INDEX ACROLEIN ciliatoxic agent, 193 ACS See AMERICAN CANCER SO- CIETY ADOLESCENTS age and sex factors in spontaneous smoking cessation, 291 predictors of spontaneous smoking cessation, 291-296 prospective attitudinal predictors of smoking cessation, 291, 292 smoking prevention programs, 296~ 300 social influences on smoking cessa- tion, 292-296 spontaneous smoking cessation rates, 289-291, 300 ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SURGEON GENERAL (1964) definition of “cause”, 16 epidemiologic criteria for causality, 4 lung cancer and smoking associa- tion, 15 AGE FACTORS age-adjusted death rates defined, 147 bladder cancer—age-specific mortal- ity, 102, 104-107 bronchial, tracheal, and lung canc- ers—age-specific mortality, 25-28 buccal cavity plus oral pharynx cancer—age-specific mortality, 80-84 cervical cancer—age-specific mortal- ity, 137, 139 esophageal cancer—age-specific mortality, 90, 92-95 kidney cancer—age-specific mortali- ty, 113, 115-118 laryngeal cancer—age-specific mor- tality, 65-67 AGE FACTORS—Contd. lung cancer—age-specific mortality and smoking patterns, 50-58, 145 pancreatic cancer—age-specific mor- tality, 122, 124-127 responsiveness of animals to known carcinogens, 176, 177 smoking initiation age and cessa- tion probability for adolescents, 293 spontaneous smoking cessation by adolescents, 291 stomach cancer—age-specific mor- tality, 132, 134, 135 AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS carcinogen precursor, 202 tumor promoters, 197 AIR POLLUTION lung cancer mortality relationship, 46, 47 ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION dimethylnitrosamine metabolism enhancement, 202 esophageal cancer—synergistic role with smoking, 7, 100, 101, 146 influence on N’-nitrosonornicotine carcinogenicity, 205 laryngeal cancer—synergistic effect with smoking, 6, 72, 75, 77, 78, 146 oral cancer—synergistic role with smoking, 7, 80, 86, 88, 90, 146 smoking cessation relationship, 267 synergistic effects with smoking re- lative to cancer risks, 191, 192 ALKALOIDS tobacco content, 203 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY (ACS) “I Quit Kit” effectiveness, 258, 259 lung cancer mortality and morbidi- ty estimates for 1982, 21 305 INDEX ACS—Contd. lung cancer mortality for nonsmok- ing wives of smokers, 248-250 the Great American Smokeout, 262 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 9- STATE STUDY bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96 esophageal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 99 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 75 lung cancer mortality ratio, 36, 38 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85, 86 oral cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 88 overall cancer mortality ratio, 142, 143 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 32, 33 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 25- STATE STUDY air pollution effect on lung cancer, 46, 47 bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110 bladder cancer risk and lower tar and nicotine cigarettes, 108 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96 esophageal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 99 female smokers and esophageal cancer, 96 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68, 72 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 75 laryngeal cancer risk and lower tar and nicotine cigarettes, 69 lung cancer mortality among males vs. females, 55 lung cancer mortality ratio in ex- smokers, 46 lung cancer mortality ratio in male smokers, 61 306 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 25-STATE STUDY—Contd. lung cancer mortality ratio, smok. ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38, 39 mortality ratios for smoking-related cancers among females and males, 148 occupational exposure and hung cancer, 47 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85 oral cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 88 oral cancer risk and lower tar and nicotine cigarettes, 80, 83 overall cancer mortality ratio, 142 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 31, 33 AMERICAN HEALTH FOUNDA. TION STUDY esophageal cancer mortality risk in male ex-smokers, 97, 98 oral cancer risk in ex-smokers, 87 AMMONIA ciliatoxic agent, 193 ANGINA PECTORIS involuntary smoking effect on pa- tients’ exercise tolerance, 239 ANIMAL MODELS (See also DOGS; RODENTS; SY- RIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS) carcinogenicity testing factors, 175- 178 inhalation studies, 184-186, 220 involuntary smoking effects, 241 laryngeal cancer research, 75, 77 lung carcinomas in rats following arsenic exposure, 212 metabolism of nitrosamines in rats and Syrian golden hamsters, 205, 206 nickel compounds and carcinoma development, 211 oral cancer research, 89 polonium-210 effects, 210 ANTISMOKING MATERIAL smoking prevention films for ado- lescents, 296, 297 AROMATIC AMINES cigarette smoke content and their carcinogenic activity, 207-209 guinea pigs nonsuitability for test- ing, 175 INDEX AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS tumor initiators, 195 AROMATIC NITROHYDROCAR- BONS cigarette smoke content and their carcinogenic activity, 207-209 ARSENIC tobacco content and carcinogenic activity, 211, 212 ASBESTOS syncarcinogenic effects with smok- ing, 189, 190 ASBESTOS WORKERS lung cancer mortality, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 189, 190 AVERSIVE THERAPY focused smoking and smoking ces- sation maintenance relationship, 273 intensive smoking effectiveness, 10 reciprocal aversion among spouses, effectiveness, 279, 280 BEHAVIOR smoking cessation relapse relation- ship, 276-279 BENZO[AJPYRENES animal responsiveness to skin painting, 175 esophageal cancer-experimental studies, 101 metabolic activation, 195, 196 oral cancer-experimental studies, 89 syncarcinogenic effect with poloni- um-210, 