9LE TABLE Al16,—Eaperiments concerning the effect of the inhul or tts constituents upun the respiratury tract of a (Figures in parentheses re atlun of cigarette smoke nimals (cont.) present total number gurvivorys in specific wroup) Author, year, Animal A. Type of exposure country, and MW, Duration Results Comments reference strain C. Material Leuchtenberger = Female CF, mice: A, Chamber, Number with etal, C. 243. LB. 4-6 cigarettes scverc bronchitia; 1960, E. 360. per day for 1 Expoaure peribronchitis; U.S.A. (167), month to 2 years, Number Numther of length atypical eyithe- C. Cigarette smoke, of mice eiparcttea (monthe) Ual proliferation MA, 25-1,526 1-23 30 50 0 0 2 a6 100- 290 1-3 q 36 250- 600 4-8 1 34 600-1,600 9-23 a Stow... 100- 400 3- 6 4 63 100- 400 3-6 17 Leuchtenberger Female CF, mice: A, Chamber, Number Percent of mice Presence uf tumora etal, C, 166, B. 14-8 cigarettes of mice Expoeure with pulmonary showed an age- 1960, E. 231, per day for ezamined (daya) adenomatous tumors relutionship ULS.A. (16a) 17-600 dnys. x1 0 56 independent of C. Cigarette smoke, 0) 17. 99 41 amuking exposure, 35 100-109 a7 re 200. 600 68 {tu, 1063, Albino mice, A. Chamber, Number Ezpomre Number with Germuny C. 60, B. Approximately of mice None. lung tumors (208), EL 180. 12 clawrettes per eramined Varying 3 pulmonary adenomas. day for varying Cc. 80 up to 24 21 pulmonary adenomas. intervals, E. 189 munths, 2 epithelial carelnumas. C. Cigarette smoke, LLe TanLe Al6.—Experiments concerning the effect of the inhalation of cigarette smoke or ite constituents upon the respiratory tract of animals (cont.) (Figures in parentheses represent total number survivors in specific group) Author, year, * Animal A. Type of exposure country, and B. Duration Results Comments reference atrain C. Material Dontenwill and Golden hamaters, A, Chamber. Number of Daily MET des = desquama- Wiebecke, Cc — B. Up to 4 cigarettes ansmale average Hiatologie tive metaplasia. 1866, E. 320 per day for up dead at exposure findinge in MET bronch = bron- Germany to 2 years. 540 daya (etgaretica) dead animale chial papillary (77). C, Cigarette smoke. 40 1 8/ 40 MET des metaplasia. 40 2 8/ 40 MET des PAP trach = tracheal 80 1-2 44/ 80 MET des (3 MET papillomata or bronch, 2 PAP trach) intense trucheal 143 1-4 67/143 MET des (18 MET metaplasia. bronch, 8 PAP trach) Leuchtenberger CF, mice, A. Chamber, Marked tEpithelial tissues and B. Up to 1,000 hours. tranayression of these animals Leuchten- C, Cigarette smoke, Marked squamous Marked of lung showed an increased berger 1966, expogure to in- cell metaplasia dysplasia porenchyma frequency of cellular Switzerland fluenza virus (percent) (percent) (percent) atypism. The (164). (PR8). Controls (100): authors concluded Male _ _ _ that PRS influenzu Female ...., _ _- _ virus May act ng ou Smoke exposed (59): cofactor in malix- Male _ 6.0 3.0 nant tran:iformation, Female . _ _ - Virus exposed (59): Male ....... 11,0 21.0 13.0 Female ..... _ _ 5.0 Smoke and virus exposed (68): Male 9.0 43.0 $18.0 Female 29.0 64.0 $33.0 BZe TABLE AlG.—Ezperiments conecrning the effect of the inhalation of cigarette smoke or ity constituents upon the respiratory tract of animals (cont.) (Figures in parentheses represent total number survivers in specific wroup) Author, year, Animal A. Type of expopure country, and B, Duration Rewults Comments reference strain C. Material Rockey and Mongrel dogs: A. Tracheal fenestra- : Squamous tCurcinoma tn ait Speer, Cc. li. tion (20). Hyperplasia metaplu- noted in & separate 1966, E. 19. Nostril inhala- with aia with Pre- Carcis sites in this U.S.A. (223). tion (9). Inflam. atypical atypicul cancerous nome animal. B. Tracheal fenestra- mation features features changes fatty tion—284 treat- Controls (ir). 