Summary of Observational Studies In a meta-analysis of cohort and case-control studies of cigarette smoking and stroke (Shinton and Beevers 1989), the overall relative risk of stroke among former smokers was 1.17 compared with never smokers (95-percent CI, 1.05-1.30). This estimate is based on a summary of 18 relative risks from 13 studies that separately identified former smokers (Kahn 1966: Doll and Peto 1976; Abbottet al. 1986; Colditzet al. 1988: Ostfeld et al. 1974; Kono et al. 1985; Khaw et al. 1984; Vessey. Lawless, Yeates 1984: Bell and Symon 1979; Bell and Ambrose 1982; Bonita et al. 1986; Bonita 1986; Taha, Ball. I!lingworth 1982). As observed for the relation between current smoking and stroke. the risk among former smokers was greater when the analysis was repeated using only those studies with stroke occurring before age 75 (RR=1.47. 95-percent CI. 1.15-1.88 compared with never smokers). By comparison. the relative risks for current smokers were 2.9 for those younger than 55 years and 1.8 for persons aged 55 to 74 years. Thus, although a modest elevation in risk persisted among younger former smokers, this relative risk was substantially less than that which was observed among current smokers. Intervention Studies Intervention trials described above provide little direct evidence relating to change in risk of stroke after smoking cessation. Only the trial of smoking cessation conducted among 1.445 British men used a single intervention (Rose et al. 1982). During 10 years of followup, five men in the normal care group died because of stroke, and seven men in the intervention group died because of stroke. The small numbers in each group and the small difference in smoking cessation rates between the intervention and control groups limit any conclusion regarding the impact of smoking cessation in this popula- tion. Other intervention studies have included management of hypertension and cholesterol as well as smoking cessation programs. As discussed under randomized trials of smoking cessation and CHD, these multiple interventions make drawing conclusions difficult regarding the relation between smoking cessation and risk of stroke (Steinbach et al. 1984; Wilhelmsen et al. 1986; MRFIT Research Group 1982. 1986; Salonen, Puska, Mustaniemi 1979; Hjermann 1980; Holme 1982). In a nonrandomized intervention, Rogers and colleagues (1985) measured changes in cerebral artery blood flow among volunteers who were encouraged to abstain from cigarettes. Cerebral perfusion was improved after smoking abstinence. Influence of Prior Levels of Smoking Using data from the followup of 248,046 U.S. veterans monitored for 15 years, Rogot and Murray (1980) reported the mortality ratio for stroke among former cigarette smokers who stopped smoking for reasons other than a physician’s orders according to the level of prior cigarette smoking. Based on 1,279 strokes among past smokers, the mortality ratio for stroke among former smokers relative to never smokers increased with higher previous daily cigarette consumption from 0.94 for those smoking less than 10 cigarettes per day to 1.34 for those smoking 40 cigarettes or more per day compared with never smokers (Figure 7). Data from ACS CPS-II also address this relationship (Table 8). Within each level of previous smoking, the risk of stroke was clearly lower for former smokers than for continuing smokers, except among men who smoked 21 cigarettes or more per day. Other studies have had too few former smokers to classify them according to previous number of cigarettes smoked. STROKE (330-334) <10 cig/day 10-20 cig/day 21-39cig/day >40 cig/day Ex-Smokers Wi Current Smokers FIGURE 7.