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CANCER APPENDIX TABLES 347 67E TAULE A3.—Outline of methods used in retrospective studics of smoking in relation te lung cancer Author, your, Sex of Number of persons and method of selection country, cases Collection of data reference Cases Controls Milter 1939, M 86 lung cancer decedents BG healthy men of the same age Cases: Questionnaire sent to relatives of de Germany ceased, (196). Controls: Not atated. Schalrer and M 03 cancer decedenty sutopsicd 270 men aged 63 and 64 Cuses: Questionnulre sent to neat of hin. Schoniger, (avernge age 53.0), Contrula; Questlounatre sent to 700. 1943, Ciermany (age). Potter and M 43 male patients over 40 years of 3,847 patients of same group with diagnoses Coses and controls interviewed Jn clinics. Tully, Age. other than cancer. 1945, U.S.A, (fie), Wansink, M 134 male cline patients with 100 normal mon of sume age groups ws coses, Cases: Interviewed In clinic. 1Od8, lung cuncer, , Controls; Nut stuted. Nether- lunds (Sus). Sehrek etal, M 82 male lung cancer casea atnong 522 miscellaneous tumors other than lung, Smoking habits recorded during routine hos- 1950, 6,003 patients recorded, 1941- larynx, pharynx, or lip. pital interview. U.S.A. 48, (246). . Mills and M 444 respiratory cancer decedents. 430 sample of residents matched by age in Cases: Relatives queried by mail question- Porter, Columbus, Ohio, from census tracts strati« naire or personal visit. 1950, fied by degree of air pollution, Controls: House-to-house Interviews. U.S.A (186) OSE Author, year, country, reference Levin et al, 1950, U.S.A. (169). Wynder and Graham, 1950, U.S.A. (316). McConnell et o)., 1952, England, (280). Doll! and Hill, 1952, Great Britain (73). Sadowsky et al., 1963, U.S.A. (232), TABLE A3.—Outline of methods used in retros Sex of CBRBCS M M-F M-F M-F Number of persons Cases 236 cancer hospital patients with diagnosed lung cancer, 606 hospital and private lung cancer patients in many cities. 100 tung cancer patients, un- selected, in 3 hospitals in Liv- erpool area, 1,465 patients with lung cancer in hospitals of several cities. 477 patients with lung cancer in hospitals in 4 states. and method of selection Controls 48) patients in same hospital with nonma- jignant diagnoses. 780 patients of several hospitals with disg- noses other than lung cancer. 200 inpatients of snme hospitals, matched by age and sex, without cancer. 1,465 patients in same hospitals, matched by sex and age group; some wilh cancer of other sites, some without cancer. 616 patients in same hospitals with illnesses other than cancer. pective studies of smoking in relation to lung cancer (cont.) Collection of datu Casey and Contrels: Routine clinical history tuken before diagnosis, Nearly all data by personal interview; a few cases by questionnaire; a few frum inti mate acquaintances. Some interviews with knowledge or presumption of diognosis, some with none. 595 diagnosed by tissue examination, ning by sputum, and one by pleural fluid examination, Personal interviews by the authors of both cages and controls. Personal interviews of cases and controls by almoners. Porsonal questioning by trained interviewers.