smoked. The study of Canadian veterans (9) also contained evidence of a dose-response in mortality by amount smoked for cigar smokers. No dose-response relationship was observed among pipe smokers (table 8). Kahn (50) reported a consistent increase in overall mortality with an increase in the amount smoked for both pipe and cigar smokers (table 9). Hammond (38) found no consistent relationship between overall mortality and the number of cigars or pipefuls smoked (table 10). Tase 7.—Mortality ratios for total deaths of cigar and pipe smokers by amount smoked— Hammond and Horn Number of deaths Amount smoked Observed Expected Mortality ratio Nonsmoker.......-_-_------------------ 1, 664 1, 664 1. 00 Cigar only: Total... ---- 2 - ee 653 598 1. 09 1 to 4 cigars... 2-22 ee 410 400 1. 03 > 4 cigars. 222-222 eee eee 229 185 1. 24 Pipe only: Total_____----- 2 ---- 609 560 1.09 1 to 10 pipefuls.______- Lene ene ee- 391 374 1. 05 > 10 pipefuls__-.- 22 ee 204 172 1.19 8ource: Hammond, E.C., Horn, D. (40). Tas_Le 8.—Mortality ratios for total deaths of cigar and pipe smokers by amount smoked—Best Number of deaths Amount smoked Observed Expected Mortality ratio Nonsmoker______.____.....__-_---e eee eee ee ee eee 1. 00 Cigar only: : Total..____._.-.---.----------- 90 82. 07 1.10 1 to 2 cigars__.________.._------ 64 56. 05 1.44 3 to 10 cigars_.._____._-.------- 23 19. 40 1.19 > 10 cigars... ----- 1 1. 59 . 63 Pipe only: Total. 22. eee 570 566. 99 1. 00 1 to 10 pipefuls_.._.___.--------- 374 370. 09 1.01 10 to 20 pipefuls_____._.-------- 141 140. 84 1. 00 > 20 pipefuls___.__.._..-------- 36 35. 90 1.00 Source: Best, E. W. BR. (#). 551 The above evidence suggests that a dose-response relationship may exist between the number of cigars and pipefuls smoked and overall mortality. However, because of the high-mortality rate of ex-smokers of cigars and pipes, it is difficult to interpret the data presented with- out including this group with the continuing smokers. Without data which examines patterns of both daily rate of smoking and inhalation at various age levels, no firm conclusions can be drawn as to the nature of this dosage relationship. TABLE 9.—Mortality ratios for total deaths of cigar and pipe smokers by age and amount smoked—Kahn Mortality ratio, age Amount smoked 55 to 64 63 to 74 Nonsmoker___...__----------------------------- 1. 00 1. 00 Cigar only: Total___. 22-2 1. OL 1. 08 1 to 4 cigars per day.____.__-_-__.----------- . 89 1. 00 5 to 8 cigars per day_._______-----_---------- 1. 14 1. 23 >8 cigars per day_._._..._------------------ 1.65 1. 28 Pipe only: Total___ 22-2 ee -- 1. 08 1. 06 1 to 4 pipefuls per day_____-__--------------- 1. 16 -91 5 to 19 pipefuls per day__.__-.--------------- 1. 04 1.10 1.18 >19 pipefuls per day__...------------------- ---------- Bource: Kahn, H. A. (50}. TasLE 10.—Mortality ratios for total deaths of cigar and pipe smokers by amount smoked—Hammond Amonant smoked Mortality Amount smoked Mortality ratlo ratlo 1. 00} Current pipe smokers: Nonsmoker__._------------- Current cigar smokers: Total_....--------------- 1. 04 Total_.____-__.__--------- 1. 09 1 to 9 pipefuls per day_.__- 1. 08 1 to 4 cigars per day_._-_-- 1. 03 >9 pipefuls per day_.----- . 92 > 4 cigars per day.....---- 1.18 Source: Hammand, B.C. (98). 552 INHALATION Inhalation of tobacco smoke directly exposes the bronchi and the lungs to smoke and results in the absorption of the soluble constituents of the gas and particulate phases Without inhalation tobacco smoke only reaches the oral cavity and the upper digestive and respiratory tracts and does not reach the lungs where further direct effects and systemic absorption of various chemical compounds can occur. Although the smoker has some voluntary control over the inhalation of smoke, the physical and chemical properties of tobacco smoke to a degree determine its acceptability and “inhalability.” The condensate of pipe and cigar smoke is generally found to be alkaline when the pH is measured by suspending a Cambridge filter in CO,-free water. Cigarette condensate is slightly acidic as measured by this method. Since alkaline smoke is more irritating to the respira- tory tract, it has been assumed that the more alkaline smoke of pipes and cigars was in part responsible for the lower levels of inhalation reported by pipe and cigar smokers. Brunnemann and Hoffmann (/5) have analyzed the pH of whole, mainstream smoke of cigarettes and cigars on a pull-by-puff basis using a pH electrode suspended in main- stream smoke. Smoke from several U.S. brands of cigarettes was found to be acidic throughout the entire length of the cigarette. Of interest was the finding that cigar smoke also had an acidic pH for the first two-thirds of the cigar and became alkaline only in the last 20 to 40 percent of the puffs from the cigar. Available epidemiological evidence indicates that most cigar smokers do not inhale the smoke and most cigarette smokers do. The fact that smoke from the first half or more of a cigar is acidic, near the range of pH values commonly found in cigarette smoke, and becomes alkaline only toward the end of the cigar might suggest that the pH of the smoke of a tobacco product may not be the only factor that influences inhalation patterns. Per- haps “tar” and nicotine levels as well as the concentration of other “irritating” chemicals also affect the degree to which a tobacco smoke will be inhaled. Nicotine is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream from the lungs when tobacco smoke is inhaled. The amount of nicotine absorbed from the lungs is primarily a function of the nicotine concentration in the smoke and the depth of inhalation. Some nicotine may also be ab- sorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth. This is more likely to occur under alkaline conditions when nicotine is unprotonated (3, 15, 79). This suggests that cigar smokers may be able to absorb some nicotine through the oral cavity without having to inhale, par- ticularly during the time that the smoke from the cigar is alkaline. 