8 1 1 0 9 ment days. Tracheal Nostril inhalation— fenestra- 180 treatment tien (10)... 10 5 6 1 tl iluys. Nosteil ine C. Cigarette smoke. hajation (9). 6 0 0 0 0 Auerbach Bengle dogs: A. Tracheostoma, Controls, experimental: etal, C. 10 (2 with B. Upto le No histologig change in bronchial epithelium: 1967, tracheustoma). cignrettes per a, 1 animal died at 24 days and no histologic change noted. U.S.A. (10), E, 10. day for up b. 5 animals sacrificed at 421 dayg und nuclear atypism to 421 days. noted in all. C. Cigaretre smoke. c. 2 animals died at 229 and 278 days and nuclear atypism wag noted but of lesser severity than in those sacrificed at 421 days. Harvis and CSTBL mice: A. Chamber. Number of This strain of mice Negroni, Cc, 200. B, Smoke—12 ciga- Treatment Number lung carcinomas is noted for ite 1967, E. 1,437. yettes per 20 Controls c.ece eee vues tae 200 Q lack of spontancous England mice for 12 Influenza aerosol alone ...-- 682 16 lung tumor formation, (f2t). minutes every Benzpyrene acrosal Animals exposed to other day for (4 exposures) aan 200 2 cigarette smuke lifetime. Smoking ..eeeeee i 200 8 (all adeno- shawad no hy pers C. Cigarette smoke, carcinomas) pinstic epithe lial influenza virus Influenza and benzpyrene ... 200 a chankes such as aerosyl, benz Influenza and smoking ...-> 155 3 those noted by pyrene aerosol, Leuchtenberger. TaBLeE Al6.—Experiments concerning the effect of the inhalation of cigarette smoke or its constituents upon the respiratory tract of animals (cont.) (Figures in parentheses represent total] number survivors in specific group) 6LE Author, year, Animal A. Type of exposure country, and B. Duration Results Commenta reference strain C. Material Wynder et al,, Male C57BL6 A. Chamber. Conclusions: t tResults not provided 1968, mice: B. Up to 315 No squamous cell respiratory cancer noted. This is attributed in tabular form. U.S.A. ($27). C. and E.— cigarettes. to the limitation of inhalation time (CO and nicotine acute morethan 40. C. Cigarette smoke, effects) and to the anatomically and physiologically intricate nitrogen dioxide, nasal passage defense system. volatile acids Exposure to cigarette smoke, NO. or volatile acide and alde and aldehydes hydes leads to reactive hyperplasia and metaplasia, beth of fuund in ciga- which were noted to be reversible. rette smoke, Swine influenzu virus exposure produced hyperplastic and swine influenza metaplastic effects which could not be enhanced by subse- virus, quent exposure tu cixarette smoke. Laskin et al., Rats; A. Chamber. Squamoua cell 1970, C, 45. B. 1 hour per day Exposure Number corcinomas U.S.A. (159). E, 3. for up to Atmosphere controls ...... 3 0/ 3 690 days. Atmosphere plus benzo(a)- C. Benzo(a) pyrene PYrene eXPOSuTE ov... ee 21 2/21 aerosol, SQ, SO. controls voces eee eee 3 o/ 3 atmosphere SO, lus benzo (ade ” (3.5 p.p.m.). PY TEN’ Exposure vos reene 21 6/21 lfammond Beagle dogs, See text Seo text. etal, 1970, U.S.A, (119), Ost TABLE A21,—Outline of retrospective studies of tobaceo use and cancer of the larynx Author, year, Cases Controls country, Collection of data reference Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of sclection Sehrek et nb, M. Ts Referrals from V.A, hospitals in “entire 522 From yame set of referrals, patients Random sampie of 6,003 1950, midwest” to VA. Cancer Center, Hines, with tumorg other than lip, lung, Jar. admissions; questivis USA, Ga). THingis, shuring 1942-44; patients with ynx-pharynx: naires from