191, 210 BLADDER CANCER aromatic amines presence in cigar- ette smoke relationship, 207, 208 carcinogens and cocarcinogens in urine of smokers, 219 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—coherence, 111, 112 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—consistency, strength, and specificity, 106-110 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—temporal re- lationship, 110 cigarette smoking a contributory factor, 7, 102, 146 dose-response relationship with smoking, 107, 108, 111, 112 377-210 GC += 32 - 21 BLADDER CANCER—Contd. histologic types, 102 hypothesis on mechanisms involved in pathogenesis, 199, 200 morbidity and mortality estimates for 1982, 101 mortality in populations with dif- ferent smoking habits, 48, 50 mortality rates, 102-112 occupational exposure risks, 102, 112 pipe and cigar smoking relation- ship, 112 prevalence in populations with dif- ferent smoking habits, 112 prospective epidemiological studies of relationship with smoking, 108, 110, 111 retrospective studies of relationship with smoking, 106-109 risks among ex-smokers, 108, 110, 111, 112 sex factor and smoking habits rela- tionship, 108, 112 survival rate, 102 BRITISH PHYSICIANS STUDY bladder cancer mortality for pipe and cigar smokers, 112 bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110, 111 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96, 97 esophageal cancer mortality ratio for ex-smokers, 97 esophageal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 99 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68, 72 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smckers, 75 laryngeal cancer risks among ex- smokers, 72, 73 lung cancer mortality ratio in ex- smokers, 46 lung cancer mortality ratio in male smokers, 61 lung cancer mortality ratio, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38, 39 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85, 86 oral cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, &8 307 INDEX BRITISH PHYSICIANS STUDY—Contd. pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 31, 33 Bronchial cancer See LUNG CANCER BRONCHIAL EPITHELIUM premalignant changes among cigar and pipe smokers, 62 premalignant changes and cigarette smoking relationship, 42, 55, 58- 60 BRONCHITIS incidence in children of smoking parents, 239 CADMIUM carcinogenic activity, 212 kidney cancer relationship, 119 CALIFORNIA OCCUPATIONS STUDY bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110, 111 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96, 97 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68 lung cancer mortality ratio, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85, 86 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 32, 33 CANADIAN VETERANS STUDY (See also DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE OF CANADA) bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110 lung cancer mortality ratio in male smokers, 61 lung cancer mortality ratio, 36, 38 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 summary, 32, 33 CANCER (See also BLADDER CANCER; CERVICAL CANCER; ESO- PHAGEAL CANCER; KIDNEY CANCER; LARYNGEAL CANCER; LUNG CANCER; NASAL CANCER; ORAL 308 CANCER—Contd. CANCER; PANCREATIC CANCER; PROSTATIC CANC. ER; RENAL CANCERS; SKIN CANCER; STOMACH CANC- ER; TRACHEAL CANCER) deaths caused by tobacco, 1978, 149 historical perspective, 3-4 mortality for smoking-related canc- ers among females, 148 overall mortality and smoking rela- tionship, 4, 5, 15, 22, 142-144, 147 CARBAZOLES cocarcinogen role, 198 CARBON MONOXIDE absorption by nonsmokers, 240 content in cigarette smoke, 215-217 content in cigarettes, cigars, and little cigars, 192, 193 toxic effect, 192 CARCINOGENESIS alcohol consumption influence, 192 animal studies factors, 175-178 criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173-178 dermal administration factors, 174 inhalation administration factors, 174, 175 intraperitoneal and intravenous in- jections, 174 mechanisms related to tobacco, 8, 9 oral administration factors, 173, 174 physico-chemical characterization of the material requirement, 173 planning and conduct of carcino- genicity experiments, 178 research needs and priorities, 218- 220 subcutaneous and intramuscular implantation, 174 synergistic effect of occupational exposure and smoking, 189, 190 tobacco-specific nitrosamines, 205, 206 transplacental migration of smoke constituents, 188, 219-221 CARCINOGENS aromatic amines and aromatic ni- trohydrocarbons, 207-209 cadmium, 212 inorganic arsenic compounds, 212 INDEX CARCINOGENS—Contd. N-nitrosomorpholine in animals, 201 nickel, 210, 211 nitrosodiethanolamine, 202 organ-specific carcinogens in cigar- ette smoke, 199-213, 220 polonium-210, 210 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (See also ISCHEMIC HEART DI- SEASE) MRFIT intervention program, 2380, 281 CATECHOL cocarcinogen role, 198 CERVICAL CANCER cigarette smoking relationship, 8 contributing factors, 137, 138 dose-response relationship with smoking, 140, 141 mortality, 137-141 nonsmoking wives of smokers, risk, 244 retrospective and prospective stu- dies of relationship with smok- ing, 140, 141 squamous cell carcinoma, 137 survival rate, 137 CESSATION OF SMOKING age and sex factors in spontaneous cessation by adolescents, 291 antecedents of relapse, 10, 276-279, 285 bladder cancer risk reduction, 108, 110-112 cessation clinics improvement re- commendations, 283, 284 esophageal cancer mortality and risk reduction, 97, 98, 101 kidney cancer mortality effect, 119 laryngeal cancer mortality and risk effect, 6, 72, 73, 78, 145 lung cancer mortality effect, 5, 6, 45, 46, 63, 146 . maintenance procedures, 10, 271- 281, 285 manuals compariscn, 258-260 minimal intervention approaches, 10, 260-266 most effective strategy, 293, 300 oral cancer risk reduction, 7, 87, 90 predictors of cutcome, 264-268, 281-283 CESSATION OF