553 With the development of sensitive measures of serum nicotine levels (48) the extent to which nicotine is absorbed through the membranes of the mouth in pipe and cigar smokers can be more accurately determined. Inhalation patterns of smokers were determined in several of the large prospective and some of the retrospective epidemiological studies. Inhalation was usually determined by the administration of a ques- tionnaire that required a subjective evaluation of one’s own patterns of inhalation. Although the accuracy of these questionnaires has not been confirmed by an objective measure of inhalation, such as carboxy- hemoglobin or serum nicotine levels, their reliability is supported by mortality data which demonstrate higher overall and specific death rates with self-reported increases in the depth of inhalation. Doll and Hill (26) and Hammond (38) presented information on inhalation patterns of pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers (figs. 1, 2, 3, and table 12). Some 80 to 90 percent of cigarette smokers reported inhaling, with the majority of individuals inhaling moderately or deeply, whereas most pipe and cigar smokers denied inhaling at all. Pipe smokers reported slightly more inhalation than cigar smokers. For each type of smoking, less inhalation was reported by older smokers. This change may represent less awareness of inhalation, differences in smoking habits of successive cohorts of smokers, or it may reflect the operation of selective factors which favor survival of noninhalers, The Tobacco Research Council of the United Kingdom has, since 1957, periodically reported the use of tobacco products by the British. Figure 1.—Inhalation among pipe smokers by age. No inhalation Some inhalation Age SOURCE: Hammond, E. C. (38). 554 Figure 2.—Inhalation among cigar smokers by age—Hammond. No inhalation Some 185 inhalation 26.4 22.9 17.1 13.7 . Age 40 50 60 70 80 SQURCE: Hammond, E. C. (38). Figure 3.—Depth of inhalation among cigarette smokers by age.—Hammond. None Slight inhalation Moderate inhalation 41.1 31.9 Deep i i 29.1 inhalation 23.9 17.4 121 oD 4 Age 40 SOURCE: Hammond, E. C. (38). 50 60 70 8&0 Recent reports edited by Todd have contained data on the inhalation pattern of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers (92, 93, 94). Table 11 shows that most cigarette smokers inhale a “lot” of “fair amount” whereas most pipe and cigar smokers do not inhale at all or “just a little.” Little change is observed in the inhalation patterns of.a given product since 1968. , Best (9) reported inhalation data among male cigarette smokers by smoking intensity and age group, but did not report the inhalation 555 patterns of pipe and cigar smokers. The overall mortality rates of current pipe smokers who inhaled at least slightly were reported by Hammond (38) as being somewhat higher than for men who never smoked regularly. The overall mortality rates of current cigar smokers who reported inhaling at least slightly were appreciably higher than for men who never smoked regularly (table 13). Available evidence indicates that cigarette smokers inhale smoke to a greater degree than smokers of cigars or pipes. Once a smoker has learned to inhale cigarettes, however, there appears to be a tendency to also inhale the smoke of other tobacco products. For cigars, this is evidently true whether one smokes both cigarettes and cigars or switches from cigarettes to cigars (tables 14, 15, 16). Bross and Tidings (14) examined the inhalation patterns of smokers of large cigars, cigarettes, and those who switched from one tobacco product to another (table 15). Nearly 75 percent of those who were currently smoking only cigarettes reported inhaling “almost every puff” and only 7 percent never inhaled. The opposite was true for per- sons who had always smoked only cigars among whom 4 percent re- TapLe 11.—-The extent of inhaling pipes, cigars, and cigarettes by British males aged 16 and over in 1968 and 1971 Tobacco product Cigars Pipes Cigarettes Amount of inhalation 1968 1971 1968 1971 1958 1971 Inhale a lot_._.___._.-------------- 23 19 8 8 47 47 Inhale a fair amount.__.------------ 16 19 10 8 3k 30 Inhale just a little.___...----------- 27 27 24 26 13 15 Do not inhale at all.__.-_----------- 34 35 59 58 9 8 Total___.___--.-------------- 100 100 100 100 100 100 Source: Todd, G. F. (93, 94). TapLe 12.—Inhalation among cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers by age—Doll and Hill Percentage of Inhalers, age Smoking type tow Btu 45tabi SStosd G5to 74 > Cigar and pipe---------------- 12.00 1000 7.00 5.00 4.00 4. 00 Mixed (cigarette and other)..... 74.00 60.00 47. 00 36.00 30.00 26.00 Cigarette only.--.------------ 90.00 85.00 75.00 66.00 58. 00 41.00 Source: Doll, R., Hil, A. B. (£6). 556 ported inhaling almost every puff and 89 percent said they never inhaled. Cigar smokers who also smoked cigarettes reported inter- mediate levels of inhalation between the cigar only and cigarette only categories. Inhalation patterns were similar whether the individual continued to smoke both products, stopped smoking cigarettes but continued smoking cigars, or stopped smoking cigarettes and switched to cigars. In all three groups, about 20 percent reported inhaling “almost every puff.” This suggests that once an individual’s inhalation patterns are established on cigarettes, he may be more likely to inhale cigar smoke if he switches to cigars, or uses both cigars and cigarettes, than the cigar smoker who has not smoked cigarettes. Todd (93) reported similar data for a sample of smokers in the United Kingdom (table 16). The prevalence of inhaling a “lot” or “fair amount” of smoke was highest among cigarette smokers who were currently smoking cigarettes (77 percent) and lowest among current cigar smokers who had previously smoked only cigars or pipes (18 percent). Individuals who switched from cigarettes to cigars main- TaBLe 13.