Hines re luvynx-pharynx tumors clinically or his- forrals for 1942-4¢; tulogically diagnosed: records included Pereent Percent smoking history. Nonsmokers oo... cee eee eee UBT Nongmokera op .. cc eae eee eee 23.9 Cigarcttes cise ee cere eee 19,5 Cigarettes oe. cece e ce eee a ee B92 Cigars cece cece eee ST Cire cece cece een eee 10.0 Pipes cece eee cee eee 6.8 Piped coe cece cen eae viene 11.6 Valko, M-F 226 Clinic patients with cancer of the larynx: 108 Clinic putients of same age group with Medical histury and ques- 1952, other diagnoses: tlonnaire in elinde, Crochoslovakia Percent Percent (292). Nonsmokers ........e cece eee 75 Nonsmokers v.cccscssseee eee 22.2 Cigarettes oo... eee ee B32 Cigars voice cece eevee 4.4 PIPES vise ccs e eect eee 10.6 Sadowsky et al, M. 273 White male admissions to hospitals in 615 From same set of admissions, patients Sample of 2,605 out of 1953, New York City, Missouri, New Orleans, with illnesses other than cancer: 2,847 interviews (in+ ULS.A. (232). Chicagu; pationts with dingnused laryn- cluding smoking his- geal tumors, 1938-43: tory} by trained lay Pereent Percent interviewers. Nonsmokers 4.0 Nonsmokera vec ccc e ae ee eee 13.2 Cigarettes only - 60.1 Cigarettes unly 53.3 Cigars only 2.2 Cigars only . 3.4 Pipe only 48 Pipeonly oo... cc, cee 7.0 Some combination + 28.9 Sume combination .......... 23.1 Tse TABLE A2l.--Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco use and cancer of the larynz (cont.) Author, year, Cases Controls country, Collection of data reforence Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Blimilein, M. 241 Clinic patients with cancer of larynx: 200 Patients with no laryngeal disease: Personal history taken In 1985, Percent Percent clinic. Patients and Germany Nonsmokers 0.8 Nonsmokers . » 18.0 controls over 40 years (26). Heavy amokers .. 19.3 Heavy smokers 43 of age. Inhalers oc. e eee ee eee eee 96.0 Inhalers... cece eee er ee eenre 17.0 Wynder etal, M. 209 White male inpatients Memorial Cancer 209 Pationts with other than epidermoid Trained lay interviewers. 1956, Research Center during 1952 to 1954, enncer, individually matched controls U.S.A. (812), with benign or malignant epidermoid in same institutions: tumors of larynx: Percent Percent Nonsmokers cs .cevesn eee eeee 0.5 Nonsmokere oss csserreeeenee 10.5 Cigarettes oo cce ner eee eee eee 86.0 Cigorettes co.cc cssseeeeecneee 73.7 Cigars eee 7.6 Cigars voce cence eee e ee eeaee 10.1 Pipes voce cece erences : 5.0 Pipes occ ceeeeeceeeresennee 3.8 Cigars/pipea vscsssrseseeeeee 1.0 Cigars/pipes wo. cree eee bree 19 Wynder etal, M. 122 Laryngeal enncer patients at Tata Mem- 132 Controls individually matched as for Interviews for smoking Wung, orinl Hospital, 1962-b4: U.S.A, dutu ubove: and medical histories, Indian (912). Percent Percent Nonsmokers occ cveereee eee ee VG Nonsmokers csccsseveaee vee 30.3 Ridis . 78.8 Hidig vo cc cc eevee cee cere ewes €2.1 Cigarettes 8.3 CHgAvettes cece cere rece eee 4B Hookah oo... vee 16 Hookah ccc cec eee rer eee eee 0.8 Chilum wu... .eeeee bene ee 0.8 Chilum ce ccc ce eee certs 2.3 Schwartz et al, M, 121 Patients hospitalized from 1954 through 242 Same time and sources; patients hospital- Cases and controls indi- 1957, 1956 with laryngen! cancer, in Paris ized for non-cancerous conditions or vidually matched within France (248). and other large cities: trauma: institutions; cach mem- Percent Percent ber of a set questioned Smokers 96 Smokers (p0.05) - sae cones 84 by the saine trained Iny Inhalers . 58 Inhalers (p<0.05) .iceeceees 47 interviewer. Roll their own cigarettes .... 44 : Roll their own elgarettes .... 