SMOKING—Contd. predictors of spontaneous cessation in adolescence, 10, 291-296 preferred approach by adults, 9, 10, 257, 268 prospective attitudinal predictors in adolescents, 291, 292 reinforcement of maintenance tech- niques, 10, 271-273, 285 repeated cessation attempts in ado- lescents and success probability, 11, 293-295, 300 self-help approaches review, 10, 258-260, 267, 268 “self-help” defined, 258 self-management techniques for maintenance, 10, 273, 285 social influences on adolescents, 10, 292-296 social support in maintaining absti- nence, 279-281, 285 spontaneous cessation rates in adolescence, 10, 289-291, 300 tailoring treatments to individual characteristics relationship to maintenance, 274-276 therapist contact relationship to maintenance, 274 Chemicals See AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS CHILDREN respiratory illness incidence related to parental smoking, 239 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (MOR- MONS) cancer risks compared with non- Mormons, 45, 46 laryngeal cancer rates, 65, 72 lung cancer mortality, 48, 50 CIGAR SMOKE carbon monoxide values, 193 mainstream smoke—pH content, 183, 184 standardized parameters for collec- tion and analysis, 182 temperature profile, 182 CIGAR SMOKING bladder cancer relationship, 112 cancer mortality ratios, 143 esophageal cancer relative risk and mortality rate, 7, 99-101, 146 kidney cancer relationship, 122 309 INDEX CIGAR SMOKING—Contd. laryngeal cancer relative risk and mortality rate, 6, 74-77, 145 lung cancer relative risk and mor- tality rate, 5, 60-62, 63, 145 oral cancer relative risk and mor- tality rate, 6, 7, 87-89, 146 pancreatic cancer risk, 131 synergistic role with alcohol for oral cancer risk, 88 CIGARETTE SMOKE analysis, 183, 184, 220 aromatic amines and aromatic ni- trohydrocarbons, 207-209 arsenic content, 212 biological activity measurement, 8 cadmium content, 212 changes in composition of U.S. ma- nufactured cigarettes, 9, 215, 216 flavor enhancement, 217-219 hypotheses on mechanisms involved in pathogenesis of pancreatic, kidney, and bladder cancers, 199, 200 nickel content, 210, 211 organ-specific carcinogens, 212, 213 polonium-210 content, 210 standardized parameters for collec- tion and analysis, 181, 182 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines, 203 USS. sales-weighted average tar and nicotine yields, 215 CIGARETTES nickel content, 210, 211 polonium-210 content, 210 temperature profiles, 182, 183 CIGARETTES, LOW YIELD bladder cancer risk, 108 esophageal cancer risk, 96 laryngeal cancer risk, 6, 69, 78, 146 lung cancer risk, 6, 37, 42, 63, 145 oral cancer risk, 80, 83 smoking compensation, 216, 217, 221 CIRRHOSIS smoking association, 19 COCARCINOGENS definition, 187 identification in tobacco smoke, 219 PAH subfractions, 188 tobacco smoke particulates, 197-199 COFFEE CONSUMPTION smoking cessation relationship, 267 310 CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT cancer mortality attributable to to- bacco use, 142 lung cancer mortality and smoking association, 23 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE OF CANADA criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 DIET carcinogenicity studies in animals, relationship, 177 DOGS inhalation studies, 185 nicotine inhibition of pancreatic bi- carbonate secretion, 131 pancreatic proteases change from cigarette smoking in beagles, 132 syncarcinogenic effect of radon daughters and cigarette smoke in beagles, 190, 191 ECONOMICS lung cancer impact, 6, 23, 63, 145 EDUCATIONAL FACTORS adolescence smoking initiation and cessation effect, 293, 300 smoking cessation relationship, 267 EMPHYSEMA nonsmoking wives of smokers, risk, 246 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 EPIDEMIOLOGY “association” defined, 20 “causal” defined, 20 “contributory factor” defined, 20 criteria for causality, 4, 16-20 “major cause” defined, 20 ESOPHAGEAL CANCER causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—coherence, 97-99 . causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—consistency, 95, 96 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—specificity, 96 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—strength, 96 INDEX ESOPHAGEAL CANCER—Contd. causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—temporal re- lationship, 96, 97 dose-response relationship with smoking, 96-98, 101, 146 experimental studies, 101 lower tar and nicotine cigarettes and risk in females, 96 mortality rates, 90-98 mortality rates and relative risk for cigar and pipe smokers, 99- 101, 146 mortality risk among ex-smokers, 97, 98,191 retrospective and prospective stu- dies findings, 95-97, 99 smoking as causal factor, 7, 146 survival rate, 90 synergy of alcohol and smoking, 100, 101, 146, 191, 202 zine deficient diet relationship, 192 ESOPHAGEAL EPITHELIUM nutritional deficiency and suscepti- bility to smoke, 218, 219 EX-SMOKERS bladder cancer risk, 108, 110-112 esophageal cancer mortality and relative risk, 97, 98, 101 kidney cancer mortality, 119 laryngeal cancer mortality and re- lative risk, 6, 72, 73, 78, 146 lung cancer mortality, 5, 6, 45, 46, 63, 146 oral cancer relative risks, 7, 87, 90 overall cancer mortality compared to smokers, 5, 143, 144, 147 FATTY ACIDS tumor promoters, 197 FDA See FOOD AND DRUG AD- MINISTRATION FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (FTC) standard cigarette smoking condi- tions, 181, 182 FILTERED CIGARETTES bladder cancer risk relationship, 108 laryngeal cancer risk relationship, 69-71, 78, 146 lung cancer mortality relationship, 37, 40, 41, 63, 145 oral cancer risk relationship, 83 FILTERED CIGARETTES—Contd. perforation and carbon monoxide reduction, 216 polonium-210 retention, 210 temperature profiles of burning ci- garettes, relationship, 182 volatile N-nitrosamines retention by cellulose acetate filter tips, 201 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRA- TION (FDA) criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 FORMALDEHYDE induction of carcinomas in rats, 193 FTC See FEDERAL TRADE COM- MISSION GAS PHASE COMPONENTS OF SMOKE smoke analysis, 183 Genetics See HEREDITY GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS lung cancer mortality in urban vs. rural areas, 45-47 oral cancer mortality, 78 GREECE lung cancer mortality for nonsmok- ing wives of smokers, 243-245 HAWAIIAN STUDY OF FIVE ETHNIC GROUPS bladder cancer and smoking associ- ation, 108 laryngeal cancer and smoking asso- ciation, 65 lung cancer and smoking associa- tion, 34 oral cancer and tobacco use associ- ation, 80 pancreatic cancer and smoking re- lationship, 128 renal cancer and cigarette smoking association, 119 stomach cancer and smoking asso- ciation, 136 HEALTH COUNCIL OF THE NETHERLANDS criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 HEREDITY genetic susceptibilities as potential etiologic factor in kidney cancer, 119 311 INDEX HEREDITY—Contd. Swedish Twin Registry Study relat- ed to smoking and lung cancer, 34, 35 HORMONES potential etiologic factor in kidney cancer, 119 HORN’S REASONS FOR SMOK- ING SCALE self-control] cessation techniques re- lationship, 282, 283 HYDRAZINE metabolic transformation, 194 HYDROGEN CYANIDE ciliatoxic agent, 193 IARC See INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER ICD See INTERNATIONAL CLAS- SIFICATION OF DISEASES INDOLES cocarcinogen role, 198 INDUSTRIAL INHALANTS carcinogenicity, epidemiological and experimental evidence, 49 INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER (IARC) criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 inorganic arsenic compounds and skin and lung cancer, 212 nickel workers and cancers of the nasal cavity and the lung, 211 nitrosamines as carcinogens in hu- mans, 200, 201 INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICA- TION OF DISEASES (ICD) revisions, 147 INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF DI- SEASES, INJURIES, AND CAUSES OF DEATH WHO regulation, 147 INVOLUNTARY SMOKING chemical constituents of sidestream smoke, 239-241 dose-response relationship with lung cancer, 241 epidemiologic studies—methodologic difficulties, 24, 243 health effects, 239 312 INVOLUNTARY SMOKING—Contd lung cancer mortality for nonsmok. ing wives of smokers—Greek study, 243-245 lung cancer mortality for nonsmok- ing wives of smokers—Japanese study, 245-249 lung cancer mortality for nonsmok- ing wives of smokers—US. sty. dy, 248-250 lung cancer risk, 9, 250, 251 ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE nonsmoking wives of smokers, risk, 246 JAPANESE STUDY bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110 cervical cancer mortality ratio, 141 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96, 97 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68, 72 lung cancer mortality among nons- moking wives of smokers, 245~ 249 lung cancer mortality ratio in ex- smokers, 46 lung cancer mortality ratio in male smokers, 61 lung cancer mortality ratio, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38 mortality ratios for smoking-related cancers among females, 148 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85, 86 overall cancer mortality ratio, 142, 143 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 31-33 KAISER PERMANENTE subscribers who had or had not quit smoking, 267 KIDNEY CANCER causal significance of association with smoking—coherence, 119- 121 causal significance of association with smoking—consistency, strength, and specificity, 118, 119 INDEX KIDNEY CANCER—Contd. causal significance of association with smoking—-temporal relation- ship, 119 chemical elements as potential etio- logic factors, 119 cigarette smoking as contributory factor, 7, 122 dose-response relationship with smoking, 119, 121 histological types, 113, 117 hypotheses on mechanisms involved in pathogenesis, 199, 200 mortality among ex-smokers, 119 mortality rates, 113-118 pipe and cigar smoking relation- ship, 122 prevalence in populations with dif- ferent smoking habits, 121 prospective studies of relationship with smoking, 119-121 retrospective studies of relationship with smoking, 118-120 sex factor and smoking habits rela- tionship, 120, 121 survival rate, 117 LARYNGEAL CANCER animal studies, 75, 77 causal significance of association with smoking—coherence, 71-74 causal significance of association with smoking—consistency, 65-68 causal significance of association with smoking—specificity, 69, 70 causal significance of association with smoking—strength, 69 causal significance of association with smoking—temporal relation- ship, 70 cigarette smoking as causal factor, 6, 65, 77, 145 common cell type and site, 65 dose-response relationship with smoking, 69, 71, 72, 77, 78, 145 incidence, 6, 63 mortality among ex-smokers, 72-74, 78, 146 mortality rates, 6, 63-65 mortality ratio and relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smok- ers, 6, 74-76, 145 LARYNGEAL CANCER—Contd. prospective studies of mortality among smokers and nonsmokers, 65, 68, 69 relative risk in smokers vs. nons- mokers, 69 retrospective studies of smoking re- lationship, 65, 68 risk ratios for males and females, 69-71 sex factor vs. smoking habits and alcohol consumption relationship, 72 survival rate, 65 synergy of smoking and alcohol, 72, 75, 77, 78, 146, 191 LARYNX precancerous lesions in smokers, 70, 73, 74 LEAD potential etiologic factor in kidney cancer, 119 LEAD-210 cigarette smoker exposure, 210 LEUKOPLAKIA smoking relationship, 87 LITTLE CIGAR carbon monoxide values, 193 LIVER tobacco carcinogen metabolism en- hancement by alcohol, 191, 192 LUNG CANCER age-specific smoking patterns and mortality, 50-58, 145 arsenic exposure association, 212 causal significance of association with smoking—coherence, 42-59 causal significance of association with smoking—conaistency, 3, 34-36 