—Mortality ratios for total deaths of cigar and pipe smokers by age and inhalation—-Hammond Mortality ratfo, age Inhalation 45 to 64 85 to 84 Nonsmoker___._____-_2 eee eee ee 1. 00 1. 00 Cigar only: Total... oe eee 1. 09 . 98 No inhalation.___-___ eee 1.02 .9l Some inhalation.___________.__.________--______. 1. 28 1. 37 Pipe only: Total. oe ee pepe eee eee 1. 04 - 95 No inhalation__.-._-__.____._________.-__-.-_-__- . 98 . 87 Some inhalation._._______________.______-- ee 1. 21 Lit Bource: Hammond, E. C. (38). TABLE 14.—Percentage of British male cigar smokers who reported inhaling a lot or a fair amount by type of product smoked 1968 1971 Type of product Number of Percent Number of Percent individuals individuals Cigars only___._____2_ 222-2 2-2 706 =. 23.0 11 27.0 Cigars and cigarettes-._____..--_--_ 1,193 42.0 277 44.0 Cigars and pipes._--. 22.22 -- 596 35.0 109 32. 0 Cigars, cigarettes, and pipes________.. 26 «52.0 15 32.0 Bource: Todd, G. F. (83, 84). 557 tained somewhat higher levels of cigar smoke inhalation than those cigar smokers who had never smoked cigarettes (30 percent). Todd (93) examined further the relationship between the inhalation of cigarette and cigar smoke. In general, cigarette smokers who switched to cigars were much less likely to report inhaling cigar smoke than cigarette smoke; however, those who in the past reported inhaling cigarette smoke a “lot” or “fair amount” were much more likely to report inhaling cigar smoke to the same degree than those ex- cigarette smokers who in the past did not inhale the smoke of their cigarettes (table 17). TasLe 15.—Percentage of individuals reporting inhalation of “almost every puff” of tobacco smoke by current and previous tobacco usage and type of tobacco used Confidence Type of tobacco smoked Number Percen- Umits of Type inhaled tae —_-—_—_—_—- Current usage Previous usage patients {nhsled Lower Upper Cigarettes only_... Cigarettes only____ 2,359 Cigarette... 74.8 73.1 76.6 Cigars only_______ Cigars only______ 649 Cigars_____ 45 3.0 60 Cigarettes and Cigarettes and 520 ____. do... _ 20.4 105 28.0 cigars. cigars. . Cigars... 22.22. Cigarettes and 93 ____. do_____ 13.3 90 30.0 cigars. None__.. 2-22. Cigarettes and 186 _____ do_____ 215 17.8 24.2 cigars. Cigars.__.2_2 22 Cigarettes only ____ 64 Le do__... 17.2 16.0 28.0 Bource: Bross, I. D.J., Tidings, J. (14). TasLe 16.—Percentage of British males who reported inhaling a lot or fair amount of cigar smoke by current and previous tobacco usage and type of tobacco previously smoked (1963) Type of tobacco smoked Number of Percentage individuals Type inhaled Inhaled ~ Current usage Previous usage Cigarettes only_.____ | Cigarettes only______ 2,586 Cigarette_____ 77.7 Cigars only___________ Nonsmoker_________ 306 Cigars_______ 18.0 Cigars only..____-____ Cigarettes only_______ 321 LLL do___.__. 30. 0 8ource: Todd, G. F. (94). 558 TABLE 17.—Extent of reported inhalation of cigar smoke by British male cigar smokers who were ex-cigarette smokers in 1568, analyzed by extent of reported inhalation of cigarette smoke when previously smoking cigarettes Extent of inhaling cigars Extent of inhaling cigarettes Inhale a lot Inhale a little or fair amount or not at all Percent Peoveent Inhale a lot or fair amount_.__.__._..-.___.______. 44.0 5. 0 Inhale a little or not at all..--_-_-- ee 56. 0 95. 0 Total. ___.2 eee 100. 0 100. 0 Sample size_____-.--_-_. 2222-2 244 56 Source: Todd, G. F. (gn). Specific Causes of Mortality Cancer Several prospective epidemiological studies have shown a signifi- cantly higher overall cancer mortality among pipe and cigar smokers compared to the cancer mortality of nonsmokers (table 18). Pipe and cigar smokers have much higher rates of cancer at certain sites than at others. The upper airway and upper digestive tracts appear to be the most likely target organs. The relationship of pipe and cigar smoking to the development of specific cancers is detailed in the following sections. TABLE 18.—Mortality ratios for total cancer deaths in cigar and pipe smokers. A summary of prospective epidemiological studies Author, reference Nonsmoker Type of smoking Pipeonly Total pipe Cigarette Hammond and Hom (40)___- Best (9)________ Hammond (88)____--_._____ Kabn (60)______.2____-__- 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 and cigar only 1.44 22 LL -ee 1.97 1.38 ~.-L_--- 2. 06 wee eeee 1. 21 1. 76 1. 25 1.25 2. 