31 c8e TABLE A21.—Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco use and cancer of the laryna (cont.) Author, year, Cases Controls country, Collection of data reference Sex 9 Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Wynder ctal., M. 60 Patients at Radiumhemmet with squam- 271 Patients from same source and time, By trained Jay inter- 1957, ous-cell cancer of larynx, from 1952 with cancer other than squamous-cell viewers in hospital. Sweden (22), through 1955; of larynx: Percent Percent Nonsmokeras ....... cea seuss 5 Nonsmokera .......-.0005 . 2 Cignrettes oo... 0c... .ccaeaee 47 Cigarettes 36 Cigars 7 Cigars ....... 3 Pipes 16 Pipes ...,, 16 Mixed been eee tere recess 1 Mixed 13 Wynder etal., M. 142 Clinic patients in Havana during 1956-57, 220 Same source and time; apparently pa- Interview of paticnts 1958, F. 32 with histulogically diagnosed epider. 214 tients with cancers other thon lurynx, in clinic, Cuba (325). moid cancer of larynx. lung, or oral cavity, matched for age: Percent Percent Male Female Male Femate Nonsmokers ..,...... 1 13 Nonsmokers ...,.... 16 66 Cigarettes cee 62 72 Cigarettes .......,0, 45 27 Cigors ..........,a.0, 20 6 Cigars wo... cc... ee, 22 6 Pipes coe cece cece aes 1 .. Pipes vvcs see ecacce ee 1 Mixed seas 36 9 Mixed 16 Dutta-Choudhuri M-F 582 Patients in Calcuttn cancer hospita) dur- 288 Not specified Tobacco histurics ub- etal., ing 1950-54, with laryngeal tumor diag tained during 1961-64, 1959, nosed and confirmed by biupsy or smear: apparently by inter- India (86), Percent Pereent viewer. Nonusers Tereees - 141 Nonusers cee ve tener sees ALF Cigarettes or bidi .. 17.8 Cigarettes or bidi beeeeee 2.1 Chew vo.ccsecccceeeeaes . 3.1 Chew 3.8 Both 6.0 Both EBe Author, yer, country, reference TABLE A2L—Ontline of retrospective studics of tobacco use and cancer of the laryne ( Cases cont.) Controls Sex Number Method of selection Collection of duta Number Method of selection Staszewski, M. UT Patients admitted to chronic disease hos gi2 Pationts admitted during 1957 and 1958 Author interviewed pa- 1960, KF. WW pital during 157 ond 196K with histos 1,813 to chronic disease center for cancer- tients auspected of Jung Poland (259). Jogically confirmed squanious-cell care vus and noncancerous conditions pre- cancer for amoking cinoma uf the larynx: sumably not related to tobacca cone history and background, sumption: Percent Percent Nonsmokers ...- cere 05 Nonsmokers oo. ..e eee ee reves 173 Cigurettes only . 87.9 Cigarettes only wees G06 Pipes and/or cigars .... 1.9 Pipes and/or cigars weeee DAA “Heavy smokers ..... BRA “Heuvy smokere” .. 49,0 Inhalers 0.0... : Inhalers ......0 eee . 66.8 Female smokers Female smokers... 8.4 Rozenbilds, M. 19} Patients admitted to 3 major hospitnis No controls. Futient interviews. 1967, F 21 with cancer of larynx and hypopharynx: Australia Pereent (az9), Nonsmckers pe. cece eee eee » 8 Smokers viceeec sere e ences YR Heavy smokers .....e-s-seeee 30 Terracol et al,, M. 961 Private service and clinic patients of ENT No controls. Patient interviews. (N67, hospital: France Percent (7a), Nonsmoker$ .s.ece ce eee eee ee VR Smokera veseeee ects ce eeeeees BIG Svoboda, M. 205 Patients admitted to a regional hospital 320 Male controls Cases; patient interviews. 196K, F, 1 over a period of G yenrs all confirmed Controls: not stated. Czechoslovakia histologically: Percent (271). Percent Nonsmokers viccee cece ere es 220 Nonsmokers vise e cece cere ees 2,98 Cigarettes (approximately) 9. 71.0 CigBrettes crecure reece ereee 94.63 Pipes (approximately) c.ceee 7-0 Pipes cise eev sees event 2.44 TABLE A22.