causal significance of association with smoking—specificity, 37-39 causal significance of association with smoking—strength, 35-73 causal significance of association with smoking—temporal relation- ship, 39-42 cigarette consumption/adult in 1950 vs. death rates in mid- 1970s, 41, 44 cigarette smoking as causal factor, 5, 19, 62 dose-response relationship with smoking, 36-42, 62, 145 313 INDEX LUNG CANCER—Contd. economic impact, 23, 63, 145 histological types in smokers and nonsmokers, 27-30 involuntary smoking risk, 9, 239, 243-251 latency periods, 243 mortality among ex-smokers, 45, 46, 63, 145 mortality for nonsmoking wives of smokers—Greek study, 243-245 mortality for nonsmoking wives of smokers—Japanese study, 245— 249 mortality fur nonsmoking wives of smokers—U.S. study, 248-250 mortality by site of residence (ur- ban vs. rural), 45-47 mortality rates, 4, 18, 21-28, 42-48, 50-58, 145, 241 nickel relationship, 211 occupation and mortality, 47-49 polonium-210 as a risk factor, 210 premalignant changes in bronchial epithelium and smoking relation- ship, 55, 58-60 prospective studies of mortality among smokers and nonsmokers, review, 30-33 risk among pipe and cigar smok- ers, 60-62, 63, 145 sex factors vs. smoking habits in relation to mortality, 42-45 survival rate, 23 tobacco consumption/capita in 1930 vs. death rates in 1950, 40, 43 vitamin A level relationship to risk, 218 MASS MEDIA televised smoking cessation pro- grams, 10, 263-266, 268 MATERNAL SMOKING transplacental carcinogenesis, 188, : 189, 219 MORBIDITY bladder cancer incidence estimates for 1982, 101 laryngeal cancer incidence esti- mates for 1982, 63 pancreatic cancer incidence esti- mates for 1982, 122 stomach cancer incidence estimates for 1982, 132 314 Mormons See CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS MORTALITY age-adjusted rates defined, 147 American Cancer Society Nine- State Study, 32 American Cancer Society 25-State Study, 31 bladder cancer, 101-112 British Physicians Study, 31 bronchial, tracheal, and bung canc. er, 24-28 California Men in Various Occupa- tions Study, 32 Canadian Veterans Study, 32 cancer death rates, 4, 5, 15, 22 cancer deaths caused by tobacco, 149 cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx, 78-84 cause-of-death classification prob- lems, 147 cervical cancer, 137-141 esophageal cancer, 90-99 Japanese Study of 29 Health Dis- tricts, 30, 31 kidney cancer, 113-119 laryngeal cancer, 6, 63-69, 71-73 lung cancer, 4-6, 18, 21-28, 30-59, 145 lung cancer among asbestos work- ers, 189, 190 lung cancer among uranium min- ers, 190 oral cancer, 6, 7, 78-88 overall cancer mortality and smok- ing relationship, 142-144, 147 pancreatic cancer, 122-131 smoking-related cancers among fe- males, 148 smoking-related cancers among males, 148 stomach cancer, 132~136 Swedish Study, 32 US. Veterans Study, 31 MOTIVATION . health risks of smoking informa- tion effect, 260 interaction with internal vs. exter- nal locus of control and smoking cessation treatment, 274-276 predictors of smoking cessation pro- gram outcome, 264, 265, 268 INDEX MULTIPLE RISK FACTOR INTER- VENTION TRIAL (MRFIT) cigarettes smoked/day and cessa- tion success relationship, 282 intervention/maintenance program for smoking cessation, 280, 281 MYCOTOXINS dietary content effect on carcino- genesis assays in animals, 177 NAPHTHALENES cocarcinogen role, 198 NASAL CANCER snuff association, 3 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCD criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 NATIONAL INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON SMOKING AND HEALTH activities of American companies in employee smoking cessation pro- grams, survey, 272, 273 NEONATES benzofajpyrene activation in fores- kin, 188, 219 Neoplasms See CANCER NEUROTICISM smoking cessation and maintenance success relationship, 262 NICKEL cigarette tobacco and smoke con- tent and carcinogenic activity, 210, 211 NICKEL WORKERS nasal cavity and lung cancers inci- dence, 211 NICOTINE cocarcinogen role, 198, 199 pancreatic cancer induction rela- tionship, 219 transplacental effects, 189 NICOTINE CONTENT biadder cancer risk relationship, 108 esophageal cancer risk relationship, 96 laryngeal cancer risk relationship, 69 lung cancer mortality relationship, 37, 42 oral cancer risk relationship, 80, 83 NICOTINE CONTENT—Contd. US. cigarettes sales-weighted aver- age, 215 NITROGEN smoke content, 183 NITROGEN DIOXIDE ciliatoxic agent, 193 NITROGEN OXIDES content of cigarette smoke, 193 NITROSAMINES content in snuff, 201 di-methylnitrosamine caused kidney tumors in rats, 119 dietary content effect on curcino- genesis assays in animals, 177 N-nitrosamines in tobacco and to- baeco smoke, 200-206 N-nitrosodiethanolamine, 202 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines, 203-207, 220 volatile N-nitrosamines, 200-202 NONSMOKERS lung cancer mortality among wives of smokers, 243-251 lung cancer risks, 9, 250, 251 smoke constituents absorption, 240, 241 ‘ NORTH KARELIA (FINLAND) PROJECT televised smoking cessation clinic effectiveness, 265, 266 OCCUPATIONAL FACTORS (See also INDUSTRIAL INHA- LANTS) bladder cancer risk, 102 cadmium exposure and prostatic cancer, 212 lung cancer mortality, 47-49 smoking cessation and maintenance programs at the workplace, 10, 272, 273 syncarcinagenesis—occupational car- cinogens and smoking, 189-191 synergistic role with smoking in bladder cancer, 112 ORAL CANCER causal significance of association with smoking—coherence, 85-87 causal significance of association with smoking—-consistency, 80, 85 causal significance of association with smoking—specificity, 84, 85 315 INDEX ORAL CANCER—Contd. causal significance of association with smoking—strength, 80, 83, 85, 86 causal significance of association with smoking—temporal relation- ship, 85 dose-response relationship with smoking, 80, 85, 86, 90, 146 experimental studies, 89 geographical