 report (USDHEW 1979a) further concluded that smoking during pregnancy has dose-response relation- ships with abruptio placenta, placenta previa, bleeding during pregnancy, premature and prolonged rupture of placental membranes, and preterm delivery. The 24 Health Consequences Surgeon General's Report comprehensive reviews of the 1979 and 1980 reports (USDHEW 1979a; USDHHS 1980) concluded that the risk of spontaneous abortion increases with the amount of smoking and that therisk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is increased by maternal smoking. A more recent study confirms the increased risk of SIDS with maternal smoking (Schoendorf and Kiely 1992). Impaired fertility was linked to smoking in the 1980 report (USDHHS 1980). These adverse health effects of smoking on reproduction have not been specifically investigated in young women in the 10- through 20-year age range. Epidemiologic Evidence of the Health Effects of Passive Smoking The health effects of passive smoking were com- prehensively addressed in the 1986 report of the Surgeon General (USDHHS 1986a) and ina report of the National Research Council (1986). These reviews and subsequent reports (Samet, Cain, Leaderer 1991; USEPA 1992) have demonstrated that exposure to parental smoking during childhood significantly increases the occurrence of lower respiratory illnesses during the first years of life, in- creases the frequency of chronic respiratory symptoms, and reduces the rate of lung growth during childhood and adolescence. Evidence is accumulating to suggest that smoking by parents increases the severity of child- hood asthma (USDHHS 1991b; Samet, Cain, Leaderer 1991), as indicated by the need for medication and hospi- tal treatment. SIDS, the most common cause of death in the first year of life, has been linked to parental smoking in several epidemiologic studies. Children of parents who smoke have a twofold increased risk of dying of SIDS; this relationship appears to be dose-related (Schoendorf and Kiely 1992; Malloy et al. 1988). The evidence on passive smoking and respiratory health was recently reviewed by the USEPA (1992). This review confirmed that ETS is causally linked to lung cancer. Janerich et al. (1990) noted that approximately 17 percent of lung cancers among nonsmokers can be attrib- uted to high levels of ETS during childhood and adoles- cence. The USEPA report also concluded that exposure to ETS causes lower respiratory illness in infants and young children; this finding is stronger than that of the 1986 Surgeon General's report, which did not character- ize this association as causal. The agency’s report also inferred from its data that childhood exposure to ETS reduced lung function, increased respiratory symptoms, caused middle ear effusion, and exacerbated asthma. For example, the report estimated that ETS exposure exacerbates symptoms of asthma in about 20 percent of the two million to five million asthmatic children in the United States. The report also hypothesized that ETS may be associated with the onset of asthma. preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People Many chronic changes in cardiovascular physiol- ogy have been observed in children exposed to ETS. These changes include lower HDL cholesterol, increased carboxyhemoglobin concentration, and increased red-cell 2.3-diphosphoglycerate, as well as physiologic " response suggesting mild, chronic hypoxemia (Moskowitz et al. 1990). ETS is also known to increase platelet aggregation (Glantz and Parmley 1991). The effect of peer smoking—as a source of ETS— on nonsmoking children has not been studied but may also be a health risk. Adult Health Implications of Smoking Among Young People Respiratory Diseases As was discussed previously, sustained smoking during adulthood is associated with the development of COPD and the progressive loss of lung function (USDHHS 1984, 1990). Evidence suggests that smoking during childhood may increase the risk for developing COPD in adulthood as well as at an earlier age. The adult who smoked during childhood may have experi- enced early inflammatory changes—childhood smoking is known to reduce lung growth—and thereby not at- tained the level of function achieved during the normal growth and development of the lungs. Any age-related decline in lung function during adulthood would thus start from a lower level—and might begin at a younger age—than declines observed in adults who have never smoked. In fact, the proportionate impeding effect of childhood smoking on lung growth greatly exceeds the loss of lung function associated with smoking during adulthood (Tager et al. 1985, 1988). If one or both parents of an adolescent smoke, the effects of parental smoking on early childhood respira- tory illnesses and on the growth of lung function may increase the risk of COPD. Illnesses in the lower respira- tory region during childhood are a suspected risk factor for COPD (Samet, Tager, Speizer 1983), and passive smoking reduces the rate at which lung function grows (USDHHS 1986a). Cardiovascular Disease In adults, cigarette smoking has been causally associated with coronary heart disease, arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease, and stroke (USDHHS 1983, 1989). Smoking contributes to increased risk for coro- nary heart disease probably through at least five in- terrelated processes, including the development of atherosclerosis (USDHHS 1990). It is likely that the earlier the age at which one starts to smoke, the earlier the onset of coronary heart disease. The recent evidence from the PDAY Research Group shows more athero- sclerosis in young smokers than in young nonsmokers. The unfavorable effects of smoking on lipid levels in children may contribute to the development of athero- sclerosis in young adulthood. Cancer The multistage concept of carcinogenesis implies that the risk of smoking-related cancers is strongly de- pendent on the duration and intensity of smoking (Armitage and Doll 1954; Doll 1971; Taioli and Wynder 1991). The relevant epidemiologic data and mathemati- cal analyses are most abundant for lung cancer. Both epidemiologic and experimental evidence suggest that the risk for lung cancer varies more strongly with the duration of cigarette smoking than with the number of cigarettes smoked (Peto 1977; Doll and Peto 1978). Analy- sis of data from a cohort study of British doctors showed that lung cancer incidence increased with the fourth or fifth power of duration of smoking but with the second power of number of cigarettes smoked daily (Doll and Peto 1978). Although these data can be adequately de- scribed by alternative mathematical models that give lesser weight to duration (Moolgavkar, Dewanji, Luebeck 1989), the dependence of lung cancer risk on duration of smoking implies that starting smoking at an earlier age increases the potential number of life-years of smoking and therefore increases lung cancer risk. If one assumes, for example, that lung cancer risk rises exponentially as a function of the duration of smoking, then the risk at age 50 for a person who began smoking regularly at age 13 is 350 percent greater than that for a 50-year-old who started smoking at age 23. Similar analyses have not been done for other smoking-related sites of cancer. Nevertheless, for most smoking-related cancers, the risk rises with the duration of smoking (USDHHS 1982, 1989, 1990; Interna- tional Agency for Research on Cancer 1985). One could Health Consequences 25