—Srmmary of results of retrospective studies of tahacco use and canecr of the laruns (Figures in parentheses represent ratios based on tess than 5 case nonsmokers.) Relative risk ratio} all smokers to nonsmokers Investigator reference Schrek et al. US.A. (246) sees 2.0 Valke, Crechostavakia ¢292) tee vee 3.5 Sadowsky et al. ULS.A. (232) De ee ee eee eee eee ee 37 Rlumlein. Germany (26) ...0..0..0-.02-.0-- Be ee ee ee ee ee 27.5 Wynder ct al, ULS.N. 23.6 Wrynderet al, Indian (srt) 0. 22 eee 3.1 Schwartz etal, France (239) 4.6 Woaniter et akh, Sweden ¢ 6.0 Worden en uh, Cabs (625 0 ce eee (18.9) (males only) a-Choudhburi et aby India Ox6> Dat (40.0) {males only) 8.3 row shi, Poland wy Meedwadea, Ceeehoslavaktia O22 2p 00 ee eee eee > Computed according ta method of Cornfield, J. (61). 384 CE TABLE A23.—Number and percent distribution by relative frequency of atypical nuclei among true vocal cord cells, of men classified by smoking category (100 percent atypical celly defined ay curcinoma) Current cigarette smukery Pereent Never smoked Ex-cignarette Cigar/pipe Less than 1 1-2 packs Dor more atypical nuclei regularly smokers amokers pack u duy odnay packs adny Nume Pere Non Pere Num- Pere Num- Pere Num- Pere Num-+ Jer ber cent ber cont ber cent ber cont ber cont ber cent rr LMM 100.0 116 100.0 94 100.0 125 100.0 yzy 100.0 190 100.0 None co.cc cee eee beeen bene 66 75.0 KG Taal J 1 1 Al 0 - 0 _ Tass than 50)... x 9.4 14 12.1 4 4.3 25 20.0 4 4.2 0 _ 4) - Sth 10 11,4 Va 11.2 G0 63.0 54 43.2 BT 26,4 oo 16.3 60 fy 4 4.5 1 a 23 24.5 2) 16.8 116 34.3 718 29.4 70 79 0 -- 2 1.47 9 9.6 9 7.2 44 1a4 38 du 0 KU XY u _ 0 _ 2 2.1 2 Lf ty 5,K i 6.4 sh SEY 0 - 0 ~— 1 ld 0 a § 1G 0 7- hau: Carcinoma tn atta... eee ee 0 _ v ~ 3 3.2 Mg thar b2 15.% 35 1H 4 Invasive carcinomn v.cceeee eee 0 7 0 -_ ! a os 2 fo 2 1 Source: Auerbach, O. et al. (4), 98E TABLE A24.—Number and percent distribution, by highest number of cell rows tn the basal layer of the true vocal cord, of men classified by smoking category Current cigarette smokers Number of Never smoked Ex-clgarctte Cigar/pipe Less than 1 1-2 packs 2 or more cell rows regularly smokers smokers pack a day a day pucks aday Num- Per- Num- Per- Num- Per- Num. — Per- Nume = Pere Num- Jiere ber cont ber cent ber cent ber cent ber cent ber cent Total veeseee Cee eee eee ena RR 100.0 116 100.0 04 100.0 125 100.0 329 100.0 190 100.0 Less than & cell rows ......- veveeee OO 34,1 7 6.0 4 4.3 3 24 1 0.3 0 bee Sceurows Lies cee reece eters 29 33.0 27 23,3 20 21.3 27 21.6 38 11.6 2 10.6 6eellrows . & 9.1 1S 12.9 15 6.0 25 20.0 61 18.4 24 12.6 Tecell rows 6 6.8 12 10.3 18 19.1 12 9.6 38 11,6 19 10.0 8 cell rows 8 9.1 Va 12.1 9 9.6 13 10.4 30 9.1 2 12.1 9 cell rows 1 Ll 7 6.0 q V4 6 4.8 26 79 14 V4 10 or more cell rows § 6.8 34 29.4 21 22.3 a9 31.2 145 44 90 474 Souree: Auerbach, O. et al. (9). L8E TABLE A28.—Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco ise and cancer of the oral cavity (Dota obtnined from patient interview and atber sources} Authar, year, Cases Control country, ee — Comments reference Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Hardeys, M. 526 Series uf clinic patients with epithelioma 500 Series of clinic patients without epithe- 1920, r. iat of the lip: lioma of the lip: U.S.A. (43). Percent Percent Tobacco users 80.5 Tobacey user$ wee eee eee ee TBE Smokers... 6. cee eee ee 15.1 Smokers » 75,2 Cigarettes 2... cece eee 0.9 Cigarettes .. 444 Chewers 24.0 Chewers .....0, «. lad Pipes 69.0 Pipes . 28.6 CIBATS Lele eee eee 38.5 Cigars 44.0 Ebenius, M. 439 Clinic patients with cancer of the lip: 300 Not defined. } Estimate of prevalence 1943, ¥, 33 of use. Sweden (87). Percent Pereent Male Female Male Female Tobacco users ........ 