factors, 78 lip cancer and tobacco use relation- ship, 3 morbidity and mortality estimates for 1982, 78 mortality, 6, 7, 78-85 mortality rates for cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx, 78- 84 most common histological type, 80 nicotine as cocarcinogen, 199 retrospective and prospective stu- dies, 80, 85, 86 risk among ex-smokers, 87, 90 risk related to non-cigarette tobac- co use, 87-90, 145 sex factors, 78, 86 smoking association, 6, 7, 80, 89, 145 snuff-dipping relationship, 201 survival rate for cancer of the floor of the mouth, tongue, and pharynx, 80 synergy of alcohol and smoking, 80, 86, 88, 90, 146, 191, 202 ORAL CAVITY prenialignant oral mucosal changes in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 85 PAH See POLYNUCLEAR ARO- MATIC HYDROCARBONS PANCREAS premalignant changes in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 128, 131 PANCREATIC CANCER causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—coherence, 129-131 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—consistency, strength, and specificity, 128 causal significance of the associa- tion with smoking—temporal re- lationship, 128 316 PANCREATIC CANCER—Contd. cigar smoking relationship, 131 cigarette smoking as contributory factor, 7 dose-response relationship with smoking, 128-130 experimental studies, 131, 132 hypotheses on mechanisms involved in pathogenesis, 199, 200 incidence in populations with dif. ferent smoking habits, 129 morbidity and mortality estimates for 1982, 122 mortality, 122-131 most common form, 127 nicotine’s role in induction, 219 prevalence in men vs. women, 127 prospective studies of relationship with smoking, 128, 130 survival rate, 126, 127 PARAFFIN HYDROCARBONS tumor development inhibition, 198 PARENTAL SMOKING adolescence smoking initiation and cessation effect, 292, 293 respiratory illness in children rela- tionship, 239 Passive smoking See INVOLUN- TARY SMOKING PEER GROUPS adolescent peer modeling for smok- ing prevention programs, 297- 300 adolescent smoking initiation and cessation effects, 293 PERSONALITY abstinence violation effect, 278, 279 internal vs. external locus of con- trol, motivation and smoking cessation treatment interactions, 274-276 self-perception relationship to maintenance of smoking cessa- tion, 283 PESTICIDES dietary content effect on carcino- genesis assays in animals, 177 PHYSICIANS smoking cessation direction to pa- tients, effect, 10, 260-262, 268 PIPE SMOKING bladder cancer relationship, 112 cancer mortality ratios, 143 INDEX PIPE SMOKING—Contd. esophageal cancer relative risk and mortality rate, 7, 99-101, 146 kidney cancer relationship, 122 laryngeal cancer relative risk and mortality rate, 6, 74-77, 145 lung cancer relative risk and mor- tality rate, 5, 60-62, 63, 145 oral cancer relative risk and mor- tality rate, 6, 7, 87-89, 146 smoke collection and analysis methods, 182 synergistic role with alcohol for oral cancer risk, 88 temperature profile, 182 PIPE TOBACCO nickel content, 211 PNEUMONIA incidence in children of smoking parents, 239 POLONIUM-210 cigarette tobacco and smoke con- tent and carcinogenic activity, 210 syncarcinogenic effect with ben- zofa]pyrene, 191 POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HY- DROCARBONS (PAH) alcohol enhancement of carcinogen- ic effect, 191 cocarcinogen role, 198 tumor initiators, 188, 195, 196 PREVENTION OF SMOKING adolescent programs review, 11, 296-300 lung cancer mortality relationship, 6 PROSPECTIVE STUDIES (See also AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 9-STATE STUDY; AMERICAN CANCER SOCIE- TY 25-STATE STUDY; BRIT- ISH PHYSICIANS STUDY; CALIFORNIA OCCUPATIONS STUDY; CANADIAN VETER- ANS STUDY; JAPANESE STUDY; SWEDISH STUDY; U.S. VETERANS STUDY) bladder cancer mortality ratios, 110, 111 cervical cancer mortality ratios, 141 esophageal cancer mortality ratios, 96, 97 PROSPECTIVE STUDIES—Contd. esophageal cancer mortality ratios in cigar and pipe smokers, 99 kidney cancer mortality ratios and relative risk, 120, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality ratios, 68, 72 laryngeal cancer mortality ratios in cigar and pipe smokers, 75 lung cancer mortality ratios in ex- smokers, 45, 46 lung cancer mortality ratios in male smokers, 61 lung cancer mortality ratios, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 35-39 oral cancer mortality ratios, 85, 86 oral cancer mortality ratios in ci- gar and pipe smokers, 88 overall cancer mortality ratios, 142, 143 pancreatic cancer mortality ratios, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratios, 136 summaries, 30-33 PROSTATIC CANCER occupational exposure to cadmium oxide relationship, 212 RACE FACTORS bladder cancer mortality, 102-107 brenchus, trachea, and lung cancer mortality, 24-28 cancer of the buccal cavity plus oral pharynx mortality, 78-84 cervical cancer mortality, 137, 138 esophageal cancer mortality, 90-96 kidney cancer mortality, 113-118 laryngeal cancer mortality, 63-65 lung cancer mortality, 21, 23 pancreatic cancer mortality, 122- 127 stomach cancer mortality, 132-135 RADIATION potential etiologic factor in kidney cancer, 119 RADON DAUGHTERS syncarcinogenic effect with smok- ing, 190, 191 RECIDIVISM antecedents of relapse, 10, 276-279 negative moods relationship, 282 pretreatment cigarettes smoked/day relationship, 282 317 INDEX REDUCTION OF SMOKING buddy system effectiveness, 279 RELIGIOUS FACTORS cancer risks among Mormons vs. non-Mormons in urban vs. rural areas, 45, 46 lung cancer mortality among Mor- mons and Seventh Day Adven- tists, 48, 50 RENAL CANCERS cigarette smoking—relative risk, 119 RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES incidence in children of smoking parents, 239 RESPIRATORY TRACT EPITHE- LIUM abnormalities in smokers vs. nons- mokers, 99 RODENTS (See also SYRIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS) carcinogenic activity of