21 559 Cancer of the Lip Approximately 1,500 new cases of cancer of the lip are reported each year. Because of the possibility of early detection and surgical accessibility of cancers in this area, there are less than 200 deaths from cancer of the lip each year in the United States. Some of the earliest scientific investigations exploring the association between tobacco use and disease examined the smoking patterns of individuals with cancer of the lip. Broders (73) in 1920 examined the smoking habits of patients in a retrospective study of 526 cases of epithelioma of the hp and 500 controls. Of the cancer cases, 59 percent smoked pipes, whereas this was true for only 28 percent of the controls. No association was found between cigar or cigarette smoking and cancer of the lip. In a restrospective study of 439 clinic patients with cancer of the Jip and 300 controls conducted in Sweden, Ebenius (32) reported a significant association between pipe smoking and cancer of the lip. A total of 61.8 percent of the lip cancer cases smoked pipes, while only 22.9 percent of the controls smoked pipes. No association was found between the use of cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco and cancer of the lip. In other retrospective studies, Levin, et al. (60) reviewed a series of 143 cases of cancer of the lip, and Sadowsky, et al. (77) reviewed 571 cases of cancer of the lip. In both studies, a strong association was found between pipe smoking and cancer of the lip. No significant association was found between the use of tobacco in ether forms and cancer at this site. In a study of environmental factors in cancer of the upper alimen- tary tract, Wynder, et al. (413) found an association between pipe smoking, cigarette smoking, and cancer of the lip. There were only 15 cases of cancer of the lip in this study. Staszewski (87) examined the smoking habits of 394 men with carcinoma or precancerous lesions of the lips. An association was found between the smoking of pipes and cigars and cancer of the lip, but this was only of doubtful significance. A significant association was found between the use of cigarettes and cancer of the hp. Keller (51) conducted a study of lip cancers in which he considered a number of factors including histologic types, survival, race, occupa- tions, habits, and associated diseases. A total of 304 patients with primary basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the lip and 304 controls from the same hospital matched for age and race were con- sidered in this series. A significant association was found between smoking in all forms and combinations and carcinoma of the lip. It was also found that increasing age and outdoor occupations with exposure to the sun were equally significant factors in the etiology of lip cancer. 560 In summary. it appears that there are several factors involved in the etiology of cancer of the lip. Among the various forms of tobacco use, pipe smoking either alone or in combination with other forms of smoking seems to be a cause of cancer of the hip. Table 19 summarizes the results of these retrospective studies. Oral Cancer The lips, oral cavity, and pharynx are the first tissues exposed to tobacco smoke drawn in through the mouth. Variations in inhalation during the smoking of various tobacco products result in different pat- terns of distribution of smoke throughout the respiratory tree. How- ever, the oral cavity and adjacent tissues are the sites most consistently exposed to tobacco smoke. For this reason, differences in inhalation should result in less variation in exposure to tobacco smoke for these sites than for the lower trachea and the lung. The inherent carcinogen- icity of pipe, cigar, and cigarette smoke is most reliably compared at those tissue sites where dosage and exposure to tobacco smoke are most nearly equal. Data from the epidemiological studies suggest that little difference exists between the smoking of cigarettes, pipes, or cigars and the risk of developing oral cancer. Hammond and Horn (40) examined the association between smok- ing in various forms and cancer of the combined sites of lip, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. The mortality ratios were 5.00 for cigar smokers, 3.50 for pipe smokers, and 5.06 for cigarette smokers compared to nonsmokers. All the deaths from cancer of the lip, oral cav- ity, and pharynx reported by Doll and Hill (26) occurred in smokers. The death rates from cancer at these sites were 0.04 per 1,000 for pipe and cigar smokers, 0.10 per 1,000 for mixed smokers, and 0.05 per 1,000 for cigarette smokers. A fairly detailed analysis of oral cancer was pre- sented by Kahn (50) who differentiated between cancer of the oral cavity and cancer of the pharynx. The mortality ratios for oral cancers were 1.00 for those who never smoked, 3.89 for all pipe and cigar smokers, and 4.09 for cigarette smokers. A further breakdown of the pipe and cigar smokers demonstrated a mortality ratio of 4.11 for cigar smokers, 3.12 for pipe smokers, and 4.20 for smokers of pipes and cigars. For cancer of the pharynx, the mortality ratios were 1.00 for those who never smoked, 3.06 for all pipe and cigar smokers, and 12.5 for cigarette smokers. No deaths occurred among those who smoked only cigars. The mortality ratio was 1.98 for pipe smokers and 7.76 for smokers of pipes and cigars. Hammond (38) combined cancers of the hip, oral cavity, and pharynx. The pipe and cigar smokers had a mortality ratio of 4.94 and the cigarette smokers a mortality ratio of 9.90 compared to nonsmokers. 561 29S Tale 19.—Melative risk of lip cancer for men, comparing cigar, pipe, and ciyarette smokers with nongsmokerstel summary of retrospective studies Rolutive rlak cally nnd percentage of cases and coutruls by typeof sucking Author, referenicy Number Nonsmoker Ciguronly Plpvonly Total pipe Cigarette Mired and clyor only Broders (13): Relative risk... 2222.8. 1.0 0.8 4.3 ...0...-. O _.-...-e- Casts. .... 202-2 eee ee eee §37 Percent cayes._..--.---. 7 19 [ ) Lo oleae ee Controls... eee eee eee eee 500 Percent controly....2.... 4 16 6 Lee ee eee 2600 Lotte eee Ebenius (32): Relative risk....-...22.-- 1.0 7 4.1 0.5 Llo. tee eee e eee Cuscs_ oo... eee eee eee ee 439 Percent cases-.....2---- 49 6 41 4 nen e cee e ewes Controls. oo... eee eee ee eee 300 Percent controls.......2- 65 12 13 1000 Loe eee wee ee eee Levin, et al. (G0): Relative risko..0 22 leek 1.0 1.9 2.9 ...-0---e | Cases. oe ae eae eee ee eee ee 143 Percent cases... 2.22200. 