79.7 —_ Tobacco users. ...+-+ G87 _ Tobacco users Tobacco users oe... Ot? (all pines) . oo BT6 Pipes cece cvareee creas 22,9 _ Pipes occ. ccecrceev ees 61,8 _ Chew or useanuff .,... 60.7 - Chew or use snuff .... 47.4 ~ Cigars and cignrettea .. 92,5 _— Cigars and cigarettes .. 12.9 _ Levin et al., M. 143 Cancer Institute patients with cancer of 51 Cancer Institute patients with non-can- 1950, the lip: cer diseases of same site: ULS.A. (169). Percent Percent Smokers » 84.5 Smoker8S veces vervceeeeeeeee 74.0 Cigarettes ........ ~- 45.3 CIOrOUlCS eevee eee rece eee 43.0 PIPOS cece eee ccc cee een r anes 48.1 PIPES cece cece eee ee er ete e ey 90.7 Cigars . 26.5 CIBATS Loic cece eter eee 34.9 88E Tape AZB—Oulline of retrospective studies of fobaces use and cancer of the oral cavity (cont) (Data obtained from patient ipterview and other svurces } Author, year, eountry, wee : sen veference Sex Nunber Cases Method of seleetion Mills and Porter, M. bed Deaths Crom enneer of ornt eavity in Cine yaa Sample of population of Columbus, Ohiu, 1uSu, eiinali and Delroit, Ta0-45 and ldo- in same proportion of color, sex, wnd ALS AL GEXA). 40 respectively: ARE usd dn cases: Prreent Percent Cignretios ainly 3n5 Cigarettes only 1. Od Vives, Cigitis, or Pipes, cigars, ar combinations 51K combiontions 207 Moureet ab, M his Patients over 50 yours old sinee LOL with 4S Patients of same ue groups with les Vu, concer of oval eavity: ign oral lesions ar benign surgical ILS. A Chet), conditions: Perera Percent Chewers 3S.U Chewers .occcee ec ceeeeee 31.6 Pipes beeen 42.U Pipes Coven ere ects e tee ATA Cisars and elgarettes oad Ciynys and cigurettes co. .6... O2.5 Sadowsky et ad, M. yas Hospital pationts with Hp, oral, andl phir. Oy Patients with iliness other than eatecer: ay yates eaueer, DEES dt: Perveut USA. (ate), Pirveent Ciarethes atly Cove Oh Cisruret tes andy wet Chpar sadly oc. cee eee Chin culy 1.0 Vippronty oc. o. eee ae seu TAh Wipes onty sca. Vow Misedo oo. oc... , ee Miseul IN Sunkhyvi etal, M. WT Hospitnt patients with mameer of oral cave “ERM Ttospatad patients with alisenses ather 1OGh, Yr, st ty nue peburyaies wae Chi cunests Trin (Zor). Percent . Barvent Male Pemate Matte Be meale Smoke andehew 6.0... 38.8 8.7 Smoke and chew 2 Smokeonly o.......... 40.7 6.2 Smoke andy cc BOLO Chew only V7 re Chewonky co.cc. cece ORT Neither 27 250 Neither vee ATS Controly Number Method of selection Cumments Smoking: bs of bidia eng Loth cases anil controls. 68E TABLE AQ8.—Outline of retrospective studies of fohiaeco use and cancer of the oral cartty (Data obtained from patient interview and other sources) (cont.) Author, yeur, Cases Controls country, - Comments reference Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Ledermiann, M. 2a Patients with cancer of oral cavity and 62 Patients with cancer of skin, bone, and Differences between cases 1095, pharynx: muscle: and controls for both France (fie). Percent Pereent high and low alcohol in- Nonsmokers oo... eee eee ee 46 Nonsmokerg cece ee eee cere 47.2 take ore insignificant >20 cigaretics perday 1.6... 