N-nitroso- morpholine, 201 carcinoma induction by nitroso- diethanolamine, 202 induction of laryngeal tumors, 77 inhalation studies, 185, 186 metabolism of nitrosamines, 205, 206 responsiveness to different routes of administration of carcinogens, 174, 175 tumorigenic activity of sidestream smoke condensate in mouse skin assays, 24] SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS laryngeal cancer rates, 65, 72 lung cancer mortality, 48, 50 SEX FACTORS age-specific lung cancer mortality and smoking patterns, males vs. females, 50-57 bladder cancer and smoking habits relationship, 108, 112 bladder cancer incidence, 101 bronchus, trachea, and lung canc- ers mortality, 24, 27, 28 cancer mortality estimates for 1982, 15 cancer mortality trends, 22 cancer of the buccal cavity plus oral pharynx mortality, 78-84 318 SEX FACTORS—Contd. dose-response relationship between pancreatic cancer and smoking, 128 : esophageal cancer mortality, 90-96 kidney cancer and smoking habits relationship, 120, 121 kidney cancer mortality, 113-118 laryngeal cancer morbidity and mortality, 63-65, 69-71 laryngeal cancer, smoking habits and alcohol consumption rela- tionship, 72 lung cancer mortality, 4, 6, 21, 23, 36, 63, 145 lung cancer mortality vs. smoking habit differences, 42-45 lung cancer risk relationship to ci- garettes smoked/day and use of filter—males vs. females, 40, 41 mortality among male smokers vs. nonsmokers, 142-144, 147 mortality for smoking-related canc- ers, 148 oral cancers incidence, 78, 86 pancreatic cancer—male to female ratio, 127, 131 pancreatic cancer mortality, 122- 127, 130 responsiveness of animals to known carcinogens, 176 spontaneous smoking cessation by adolescents, 291 stomach cancer mortality, 132-135 SIBLINGS adolescence smoking initiation and cessation effect, 292, 293 SKIN CANCER arsenic exposure association, 212 SMOKE INHALATION, ANIMALS studies and species suitability, 184- 186, 220 tumorigenic potential of whole smoke, 8 SMOKE STREAMS collection and analysis methods, 181, 182 description, 9, 181, 213 mainstream smoke content, 183 sidestream/mainstream ratio for major toxic and tumorigenic agents, 213, 214 INDEX SMOKE STREAMS—Contd. sidestream/mainstream ratio of ci- garette smoke constituents, 240, 251 sidestream smoke—chemical consti- tuents, 239-241 Smoking See CIGAR SMOKING; MATERNAL SMOKING; FA- RENTAL SMOKING; PIPE SMOKING SMOKING PATTERNS age-specific lung cancer mortality, 50-55, 58 bladder cancer mortality associa- tion in males and females, 112 bladder cancer prevalence in differ- ent populations, 112 cessation and maintenance success _relationship, 262 cigarettes smoked/day and cessa- tion probability in adolescents, 294-296 cigarettes smoked/day and cessa- tion success relationship, 282 consumption vs. lung cancer death rate, 40, 41, 43, 44, 62 dose-response relationship of lung cancer mortality in nonsmoking wives of smokers, 243-251 dose-response relationship with bladder cancer, 107, 108, 111, 112 dose-response relationship with cer- vical cancer, 140, 141 dose-response relationship with eso- phageal cancer, 7, 96-98, 101, 146 dose-response relationship with kid- ney cancer, 119, 121 dose-response relationship with lar- yngeal cancer, 6, 69-72, 145 dose-response relationship with lung cancer, 5, 36-41, 62, 145 dose-response relationship with oral cancers, 7, 80, 83, 85, 86, 146 dose-response relationship with ove- rall cancer mortality, 142-144, 147 dose-response relationship with pancreatic cancer, 128-130 dose-response relationship with sto- mach cancer, 137 duration of smoking and probabili- ty of quitting, 293, 294, 300 SMOKING PATTERNS—Contd. esophageal cancer mortality among different populations, 98 histories of those who quit vs. those who did not, 267 kidney cancer prevalence in differ- ent populations, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality among different populations, 72 lower tar and nicotine cigarettes, 9, 216, 217 lung cancer mortality among differ- ent populations, 48, 50 lung cancer mortality relationship in males vs. females, 42-45 lung cancer subjects—retrospective studies, 34, 35 oral cancer mortality among differ- ent populations, 86 pancreatic cancer incidence among different populations, 129 premalignant changes in bronchial epithelium correlation, 55, 58-60 regularity and cessation probability in adolescents, 294-296 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines re- tention relationship, 204 SNUFF cancer association, 3, 9 nickel content, 211 nitrosamines content, 201 nitrosodiethanolamine content, 202 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines, 203, 204 SNUFF-DIPPING lung cancer risk, 60 nicotine as cocarcinogen in oral cancer, 199 oral cancer relationship, 201 oral cancer risk, 7, 87, 88, 90, 146 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in saliva, 204 SOCIAL FACTORS social pressure and smoking cessa- tion relapse relationship, 276- 279 social support and smoking cessa- tion maintenance, 279-281, 285 STANFORD HEART DISEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM mass media encouragement of smoking cessation, 265 STOMACH CANCER cigarette smoking association, 8 319 INDEX STOMACH CANCER—Contd. dose-response relationship with smoking, 137 morbidity and mortality estimates for 1982, 132 mortality, 132-135 nonsmoking wives of smokers, risk, 246 prospective studies of relationship with smoking, 136, 137 retrospective studies of relationship with smoking, 132, 136, 137 STRESS antecedents of smoking cessation relapse, 277, 278 SWEDISH STUDY bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110, 111 cervical cancer mortality ratio, 141 esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96 lung cancer mortality ratio, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38, 39 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 32, 33 SWEDISH TWIN REGISTRY genetic predisposition toward smok- ing