15 27 48 Lac eee ee 450 Le eee Controlg.o22 22 22e eee eee eee 554 Percent controly....2222- 22 20 24 eee e eee 460 Lee eee Sadowsky, et al. (77): Ielative riskoo.c.eeele 1.0 Li 4.3 2.6 L4 0. 4 Causes. ... 0 0.0 ee eee eee eee 571 Percent cases... eee. ee 8 2 18 6 44 22 Controly. 22222 ee eee eee G15 Percent controlg..2. 2222. 13 3 7 4 53 19 Wynder,! et al. (178): Relative riskoo. leek 0 8 | ar 1.0 2.2 Cases... ...... 00 eee eee eee 14 Poreent cases...2--- 2... 0 7 290 faa a eee 36 29 Controls... 22--- eee 115 Percent controls.....222- 24 9 16 Ltt... 36 13 Staszewski (87): Relative risk. oe 1.0 coe lle 2.1 2.4 ..2------ Cases... 2.022222 eee euee eee 394 Percent cases__....---..- Gee ennece anceeee 12 1 an Controls.....2 2... .00 0 eee 912 Percent controls___-_-- 2. . 130 Leelee eee eee i a Keller: (61): Relative risk__-- 00.00 1.0 14 4.0 2.6 Cases- 220... ee eee een e neces 301 Percent cases_..2.22. 7 eee 7 2 6 1 60 6 Controlg....0.020-0--002------ 265 Percent controlg_.....-_- 17 4 3 0 53 0 § Percentage based on loss than 20 pationts. Rutlus: relative to cighretto smokors, These studies are summarized in table 20. They demonstrate that smokers experience a large and Significant risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity compared to nonsmokers. This risk seems to be about the same for all smokers whether an individual uses a Pipe, cigar, or cigarette, A number of retrospective studies have examined the relationship between smoking in various forms and cancer of the oral cavity. The results of these studies are presented in table 21. Some of the variations in relative risk of developing oral cancer observed in the retrospective studies is probably due to the Jack of a uniform definition of oral cancer by anatomical site and the various means used in selecting and defin- ing cases and controls. It appears, however, that a significant risk of developing oral cancer exists for smokers compared to nonsmokers and this risk is similar for smokers of pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. Several epidemiological investigations have demonstrated an asso- ciation between the combined use of aleohol and tobacco and the development of oral cancer. A few of these studies (52, 62, 63, 109) contain data on pipe and cigar smokers. Heavy smoking and heavy drinking are associated with higher rates of oral cancer than are seen with either habit alone. TABLE 20.—AMfortality ratios for oral cancer in cigar and pipe smokers. A summary of prospective epidemiological studies Smoking type Author, reference Non- Cigar Pi Total pipe Cigarette Mixed smoker only only and cigar only Hammond and Horn'(40)_ 1.00 5.00 3.50 _______. 5.06 _____2. Doll and Hill? (26, 27)-__ 000 ---- 22. LLL Lee 0. 80 1. 00 2. 00 Hammond (88)..___.___. 1,00 .---2 8. LLL 4.94 3990 .._.___L Kahn (60): Oral #_ 2-2 1.00 4.11 3. 12 3. 89 4.09 .-_. LLL Pharynx_._.-_._ 1,00 ___.____ 8 3.06 12.54 ___.. LL ' Combines data for oral, larynx, and esopbagus. 1 Rauos: relative to cigarette smokers. » Mortallty ratics for ages 45 to & only are presented. 4 Excludes pharynx. Cancer of the Larynx The larynx is situated at the upper end of the trachea. Because of its proximity to the oral cavity, the larynx probably has a similar exposure to smoke drawn through the mouth as the buccal cavity and pharynx. Tobacco smoke that is not inhaled may still reach ag far as the larynx and upper trachea. Pipe and cigar smokers develop cancer of the larynx at rates comparable to those of cigarette smokers. These 563 79S TABLE 21.—Relative risk of oral cancer for men, comparing cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers uith nonsmokers. A summary of retrospective sludtes Relative risk ratio wid percentage of cases and controls by typo of smoking Author, reference Number Nonamoker Clyurouly Pipeonly Totul plpo — Clyurette Mirod and clyur only Mills and Porter (65): Relative risk.....__.. 008. LO eee Leelee 7.0 41 cele. Cases__ 2-2. eee eee 124 Percent cases_____.-_22.. 10 nee eee ee Lee eae 55 3600 eee eee Controls... 2.0.02 0 eee eee 185 Percent controls.__....... 88 Lee tle eee 30 820 eee Sadowsky, et al. (77): Relative risk_.....2.2 0. 1,0 2.0 re 14 2.1 Cases... 22.2222 e eee eee 1,136 Percent cases_......-_... 4 18 Leelee 42 28 Controls....222202. beeen n eee 615 Percent controls.._....._. 13 3 TO eee 53 23 Schwartz, et al. (83): Relative risk__.-.... 08. 10 .2lle Lele 16 wo... lle 16 Lele “Cases. lll. 332 Percent cases..._.._..... 160 Leelee 3 Leelee i Controls.......2222 0.20022. 608 Percent controls....___... 23 17 8 Leelee 58 ok. wae Wynder, et al. (109): Relative risk_...2.2_2.2.. 1.0 3.6 i 3.0 3.3 Cases... 22. eee eee 543 Percent cases_.____...... 20 Vb Lee 57 8 Controls... 0.02.2 eel 207 Percent controls..._..._.. 10 13 G6 Leelee. 63 8 Wynder, et al. (113): Relative risk_......-..0.- 10 17 a: 1,2 14 Cases. eel 115 Percent cases___...__ 8. 23 13 20 Ll. 37 16 Controls... ee. 115 Percent controls..___._... 26 9 16 eee ee 36 13 S9S Wynder, ct al. (116): ~ Cases. oo. eee eee eee 178 : Controls. .... cee cee eee 220 Pernu (73): r LO 1, 400 [ Controls......022 eee eee 713 = Staszewski (87): Cases... 0. ee - eee 383 Controls... 912 Keller (62): Cases... eee eee 408 Controls....02 22... 408 Martinez (62): Cases... eee eee 170 Controls... eee 510 Martinez ! (63): Cases. 2... e eee 346 Controls......0.2....-00-- 8. 