23.4 >20 cigarettes perday ....., 18.6 when smoking ta con- trolled. Woyiiler etal, 43 Patients with cancer of ora) cavity: 207 Patients with cancer of other sites and 157, F. 16 232 benign diseases: ULS.A, (398). Pereent Percent Male Female Male Femule Nonsmokerg oo... eee 3 47 Nonsmukers .eee.eeer 10 70 CigNyS ccc ee ee eee eee 20 _- CiRATS oe cee eee 13 _ Pipes Me M _ Pipes Dene ee ere 6 _ Mined vis .ce esr eee ee x ~- Mined occ. ce ee eee eee 8 _ CHOW Cie 7 _ Chew eee eee R _ Cipnyettes cc... 2... AT 58 Cignrettes cee 68 40 DNS cigarettes SSD viscuretten per day tees eee eee 29 _— perdny cece eee 17 -- Dh cigarettes “SYH cigarettes per day co.cc cere Md per day me i Schwart, etad, M, wae Hospital patients with cancer of oral cay- GOx Hospital pationty with nun-cancer iil. 1957, ity and pharynx: nesa and nccident cases, matched by Vranee (258). age: Pereent Pereent Nonsmokers Sete eee 16.4 Nonsmokers occ csc eee eee es 234 Cigarettes only oc. cece eee ee GR. Cigarettes only cece e ieee eee O82 Pipesonly .. Pipes only ccc cceeerceeeeeees 30 O6€ Taney A28—Oxtline of retrospective studies af tabaces use and caneer of the oval cavity (eons) (Data obtiined from: patient interview and other sources) Author, year, Cases Controls country, - Comments reference Sex | Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Wyniler etal, M. 17s Hospital clinic patients with cancer of 220 Patients in same clinics with non-emalix- . 1957, F, 3d oral cavity and pharynx: MM nant conslitions, matched by sex anil Cuba (925), Ree: Pereent Percent Male Female Male Female Nonamokersy ......... 4 a4 Nonamokers oo... ..05 16 ch Cigarettes Cigarettes predominantly oo... 45 GL predominantly ...... 45 17 Cigars predominantly. 33 MW Cigars predansinantly . 22 4 Wynder et al, M. 115 Male pationta with cancer of oral cavity V5 Mole pationty in same hospital with cane Alcohol data sisnilteant 1957, and pharynx: cer of sites other than oral, pharynx, only for hypopharynx, Sweden ($22 faryns, lung, esophugus, breast: Pereent Péreent Cigarettes oo... cece 36.5 Cigarcttes 36 Cigara ......., Dever eee nee 13.0 Cigars 9 Pipes ccc ccc cece cee eee eee 22.2 Pipes, 16 Mixed .....0.., . 15,7 Mixed co.cc cece eee eee eee ee 18 Peacock et al., M. 25 Hospital patients with oral cancer: 74 Pationts in same hospital without oral 1960, F, 20 92 cancer and 117 male and 100 female U.S.A. (210). Out-prtionts, randomly selected. Pereent 32.6 percent of first group, and 43.3 pers Chewed or used snuff over 20 cent of secund group ehewed or used yenrs (all patients) seve 55.6 snuff over 20 yearn. Staszewski, M. BRS Male patients with oral cancer: 912 Male patients with other enancerous and 1960, Pereent non-canceruus conditions: Poland (259). Nonsmokers wee BT Percent “Heavy” smoking index ...... 72.8 Nomamokergs eecc ccc en eee VES Cigarettes only 72.3 “Heavy” smoking index ..... 49.0 Pipes and/or cigars 12.8 Cigarettes only ............, 60.5 Pipes and/or cigarg ws... eee . T6E Author, yuar, country, TABLE A28.—Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco use and cancer of the oral cavity (Data chtained from patient interviews und other saurees) Controls (cont.) Comments reference Sex Number Method of selection Method of selection Vogler etal., M. 1B8 Clinic patients with cancer of lip and oral Pationta of same clinic with other can- t Due to varying tabular 1962, F. 92 cavily: nonematgnant conditions: treatment of duta, per- U.S.A. (298), Percent centages of tobacco Male Female usera are not al} bused Chewers o.......0.5..992.9 _ Percent on the same number of Excessive chewerg .... 22.9 _ Male Female CHSCs. Snuffdippera ........ 0 72.0 Snuff dippers voces. wee $6.1 Excessive anuff dippera ......eceee, om 413 Tobacco users » 90.0 99.0 Tobaceo users oc... 66.0 66.0 Vineent and M. 66 Successive patients with lesions of buccal patients attending gastroin- Male patients used cone Marchetta, F, 16 cavity and oropharynx: testinul clinic, ageemateched; afdcrubly more alevhol 1963, Percent than male controls. U.S.A. (297), Oral Oro- Data refers to all forme Males: Cavity pharynz Percent of smoking expressed Nonsmokers ,......., 3.0 _ 27.0 og Cigarette equivalent. <20 cigarettes Cigarctle equivalents: . verday ........0... 