and lung cancer, study, 34, 35 SYRIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS inhalation studies suitability, 185, 186, 220 laryngeal cancer research suitabili- ty, 75, 77 respiratory tract tumor induction by N-nitrosodiethylamine, 200, 201 syncarcinogenic effects of polonium- 210 and benzojajpyrene, 191 transplacental migration of tobacco tar, 188, 189 TAR CONTENT bladder cancer risk relationship, 108 cigars vs. pipes vs. cigarettes, carci- nogenic activity, 62 esophageal cancer risk relationship, 96 laryngeal cancer risk relationship, 69, 78, 146 320 TAR CONTENT—Contd. lung cancer mortality relationship, 37, 42, 63, 145 oral cancer risk relationship, 80 83 US. cigarettes sales-weighted aver. age, 215 TARS, TOBACCO transplacental migration, 188, 189 tumor induction in skin of ani- mals, 187, 188 Television See MASS MEDIA THIRD NATIONAL CANCER SuR. VEY (TNCS) bladder cancer and cigarette smok- ing relationship, 108 cervical cancer and smoking rela- tionship, 140 chewing tobacco and snuff use and risk for cancers of the gum and mouth, 88 laryngeal cancer and smoking asso- ciation, 65 lung cancer and smoking associa- tion, 34 oral cancer and tobacco use associ- ation, 80 pancreatic cancer and smoking re lationship, 128 renal cancer and cigarette smoking association, 119 stomach cancer and smoking asso- ciation, 132 TNCS See THIRD NATIONAL CANCER SURVEY TOBACCO (See also PIPE TOBACCO; SNUFF) arsenic content, 211, 212 flavor enhancers, 217-219 nitrosation of nicotine during cur- ing, 203 TOBACCO. CHEWING lung cancer risk, 60 nicotine as cocarcinogen in oral cancer, 199. oral cancer risk, 87, 88 TOBACCO SMOKE (See also CIGAR SMOKE; CI- GARETTE SMOKE; GAS PHASE COMPONENTS OF SMOKE) assays with smoke particles, 187, 188, 220 INDEX TOBACCO SMOKE—Contd. carbon monoxide content, 192, 193 cocarcinogen identification need, 219 fractionation experiments, 188, 220 N-nitrosamines, 200-206 nickel content, 211 nitrosodiethanolamine content in maleic hydrazide treated tobacco, 202 process for determining chemical and physical nature, 181-184 synergistic effects with alcohol re- lative to cancer risks, 191, 192 transplacental carcinogenesis, 188, 189, 219-221 tumor initiating agents in the par- ticulate phase, 195, 196 tumor promoters, 197 vapor phase components, 192-194 TRACHEAL CANCER mortality, 24-28, 56, 57 TUMORS initiating agents in tobacco smoke, 195, 196 polonium-210 effects, 210 promoters in tobacco smoke, 197 tumorigenic constituents of smoke particulates, 188 tumorigenic potential of smoke par- ticulates, 187, 188 TWINS Swedish Twin Registry Study, 34, 35 UNITED STATES lung cancer mortality for nonsmok- ing wives of smokers, 248-250 URANIUM MINERS lung cancer mortality, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 190 _URETHANE carcinogenicity, 194 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1982 Report organization, 3 U.S. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES inorganic arsenic compounds and skin and lung cancer, 212 U.S. VETERANS STUDY bladder cancer mortality ratio, 110, 111 U.S. VETERANS STUDY—Contd. esophageal cancer mortality ratio, 96, 97 esophageal cancer mortality ratio for ex-smokers, 97 esophageal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 99 kidney cancer mortality among ex- smokers, 119 kidney cancer mortality ratio and relative risk, 120, 121 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio, 68, 72 laryngeal cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 75 laryngeal cancer, relative risk, 69 laryngeal cancer risk among ex- smokers, 72, 73 lung cancer mortality by amount smoked, 38, 55, 58 lung cancer mortality ratio in ex- smokers, 46 lung cancer mortality ratio in male smokers, 61 lung cancer mortality ratio, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 36, 38, 39 mortality for smoking-related canc- ers among males, 148 oral cancer mortality ratio, 85, 86 oral cancer mortality ratio in cigar and pipe smokers, 88 oral cancer risks in ex-smokers, 87 overall cancer mortality ratio, 142, 143 pancreatic cancer and cigar smok- ing relationship, 131 pancreatic cancer mortality ratio, 130 pipe smoking and bladder cancer mortality, 112 pipe smoking and kidney cancer association, 122 stomach cancer mortality ratio, 136 summary, 31, 33 UTAH cancer risk among rural vs. urban Mormons vs. non-Mormons, 45, 46 321 INDEX Uterine cervix cancer See CERVI- CAL CANCER VETERANS ADMINISTRATION LUNG CANCER CHEMOTHER- APY STUDY GROUP (VALG) lung cancer classifications, 29 VINYL CHLORIDE carcinogenicity, 194 VITAMIN A deficiency relationship to increased carcinogen susceptibility, 192 lung cancer risk relationship, 218 VITAMIN Bz deficiency relationship to carcino- gens effects, 192 WEST GERMANY behavioral treatment manual effec- tiveness in smoking cessation, 258 WHO See WORLD HEALTH OR. GANIZATION WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS relapse relationship, 277 WOMEN bronchus, trachea, and lung cancer mortality, 28 cancer mortality estimates for 1982, 15 cervical cancer mortality, 137 322 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : WOMEN-—Contd. esophageal cancer and smoking, 96 lower tar and nicotine cigarettes and esophageal cancer risk, 96 lung cancer mortality among nons- moking wives of smokers, 243- 251 lung cancer mortality trends, 1950- 1977, 21-23 mortality for smoking-related canc- ers, 148 overall cancer mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 5, 143, 144, 147 WORKING PARTY FOR THERA- PY OF LUNG CANCER (WP.L) lung cancer classifications, 29. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZA- TION (WHO) cause-of-death classification regula- tion, 147 criteria and guidelines for carcino- genicity tests, 173 lung cancer classifications, 29 WY-L See WORKING PARTY FOR THERAPY: OF LUNG CANCER ZINC deficiency in diet relationship to esophageal carcinogen suscepti- bility, 192 1982 0 - 377-310