346 1.0 12 22 'This study combines data for oral caucer and cancer of the esophagus, rates are several times the rates of nonsmokers. The similarity of the mortality ratios of cancer of the larynx for smoking in various fomns suggests that the carcinogenic potentials of the smoke from cigars, pipes, and cigarettes are quite alike at this site. Several of the prospective epidemiological studies include data on deaths from cancer of the larynx for pipe and cigar smokers as well as for cigarette smokers. Hammond and Horn (40) combined data for cancer of the larynx with cancer of the esophagus and oral cavity. The mortality ratios compared to nonsmokers were 5.00 for cigar smokers, 3.50 for pipe smokers, and 5.06 for cigarette smokers. There were no deaths from carcinoma of larynx among nonsmokers in the study of British physicians by Doll and Hill (26) ; however, the death rate for cancer of the larynx among pipe and cigar smokers was 0.10 per 1,000 while the death rate for cigarette smokers was 0.05 per 1,000. Kahn (50) reported mortality ratios for cancer of the larynx of 10.33 for cigar smokers, 9.44 for pipe and cigar smokers, 7.28 for al] pipe and cigar categories combined, and 9.95 for cigarette smokers. No deaths from cancer of the larynx occurred in pipe smokers. Hammond (38) reported a mortality ratio of 3.37 for all pipe and cigar smokers and a mortality ratio of 6.09 for cigarette smokers in the age category 45 to 64. These studies are, summarized in table 22. Several retrospective studies have examined the smoking habits of patients with cancer of the larynx and appropriately matched controls. The small number of pipe and cigar smokers in each study results in relative risk ratios that are quite unstable; however, it appears that pipe and cigar smokers experience a risk of developing cancer of the larynx that is similar to the risk observed among cigarette smokers (table 18). Tas.e 22.—Mortality ratios for cancer of the larynz in cigar and pipe smokers. A summary of prospective epidemiological studies Smoking type Author, reference Non- Cigaronly Pipeonly Total Pipe Cigarette Mixed smoker and cigar only Hammond and Horm ! (40)_ 22 1. 00 5. 00 3.50 2.2L 5.06 -_.. Doll and Hill? (26, £7)... 0.00 _...... _.__.. 2. 00 1. 00 0. 60 Hammond (38)__________ 100 2222. LLL. 3.37 36.09 Kahn (60)_._-.---_ 100 1033 __ 7. 28 9.95 -. LLL 1 Combines data for oral, larynx, and eso bagus. ? Ratios: relauve to cigarette smokers. P * Only mortality ratios far Bges 45 Co 64 are presented. 566 Wynder, et al. (708, 1/3) distinguished between intrinsic and ex- trinsic larynx cancers. For smokers the relative msk of developing cancer of the intrinsic larynx was similar to the relative risk of lung cancer whereas the relative risk of developing extrinsic larynx cancer was more like the relative risk of cancer of the upper digestive tract. Histologic changes of the larynx in relation to smoking in various forms were described by Auerbach, et al. (5). Microscopic sections of the larynx from 942 subjects were examined for the presence of atypical nuclei and proliferation of cell rows. Sections were taken | from four separate areas of the larynx in each case. Among those who smoked cigars and pipes but not cigarettes, only 1 percent had no atypical cells and more than 75 percent of the subjects had lesions with 50 to 69 percent atypical cells. Four of the cigar and pipe smokers had carcinoma in situ and in one of these four cases early invasion was seen in three of the sections. Of those who never smoked regu- larly, 75 percent had no atypical cells. The cigar and pipe smokers had a similar percentage of cells with atypical nuclei as cigarette smokers who smoked one to two packs per day. With respect to the prolifera- tion of cell rows in the basal layer of the true vocal cord, the least proportion of .cases with eight or more cell rows was found in men who never smoked, and the greatest proportion was found in heavy cigarette smokers. Pipe and cigar smokers had a distribution of cell rows that was comparable to that of cigarette smokers who consumed about a pack a day. Several retrospective studies have reported an association between the combined use of tobacco and alcohol and cancer of the larynx. A study by Wynder, et al. (£08) included some information on pipe and cigar smoking in relation to drinking habits and the development of cancer of the larynx, but because of the limited number of pipe and cigar smoking subjects this relationship could not be adequately determined. Cancer of the Esophagus The esophagus is not directly exposed to tobacco smoke drawn into_ . the mouth; however, the esophagus does have contact with that portion ~ of tobacco smoke that is condensed on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx and then swallowed. The esophagus is also ex- posed to a portion of tobacco smoke that is deposited in the mucus cleared from the lung by the ciliary mechanism or by coughing. Varia- tions in inhalation of a tobacco product may not appreciably alter the exposure the esophagus receives from smoke dissolved in mucus and saliva. This suggestion receives support from the prospective and retrospective epidemiological studies which demonstrate similar mor- tality rates for cancer of the esophagus in smokers of cigars, pipes, and cigarettes. 567 89S TABLE 23.—Relative risk of cancer of the larynx for men, comparing cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers with nonsmokers. A summary of retrospective studies Relative risk ratio and percentage of cases and controls by type of smoking Author, reference Number Nonsmokor Cigar only Pipe only Total pips Clearatte Mired and clgar only Schrek, et al. (81): Relative risk... 22.208. 1.0 0 Ld celle 23 celle Cases. _ 2. eel 73 Percent caseg___.__.___- 14 0 To eke eee 80 Lee Controls... 2 ee 522 Percent controls..___._._ 24 10 Vb cell 1) Sadowsky, et al. (77): Relative risk....2-2.0 oo. 1.0 2,2 23 Lo... 3.7 4.1 Cases... 2.22 eel 273 Percent cases___.._.._.. 2 GB nee ate 60 29 Controls._....2220 ee 615 Percent controls..._..... 13 3 Fo eee 53 23 Wynder, et al. (108): Relative risk... 2.008. 