18.3 15.1 24.0 lcigar = & ciyarcttes > 20 cigarettes l pipe = 2 cigarettes perday ..........5. 787 9 84.9 49.0 t BN=Detel nut. Females: Nonsmokera ......... 85.5 28.6 82,0 <20 cigarettes Per day veecseeesae _ 8.0 >20 cigarettes perday ............ 44.6 Wd 10.9 Z6E TABLE A28,—Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco use and cancer of the oral cavity (cont.) (Data obtained from paticnt interview and other sources) Author, year, Cases Controls country, Comments reference Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Shanta and M. 552 Patients with oral and pharyngeal cancer 300 Controls residing in Krisbnamurthi, F. 206 (unsure of confirmation): 100 same area matched 1964, Percent for age, sex, and India (256). Buccal Anterior Posterior class: Males: Lip mucosa tongue tongue Pharynz Males No tobacco habit .... _ 2.0 1.2 2.0 5.3 39.1 Smokers .......,... 60,0 45.7 66.6 76.0 12.8 52.7 Number of cases .... (12) (293) (69) (48) (130) (300) Females: Femalca No tobacco habit ..., 14,3 11.0 33.3 _ 40.0 88.8 Smokers wi. csavaees _ 47 5.5 _ 8.8 _ Number of cases .... (7) (152) (18) (4) (25) (100) Wahi etal, M. 589 Patients with oral and pharyngeal cor- 689 Patients matched for age, sex, religion, 1965, F. 232 cinoma: 232 and social class. India ($02). Perecnt Percent Nonsmokerg ....... ee ccaeee 9.62 66.5 Smokers wi... cece eens sevee 17,05 21.2 Chewers (Betel nut) ........, 95.44 69 Both vissesscseceeeve veeevene 87,88 6.4 Hirayama, M. 369 Patients with oral and pharyngeal carci- 277 Patients with other (unspecified) dise Found only a suggestive 1966, F. 176 noma: 163 eases: association between Central and Percent Percent aleohol-drinking and South East Male Female Male Female oral cancer in none Asia (124). Nonusers ......-..005 1.6 2.5 17.0 33.0 chewers only. Smokers ...........08 VA 2.5 23.8 12 t BN-Hetel nut. Smokers, tBN and tobneco chewers .... 46.7 6.6 24,9 1.8 £6€ TABLE A28.—Outline of retrospective studies of tobacco use and cancer of the oral cavity (cont.) (Date obtained from patient interview and other sources) Author, yeur, Cases Controls country, Comments reference Sex Number Method of selection Number Method of selection Keller, M 408 Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of 408 Next male patient admitted to same hos- Excessive nleohol con. 1967, oral cavity and oropharynx confirmed Pital within 5 year age range, sumption noted for U.S.A. (140). histologically. Three New York City VA cases involving floor, Hospitals 1953-63: mesopharynx, and Percent tongue. Nonusers 14.2 Findings indicate the Cigarettes §6.4(p<0.0001) association of heavy Pi? only ra . 2.9 drinking with cancer Cigaronly ......,. Chee eee 6.9 6.1 independent of the amount of tobucco used. Martinez, M. Patients with epidermoid carcinoma of 345 116 male and 38 female hospital or clinic Cases found to conguine 1969, F. 38 oral cavity and pharynx: 114 pationts without cancer: 330 male and more alcoholic hevers Puerto Rieo 76 female residents of sume region, axes than controls, (143). age and aex matched, Percent Perecent Nonsmokers seen . 37 19.2 Heavy tobacco users . 24.8 12.2 (p<0.0001) Keller, M. 304 Patients with primary basal or squamous dod Patients from same hospital matched for 1970, cell carcinoma of lip: Sge and race, U.S.A. (144), Pereent Nonsmokers oo... .... cece say 1.3 Cigarettesonly .......... 00, 60.2 Pipeonly ...ccceee eee seee 6.0 Pipe, other ...0.000000...,, oe 6.3 Percent 16.6(p<0.001) 52.8 a4 0.4 (p