—Mortality ratios for stroke for current smokers and ex-smokers compared with never smokers, by daily cigarette consumption, US Veterans Study, 1954-69 SOURCE: Adapted trom Rogot and Murray (1980). Effect of Duration of Abstinence The relation between duration of abstinence and risk of stroke has been addressed in only a few studies. In a case-control study that included 145 former smokers who suffered stroke, Donnan and coworkers (1989) observed that the relative risk of stroke declined monotonically over the 10 years following quitting: at the end of 10 years. a significant excess risk of stroke was still evident. Using 5-year intervals. Rogot and Murray (1980) reported the mortality ratios for those who had abstained. Assuming that an individual classified as a former smoker at the beginning of the study would remain a former smoker throughout the 15 years of TABLE 8.—Prospective cohort studies of smoking cessation and risk of stroke Relative risk compared with never smokers" Cases among Former Current Reference Population Followup former smokers Outcome smokers smokers Ostfeld et al. (1974) 2,748 Cook County, IL 3yr 23 All strokes oo? 1-9 cipfday: 1.29 Nomura et al. (1974) Doll and Peto (1976) Okada et al. (1976) residents receiving old age assistunce aged 65-74 47.423 Washington County, MD residents British physicians: 34,440 men 4.186 Japanese 2 yr morbidity 20 yr 27 (men) X (women) NR NR Thrombosis Hemorrhage Undifferentiated Total Thrombosis Hemorrhage Undifferentiated Total Cerebral thrombosis mortality Cerebrovascular attacks tO 19 cig/day: 0.85 220 cigAlay: O.81 1.a3e 0.79 0.79 0.86 1.00 1.30 0.97 0.90 1.08 lid 2.00 091 Ld 0.36 1.26 0.92 1.22 1.24 Relative risk of cerebral hemorrhage in nonsmokers was lower than in smokers or ex-smokers, but the difference was not statistically Significant he TABLE 8.—Continued Relative risk compared with never smokers” Cases among Former Current Reference Population Followup former smokers Outcome smokers smokers Doll etal. (1980) British physicians: 6,194 22 yr NR Death due to cerebral 1.18 I-14 cig/day: 0.93 women thrombosis 14-24 cig/day: 0.45 225 cig/day: 0.19 Rogot and Murray US veterans: 248,046 men 15 yr 1,279 Stroke ICD 330-343 1.02 1.32 (1980) (7th revision) Fuller et al. (1983) Whitehall civil servants: LO yr 34 Stroke mortality 1.52 1-9 cig/day: 1.0° [8.403 men aged 40-64 10-19 cig/day: 2.0 220 cig/day: 2.3 Vessey. Lawless, 17,000 UK women aged 10-16 yr 2 Subarachnoid 2.3 3.0 Yeates (1984) 25-39 4 Nonhemorrhagic 1.3 14 Abbott et al. (1986) Honolulu Heart Study: 7,895 12 yr, tl Thromboembolic 1.6 (0.7-3.8) 3.00 men of Japanese origin: 658 6 yr 3 Hemorrhagic 1.8 (0.4-9.0) 6.10 smokers who quit in first 6 yr Total 1.5 (1.0-2.3) 3.50 Welin et al. (1987) 789 men living in Gothenburg, 18.5 yr: NR Excluded subarachnoid 1.18" 1.67 678 examined I yr hemorrhage Carstensen, 25,159 Swedes 16 yr 124 Cerebrovascular mortality 1.10 1-7 g/day: 0.9 Pershagen, Eklund ICD 430-438 8-15 g/day: 0.9 (1987) >IS g/day: 1.4 TABLE 8.—Continued . . a Relative risk compared with never smokers ; Cases among Former Current Reterence Population Followup former smokers Outcome smokers smokers Wolf et al. (1988) Framingham Study: 4,255 26 yr N/A Stroke and transient Risk significantly Men: men and women ischemic attack lower than that of 1.42 stroke current smokers 1.56 brain infarction Women: 1.61 stroke 1.86 brain infarcuion Colditz etal. (1988) Nurses Health Study: 118.539 8 yr 65 Subarachnoid 3.0 (1.3-6.6) l-l4cig/day: 4.3 US women aged 30-55 hemorrhage 15-24 cip/day: 5.1 225 cig/day: 10.3 Thromboembolic 1.3 (0.7-6.6) l-t4cig/day: 1.8 stroke 15-24 cig/day: 3.2 225 cig/day: 3.1 Total stroke LS (1.12.2) 1-l4cig/day: 2.5 15-24 cig/day: 2.9 225 cighlay: 3.8 US DHHS (1989) ACS CPS-I (25-State Study) 6 yr (1959-65) NR Men" 1.79 (1.55 2.08)" 145 (1.02 1.30)" 35 64 yr: 1.02 (0.83 1.25)" 265 yr: O93 (O80 LOX TABLE 8.—Continued Relative risk compared with never smokers" Cases among Former Current Reference Population Followup former smokers Outcome smokers smokers . Men <21 cig/day ACS (unpublished ACS CPS-H(SO0-State Study) 4d yr (1982-86) NR Mortality due to tabulations} cerebrovascular Quit <] yr 3.94 2.43 disease yr dtl 3-S yr $.55 6-10 yr L.64 H1-15 yr 0.62 216 yr 0.72 Men 221 cig/day Quit <1 yr 0.37 2.07 l-2 yr b.43 3-5 yr 1.39 6-10 yr 2.27 TH) US yr 2.34 >l6yr 1.92 Women <20) cig/day Quit