1.0 15.5 27,7 ll 24.6 2 lle ASOS- eee elle 209 Percent cases.__-._. 8. 5 8 5 1 8B Lee Controls._....22- 22 209 Percent controls......_.. 1] 10 4 (. Wynder, et al. (113): Relative risk_..2. 20008. 1.0 9.7 4.5 woe 6.3 6.3 Cases... 60 Percent cases..._...___. 5 17 Wo Leelee 47 17 Controls_....2 0. e el 271 Percent controls_.._.._.. 24 9 Wo Leelee 36 13 Wynder, et al. (116): Relative risk.....20 8. 1.0 14.5 16.0 .... lll le 22.0 16. 0 Cases... eee 142 Percent cases....__...._ 1 20 bee 62 16 Controls... eo oo 220 Percent controls.....__.. 16 22 Yo eel 45 16 69S Pernu (78): Relative risk... 02222. Percent cases In the prospective epidemiological studies, cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers all had similar mortality ratios from cancer of the esophagus. Hammond and Horn (40) combined the categories of carcinoma of the esophagus, larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, and lip and described mortality ratios of 5.00 for cigar smokers, 3.50 for pipe smokers, and 5.06 for cigarette smokers. Doll and Hill (26) reported an esophageal sancer mortality ratio of 2.0 for pipe and cigar smokers, 4.8 for mised smokers, and 1.5 for cigarette smokers. Kahn (50) reported the fol- lowing mortality ratios for smoking in various forms compared to non- smokers: cigar only, 5.33; pipe only, 1.99; pipe and cigar, 4.17; all pipes and cigars combined, 4.05; and cigarettes only, 6.17. The results of these prospective studies are summarized in table 24, Several retrospective investigations have also examined the associa- tion between smoking in various forms and cancer of the esophagus. These studies have been summarized in table 25. The evidence sug- gests that cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers develop cancer of the esophagus at rates substantially higher than those seen in nonsmokers, and that little difference exists between these rates observed in smokers of pipes and cigars and cigarettes. Histologic changes in the esophagus in relation to smoking in vari- ous forms were investigated by Auerbach, et al. (7), who looked for atypical nuclei, disintegrating nuclei, hyperplasia, and hyperactive esophageal glands. A total of 12,598 sections were made from tissues obtained from 1,268 subjects. For each of the parameters investigated, pipe and cigar smokers demonstrated significantly more abnormal histologic changes than nonsmokers; however, these changes were not as severe or as frequent. as those seen in cigarette smokers. Several retrospective studies conducted in the United States and other countries have examined the synergistic roles of tobacco use and heavy alcohol intake on the development of cancer of the esophagus. Four of these investigations contain data on pipe and cigar smoking (72, 62, 63, 107). It appears that smoking in any form in combination with heavy drinking results in especially high rates of cancer of the esophagus. TaBLe 24.—Mortality ratios for cancer of the esophagus in cigar and pipe smokers. A summary of prospective epidemiological studies Smoking type Author, reference Non- Clear Pi Total Cigarette smoker only only Pipe and only Mixed cigar Hammond and Horn! (40) _ 1.00 5. 00 3.50 -._- Le 5.06 __.222 Doll and Hill (26, 27). 1.00 -22--222 LL 2. 00 1.50 4. 80 Hammond (38)_._.______ 100-2222 LLL 3.97 74.17 _._____. Kahn (60)___-.-___. 1. 00 5. 33 1.99 4.05 6.17 _L.- Le ' Combines data for oral, larynx, and esophagus. 1 Mortality ratio for ages 45 to 64. P . 570 TLS TAaune 25.—Nelative risk of cancer of the esophagus for men, comparing cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers with nonsmokers, ‘l swonmary of retrospective studies Relatlvo risk ratio and percentage of cases and controls by typo of smoking Author, reference Number Nonsinukee Clyar only — Pipe only Total plpo — Ctynretto Misod ond cipar only Sadowsky, et al. (77); Relative risk...--- 28 10 4.8 3.8 5.1 3, 8 3.3 Cases... 2. eel. 104 Percent cases..-..2 2 2. 4 5 8 6 60 18 Controls.....0222200..-00 8. 615 Percent controls...._.... 13 3 7 4 53 19 Wynder, et al. (113); Relative risk_-.20. 0. 1,0 31 21 ce. e lee 2.6 4 Cases_- 2... ee 39 Percent cases... 8] 13 15 18 wee ° 3 Controls... eee 115 Percent controls.....__.. 24 9 WW lee 13 Pernu (78): Relative risk.-...- 0-2 .. 10 Leelee 3.0 lel le. 27 5.9 Cases... eee 202 Percent casegs_....__. 8. Wo elle. TO ee aee eee 59 18 Controls__... 2.2 - 713 Percent controls__..._..- 39) le 6 Leet eee 50 7 Schwartz, et al. (84) Relative risk_..-2 020028. |) 2.6 ... 2 ll ll. 11.7 8.6 Cusos. ee eel 249 Percent cases__.__..._.- 2 Leelee 2 Leelee 88 7 Controls... 2.2 eee 249 Percent controls__..._.._. Wo eel Tease eens 67, 7 Wynder and Bross (107): Relative risk... 2008 - 1.0 3.6 9.0 6.0 2.8 3.7 Cases... 2222.2 eee 150 Percent casey__...00.0.. 5 19 9 4 51 I Controlg._oe ee 150 Percent controls....-.._. 15 16 3 2 59 9 cls Tasie 25—Relative risk of cancer of the esophagus for men, comparing cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers with nonsmokers. A summary of retrospective studies —Continued Rolatlve risk ratio and porcentago of cnses and controls by type of smoking Author reference Number Nonsmoker Cigaronly Plpeonly Total pips Clyarotte Mixed and cigar only Bradshaw and Schonland (12): Relative risk............ 10 ...-.-2e- 4.8 os. -2ee 2.3 ..--..-.- Cases_.-2.------- en eee ee eee 117 Percent cases.......---- | 4.00 Lol ellen 63 oleate eeee Controlg..__.-22 2-2. ee eee 366 Percent controls.....-.-- 320 eee ene 1B keene 58 wee ee eee Martinez (62): Relative risk... .- 22228. 1.0 2.0 pec ne cee eee 1.5 2, 2 Cases... eee wwe wee ee eee 120 Percent cases......----- 8 9 Leen ee teen eee 31 43 Controls... 2-2 oe eee ene 360 Percent controls......... 14 Beene ee eee eee 34 34 Martinez ! (68): Relative risk.......--... 1.0 2,0 2.8 we------ 1,7 2.5 Cases...-.-------------0e--- 346 Percent cases......--..- 21 10 15 eee 34 34 Controls... 22-2. ee nncee ee nne 346 ‘Percent controls__....2. 22 9 Lo teen eee 36 25 1 This study combines data for oral cancer and cancer of the esophagus. Lung Cancer Abundant evidence has accumulated from epidemiological, experi- mental, and autopsy studies establishing that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Several prospective epidemiological studies have demonstrated higher lung cancer mortality ratios for pipe and cigar smokers than for nonsmokers, but the risk of developing lung cancer for pipe and cigar smokers is less than for cigarette smokers. Table 26 presents a summary of these prospective studies. Dose- response relationships such as those that helped demonstrate the nature of the association between cigarette use and lung cancer could not be as thoroughly studied for pipe and cigar smokers because of the rela- tively few smokers in these categories. Although the number of deaths were few, Doll and Hill (26) reported increased death rates from lung cancer for pipe and cigar smokers with increasing tobacco consump- tion (table 27). Kahn (50) also demonstrated a dose-response relation- ship for lung cancer by the amount smoked (table 28). A few of the retrospective studies contained enough smokers to allow an examination of dose-response relationships for pipe and cigar smok- ing and lung cancer (J, 61, 74, 77). An increased risk of developing lung cancer was demonstrated with the increased use of pipes and cigars as measured by amount smoked and inhalation. The retrospec- tive investigation of Abelin and Gsell (1) is of particular interest. The smoking habits of 118 male patients with cancer of the lung from a rural area of Switzerland were compared with those reported in a sur- vey of all male inhabitants of a town in the same region. About 20 percent of the population of this area were regular cigar smokers, the most popular cigar being the Stiimpen, a small Swiss-made machine- manufactured cigar cut at both ends with an average weight of 4.5 g. In this investigation, cigar smokers experienced a risk of developing lung cancer that was similar to the risk of cigarette smokers. A dose- response relationship was demonstrated for inhalation and amount smoked. These data suggest that the heavy smoking of certain cigars may result in a risk of lung cancer that is similar to that experienced by cigarette smokers. Several pathologists have reported histologic changes in the bronchial epithelium in relation to smoking in various forms. Knudt- son (57) examined the bronchial mucosa of 150 lungs removed at au- topsy and correlated the histologic changes noted with the history of smoking, age, occupation, and residence. Specimens obtained from the six cigar and pipe smokers demonstrated basal cell hyperplasia; however, there was no squamous or atypical proliferative metaplasia as 18 frequently seen in the heavy cigarette smokers. Sanderud (78) examined histologic sections from the bronchial tree of 100 male autopsy cases for the presence of squamous epithelial 573 metaplasia. In this study, 39 percent of the population were non- smokers, 20 percent were pipe smokers, and 38 percent smoked cig- arettes. A total of 80 percent of the pipe smokers and cigarette smokers demonstrated squamous metaplasia of the bronchial tree, whereas only 54 percent of the nonsmokers had this abnormality. Auerbach, et al. (6) examined 36,340 histologic sections obtained from 1,522 white adults for various epithelial lesions including: presence or absence of ciliated cells, thickness or number of cell rows, atypical nuclei, and the proportion of cells of various types. The pathologic findings in the bronchial epithelium of pipe and cigar smokers are compared to those found in nonsmokers and cigarette smokers (table 25). Pipe and cigar smokers had abnormalities that were intermediate between those of nonsmokers and cigarette smokers, although cigar smokers had pathologic changes that in some categories approached the changes seen in cigarette smokers. TaBLe 26.—AMortality ratios for lung cancer deaths in male cigar and pipe smokers. A summary of prospective studies Type of smoking Author, reference Non- Cigar Pipe Total pipe Cigarette Mixed smoker only only and cigar ouly Hammond and Horn (40). 1. 00 3. 35 8.50 ..2 2 8. 23. 12 19. 71 Doll and Hill (26, 27).... 1.00 _...._.. __._.. 6.14 13.29 7. 43 Best (9)_-22 2222 1. 00 2. 94 435 -. 1 __. 14.91 __.. LLL Hammond (88)___._.._._ 1. 00 1. 85 2. 24 1.97 9. 20 7.39 Kahn (60)___. 1. 00 1. 59 1. 84 1. 67 12.14 _-_ ole TABLE 27.—Lung cancer death rates for cigar and pipe smokers by amount smoked—Doll and Hill Smoking type Death rate per 100 Number of deaths Nonsmoker_______._-.__-_-___. 0. O7 3 Cigar and pipe: ltol4g. perday___.--.-. oe. - 42 12 15 to 24 g. perday____.-__... - 45 6 >24 g.perday__.__-.- - 96 3 Cigarette only._.---- - 96 143 Sources: Doll, R., Hill, A. B. (28). 574 TaBLe 28.—Lung cancer mortality ratios for cigar and pipe smokers by amount smoked— Kahn Smoking types Mortality ratlo Number of deaths Nonsmoker__..._...----------------+-------- 1. 00 78 Cigar smokers: <5 cigars per day_____-__.-------------- 1.14 12 5 to & cigars per day.____.-_-.----------- 2. 64 il >8 cigars per day____-.----------------- 2. 07 2 Pipe smokers: <5 pipefuls per day___.--_-------------- -T7 2 5 to 19 pipefuls per day.._-.------------- 2.¢ 12 >19 pipefuls per day..--.--------------- 2.47 3 Cigar and pipe: 8 or less cigars, 19 or less pipefuls._...---- 1. 62 18 >8 cigars, >19 pipefuls_....--.---------- 2.19 2 Source: Kahn, H. A. (50). 575